A Tart & Tangy Treat: Gluten Free Lemon Muffins

Get ready to pucker up because we’re introducing a new gluten-free bakery item – our Gluten Free Lemon Muffin!

Made from rice and tapioca flour and sweetened with coconut milk and lemon pie filling (so decadent) – we know you won’t be able to keep your hands off of these for too long!  Be sure to visit us at your local Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes from July 1st – 14th so you can add a few of these delectable morsels to your plate along with our other lemon-inspired and gluten free offerings we have available during July.

Perfectly tart and refreshing, these treats fit perfectly into the tastes of summer – we can’t wait to take a few on a picnic or a backyard BBQ! So, if you’re still craving these fabulous muffins after the 14th, don’t worry, we’ll have them available in a convenient take-home package until the end of July! They’re sure to be a big hit at your next summer potluck – we promise not to say anything if you claim to have baked them fresh yourself 😉

We’d love to see you with your friends and family at a Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes near you soon – be sure to “SHARE” this post with them using the buttons below so they know what gluten free options are available to enjoy after a long day in the summer sun. And don’t forget to share a photo of your party enjoying some of our new Gluten Free Lemon Muffins with us on our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

43 thoughts on “A Tart & Tangy Treat: Gluten Free Lemon Muffins”

  1. I hope the gluten-free lemon muffin is not as tasteless as the last gluten-free muffin you came out with. I happen to love gluten, and muffins do not taste the same without it.

    1. These muffins were so yummy that when I took my Dad for lunch today, we were looking forward to having a few. They are only being sold at the register. Loved these!

  2. I see these are made with coconut milk, are they also dairy free? Additional allergen information online other than just “gluten free” would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Hi Nicole, so sorry, but these are not dairy free. Nutritional list below 🙂

      Serving Size: 1 piece
      Cal: 180
      %Cal/Fat: 33%
      Cal/Fat: 7g
      Fat: 7g
      Trans Fat: 0g
      Sat Fat: 2g
      Chol: 30mg
      Sod: 150mg
      Total Carbo: 25g
      Fiber: 0g
      Sugars: 13g
      Pro: 2g

  3. I have not yet tried these muffins, but I LOVE that you are catering to the gluten free population! More and more people are discovering their intolerance for gluten. Having more choices when dining out is wonderful! Keep up the great work!

    1. Hi Donna – the nutritional information is listed below 🙂

      Serving Size: 1 piece
      Cal: 180
      %Cal/Fat: 33%
      Cal/Fat: 7g
      Fat: 7g
      Trans Fat: 0g
      Sat Fat: 2g
      Chol: 30mg
      Sod: 150mg
      Total Carbo: 25g
      Fiber: 0g
      Sugars: 13g
      Pro: 2g

  4. I cannot locate the nutrition information for the new Gluten Free Lemon Muffin, though I do see the Tangy Lemon Muffin and the Coconut Gluten Free Muffin listed under Bakery. Could you let me know when the information will be added? Thanks.

    1. Submitted on 2014/07/03 at 9:15 am | In reply to Linda Alex.

      Hi Linda – The nutritional information for our GF Lemon Muffin is below 🙂

      Serving Size: 1 piece
      Cal: 180
      %Cal/Fat: 33%
      Cal/Fat: 7g
      Fat: 7g
      Trans Fat: 0g
      Sat Fat: 2g
      Chol: 30mg
      Sod: 150mg
      Total Carbo: 25g
      Fiber: 0g
      Sugars: 13g
      Pro: 2g
      Allergens: M E

      1. This sounds great, but I would love to see the rest of the ingredient list to be sure my daughter can have it since she has several other allergies besides gluten.

        1. Hi Tuyet – You can find a full ingredient list in any of our restaurants, just ask the manager on duty.

  5. Why are you limiting the time for the gluten free muffins? I see I can buy them during July but prefer to have something to eat when I visit for lunch or dinner. It’s a start for us GF folks.

    1. Hi Nancy – We are testing a variety of gluten free flavors to try and find the best! Keep an eye out for more tastes to try 😉

  6. I was at first delighted to hear that you would have gluten-free lemon muffins, as I really loved the normal lemon muffins you carry seasonally before I went GF. However, when I heard that they are flavoured with lemon pie filling, I grew concerned, as most lemon pie fillings are loaded with artificial colouring and other synthetic additives, which I have extreme reactions to. I have noticed it seems that many others who avoid gluten for a variety of reasons also avoid artificial additives, so I don’t think I’m the only one unhappy with this.

    I will also be another of the many that request — no, plead (!) — that you bring back the GF coconut muffins as a regular menu item! They are great plain, and when I wanted a lemon muffin I would get some lemon slices from the drink stand (I’m sure this attracted a few bemused stares!) and squeeze them over the top, which I thought was just as good or better than the non-GF lemon muffins carried at the time, plus I knew the lemon flavour was caused by real lemons.

    1. Hi! We are actually testing a few different upcoming flavors, so we hope you come and give those a try over the next few months!

  7. HI!
    Thanks for wanting to have gluten free items on your menu. Wanted to let you know that
    my husband does have allergies. Which include gluten, dairy products and night shade plants.
    So most of the time I cook at home for him. When we do go out, your restaurant is
    the only place we can go. It’s great that Sweet Tomato has other options for good food.
    Thank you!!!

  8. I love the Gluten Free Lemon Muffins, but it seems every time you try a “new” muffin the “low-fat” or “fat-free” muffins get shoved off the shelf! Us Weight Watchers like the choice of low point muffins being made available to us.

  9. Thank you!! There are many of us who MUST eat gluten-free. I truly appreciate your offering and labeling gluten-free options.

  10. Why is there always the chocolate lava cake for dessert? During the summer months you should offer apple or cherry cobble or even a strawberry dessert. Not a big chocolate fan. And the gluten free muffins are really dry.

  11. I wonder why you can’t keep the coupons for more than a week or two? The closest place for me is St Charles and that’s about 70 miles. With the price of gas and that being one of the main places we like to eat, often our coupons are expired when we get there or none available on the day we are going. I would like to have more consideration on the coupons or some senior discounts like other restaurants offer. How difficult would it be to have a 20% for seniors or a free drink for seniors. I always bring more than 2 or 3 people with me when I come but might consider coming oftener if there was a better discount or being able to use expired coupons. Thank you

    1. Hi Lynn – We typically send new coupons each week and offer a Senior discount M-Th. Hope this helps!

      1. I would also tell Lynn that a smartphone with the ad is just as good as having the print coupon…my Sweet Tomatoes Club Veg email is always accessible when I find I’m in a city that has one of the restaurants.

  12. Despite being vegetarians and health conscious, after years of battling frustratingly nagging illnesses, we’ve discovered we are gluten-sensitive. After 3 months of being gluten-free, we have our excellent health back and we feel incredible! THANK YOU Soup Plantation for offering more and more gluten-free alternatives. We miss being able to eat your delicious breads, pizzas and desserts, but hope that you will continue to try new recipes for those products as well.

  13. The lemon muffins are awesome ! They are one of my new favorite items…..seriously amazing. I brag about how great Sweet Tomato is to my kids living in Austin. Any chance you will be expanding into that area?

    1. No expansion plans to Austin quite yet, David. Maybe you can just get the kids to visit more often! 😉

  14. These lemon muffins are amazing! I would love to have the recipe. My daughter eats gluten free only and its hard to find really good deserts.

  15. we tried the lemon muffins the other day. they were so good. I didn’t find them dry at all. I couldn’t even tell it was gluten free.

  16. I tried these muffins last week and they’re DELICIOUS!! I would love to make these myself. Might you be able to post the recipe?

    1. LOL, Eric! We’re so glad you liked them, but we’re keeping the recipe under wraps, at least for now!

  17. I just tried these tonight and cannot get over how good they are!! LOVED them. My son (who is not limited to GF items like me) loved them. Thank you so much! I only wish they would be around longer!

    1. Be sure to pick up a few bags to take home this month, Melody! And, don’t forget to try a new gluten-free muffin flavor next month 🙂

  18. Thank you for offering the GF lemon muffins! They are delicious and I had many in a recent trip. In fact, I went just because you said you had a GF muffin! Please consider having a GF pastry item on a regular basis. I have a bad wheat allergy and must eat gluten-free. It’s so hard to go to your restaurant and not have any soups, breads or pastas. The only GF soup that you regularly offer is chili, but I don’t always want chili. I’d love to have a version of your chicken noodle soup offered as gluten-free. It was my favorite before developing my wheat allergy. Maybe offer the soup with the noodles on the side for us GF folks? Thanks for making the effort. I look forward to seeing more delicious GF options!

    1. These are AMAZING and I can’t get enough! My son has major dietary restrictions and these are perfect for a treat! Will the recipe be published soon? *crossing my fingers!*

      1. Hi Thuy – We’re keeping the recipe our secret for now, but be sure to join us over the next few months to try new gluten-free muffin flavors that we’ll be rolling out 🙂

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