In celebration of our SEVEN take-home, bake-at-home Cobbler options, we’re giving away TWO sets of 7 complimentary meal passes to Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes AND a Cobbler of your choice to end your Thanksgiving meal right.

Our SEVEN Available cobbler varieties are:  Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut, Caramel Apple, Cranberry Apple, Georgia Peach, Mixed Berry & Apple, Tart Cherry and Orchard Apple. Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes is serving the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut cobbler right now (actually after 4 p.m.)!!

Whether you have tried our Cranberry Apple Cobbler, our Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut Cobbler or any of our other flavors, we want to know what you are looking forward to finishing your Thanksgiving meal with.

Enter by doing any of the following:

  • Reply to this post by telling us your favorite cobbler from Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes that you want to eat on Thanksgiving
  • Reply to this post by telling us how many desserts your family has on Thanksgiving

Contest ends 11/20 at midnight.  Two winners will be randomly selected. Winners will be announced November 22, 2011 on our blog. Only one entry per person.

ADDED BONUS FOR TWITTER FOLLOWERS! Follow @Souplantation and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the message below and sending out as your tweet. Tweet between November 17- November 20.

I want to eat a bake-at-home dessert cobbler from @souplantation – Free Meal #giveaway. Random winner gets 6 FREE meal passes. RT to win!

Two random twitter follower will win 6 free meal passes. Winner announced November 22, 2011.


    1. Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut, can you say “Scrumptious!”
      This was the first year I actually enjoyed this special seasonal sweet treat.
      It is served warm with the popping flavors of all your favorite spices, just like a pumpkin pie! I top my cobbler with Dreyer’s Vanilla Yogurt. It’s a great way to end the perfect holiday meal!

    2. I absolutely look forward to pumpkin cobbler. It is delicious, recently I have become allergic to egg whites. I would like to know that the cobbler has no egg whites in it. I cant have pumpkin pie any more, so could you lat me know if the recipe has egg whites so that I may continue to enjoy it.

  1. We are a small family, so we usually only have one dessert, or maybe 2, apple pie and maybe pumpkin pie or yummy pecan pie….I haven’t planned for this year yet, so I don’t know

  2. My son and I love your yet cherry cobbler. We usually have four or five desserts after Thanksivin meal. Pecan, and pumpkin pies; apple and cherry cobbler; and Ice cream are standard fare!

  3. I want to eat a bake-at-home dessert cobbler from @souplantation – Free Meal #giveaway. Random winner gets 6 FREE meal passes. RT to win!

    My favorite sweet tart favorite is the tart cherry and orchard apple cobbler. GREAT STUFF! … CAN TASTE IT NOW!

  4. Absolutely fallicious the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut cobbler with a fresh cup of coffee is definitely my fav after a wonderful spread of soups, pastas and salads. We just can’t stay away from Sweet Tomatoes and I’m spreading the word. Hope everyone has a great turkey day gobble, gobble 🙂

  5. The caramel apple cobbler would be an delicious addition to our dessert table! We invite all of my extended family for dessert on Thanksgiving evening and end up with dozen or more desserts.

  6. I hope a comment counts as a reply to this post! My family makes a huge variety of homemade pies for Thanksgiving so I always skim on dinner to save room for the best!

  7. I have never had your cobblers but would love to try the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut! I have 2 little girls who LOVE salads and I would love to bring them there!

  8. The desserts at my moms thanksgiving feast are always pumpkin pie and cookies!!! love pumplin pie with whip cream!!

  9. Georgia Peach Cobbler would be my choice of favorite cobbler from Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes that I would like to eat on Thanksgiving.

  10. Hope im replying to the right post, My favorite cobbler from Sweet tomatoes is a toss up, either their warm Strawberrry Cobbler or their Cranberry Apple Cobbler! Both are so delicious its so hard to choose!!! On thanksgiving my family and i usually have between 4-5 different deserts!!!

  11. Yuuum! The Mixed Berry and Apple sounds delish. So does the Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut!

    A typical Thanksgiving is usually pumpkin pie and one other dish.

  12. Being that we are trying to diet and watch our glucose levels (I am diabetic), we usually only have one or two sweet items to eat on Turkey Day!

  13. Dessert is the favorite part of any meal for me and even more so on Thanksgiving! Growing up we would have 5 or 6 desserts. For my family I will make at least 2 this year. Yum!

  14. I love the Cranberry Apple Cobbler! I would love to enjoy the tart Cherry this Thanksgiving! My family usually chooses from two deserts on Thanksgiving day..

  15. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes cobbler is Mixed Berry & Apple! We would love to have one for dessert on Thanksgiving. We typically have one pumpkin and one pecan pie for dessert, so Sweet Tomatoes cobbler would over the top delicious!

  16. I seem to be the first one to comment; I hope that’s not a bad omen…….I would LOVE to win some of the berries & apple cobbler; yum! Our family had approx 4 different desserts but nobody can eat them all! Rather than drive the 800+ miles to my family, this year I’ll be having Thanksgiving with my neighborhood community [that’s about 150 people]; now THAT’S alot of dessert.

  17. The cranberry apple cobbler would probably be my family’s pick! But I’d love to try the pumpkin and walnut cobbler!! I think a sweet potatoe cobble would be good too!

    We usually have 2-3 pies and a cake for our family feast!

  18. I don’t think I could saw I am tired of any of your cobblers. Though its hard to choose a favorite, I would have to say “Cranberry Apple Cobbler”. It has the perfect balance of sweetness as the cranberries are slightly tart, giving the cobbler perfect balance and not too sweet. This way I can enjoy some ice cream on the side. My family always has apple pie and pumpkin pie for dessert, I would love to change it up and have your cranberry apple cobbler, they would so love it.

  19. Lordy, lordy………how to pick just one…….if I have to I would love to serve your Cranberry-Apple Cobbler to my family this Thanksgiving.
    I usually prepare 2 desserts for Thanksgiving……a pumpkin cheesecake and pecan pie or variation on one or both.
    Thanks for the chance,
    Shari W.

  20. My favorite Cobbler is the Caramel Apple, althought the Cranberry Apple was close.
    My family usually has about 3-4 desserts, we are small group. I would love to add one of the cobblers to my dessert list!!!
    Thank you
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving and a great Holiday season

  21. Our family really loves the caramel apple cobbler and would love to add that to our Thanksgiving desserts! We usually have pumpkin pie and pumpkin bars for dessert so the caramel apple cobbler would be a great addition!

  22. Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut Cobbler is my favorite cobbler, im obsessed with pumpkin and wish it was around year-round! during this season and thanksgiving, we always have tons of pumpkin pies and definitely devour them all!

  23. Hi and Happy Thanksgiving! I can’t fib and tell you I have a favorite cobbler because I don’t really care for cobbler; I prefer baked goods for dessert myself! Although, you might tempt me to try the new pumpkin and walnut, since that sound entirely new and good. My dear husband, who loves cobbler, really enjoys all of the apple varieties. So I’m posting in hopes of treating him and the kids to dinner!

  24. I absolutely love your new pumpkin walnut cobbler…I’ve been in several times laetly just so I can have that for dessert topped with a little ice cream! The BEST!

  25. If my daughter is here, I make two pies, one apple and one pumpkin. If it’s just the two of us, one pumpkin pie is plenty.

  26. Fave cobbler? Orchard Apple.

    How many desserts does our family have on Thanksgiving? Depends on who’s hosting. This year, it’s just me and the kids…probably fruit and your cobbler if I win, or maybe brownies 🙂

  27. Our family technically has 3 desserts on Thanksgiving – two types of pie, plus ice cream. This year it’s chocolate pie and pumpkin pie!

  28. Ohhh, your cherry and apple cobbler is awesome. We normally have between 2 and 4 different desserts for Thanksgiving. This would make a wonderful addition. Thanks for the opportunity.

  29. i sont know how to reply to the blog so i hope adding this to the comments section is how i enter the contest, i would love a cranberry apple cobbler for thanks giving dinner. my family usually has a least 2 desserts.

  30. I eat at your pleansanton location I would say 3-4 times a week, I love the salad bar and the soup…. I just wanted to let you know that your establishment is AWESOME!

  31. You can NEVER go wrong with the cranberry-apple cobbler. Just enough tartness from the cranberries and sweetness from the apples to bring a bursting pleasure of yumminess in your mouth! We try to have 3 or 4 desserts to appeal to every age group in the family! Your cobbler would make it complete. Yum … I can’t wait!!!

  32. @jenkuebler1 jen kuebler
    I want to eat a bake-at-home dessert cobbler from @souplantation – Free Meal #giveaway. Random winner gets 6 FREE meal passes. RT to win!


  34. My family has 5 desserts on Thanksgiving, one being chocolate mousse pie that we use for the annual Thanksgiving Pie Toss!!! LOL loads of fun!

  35. We usually try to have a variety of desserts – pumpkin pie, pecan pie, apple pie, cherry cheese pie, pumpkin bread, cookies and brownies ……….. you gotta have some chocolate in there!


  37. My Favorite Cobbler is Tart Cherry and Orchard Apple!!!! Yummy! Our Family has a wide variety of desserts for T-Day from pies, cobblers and ice cream!!! Can’t wait to order my Cobbler 🙂

  38. Mmmm, tart cherry cobbler! I usually bake a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving as the one and only dessert. Unless you count the baked sweet potatoes topped with candied pecans as a dessert. LOL

  39. I’ve actually never had one of your cobblers before, but the autumn pumpkin and walnut cobbler sounds amazing, and now I really want to try it!

    And I’m retweeting your message on Twitter. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to tell you here or not.

  40. I’m a native Georgian, so we HAVE to have the Georgia Peach cobbler and the Apple coobler. I’ll take care of the pumpkin dessert with my caramel pumpkin pie 😉

  41. Our favorite cobbler is the tart cherry and apple, because the cobbler and crumbs start out sweet and need something to match, the stronger, more tart, the better.

  42. The Carmel Apple cobbler for sure is what I am taking to my friends house for Thanksgiving. We always have the usual suspects…Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and usually a sweet potato pie. Not this year 🙂

  43. our very favorite sweettomatoes is so close and being elderly we enjoy the healthy food and many food choices.please don’t ever go away!!!

  44. i love the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut, Caramel Apple, Georgia Peach, and Tart Cherry cobblers. i know, all of the cobblers are so yummylicious there was a four way tie for me! i also love the strawberry cobbler and lemon muffins when they’re in season! abrazos, bella

  45. I love, love, love your cranberry apple cobbler!!!
    My family usually have several pies and some other dessert for me(I don’t care for pie).

  46. My mother came from a large family of ten. So, when I was a kid, we had Thanksgiving desserts coming out our ears! One of my aunts always gave us a mincemeat and a pumpkin pie the day before while my mother bought two cakes, one chocolate, one butter from her other sister, who owned a bakery. Although I loved all of my mom’s sisters very much, on Thanksgiving Day, the ‘bakery’ aunt was my favorite…because she always threw in a half dozen eclair, so that my brothers and I could have something to eat as we watched the pre-dinner Macy’s Parade on tv.

  47. Our new favorite Sweet Tomatoes cobbler is the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut! We would love to share one this year at our Thanksgiving table 🙂

  48. Growing up in the South, when you say “cobbler,” it better be proceeded by “peach!” So I’d have to say Geaorig Peach.

  49. Carmel Apple Cobbler is yummy! We are also purchasing from Sweet Tomatoes; Georgia Peach and Mixed Berry & Apple cobblers to compliment our Thanksgiving meal.

  50. Number of desserts – that’s hard to say. I’ve quit making the pecan pie (too much calorie-guilt!) so I only make pumpkin pie, but I’ve learned over the years that I have to make 2 of them – one for after dinner, and the “sacrificial pumpkin pie” that is eaten while everything else is cooking!

  51. All of your cobblers taste like fall but there’s something about the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut Cobbler that says “THANKSGIVING” with jazz hands!

    We took my brother-in-law to Sweet Tomatoes this passed weekend when he was visiting us in TX from TN & he was just about heartbroken when we looked online to see if there was a ST or SP close to him. He said he’ll have to make a trip to Georgia to eat at that location! 🙂

  52. My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE is the cranberry apple. Whenever it’s available I eat small salad, one bowl of soup and a BIG serving of cranberry apple with Dreyer’s on top….

  53. Love the apple cinnamon. And our family always has at least 5 different desserts. Pumpkin pie, lemon pie for my husband and the three new things just to try.

  54. Mmmm, Mixed berry and apple is a traditional nostalgic favorite. Makes me think of berry picking in UP Michigan with my grandma when we were little. She would make us all sliced radish & butter sandwiches on homemade bread & off to the bogs we’d go.

  55. We usually enjoy Pumpkin Custard Pie &/or Pumpkin Walnut chocolate chip Cake for the Holidays. We would like to try your Carmel Apple.

  56. I moved back to OrIando, FL last week, after living in NY for 2 years. I could hardly stand to wait to go to Sweet Tomatoes. Yeah, I found this delicious cobbler with cranberries. Anything with cranberries is good. Thanks for the welcome home, Sweet Tomatoes. I missed you.

  57. for us it’s a tie between the peach cobbler and the cranberry apple cobbler. tho ALL your cobblers are yummy. :0)

  58. We’ll be getting the Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut. Delicious. We usually have a bunch of desserts, pumpkin pie, mince meat pie, cobblers, brownies. Can’t wait.

  59. Can I only pick one? I’d like to sample Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut, Cranberry Apple, Mixed Berry & Apple, Tart Cherry and Orchard Apple! Actually, ALL of them!

  60. Favorite Cobbler: Georgia Peach

    My mom is diabetic, so we’re not too big on desserts. Usually some fresh fruit (or a fruit tart for me) and some coffee/tea is enough, especially after the Thanksgiving feast.

  61. I love the Orchard Apple cobbler! The new pumpkin one is really good, too!
    We usually have at least 2 desserts on Thanksgiving.

  62. My family usually has 3 kinds of dessert at Thanksgiving: pumpkin pie, apple pie, and Filipino desserts! Yum, yum! Hope we win! Thank you for the contest!

  63. We just had the Pumpkin Walnut Cobbler last week and iy was so yummy!! We have 3 or 4 desserts at our Thanksgiving because even though our family is not very large, we are blessed to have 4 generations to gather together! Happy Thanksgiving!

  64. hey there, soup plantation! your pumpkin cobbler with walnuts is INCREDIBLE! I have only had a tiny bite of it; you REALLY need more gluten-free desserts on par with your cobblers!
    I eat at your restaurant regularly, and it is great!
    I really would LOVE those free passes! please pick me! lol

  65. On thanksgiving for dessert I always make my Dad’s special recipe Pumpkin Pie and my Mom’s special recipe Lemon Meringue Pie, I also have to make Banana Cream as well… I think I love Thanksgiving just for the pies (making and eating!)

  66. My favorite is definitely the Caramel Apple 🙂 Especially when accompanied by vanilla ice cream 😀

    So far the only dessert we are having are home-made autumn bark that I make…but it would sure be nice to add one of your delicious cobblers to the list 🙂

  67. Hi,wishing everyone a Happy Turkey Day,and one of my family favorite desserts is the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut Cobbler so delish……and so yummy w/ a cup of coffee.

  68. You can never have too many desserts but we usually stick with the basics of pie and whipped cream/ice cream. Pumpkin, Apple, Berry, Cream pies… yum!

  69. I must choose just one cobbler? Really? All of the seven cobblers sound simply scrumptious! But if I must choose only one, it would be the Tart Cherry and Orchard Apple Cobbler. I can already taste the sweetness of the crisp Apple combined with the tartness of the Cherry. And what it wonderful it addition it would be to our pumpkin and peach pies this Thanksgiving!

  70. We stick to the basics for desserts–pie and whipped cream,. Pumpkin, Apple, Berry, Cream pie… you can never have too many desserts!

  71. I am a pumpkin walnut cobbler fan. We typically have 4 desserts for Thanksgiving. I like to prepare my husbands favorite which is coconut cake. Each of our children choose something, usually pecan pie & lemon pie. My choice is pumpkin. We do this so everyone can have leftovers to take home. Love your restaurants!

  72. I love the apple cobbler you make! I make a great peach cobbler with oatmeal topping for breakfast on the weekends. My family loves it!

    We will have apple and pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving.

  73. We usually do pies…cherry, pumpkin, pecan, and apple. This year we are cutting back and only doing one pecan pie.

  74. My favorite is Orchard Apple. Every year, I have two desserts for the fam-bam and I’m hoping to have yours be the second one on the menu this time 🙂
    So, this year it’s going to be pumpkin roll and whatever kind of cobbler you decide to gift me when I win. Happy Thanksgiving <3

  75. Caremel Apple!!! yummy! since we both have large families, we have many dessert choices for Thanksgiving. sometimes just a few, but sometimes many, depending on how many guests.

  76. Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut cobbler is good with ice cream and you new caramel butterscotch!! Although i always leave in a sugar coma 🙂

  77. For thanksgiving there are usually three or more desserts to appeal to the variety of likes around the table–Something Chocolate (an absolute must), something from apple or other fruit, something sugar-free, and something very different (that someone usually brings,) I like a variety and choices. That is why I like going to Sweet Tomatoes. Our daughter’s family will be here from PA, where there are no Sweet Tomatoes-type restaurants. She has specifically requested a meal there.

  78. We always have the same 2 desserts on Thanksgiving, pumpkin pie and cranberry apple cobbler. And whipped cream to top it off.

  79. My most favorite is your Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut Cobbler — and my grandson just couldn’t get enough on our last visit.
    This year for our Thanksgiving desserts we will have the traditional pumpkin pie w/whipped cream topping and some italian cookies and pastries in honor of our Italian/New York heritage. Would love to have the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut Cobbler on the table too.

  80. I love the Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut Cobbler, with or without ice cream on top. It’s delicious! For Thanksgiving, we usually have two or three desserts: Cracker pie, which is a family tradition, pumpkin pie, and chocolate cream pie. Can’t wait!

  81. We always have pecan pie and pumpkin pie but we also have coca cola cake because my sister’s birthday is always around Thanksgiving, its tradition. But the tart cherry/apple cobbler sounds so delicious I think I’ll get one for entertaining a different night.

  82. It’s hard to pick a favorite among the cobblers! I’d have to say…tart cherry and orchard apple, finished with a swirl of vanilla froyo, and a sprinkle of nuts on top!

  83. Happy Thanksgiving! I love the Cranberry Apple cobbler (with vanilla ice cream), and would like to try the Pumpkin Walnut cobbler. Thanks!

  84. Always have pumpkin pie and apple pie on Thanksgiving. Usually there are a ton of desserts. I love all of your cobblers!

  85. It’s hard to choose my favorite cobbler! Right now I would say, for Thanksgiving, the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut! My mouth is watering thinking about it!

  86. My favorite cobbler from Souplantation that I want to eat on Thanksgiving is caramel apple. Yum, yum, yum! My family usually has three desserts on Thanksgiving — two types of pie and brownies. I love spending Thanksgiving with my family and friends. As much as I love Thanksgiving dinner, my favorite thing is Thanksgiving dessert.

  87. Depending on whose house we are at for Thanksgiving, we have pumpkin pie (at least two), apple pie and sometimes pecan pie. My mom may make pumpkin bars, with the crumbly bottom and wet pumpkin top. Yum! Yay, pumpkin!

  88. At present we have six desserts listed for Thanksgiving Day, every family usually brings their particular
    favorite. So far the list includes Ambrosia, Pumpkin Pie, Fruit Cocktail Cake, Cherry Nut Cobbler, Ice Cream, and a birthday cake for Honey and two of our grandsons. Ours is a cherry cobbler but I would very much prefer to serve yours instead of mine!! Tart Cherry sound oh so wonderful!! Happy Thanksgiving Day!!

    Pat Cochran

  89. I would love to indulge into the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut Cobbler!!! The sound of it already just sounds so good. Our family has two (2) desserts typically for Thanksgiving if it’s a large party. If not, then we keep with one (1).

  90. We generally have 3 or more pies as dessert for Thanksgiving. Layered Pumpkin Chiffon is top of the list, plain pumpkin and of course Apple and usually a Honey Pecan. Makes my mouth water thinking about them but would be nice to avoid the work and time involved just one year.

  91. I am not exaggerating when I say that 50% of our items are desserts – and we usually have three meat items!!! Yes, we’re a large extended family but everyone (each family) usually brings a side and a dessert covered dish. I’d say on average we have eight or nine desserts at Thanksgiving (and Christmas).

  92. My favorite cobbler from Souplantation has been the Georgia Peach, but I just tried the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut on Monday and it was AMAZING! So, it’s now a toss-up between those two.

    It depends on how many people come to Thanksgiving, but on average, we have 2-3 desserts on hand each year.

  93. Lots of Family..LOTS of desserts…at least 8! This Thanksgiving the dessert I want to eat the most is my favorite cobbler from Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes the “Tart Cherry and Orchard Apple Cobbler”!

  94. My very favorite is the pumpkin! OMG! We just went to ST and my whole family had it. They loved it soooo much! We will have more than 50 people at our Thanksgiving Dinner and lots of desserts are needed.

  95. This year, we are going to enjoy at least three desserts – chocolate pie, pumpkin pie and cherry pie. And, if we are lucky, we will be blessed to enjoy a fourth dessert, a succulent cobbler from Sweet Tomatoes. There are so many choices and they all sound so good that it is hard to decide which one will taste the best. Time for a trip to Sweet Tomatoes and a taste test!

  96. we usually have at least 4 desserts. Had the Autumn Pumpkin and walnut cobbler last week for the first time – it was incredible!

  97. I haven’t tried sweet tomatoes cobble yet, So I was hoping to win some ticket to be able too. I love the Boyton beach Fl location.

  98. I’m looking forward to some cranberry apple cobbler…love the tart and the sweet and the crunchy and the juicy! Best combination ever! My family only ever has one dessert – my mom’s famous pumpkin pie. My fiance’s family, however, has as many as we can grab! Always pumpkin, always apple, sometimes berry pie, and our new tradition is Souplantation cobblers, yum!

  99. I love November, because of Thanksgiving and that there is enough chill in the air to enjoy soups (even in CA, my new home). I love soups. I love Soup Plantation (or Sweet Tomatoes back home). I will vote for my favorite cobbler – Orchard Apple as it is the most similar to the Apple Crisp my husband makes for our Thanksgivings. Happy Holidays!

  100. Last year about a week or two before Thanksgiving, my husband and I ate at our favorite place, Souplantation, where we were introduced to, and fell in love with, the cranberry apple cobbler. It tastes so amazing and I’m not a big fan of cranberries either. We loved it so much that we wanted to share with the rest of the family so we bought one for Thanksgiving day. This year we’ll be getting two because it was a hit & everyone fought over the last bite…I think we have a new Thanksgiving tradition =)

  101. Our family dines at Sweet Tomatoes just about every 2 weeks. Last week I tried the Pumpkin Walnut Cobbler for the first time and it is “Scrum-dilli-ocious”! Can’t wait to return for some more. This is definitely my new favorite cobbler!

  102. My favorite cobbler is the Cranberry Apple cobbler. And for Thanksgiving, the number of desserts changes each year depending on what my family makes/brings.

  103. Tart cherry sounds amazing! I didn’t even know you had cobblers to-go. This is exciting news. I can’t wait to try one, or all of them. 🙂

  104. I haven’t gotten to try any of the cobblers yet, but I want to try the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut as a great ending to Thanksgiving dinner.

  105. My family keeps adding more and more desserts to the table! Last year we made (ALL from scratch) 1 regular cheesecake, 1 pumpkin cheesecake (no allspice or cloves JUST cinnamon!), 2 pumpkin pies, 1 chocolate pecan pie, 1chocolate bundt cake, 1 peach cobbler of my grandmother’s recipe, 1 batch of double chocolate brownies, 2 dozen chocolate chip cookies, and 4 lbs of my famous Holiday fudge.

    This year we will be most likely adding an apple cobbler as well! Some of the ones left untouched go to homeless shelters (and we make some extras too). It’s a lot of work! 😉

  106. We have ONE… mother’s recipe for peach cobbler cannot be equaled. We’re always so full from the meal that we wait at least a couple of hours to eat it. I eat mine very, very slowly. And this cobbler is SO GOOD the second day, too!

  107. My family loves the Autumn Pumpkin and walnut cobbler, a treat that appeals to all of us. As usual the Souplantation succeeds and has something to please everyone. Happy Thanksgiving!

  108. My family has as many desserts as humanly possible – everyone brings a different kind of pie or baked good so as to adequately induce massive sugar comas. Bliss:-)

  109. Our family usually has at least 4-5 desserts but then again there are usually way over 20 of us together on that day. My favorite from ST is the Tart Cherry and Orchard Apple cobbler. I love the crunchy stuff on top the most. .

  110. Every Thanksgiving means lots of driving and seeing all of mine & my wife’s family. Lots of family = lots of different desserts. My wife makes amazing homemade from scratch pumpkin pies, my mom makes homemade from scratch apple pies, my sister makes a blueberry & pineapple cobbler (Paula Dean’s recipe = HEAVEN!) My niece also makes this pumpkin upside cake which is amazing…Oh man my mouth keeps watering I can’t wait until next Thursday! LOL! It’d be so awesome to take a Caramel Apple Cobbler this year to share with family from Souplantation…it sounds so good & would help this year =)

  111. My family usually has pumpkin pie, apple pie and pecan pie for dessert. The “Tart Cherry and Orchard Apple Cobbler” is my fav. It’s a bit chilly today. A serving of cobbler with a hot cup of pumpkin spice coffee sounds so good right now!

  112. I would really love to try the Caramel Apple Cobbler! It just sounds so delicious. My family usually has about 2-4 desserts during thanksgiving.

  113. It’s too difficult to choose! I suppose my favorite cobbler would be the caramel apple cobbler though!! My mouth is watering as I think about all the cobblers… Thanks Souplantation!

  114. I am thinking to have 4 desserts for this holiday. My favourite cobbled is – Mixed Berry & Apple. It is awesome and I am already drooling…

  115. I’m a fan of the cherry apple cobbler. For Thanksgiving, my family has a lot of desserts and I’m in charge of making them. I usually do at least 3 pies (pumpkin, apple, and the third is my discretion – I usually try to do a new one every year.)

  116. Well, the kids do love dessert! We must have pumpkin pie for tradition’s sake, but we always have pecan pie, too 🙂 I would love to try one of these new cobblers. The Georgia Peach and Tart Cherry sound delicious!

  117. Someone asked everyone to bring desserts so we will have so many ,maybe 20.Not sure how we will all go home after this meal. Cuz di not think of that and we will all have to move in. Nina. Cranbeery or cherry sounds so great,but love the pumpkin ,walnut.Maybe it is healthier.LOL

  118. My fave is Tart Cherry and Orchard Apple cobbler. My family usually has 2 desserts for thanksgiving. Sometimes a pie and some jello/pudding type dessert.

  119. I love the peach cobbler! Our Sweet Tomatoes doesn’t serve this wonderful peach version of your cobblers very often, so when I see it there I must have it! I didn’t know that it was available to take home for the holidays. I will certainly order one for thanksgiving! I’m so happy it’s available. We usually have at least two kinds of desserts for thanksgiving. It depends on what people bring. I’m going to go order my cobbler right now! 🙂

  120. We usually get together with my dad’s side of the family for Thanksgiving and oh boy do we go big on dessert! Usually yummy things like pumpkin pie, apple pie, cheesecake, we’ve even had peach cobbler and ambrosia salad. We would really love to have a new addition this year (with so many to feed); Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut and Cranberry Apple sound really good!

  121. My family use to order Baker Square Pies every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas. But they closed down their location in Anaheim a couple years ago. So for the past couple years instead of the traditional French Silk Pie or the Banana Cream, we homemake our pies. The usual on the table are: a Pumpkin Pie, a Peach Pie, a Raspberry Pie, Vanilla Ice Cream, and a Cheesecake.

  122. Dessert is big…. My favorite this minute is the new pumpkin one. Nice change from pumpkin pie. I love cobbler because ice cream goes so well with it. LIke topping off the celebration. We have 4 desserts for Thanksgiving. I think this one more would be a great addition.

  123. I have not tried the pumkin cobbler yet but would really like to. I love pumpkin anything! Of the cobblers I have tried, I would have to say Peach is my favorite. We will have a large gathering for Thanksgiving. I would love to be able to serve one of these yummy cobblers!

  124. My favorite cobbler is the delicious Caramel Apple Cobbler. I like to put soft vanilla frozen yogurt or ice cream on top…. YUM! It looks, smells, and tastes delicious!

  125. This year my husband and I are eating out for Thanksgiving, so we only will be having pumpkin pie for dessert, which is what I love. The pumpkin cobbler listed at Sweet Tomatoes sounds yummy. I would try that, but I usually only go there before 4pm, so I always miss out on those. Maybe I will be able to, sometime soon.

  126. I absolutely love Souplantation’s Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut Cobbler! In fact, I love your entire fall menu! It is just so warm and cozy and comforting. My family would really enjoy one of your amazing cobblers! Thanks for offering this contest:)

  127. Normally we have several pies to choose from plus cookies and chocolates. The dessert choices are never ending. The most popular traditional desserts have to be sweet potato, pecan, apple and Boston Creme. Each year, we seem to switch one up by adding a crumble top to the apple, cheesecake to the sweet potato, and caramel to the pecan or something similar.

  128. I love the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut cobbler. I’m in charge of dessert this year and would love to take this 🙂 We usually have 2 or 3 different desserts!!

  129. This year, for the first time in several years, it looks like my husband will be home for Thanksgiving from the middle east – he’s been in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I usually go all out for these dinners when the family is together so I expect we’ll have at least three deserts if not more. This year my son’s 6 roommates will be joining us so I’ll need a “bit” more… 🙂

  130. Cobblers are the best and those flavor sound delicious!
    The 2 things I always look forward to on Thanksgiving is making out family’s secret recipe Dutch apple pie with my dad and then eating it!!!! 🙂

  131. If I close my eyes, while walking into the Souplantation restaurant, my olfactory senses heighten and I could really get a good whiff of the great food I get to stuff into my stomach moments later. One of the things that are most memorable is having already filled my belly with salads, soups and pastas, I head over to the dessert bar. The warmth and smells of the baked goods never fails to make me take a little of each type of dessert, especially the cobbler! My favorite cobbler right now from Souplantation is the CARAMEL APPLE COBBLER!

    Sadly, my family does not have enough desserts for Thanksgiving. Our family does not follow the traditional Thanksgiving foods, like turkey and ham and mash potatoes, instead our potluck is usually catered food from an Asian restaurant and some Sushi plates. I remember having Tira misu cake for dessert for Thanksgiving.

  132. We usually have 6-8 pies for Thanksgiving at my parents house. I come from a large family and grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins usually come over for Thanksgiving too. I love everything pumpkin and would chose the “Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut” cobbler. It’s so festive!

  133. I LOVE the Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut Cobbler!!! It is WAAAAY too good to limit to one day though!!! I want to eat it after EVERY meal 😀

  134. My favorite is the Cranberry Apple Cobbler. Even though this months pumpkin dessert was good, we sure missed the Cranberry Apple Cobbler that we enjoyed last November along with Chicken Pot Pie. All of the apple cobblers are fantastic, but the original Apple Cobbler and Cranberry Apple Cobbler are really stand-outs! They are absolutely as good as any home-made apple cobbler or apple pie.

  135. We would love to offer the Tart Cherry and Orchard Apple cobbler at T-giving this year to our family. Typically, we have 3-4 desserts for 20+ people: pumpkin pie, fruit pie, cookies for the kids (at least one kind has to be chocolate) and sometimes a cheesecake of some sort. We’re planning a group taste-tasting field trip right now to try your pumpkin/walnut cobbler!

  136. I think this year we’ll probably have three desserts. As usual, the pumpkin pie. Can’t have Thanksgiving without that. Fudge brownies and an Asian dessert. All the cobblers sound yummy though. =)

  137. My family usually has about 3 different desserts on Thanksgiving day. There’s cookies, cakes and pie, oh my!

  138. I am not sure I have tried any of your cobblers, but blueberry is my favorite. Our family usually has two or three different kinds of pies for dessert: apple, pumpkin, and sometimes pecan.

  139. I think my fave has to be the Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut – mmmm. As for the number of deserts, probably three (2 pies and Ice cream).

  140. This year is the first year my family will be all together for years. I cant wait to make this holiday special! I would absolutely love to try the Pumpkin and Walnut cobbler – we rarely have anything pumpkin at our house and I LOVE pumpkin! Typically, you will see a lot of chocolate and possibly lemon pies 🙂

  141. I’m a single guy who always gets invited to go to friends houses…it would be so good to be able to bring a S.T. cobbler! ( Autumn Pumpkin and walnut cobbler)

  142. I would LOVE to be able to have the cherry tart cobbler on Thanksgiving this year!! My family usually has 3-4 pies: pumpkin, pecan, chocolate cream, and usually an apple pie too! I love dessert on Thanksgiving!!

  143. My family usually has four or five different types of desserts. They range anywhere from pies, jello, ambrosia, fruit salad, to cookies. I would love to add something new to our options. I think the caramel apple or Georgia peach cobblers would taste great!

  144. My favorite cobbler from souplantation is the A P P L E C R U M B C O B B L E R!!!! YUMMO!!!
    When ever I’m at sweetomatoes and find the cobbler I indulge and serve myself a nice hefty portion and place the non-fat vanilla yogurt on top of my cobbler!!!! Ohhhh Myyyyy Gooooosh it’s a FOODGASM….DEEEEE….LICIOUS!!!! Well needless to say I’m going to be buying an apple cobbler for this thanksgiving….and some vanilla ice cream too…. HAPPY GOBBLE GOBBLE!!!

  145. The autumn pumpkin and walnut cobbler is amazing, I just tried it Sunday night and I want more. We will probably have just two desserts for Thanksgiving.

  146. Still have a bit of time before Thanksgiving so plan to check out at least a couple of these cobblers. They all sound delicious so must do some taste testing! What fun.

  147. Pumpkin and walnut….BRILLIANT! Thanks for the fun, seasonal surprise! I’d love to add a tray of that to our family’s Turkey Day dinner this year! We’re hosting over 50 extended relatives with all the standard fixings, including pecan pie, pumpkin pie, apple pie. I love the apple and cherry combo, and my husband eats your apple cobbler all year round. Just wondering why you don’t serve cookies on the buffet table….we LOVE those and have to beg our waitress to bring us some each time. mmmm…..

  148. My family usually has about 3 desserts including Sweet Potato Pie, a homemade poundcake and a dessert with bananans (i.e. banana pudding or hummingbird cake). For Thanksgiving I would like the ST Orchard Apple and Georgia Peach Cobbler with some french vanilla ice cream. OMG!

  149. I absolutely love the Caramel Apple , and Orchard Apple cobblers! I would love to have one of those desserts this Thanksgiving! We normally have between 2 to 4 desserts on Thanksgiving. And this year especially because my in laws are coming over for the first time. It’s going to be the biggest thanksgiving we have ever had! I absolutely love Souplantation! I just finished tweeting your guys contest as well to over 11,000+ followers of mine on Twitter! Hope that helps! Thank you guys for making amazing food and keeping me healthy and happy!


  150. My family enjoys numerous desserts. Usually there is fruit salad, pumpkin pie, chocolate pie, and either pecan pie or apple pie, as well as, homemade brownies or cookies. My favorite cobbler from Sweet Tomatoes is Orchard Apple.

  151. Thanksgiving is the only holiday that I host at our house — it is MY favorite holiday! The whole family + many friends look forward to this day. To me it is important that everybody sit at a table together. So when you have 24+ people it is a challenge to figure it out. I typically start with the ping-pong table, add 3-4 more adjoining tables and cover it all in white linen table cloths — (humbleness aside) I always set an amazing table. I am getting excited as I type!!
    We typically have about 6 or 7 pies. My favorite: Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut cobbler. If I win, please send me an e-mail. I will be so busy with family in town I will not be able to check the blog.

  152. My #1 favorite is Cranberry Apple cobbler from “Soup Soup” (That’s how my daughter says Souplantation) I love having it a la mode with frozen yogurt. That’s one of the PERFECT DESSERT to finish a PERFECT meal at “Soup Soup”
    And we ususally have pumpkin pie, ice cream, cake or some fresh fruit as dessert on Thanksgiving. Hopefully this year we will also get Autumn pumpkin & walnut cobbler from “Soup Soup” to make it a PEFECT Thanksgiving

  153. i love the chicken noodle soup, wild mushroom soup, claim chowder soup
    Love healthy food, my favorate salad bar, i can eat 2-3 times a week for lunch there.
    Not a big fan of dessert .

  154. Very love healthy and organic food,
    souplatation is the perfect place for me,
    Usually eat there at lunch near my work,
    Love the Tapocia dessert!

  155. We usually have 4-5 desserts. Pumpkin & Coconut Custard, Cheesecake & Apple pie a la mode. Love all your cobblers especially the Pumpkin!

  156. Caramel Apple sounds delish. Always have dessert – some type of chocolate truffle and pecan pie usually
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  157. As much as I love the apple cobbler, I have to say I’m switching to pumpkin and walnut cobbler this year. I’ve never had anything like it before. Not too sweet and it has the perfect blend of traditional seasonal spices. The best part.. the “crispies” on top!!

  158. only one dessert every T-Day: Pumpkin Pie (almost everyone goes for whipped cream on top except for me) LOVE TO GIVE THANKS with my family over our traditional meal…

  159. Our favorite is the Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut cobbler. So good! We usually have the traditional pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and cheesecake. We have 19 guests this year, so the addition of your wonderful Pumpkin and Walnut cobbler would be fantastic.

  160. My family usually have up to 3 dessert options on Thanksgiving. We would love to add a 4th one. Maybe the Cranberry Apple Cobbler from you guys! 😀 I know, we are pigs!

  161. My family usually only has 2 desserts: Pumpkin Pie and then Ice Cream (which are often eaten together) 🙂

  162. We are having pumpkin and possibly sweet potato and pecan pie if I can convince my brother to pick it up on his way over!

  163. O my! I can’t wait to try that Georgia Peach Cobbler. When summer starts to wind down (yes, even here in Florida!) I hate to let go of my favorite summer fruits. The fresh, ripe flavor of luscious, juicy Georgia Peaches will warm the cockles of my heart and put me in a holiday mood.

  164. On Thanksgiving, we only have one dessert…. my grandma’s famous homemade glazed donuts!! She only makes a small batch each year so its first come first serve. Of course, Uncle Bobby (the favorite) always seems to get donuts so I make it a point of getting to Grandma’s as early as possible to text him pictures of me enjoying the donuts!! If he beats me, he does the same!

  165. I LOVE the cranberry apple cobbler! Nothing says Thanksgiving like a bowl of Sweet Tomatoes cranberry apple cobbler and vanilla frozen yogurt.

  166. I really liked the pumpkin and walnut cobbler when I tried it just the other night! I also love Tart Cherry cobblers.
    We eat 2 different desserts, usually. There has to be a pumpkin pie…the other dessert(s) can vary.

  167. We have pumpkin and apple pies with ice cream for Thanksgiving dessert. Along with cookies, brownies, and sometimes some cobbler.

  168. Oh my goodness. Pumpkin & Walnut cobbler for the win!!
    We do a variety of “sweets” on Thanksgiving/Christmas. Breakfast is always homemade Cinnamon Rolls and the most delicious coffee cake.
    Then, the evening always ends in an assortment of pies, and cobblers. My favorite would have to be the pumpkin pie cheesecake with homemade whipped cream! A tiny slice and you’re completely done for the rest of the evening. <3 I can't wait!

  169. OMG …what declicious choices!
    Mine would be the the Autumn Pumpkin and Apple …
    so right for the season.
    We probably will have 4 to 5 desserts on T-day ….
    something for everyone …and then some!

  170. I’ve only had the pumpkin walnut cobbler and it was delicious. We celebrate Thanksgiving usually with just a pumkin pie but I’m sure a Sweet Tomatoes Cobbler would be a wonderful addition.

  171. I would go with caramel apple in a heartbeat! Though in an ideal world, I would actually like to have a bit of each one!

  172. I am relatively new to the Sweet Tomatoes/Soup Plantation community so I would love to try the tart cherry cobbler this Thanksgiving season!! =)

    As for turkey day desserts, my family goes all out!! the regulars are pecan pie, pumpkin pie, peanut butter pie, eclair cake, brownies, rice krispy treats, chocolate fountain and an assortment of cookies…but we always have two or three new sweet treats each year that family bring to test out on their beloved guinea pigs 🙂 haha

  173. I would love to try the mixed berry & apple cobbler!!

    We usually have grasshopper pie, triple chocolate fudge cake, pecan and pumpkin pies, as well as cookies 🙂

  174. I am relatively new to Sweet Tomatoes community and have not tried many of the desserts they offer…however, I would love to taste the tart cherry cobbler this Thanksgiving season!!

    As for turkey day desserts, my family goes all out!! regulars include pumpkin pie, pecan pie, eclair cake, apple cobbler, cranberry crisp, cheesecake bites, brownies, rice krispy treats, chocolate fountain, and an assortment of cookies. But we always have a few new sweet treats each year that family bring to test out on their beloved guinea pigs haha

  175. Oh, I’d really love to try the orchard apple cobbler. We only ever have pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, so that would be a great addition!

  176. Just had the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut this afternoon, with ice cream. Great combination! Not too sweet and just enough spices. A hit!

  177. Definitely the Caramel Apple cobbler! I haven’t tried the Autumn Pumpkin, but that sounds delicious too!

    We normally have a pumpkin pie with our Thanksgiving meal…always up for trying something new though!

  178. I love blueberry cobbler. Pumpkin Walnut was delicious at Sweet Tomatoes last time around, and my family’s favorite dessert for the holidays is pumpkin pie.

  179. Oh my! How can anyone pass up the Georgia Peach Cobbler??? That has always and will always remain my utmost favorite cobbler of all. In fact, now that you have reminded me…I will order that for Thanksgiving right away!!! Love you Souplantation!!

  180. I love ALL your cobblers! But love the Orchard Apple to add some ice cream to. We usually always have pumpkin pie and i make a strawberry-icecream-jello pie that is very light and refreshing after a heavy meal of that lovely turkey dinner.. We love Sweet Tomatoes and all the great soups you have, plus the healthy salads and those baked potatoes with all the toppings, and the great hot pastas. And what great baked breads and muffins plus chocolate lava cake!! Everything is wonderful!! Plus, the restaurant is always so clean. And the help is always so friendly and helpful.

  181. Caramel Apple. I’m so excited to come home where there’s actually a Sweet Tomatoes (currently away from home) I’ll be home for thanksgiving; guess where I’m definitely going to eat sometime during my break! 🙂

  182. We all like having our peach pie, sweet potato cheesecake and our apple pie after Thanksgiving dinner, but this year my husbands birthday is on Thanksgiving. I would like to get him a cake but he has requested a peach cobbler from his favorate place. Peach cobbler sounds better than a cake anyways. Can’t wait! Yummmm

  183. The pumpkin and walnut is deeelish!

    On T-day we have several desserts – but all pie. It might be nice to mix it up a little.

  184. Of the Souplantation lineup, Caramel Apple would be my first choice, with the Pumpkin Walnut as second. OUr family always has had pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, accompanied by another type of pie – usually mince or pecan. Thank you in advance, as I know I will win!

  185. I definitely enjoy the pumpkin walnut cobbler!
    Usually we have 2-3 desserts – something with sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and/or apples

  186. Hard to choose which cobbler is my favorite. Enjoy all of them.
    For our Thanksgiving, I’m the one who always brings dessert. Thanksgiving wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie. Then I have one more dessert (pie, cake, or whatever I can find) that I make also.

  187. 3 types of pies. My Aunt Esthers world famous lemon meringue – which no one in the family can make even close as good as she did. Her Chocolate meringue pie. Ditto the above comment. And pumpkin -of course.

  188. We have two desserts on Thanksgiving: a huge and delicious Jello mold and a huge Costco pumpkin pie with whipped cream.

  189. We usually have about 4 or 5 different desserts. Most are store bought . Everyone especially loves Pumpkin in staying with the Thanksgiving theme. I’m sure we would love them all.

  190. My family and I always have the vanilla icecream with nuts on top and caramel along with any cobbler available! ( But we especially love the cranberry cobbler 😀 ) With it steaming and the icecream melting inside it its a great dessert to finish a heavy meal off with. ^_^

  191. Mmmmm … I’m looking forward to some Georgia Peach cobbler!!! We usually have multiple desserts: pumpkin pie, ice cream, cookies / lemon bars & some type of cobbler.

  192. I make 8 pies for Thanksgiving: 2 each of Pumpkin, Pecan, Chocolate Cream, and Peanut Butter. I would also like to serve Sweet Tomatoes’ Pumpkin & Walnut Cobbler… mmm mmm good!

  193. Autumn pumpkin and walnut, no contest! I usually end up working on Thanksgiving, but every year I look forward to coming home to my Grandma’s sweet apple pie. My family’s motto: the more desserts, the better!

  194. I haven’t had any of the cobblers yet but I know the first one I would want to try is the caramel apple cobbler. All of them sounds good so I know I would try them all. But caramel has always been my favorite sauce for everything…caramel popcorn, apples and caramel, snickers and milky way candy bars, and of course caramel candy.

  195. Our record was the year we had an apple pie, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, cherry cheesecake and a carrot cake…all home made

  196. The pumpkin and walnut would be the one I would like to win!
    As far as what deserts we will have on Thanksgiving, we always make:
    deep dish apple pie, pumpkin pie, cherry rhubarb pie, and no-bake cheese cake.

  197. Oh man, any of the cobblers would be delicious, but I would have to say my favorite is the cranberry apple topped with vanilla soft serve and a bit of caramel syrup to top it off!

  198. Fave Souplantation Cobbler: Georgia Peach. Love the summer fruits. What a treat during the fall!

    # of Desserts at our Thanksgiving: 3-5! My Auntie Helen always makes a delicious apple pie. She has her own apple tree, which makes the pie even more special! She also makes a lingonberry cheesecake! Oooh, this is decadent. Uncle Andrew makes cranberry pumpkin cake loaves for us to eat there or for the drive home! Mouth is starting to water thinking about these…

  199. My family always ALWAYS has Pumpkin Pie with whipped topping of course. Other traditional Thanksgiving desserts include walnut pie and date pudding (YUM!!).

  200. Love berry apple and caramel apple. Somehow I have missed the pumpkin walnut which is amazing because pumpkin is my favorite!

  201. My favorite is the cranberry apple cobbler! And my favorite desserts for Thanksgiving are iced carrot cake, cream corn, and pumpkin pie 😀

  202. My favorite cobbler is the caramel apple.

    When we have thanksgiving meals there are usually 2 deserts. Pumpkin and pecan pie.

  203. We normally have a few desserts for Thanksgiving. Pecan & pumpkin pies are staples, and there’s normally a 3rd we try for the first time each year.

  204. I love to make pies, pastry and all so I normally make pumpkin pie and either apple or pecan. I also make an assortment of breads, pumpkin gingerbread, sweet milk nut bread, and banana. There is no such thing as leaving the table hungry there is a good selection for all.

  205. Tart cherry is my favorite cobbler for sure! We will have two or three desserts, and only 6 people! Love the leftovers 🙂

  206. My favorite cobbler from Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes I’d love to eat on Thanksgiving is “Mixed Berry & Apple:”. Yummy goodness in every mouthful.

  207. Unfortunately i work on thanksgiving day at night, my family & i will probably have our own thanksgiving dinner the day after & since i work that day as well will not have time to plan a whole thanksgiving dinner like i usually do, so no dessert. 🙁

  208. My parents invite a lot of people for Thansgiving, so we usually end up with an entire table full of desserts! I’d like to try the pumpkin and walnut.

  209. My family is somewhat bad at Thanksgiving…we usually have 3-4 different pies, plus vanilla ice cream for the ala mode option! In addition to the yummy fruit punch w/ sherbet drink. mmm can’t wait!

  210. I loved the Pumpkin and Walnut cobbler and would also love the Carmel Apple!
    When I am just with my imediate family we usually have 2 desserts, pumpkin pie and apple pie! When the larger family is in town however, there are so many more desserts! This year I am making a pumpkin cheesecake, assorted cookies, brownies, and apple crisp.

  211. I’ve really enjoyed all the Sweet Tomatoes cobblers I’ve tried but think the Cranberry Apple Cobbler would be the perfect addition to our Thanksgiving meal. We usually have pumpkin pie so the Cranberry Apple Cobbler would give everyone something very different to try and I bet more people would choose it over the pumpkin pie.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  212. I would really like to try the mixed berry and apple cobbler.

    And for Thanksgiving, my family usually has 2 desserts – Sweet Potato Pie and any kind of cake, such as Lemon or Sock it to Me.

  213. Pumpkin & Walnut cobbler is by far my favorite cobbler at souplantation. Our family table can never do with enough desserts we usually have at least 4 to choose from, which is great for me, since I’,m vegetarian and that is basically all I can eat from my families thanksgiving dinner table, since everything else has meat with the exception of mashed potatoes and biscuits. I like to treat myself to souplantation after the massive sugar overload from thanksgiving, it helps my stomach settle, and I feel good about myself. Hopefully I win so I can take my whole family to eat something healthy after their high meat intake.

  214. My family usually has at least two desserts at every Thanksgiving dinner – usually a pumpkin cheesecake and an apple pie!

  215. My favorite cobbler from Souplantation is the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut…and I would LOVE to eat this at Thanksgiving! Thank you so much for this GREAT giveaway!!!

  216. I haven’t tried any of the cobblers from Souplantation, but I’m going to soon!! The Orchard Apple cobbler sounds delicious!!

  217. Just had the Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut Cobbler on Tuesday night. It was sooooooooooo good! I would definitely serve and eat it on Thanksgiving!

  218. I love a good peach cobbler. One of my family will be serving two desserts a pumpkin pie and a vegan & gluten free dessert. The other side of my family will have more desserts then Thanksgiving sides, because our grandmother taught us to eat dessert first.

  219. I love the caramel apple cobbler. We do between one and three desserts for Thanksgiving depending on how many people. Pumpkin pie, apple pie and roasted balsamic honey pears.

  220. I love pumpkin and know that it is the traditional, but there’s nothing better than a blackberry pie or cobbler that has lots of berries – yummmm!

  221. Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut Cobbler is absolutely the winning dessert. It’s perfect for the holiday season and my son loves anything with pumpkin in it.

  222. I like the caramel apple! Honestly, even though with the new menus and desserts, I still like the simplicity of the chicken noodle soup & caramel apple cobbler!

  223. We have about 3 pies at our Thanksgiving dinner, We have the standard pumpkin and apple and then my favorite a chocolate pie

  224. We have at least two Thanksgiving meals that go to each year. My parent’s where we usually have a pumpkin pie, cookies, and a cake. My inlaws usually have a pumpkin pie, apple pie, brownies, and ice cream. After all that dessert I am so glad Christmas is a month away where it happens all over again. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving to all!

  225. Mmmmm, would love the Pumpkin cobbler for Thanksgiving!

    We always have pie for dessert . . . lots of pie!!! Pumpkin, apple, cherry, rhubarb, blueberry, raspberry, peach . . . at least six different kinds!

  226. My favorite cobbler would have to be the Orchard Apple its a delicious classic. For thanksgiving desserts we have pumpking and cherry but will be adding cobbler from souplantation to the table this year.

  227. For sure… Mixed Berry & Apple
    both my favorites wrapped up in one delicious package!
    As for number of desserts …lots!
    That’s why I love T-day!

  228. Our family has traditionally had up to seven – eight different pies at Thanksgiving. They are pumpkin, pecan, banana cream, raisin cream, apple, cherry along with one to two sugar free varieties (pumpkin and pecan).

  229. This year, we’ll have pumpkin pie and chocolate cream pie. Sometimes, I make my mother’s apple pie. (this year, I’m just lazy! I would love to try your pumpkin & walnut cobbler, though; that sounds yummy!

  230. We have a huge family with all my aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. We can easily have about 8-10 desserts. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  231. I love any kind of fruit cobbler, and one of my favorites for family gatherings is a Rubarb Crisp, very chunky with a subtle touch of tanginess. This year, however, I’m trying a Chocolate Eclair Cake and a Butternut Squash jellyroll cake, and my favorite holiday treat, spumoni ice cream. Can you do spumoni flavored frozen yogurt in your restaurant for the holidays? If I won, I would choose the Pumpkin Walnut Cobbler, it sounds fantastic !!

  232. My absolute favorite from sweet tomatoes is the mixed Berry & apple cobbler! I like to get it warm and put some vanilla ice-cream on the top. It’s to die for!

  233. I love everything that has apples or cranberries in it so I can’t wait to have some of the “cranberry apple” cobbler!! For Thanksgiving, we usually have pumpkin pie.

  234. We LOVE the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut cobbler! We usually have the classic dessert at Thanksgiving – pumpkin pie with whipped cream. This is a great giveaway – we would love to win the free meal passes!!!

  235. I firmly believe that dessert is the cornerstone to any truly great and memorable meal. At Soup Plantation, which I adore, the caramel apple cobbler is my favorite. It is gooey, sweet, and buttery, love, love, love. I would love to eat this on Thanksgiving! My family usually has two or three desserts that I make. This year it will be a Ginger Bread Trifle with layers of vanilla and butterscotch custard, Caramel Browny Squares (per request of my father who is a rebel and doesn’t like pumpkin), and homemade Pumpkin Cheesecake.

  236. Just got back from Sweet Tomatoes and fell in love with the Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut Cobbler. The topping was so yummy!

  237. The pumpkin and walnut cobbler sounds like it would be good for Thanksgiving. If we have a dessert that day, it will only be one because if we have any food at all I have to make the whole thing.

  238. On Thanksgiving we always have several types of pie for dessert. My 12 year old always makes a homemade apple pie! Yum, can’t wait!

  239. Pumpkin is king in my world of desserts, especially this time of year, so the pumpkin cobbler is the way to go! I’m usually the one making desserts for Thanksgiving, or any occasion, so I tend to go overboard, lol. This year I’m making white chocolate cranberry orange blondies, pumpkin pie, and maybe one or two other things I haven’t decided on yet, maybe pumpkin pie brownies, or something else chocolate-y ^.^

  240. At our family Thanksgiving, we normally have two desserts – pumpkin pie and Derby pie (like pecan pie with chocolate chips and Bourbon although this last is optional). My mom grew up in Kentucky which makes Derby pie part of our heritage and tradition.

  241. On average our family has 4 choices for dessert on Thanksgiving…including cobbler (usually blueberry or raspberry)!

  242. My favorite is the cranberry apple cobbler. Our family is big on desserts so we usually have anywhere from 2-10 different desserts (all homemade).

  243. The Georgia Peach is my favorite cobbler. Our family pigs out (it’s only once a year) and has at least 6 different types of dessert.

  244. Tart Cherry and Orchard Apple…and I’ll admit to adding a bit of ice cream and chopped nuts, too. Hey, it’s dessert!

  245. I would love to finish the Thanksgiving dinner with Apple Cobbler and Pumpkin+Walnut cobbler. During Thanksgiving dinner, we have Pumpkin pie and Pecan pie. We also eat brownies and cakes.

  246. I’m thankful Sweet Tomatoes makes the Cranberry Apple cobbler! I would like to eat it on Thanksgiving, and on other days.

  247. Hmmm…either the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut or Cranberry Apple sound good.

    We usually have what you’d expect…apple and pumpkin pies 🙂

  248. Mom makes tons of pumpkin pies, pecan & apple. I love cobblers, I want to try all of the new cobblers, probably cranberry apple the most.

  249. Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut Cobbler is my absolute favorite cobbler but I must confess I love most cobblers and pies! 🙂

  250. Mmmmm! Desserts! Even better: desserts at Thanksgiving! We usually have at least two desserts, which are usually pies. Of course, there is always pumpkin pie, and the second pie is usually pecan. My in-laws served mince pie along with the pumpkin pie, but I could never understand why—do people really like that stuff???
    Happy Thanksgiving to all, and thanks to Sweet Tomatoes for a great giveaway!

  251. Georgia Peach cobbler is my absolute favorite. We usually have some kind of cookies, fudge, cake of some kind and pumpkin pie for our desserts at Thanksgiving.

  252. We usually have two different pies but we also have a couple of dessert-type dishes mascarading as sides (sweet potato souffle and fruit salad). Last year we didn’t have clear communication on the pies and wound up with SEVEN pumpkin pies (and a couple pecan and one apple). I would love to have cobbler, too!

  253. Favorite cobbler is Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut with second one Caramel Apple .We usually have 2 to 3 desserts like pies on Thanksgiving Pecan Pie and Pumpkin Pie.Good Times!

  254. Sweet Tomatoes & Souplantation Cobblers are awesome and I would LOVE one to complete our Thanksgiving dinner menu! My favorite one is the Cranberry Apple Cobbler. You are my absolute favorite restaurant and so worth the drive. I plan my trips that way just so I can eat at your restaurant!!

  255. I would love to have the Cranberry Apple cobbler on Thanksgiving, or any time!!! Our family has 3 dinners over the week, so we have many desserts. I’d estimate we have 4-5 at a minimum at each!!! Lots of food, and then lots of exercise to follow!!!

  256. My preferred choice of cobbler at Souplantation is the scrumptious Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut…simply delicious!!!

    At our home for dessert on Thanksgiving, there is a choice because with family comes different tastes, which means a need for variety… Sweet Potato or Pumpkin Pie, Buttermilk Pies, and either a German Chocolate or Caramel Cake…all of which are homemade by ME! 🙂

  257. We have pumpkin pie and apple pie, with whipped cream and/or vanilla ice cream as toppers. I also make pumpkin bread.

  258. I when caramel apple cobbler is available, I end my meal like a glutenous Roman. I go back until there isn’t an ounce of room left. It is quite addicting.

    Family dessert on Thanksgiving is usually Costco pumpkin and apple pies.

  259. Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut would definitely be my favorite Cobbler that I would like to have this Thanksgiving. Autumn Pumpkins brings back fond memories I had when I was working at Hacienda Child Development Center at Pleasanton California. The exciting Pumpkin Contest, hands-on pumpkin projects with my twenty one-year olds at my toddler class, making pumpkin pancakes and muffins with the toddlers, and the festive Thanksgiving Potluck. Thanks Sweet Tomatoes for many warm memories of those lunch dates with my dear friends Rose and Linda trying to catch up with one another since we no longer working at the same place. Autumn Pumpkin warms my heart!

  260. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the Caramel Apple Cobbler and the BERRY. NOTHING beats them!!
    Sweet Tomatoes–you are the BEST, my FAVE for sure:)

  261. My new favorite Sweet Tomatoes cobbler is Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut, so good! This would be a perfect addition to our Thanksgiving meals since we usually have apple and pecan pies.

  262. Cranberry Apple for sure. We bought one last year for a holiday party we were hosting at our house. It was a huge hit! Everyone loved it!

  263. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes cobbler is the Cranberry Apple. It would be a great addition to our Thanksgiving table.
    Usually my aunt makes the pumpkin pie, I make the apple pie, and we usually have a few pecan pies as well. We provide ice cream and plenty of whipped cream for topping. My grandma is also big on making jello with marshmallows for us all to eat. Also, my cousin and I are going to make pumpkin cheesecake bars. We most certainly are big dessert eaters for Thanksgiving!

  264. Hey – if you are going to have cobbler at Thanksgiving in my house – it had better be PEACH – we Georgians are serious about our peaches! Pie, however, is either pecan or pumpkin. 🙂

  265. Lately, our Thanksgiving has been with friends (we did potluck) and the food could range from baked Turkey to Chinese fried noodle. Desserts were mainly cakes and pumpkin pie. Mixed berry and apple cobbler sounds good! 🙂 Thanks!

  266. My favorite of your cobblers would be Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut, and Caramel Apple. This Thanksgiving we are only having three desserts, Cranberry Cheese Bars, Lime Raspberry Mini Tarts, and Pumpkin Pies. Oh, and vanilla ice cream 🙂

  267. My family has at least 2-3 desserts on Thanksgiving. We usually have at least pumpkin and some type of apple pie. Sometimes we have a jello dessert if celebrating with my mom’s side of the family. And there are times when there are more desserts than these depending on whether others bring them.

  268. I like the Orchard Apple cobbler. I don’t know how many desserts my family has because all I see is the pumpkin pie!

  269. Our family usually has 3-4 desserts for Thanksgiving to satisfy everyone’s taste buds. We would definitely love to have the Caramel Apple cobbler as part of our Thanksgiving dinner this year.

  270. Tart Cherry is my favorite. For dessert on T-Day we usually have 3 desserts, Pumpkin pie (store bought), apple pie (i make), and lemon bars or cookies ( i make)

  271. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your Cranberry Apple cobbler. I remember the first time I had it…I couldn’t stop myself going for more! It is one of the best I have ever had, and I would love to have it this Thanksgiving to share with my family and friends.

    Please continue making such wonderful cobblers. I have no idea how to make such great desserts myself, and one of the reasons why I love your restaurants is because of these delicious cobblers. Yum!

  272. Ever since I had the Cranberry Apple cobbler, I craved to try all of the other flavors. Every time my friends and I talk about desserts, I always tell them about these cobblers because they are just SO good! I would love to enjoy have the Cranberry Apple cobbler this Thanksgiving! Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

  273. The pumpkin-walnut cobbler sounds amazing. I’d love to try that because we are not making any desserts enjoy volunteering to serve meals at the Women’s Center and won’t have time. One year we had a cake shaped and decorated like a stuffed turkey but usually we have pie.

  274. I love Love LOVE the apple cobbler. I always put the vanilla yogurt on top and it is super delicious. Such a great treat after all the healthy salad and soup. Every year we do the standard pumpkin pie and pecan pie but I always try a 3rd dessert to add something different each year. I’ve done (pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin lust cake, pumpkin goo cake, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bread). I love to bake and it’s fun to try new things. I wish dessert came before dinner, lol.

  275. Our family usually has three desserts. The traditional pumpkin pie, followed closely by pecan and a fruit pie ( cherry or apple ).

  276. Okay, so it’s always crazy that there is more focus on the desserts than on the meal for Thanksgiving. We always have at least 3 – something pumpkin, something chocolate, and something different. There are a few bakers in the family who like to try new things! Gotta admit the pumpkin walnut cobbler sounds amazing. Practically smell it as I read about it!! Yum!

  277. My favorite cobbler from Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes is the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut Cobbler. This cobbler should be served more often because it is amazing. I would love to have the Autumn Pumpkin & Walnut Cobbler for dessert on Thanksgiving.

    On Thanksgiving, my family has at least 5 different desserts including pumpkin pie, cakes, tarts, cookies, ice cream and more.

  278. The Autumn pumpkin walnut was to die for! The pumpkin was hot and the whipped cream was cool.. At thanksgiving we have at least 2 deserts and I wanna make this one.

  279. We get one of the cobblers to take home & bake every year for Thanksgiving. Sadly – our local Sweet Tomatoes has decided not to offer that service this year.

  280. We stopped into your fine establishment for only the third time in our lives and was finally WOWED by the entire experience and intend to make it more of a habit from now on. !!

    ( The other 2 times were in different cities…and at rush hour eat time… so and we were both under-impressed with the experiences earlier…but decided to give it another try with a coupon that we had received in the mail.)

    The salads offerings were stellar, the breads delightful…BUT..that “Autumn Pumpkin and Walnut Cobbler” was FANTASTIC!!!!! I would come there just for that!…well and maybe have a side salad as well… 🙂 By far the best new taste treat that my taste buds have danced with in many years.

    I hope that you unleash those creative chefs more often…THAT Cobbler was dreamy. We would LOVE to serve that as well as your Georgia Peach one at Thanksgiving.

    May your Thanksgiving day be filled with many blessings and thank-filled reasons to celebrate the day.

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