Remember all those yummy treats mom made for you when you were a kid? Hot tomato soup with gooey grilled cheese. Sweet chocolate chip cookies. Bet you can taste them right now, just thinking about them! Hold that thought!

Your childhood memory could help you to win 10 FREE Meal Passes and a bucket of our Souplantation/ Sweet Tomatoes cookie dough! That’s right FREE eats and our popular cookie dough so you can enjoy decadent Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookies straight from your oven anytime!

Entering is easy! Simply post your answer to our contest question here and you’re in. We’ll randomly select two lucky winners on March 21. So get in touch with your inner child and share your answer to this question..

Grilled cheese and tomato soup make us feel like a kid again! What food combo conjures up great childhood memories for you?

Contest ends 03/20 at midnight.  Two winners will be randomly selected. Winners will be announced March 21, 2011 on our blog. Only one entry per person.

ADDED BONUS FOR TWITTER FOLLOWERS! Follow @Souplantation and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the message below and sending out as your tweet. Tweet between March 17- 20.

Grilled Cheese Focaccia & Creamy Tomato soup makes me feel like a kid again at @souplantation – Free Meal #giveaway.  RT to win!

One random twitter follower will win 6 free meal passes. Winner announced March 21, 2011.

2,227 thoughts on “‘EAT LIKE A KID’”

  1. The food that makes me feel like a kid again is my mom’s chicken enchiladas. She would always make them with smashed beans (not re-fried ones since she never fried them) and Spanish rice. We knew it was a special occasion when she would also make jello cake for dessert. The jello cake especially reminds me of all the summer birthday dinners we would have with the family. 🙂

  2. I remember my mom making the best cinnamon toast with the cinnamon a little crunchy on top. I still have cravings for it at times to this day.

  3. Mom always makes the best brownies, among her sweet treats. But I prefer her lemon brownies. They are my favorites!

  4. Besides the classic Mac’N’Cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches & tomato soup… Heading down to Souplantation makes me feel like a kid again!

  5. Dear Souplantationers,
    my grandma used to make this vegetable soup out of all different kinds of veggies that were growing in her garden.Carrots,beans,cabbage,cauliflower, whatever was ripe and available.It was sooo good!!With it she would serve fresh bread from our hometown bakery, topped with fresh sweet cream butter.Yumm!
    Btw:We love sour sweet tomatoes here in Jacksonville!!Keep up the good work!

  6. Homemade spaghetti and warm French bread. That was home and my mom’s love.

    I’m curious, the buckets of dough sound like a fabulous idea, why only have them for a month? And also, bring back my cherry tomatoes!!!! 🙂

  7. Grilled cheese and tomato soup make us feel like a kid again! Add in alittle marinaria sauce or tomatoe soup with the meal and dipping the sandwhich in the soup makes me feel like I’m 8 again and sitting at grandmas breaskfast table. I love love love the combination!! Great job guys

  8. Being Asian I never had the “American Yummy Meals & Treats” (Thick-creamy soups, Grilled cheese Sandwiches, Cookies) growing up. So my answer will probably be a lot different than others. My favorite “yummy meal or treat” that my mom prepared for me as I was growing up would have to be Kim-Bahp (Korean Roll – rice, egg, hot dog, spinach, carrot rolled in see-weed), It would be something both my Mom and Sister would prepare together and roll while me and my brother would watch and observe (wanting to help, but not aloud to touch any of the condiments) just waiting for them to finish rolling and cut into bite size and place them onto our plates. as you can imagine it was very healthy and a treat we got only when we brought home good report cards/progress reports from school.

  9. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with a side of steamed broccoli makes me nostalgic. My mom used to prepare that for me while I watched TGIF on ABC.

  10. Hi

    When I was a kid growing up in Chicago one of my favorite treats was baked potatoes with cheese, and if I was really lucky, some crumbled bacon. When it was sooo cold that potatoe just changed my whole attititude. It was so warm and made me feel so comfy. Even though I live in California now, this is still one of the items I always have when we go to Soup Plantation. It still reminds me of sitting in my grandma’s kitchen.

    Thanks for the memories!

  11. My mother made the most terrific chicken and dumplings. She used rendered chicken fat in the dumplings so they had a beautiful yellow color and a delicious flavor. They were puffy and light as a cloud and just melted in your mouth. I never learned to make them that way and I’d give anything to taste them again.

  12. Tomato soup and pasta definitely reminds me of my childhood. When I was a kid, I was definitely always such a messy eater. I’d always drop my pasta, and stain my clothes red all the time. So definitely when I eat these foods, I do get a bit nostalgic for the past and my innocent little messy eating habits!

  13. I remember my mom making chicken tetrazini and garlic bread. That dish will always make me think of home.

  14. I remember the delicious chicken fricassee that my Mom used to make, even tho it was over 60 years ago. Who could forget the aroma and scrumptoud taste after coming into the house on a cold winter day!

  15. My favorite food as a child that mt mother made was her potato and ham chowder..It was always the perfect creamy consistency, with that salty hint in it. She added all her own spice mixtures and just made it her own which of course made it better. I use to ask my mom what she out in ito to make it so good and she would just say love. To this day its still my favorite when she makes it,

  16. My mother used to make an extra thick and rich and creamy potato, onion and bacon soup and leave the skins on the spuds. We lived on a farm and grew most everything ourselves including the pigs for the bacon that we smoked and cured ourselves. She also would bake multiple loafs of good old sourdough bread. When it would come out of the oven and within just minutes slice off 2 nice thick peices, smear peanut butter nice and thick on 1 peice and on the other a nice thick slab of sharp chedder cheese, real homemade butter on the outside of both slices of bread and an old well seasoned cast iron skillet on the stove to brown off the sandwich and melt the cheese and the peanut butter together. I still eat that same comb to this day except I use leeks.

  17. Making peanutbutter & jelly ritz crackers to share with my friends wile we would hike through the hills of San Clemente. 🙂

    those were the good old days! LOL 🙂

  18. When I was a little kid my mom would always make tater tot casserole and still does to this day even though I no longer eat meat. She will still make a pan just for me. Oh how I love my mom!

  19. My Mom used to give us a small half a cantaloupe with a scoop of chocolate ice cream in the middle…yum!

  20. Mmmmm, remember I was able to come home from school during lunch in grade school and would love to eat cream of chicken rice soup with warm french bread dipped in it…yum yum

  21. My favorite meal as a child was pork chops and mashed potatoes. My mom would use cream of mushroom soup on top of the pork chops. She would make the potatoes from scratch and they were always lumpy. Yum!

  22. Oh man that’s a tough one…I would have to say the roast that Mom always made in the crock pot, the first night we would have tacos then the next night she would make beef and noodles. Mom’s beef and noodles is the one food that I have to be careful not to gorge on – if given the chance I would eat it until I was sick! I also love at Christmas time when she makes cinnamon suckers – yummo!

  23. Grandma’s Cool whip jello with fruit dessert. Light fresh and sooo delicious. Before my Grandma died, my dad learned to make it and got the recipe. I looked forward to that dish every get together as a kid and now I make it for mine! I watched and learned and got the recipe too.

  24. Perhaps this would be a bit unconventional to most, but my father used to make us crepes and oxtail soup. Those always remind of Saturday mornings and Sunday nights, respectively.

    For favorite childhood snack: Apple-peanut butter-marshmallow smiles were a favorite in my house (except we used Granny Smith apples).

  25. Hands down, the food combo that conjures up great childhood memories for me is my mom’s homemade bean curd and mushroom soup, homemade dumplings, and marinated, baked spare ribs!

  26. my father brought home mcdonald’s for breakfast every saturday. i especially loved the mcdonald’s breakfast happy meals as a little kid!

  27. I find tastes of my childhood at Sweet Tomatoes. Growing up, the aroma of creamy mac ‘n cheese and gooey chocolate chip cookies filled the air in mom’s kitchen. I’d munch away a plate full of the mac ‘n cheese, then another, then half a dozen warm cookies I religiously dunked in milk. That was my childhood. But to this day I’ll never tell mom I prefer Sweet Tomatoes mac ‘n cheese over hers.

  28. I have such very fond memories of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with cheezit crackers and chocolate milk. The flavor combination was so very delightful! My mom made the best PB&J’s, but I made the chocolate milk. The trick is to blow bubbles into it with your straw.

  29. Oddly enough, my favorite childhood memories are from when I was sick! I remember many times when my mother would pick me up from school after getting called from work. She would lay me on the couch, wrap me up in my fabulous Strawberry Shortcake sleeping blanket, and turn on Sesame Street. What made it the best, though, is that she would then make my favorite comfort food, bean with bacon soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. We’d spend the rest of the day snuggled up, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company. Those were the days!

  30. Mom made spaghetti and meat sauce that was more American than Italian, but we loved it. I especially liked the little bits of white stuff and searched for them to chew on. If someone had told me they were bits of garlic, I would have refused to eat them (you know kids.) As an adult they are still my favorite thing in spaghetti sauce and each time, sure, memories of Mom.

  31. Homemade Warm Blue Cheese Dressing made with honey, cream cheese and celery salt over a bed of lettuce was one of my Mom’s specialties that brings back childhood memories.

  32. I use to love dipping my peanut butter and jelly sandwich in chicken noodle soup! It was so good. mmmm

  33. I always have remember my mom serving us our favorite lunch when I was around 5 years old, chicken and stars soup, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I would dip my sandwich in the soup!!

  34. When I was little I lived with my grandma until I was 6 year old, while mom was away studying in another country. My Grandma used to make “Color soups” to make me eat, did I mention I was a extremely picky eater?
    These Color soups were made with a mix of different ingredients. For example, carrots made an Orange soup. She also cooked red, green, yellow. I don’t remember what they were made of, but they were awesome. Today grandma Nacha, which is her name, is 90 years old, and with age also came the forgetting things and not recognizing people. In her mine, I am that little girl that was the picker eater, and the “Color soups.” We are about 1000 miles away, and even if I haven’t visited her for about 5 years. She still remember me even if she can;t recognize her other grandchildren, she remember that memory.

  35. Being the oldest of 4 children my mother thought it important that I learn a few simple meals . This was a good idea cause I love to cook . I learned the basics like tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches , tuna salad , and spaghetti (pasta) . Still some of my favorites all of which I can find at Sweet Tomatoes . Thanks Jean

  36. My favorite food combo when I was little was peanut butter and bologna. I know…not the every day combination; but, when I was growing up I absolutely would not eat one without the other!

  37. My mom would always make Chicken and Dumplings and it was so delicious. I also loved her Shepherd’s pie and homemade macaroni and cheese. I will never forget when we first moved to Arizona from Illinois and she learned how to make Chimichangas. What a great treat! We ended up teaching all of our relatives how to make them so they could bring it back to Illinois and Wisconsin. Now I need to show them how to make a spicy salsa, not the kind from a jar! Thanks for always providing healthy and fresh food for us when we eat out.

  38. My favorite childhood memory- ham and cheese croissants while I sit and watch my mom working in her salon. Nothing can beat the texture of a flakey, buttery, warm croissant filled with gooey cheese and savory ham.

  39. Cinnamon toast and English muffins topped with cheese or peanut butter were the staples of elementary school recess. Mmmmm…recess.

  40. A homemade beef stew simmering on the back of the stove when I came home from grade school on a cold, rainy day. No matter how miserable the weather, after a bowl of Mom’s homemade stew I always felt warm, loved, and home.

  41. My favorite childhood memory is making bread pudding with mom. It was in the days of innocence and we loaded up the white bread with butter pouring eggs and milk and sugar on top of it and then baked it. The smell was heavenly and the taste was better!!

  42. Well, I was raised in Venezuela and the food that reminds me more of my childhood is called “Cachitos”; it is a snack which is very similar to the French croissant filled with chopped ham and or cheese. My sisters and I used to take the public bus to school every morning but not before we stopped by the “Panaderia” (a cafe where they sold them fresh out of the oven) to get “Cachitos” with orange juice. 😉 Yum, Yum, I wish I could be there right now, brought me back good memories and they were delicious!!

  43. My favorite childhood memory involving food would be hot oatmeal with raisins and maple syrup, a slice of warm buttered bread a cup of hot chocolate. That tops them all!

  44. For me the food that brings the best memories is the Rice Krispie Christmas Wreath that we use to have each holiday season. Plus it was funny to watch it shrink as Grandma kept sneaking in each night to steal some and reshaping the wreath.

  45. Mine is meatloaf and mashed potatoes with corn, and my other is chicken noodle soup when I was sick.

  46. My favorite thing that mom made was her sweet tomato spaghetti and meatballs and thick garlic bread with a delicious tossed salad including cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, cellery, and olives.

  47. It may sound a little strange, but I loved the reaction this favorite got from my friends, and I truly loved my mothers Sauted Chicken Livers with onions and mushrooms with a side of spinach. Yum. Too bad my kids do not feel the same way.

  48. Massive sun ripened tomatoes that literally hung off the bread, sliced thickly with mayo on sourdough bread.
    Followed by ice cold ice cream in a bowl with hot chocolate sauce drizzled on top. YUMMM!! Can still taste it.

  49. Memories…Yep…got memories!! My mother made the most delicious homemade yeast rolls ever!! MY brother, 2 sisters, and I, would go out and play and mother would eventually come to the door and holler for us! We knew what she had hot in the kitchen! We would run as fast as we could to be the first one in the kitchen! There waiting was the largest pan of steaming hot rolls you ever saw!! When we 4 had our tummys full, there weren’t many rolls left on that pan!!

    She also made a favorite treat for us at breakfast time! Hot chocolate gravy to go over biscuits!! I have told many of my friends about this treat but I think it is a southern delicacy! You can even find it in our restaurants in Alabama! I have moved to NC and I always serve it for breakfast when we have company just to see their reaction! My hubby had never heard of it so he doesn’t care for it! You should try it at least once!

    Mother had a special pan that she always cooked her chocolate gravy in and luck would have it, that mother gave it to me as a gift!! yea!! Of course, my older sister and brother had always wanted it too but I am the one who has it on a shelf in my kitchen! 🙂

  50. Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese definitely makes me feel like a kid again! And while I may never see it on the menu at Sweet Tomatos…..a fried bologna sandwich on white bread with mustard…….. 🙂

  51. There are so many things to choose from I don’t know where to start, but when i was younger i use to eat peanut butter and Fluff sandwiches almost every day. Mixing peanut butter with anything is a good idea, but with fluff there is no comparison. Brings me right back to being a little kid again! <3

  52. My favorite food memory is barbecue chicken! I remember eating so many chicken legs, no one could believe it. I also always loved ice cream!

  53. My two favorite meals as a child were spaghetti with homemade meat sauce and fried chicken wings with homemade french fries and broccoli. My favorite dessert which was served with the spaghetti on my birthdays was chocolate cake made with Miracle Whip and iced with mocha icing. Of course it was served with chocolate ice cream for this chocoholic.

    My mother was a stay at home Mom through my elementary years. She baked from scratch several times a week and lovingly prepared all our favorite foods. My fondest memories are helping her cook and reading aloud a book I was enjoying to her while she cooked. I was privileged to be able to bike home for lunch from my nearby school. My favorite lunch was those chicken wings she carefully trimmed and cut off the extra skin before flouring and frying for me.They were served with homemade biscuits and honey.We grew many of our vegetables in a back yard garden and freshly picked corn on the cob was a yummy addition to lunch. Freshly squeezed key limes from our own tree made yummy limeade to drink with lunch. Food preparation in our tiny kitchen and family meals together everyday were high spots in our family life and the source of many warm memories of growing up.

  54. I always moaned, groaned, and twisted my panties, however, I secretly loved it… My momma’s meat loaf. A sheer delicacy that my heart yearns for on a regular basis. 🙂

  55. Wow! I have sooooo many childhood memories when it comes to food! One of my fondest memories though is eating cream cheese & cherry sandwiches! It was the only way my Mom could get me to eat! Yum… I should try them again some day! Thanks for asking! Lynn B

  56. My favorite food memory from childhood was whenever it snowed in Portland, Oregon, my mom would bake homemade cinnamon rolls and make us French hot chocolate to go with the rolls. (French hot chocolate was whipped cream and melted chocolate, whipped together and spooned into hot milk!) I can still taste the sticky, ooey-gooey goodness of the cinnamon rolls and the rich creaminess of the hot cocoa, just thinking about it! What a treat, after spending the day out sledding and building snowmen, etc.

  57. I remember my mom’s homemade pies, with real pie crusts! She would roll them out, and I would watch her on the other side of the counter with my chin on top… And she would slip me a little piece of dough to play with. The pies would be to die for, with vanilla ice cream on e side!

  58. When I was a kid my mom would always make me a peanut butter and jelly (cut into squares because that’s the way i loved it) and a big glass of milk. We would watch the price is right and dukes of hazard every day. Very fond memories!

  59. Chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter and (strawberry) jelly sandwiches reminds me of my childhood days every time I eat them :’)

  60. Chicken noodle soup and ice cream sundays make me feel like a kid!
    For a mom and daughters day out – my mom and I would spend the day shopping stopping only for lunch, usually a bowl of soup at one of favorite cafe’s, then off to do more shopping.
    After our last round of shopping we “needed” to stop and get an ice cream sunday to “replenish our energy!” 🙂
    Thats why I enjoy Sweet Tomatoe so much – I can get two of my favorite foods – plus LOTS of other “new” favorites!


  62. My mom used to make my brother and I grilled cheese sandwiches growing up. She also has a yummy homemade potatoe soup that I still talk her into making for me! I now make grilled chesse sandwiches for my son and he loves them as much as I do.

  63. A yummy hot bowl of oatmeal with sugar and butter that mom slow-cooked on the stove….along with a cold glass of milk. MMMMM.

  64. My mother made delicious chicken soup and her version of Hungarian goulash. It was Americanized for my father who liked meat and potatoes. It was not a thick soup but basically had beef meat, potatoes, garlic, water and salt.

  65. Pepperoni sandwiches remind me of my childhood. My daughter may think of yogurt. She loved having yogurt as a “treat” when she was a good girl. She didn’t know it was healthy and not candy.

  66. Warm fried bread dough with butter and jelly………yummmmmmmm.
    Mom would always save some bread dough when she made homemade bread. The memory of her working the dough in her hands and dropping it in hot oil to fry, the wonderful smell as it browned, and then the heavenly taste are still vivid to this day.

  67. When I was a child my favorite was the Tomato soup made with milk and a great grilled cheese sandwich or tuna sandwich. Whenever we visited my Aunt we were treated to this also. MMMMM soup and sandwich.

  68. What food combo conjures up great childhood memories for you?

    I would have to say chicken cacciatore and spaghetti with plenty of fresh parmesan cheese and fresh crunchy salad, Pure comfort!

  69. MY all time greatest childhood memory is the time I spent in the kitchen with my great grandmother. we called her Granny and she was the best cook I have ever met. She taught me how to make biscuits, shuck corn, and snap peas. My all time favorite meal was her vegetable soup made from ingredients she had grown in her garden and fresh from the oven buttermilk biscuits. I think of her every time I eat vegetable soup (even if it’s made with canned veggies).

  70. One of my favorite childhood foods was peanut butter and jelly. I remember eating PB&J off the TV tray in the living room after morning kindergarten. We didn’t often eat in the living room, so that was a special treat. Sometimes we would have vegetable soup with the little letters, but PB&J has always been a favorite, especially with a glass of chocolate milk.

  71. My mom didn’t cook too much, but I always loved it when she’d make a Mexican casserole from a family recipe! Add some pinto beans and a side salad with ranch and it was perfect!

  72. My mom was a “scratch” cook….homemade bread, cookies. soups and stews! So my childhood memories tasted as yummy and sweet tomatoes!

  73. My favorite meal when I was a kid was lasagna. My mother made wonderful lasagna with thick noodles, mild sweet tomato sauce and creamy ricotta cheese. I was also was a big fan of the cartoon character, Garfield, the cat who love lasagna as well! I hope that Sweet Tomatoes sometime serves lasagna. It brings back great memories for me!

  74. My mother use to make home made oatmeal cookies. I can taste them right now. Ummmmm Ummmmm GOOD!!!

  75. My favorite meal when I was a kid was lasagna. My mother made wonderful lasagna with thick noodles, mild sweet tomato sauce and creamy ricotta cheese. I also was a big fan of the cartoon character, Garfield, the cat who loves lasagna as well! I hope that Sweet Tomatoes sometime serves lasagna. It brings back great memories for me!

  76. My favorite food from my childhood would be my grandma’s homemade chocolate chip cookies. Always ooey gooey and yummy! I look forward to them when I eat at Sweet Tomatoes!

  77. When I was young, many years ago, my Mom’s cousin Beabe would bake her special recipe Honey Cake for me. Whenever we were together, at her house or ours, she had freshly baked Honey Cake. Beabe and her husband Itzak were two of my favorite people in the world. They had no children of their own and I always felt that I had a special place in their hearts. They lived on the north side of Chicago, near a branch of the Chicago River. One day when I was visiting Beabe and Itzak, Itzak was pulling weeds in his garden, when he came upon a turtle. This turtle had burrowed in the soil under some bushes. Itzak carefully lifted this turtle without waking it, and brought it to me as a gift. This was exciting, but the turtle was asleep and his head and legs were well tucked inside his closed shell. I did not know how we were going to wake the turtle, but Itzak had an idea. He went to the kitchen to get a slice of freshly baked Honey Cake and he placed it gently next to the turtle. it took a while, but the turtle finally woke up. His head came out of hi s shell followed by his legs. He nudged and sniffed the Honey Cake and slowly walked away.

  78. my moms used to make macaroni and cheese in a big red mixing bowl and we’d eat straight out of that bad boy.

  79. I still like to eat creamy tomato soup with a peanut butter sandwich. I also like to eat the soup with grilled cheese sandwiches. I dip the sandwich into the soup and then eat it! The soup on the sandwich makes it even better.

  80. My favorite meals as a kid were pb&J’s cut into triangles to dip in vegetable soup. My mom’s goulash, that I make now and absolutely LOVE. Roast cooked with baby carrots…and I could go on and on. My favorite dessert is apple crisp 🙂

  81. Grandma used to have windmill cookies all the time, they were kinda like ginger snaps with walnuts in em. those plus milk were a favorite

  82. All kids love cupcakes. My mom would make us a homemade recipe for chocolate cupcakes and cut the top of the cupcake out like a spinning top and fill it with loads of vanilla buttercream frosting then put the top back on. When I would bring this to school with me and eat it at lunchtime in the cafateria, all the kids eyes were on me. They all thought this was the neatest thing they ever saw. It looked like the cupcake was wearing a hat. So one day the teacher asked me if my mom wouldn’t mind making cupcakes for the next party we had in school. Of course my mom who loved to bake said yes. Now the treat was everyone in the class including the teacher had their own delicious cupcake with a hat!!!

  83. As a kid I remember the hearty homemade meals my Mom made using fresh vegetables grown in our backyard garden. My Mom is a southern-style cook, using family recipes to create dishes even us kids loved. She would fry up zucchini after breading it in cornmeal so it was extra crispy. Dad would bring in fresh leaf lettuce and Mom would create a loaded salad doused in homemade bleu cheese dressing and huge chunks of bleu cheese. I remember my Dad loved it so us kids loved it too!
    Tomato sandwiches were a treat using huge beefsteak tomatoes raised in the heat of a Maryland summer. Add a little mayonaise and salt and pepper and it was heavenly!
    Probably my favorite memory is of what Mom called “kilt lettuce” where she would fry and then chop bacon then pour the greasy oil over the huge leaf lettuce and chopped spring onions. I don’t think it was good for us but it sure was good tasting!

  84. My favorite memories of dinner as a child include dad’s made from scratch lasagna, and mom’s Cherry Cheescake.
    Dad’s lasagna was layer upon layer of long noodles, cooked al dente. Sweet tomato sauce, perfectly seasoned beef, and strings of cheese so long you had to twirl your fork.
    Mom’s cherry cheesecake started with a crunchy graham cracker crust. Powdered sugar, cream cheese, and whipped cream were beaten with a hand mixer until fluffy and smooth, then the ckae was topped with glazed cherries. Sometimes, the morning after mom made the cake, I’d find myself sneaking a piece for breakfast before school 🙂

  85. Hi,
    We didn’t eat such a concentration of raw veggies as a kid in our household. I would enjoy having some of your fresh veggies cooked some times. I was thinking one of the pans at your pasta station could offer a nice veggie stir fry or other cooked veggie preparations.

  86. As soon as I read the question the first memory that popped in my mind was peanut butter and grape jelly on white bread sandwiches; wrapped in waxed paper, cold from the cooler, on vacation at Clearwater Beach, FL sitting on the beach blanket and drinking a cold coke. Now these were the best sandwiches because not only were they real cold but had also been squished by the cokes in the cooler causing the grape jelly to seep thru the white bread…… I was probably 7 or 8 at the time. I remember clearly sitting with my family enjoying the salt water breezes and sand….the sound of seagulls and other happy vacationing families. I’m 55 now, both loving parents have since passed away but your one question sure flooded my mind with extremely happy…thanks. Barb New Port Richey, FL

  87. I’m not experienced in the methods of the blog world. Is this where and how we enter our blog submissions for your contest?

  88. My favorite meal combination as a child was a bowl of Chili and Cornbread. Of course I would compliment it with a wedge of onion on-the-side to give it that extra something. I would especially enjoy eating this favorite while sitting on the couch in the living room and watching the Mickey Mouse Club on the black and white television. We didn’t have much selection of television shows to watch back then, but when I think of Jimmie, Annette, Tommy, Doreen, Cubby, the Mouseketeer ears, M-I-C (see you real soon) K-E-Y (why?, because we like you) M-O-U-S-E, accompanied by my Chili and Cornbread . . . all I can say is, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

  89. I grew up with my dad and he always made the best grilled cheese, he cut the corners just right so we wouldnt get any crust on them. Something so simple but in made my day!

  90. I feel like a kid again when I eat Mrshmallow Treasures (gneric brand of Lucky Charms) mixed with Bran Flakes. Cereal was such a breakfast staple in our house, and sometimes we even had it for dinner. Of course my little brother and I loved the sugary artificialy flavored stuff, but my mother always mandated that we mix in a healthy cereal to get some nutrition. Now that I am in college I don’t eat the stuff as muh, but this morning I did — Peanut Bumbers (Captain Crunch) and strawberry Active LIfestyle (Special K). Mmmmm. It is like PB&J (another childhood favorite) in a bowl!
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  91. Hot dogs & mac & cheese! My mom used to make that for us on summer days, usually with watermelon on the side 🙂 YUM!

  92. My favorite meal combination as a child was a bowl of Chili and Cornbread. Of course I would compliment it with a wedge of onion on-the-side to give it that extra something. I would especially enjoy eating this favorite while sitting on the couch in the living room and watching the Mickey Mouse Club on the black and white television. We didn’t have much selection of television shows to watch back then, but when I think of Jimmie, Annette, Tommy, Doreen, Cubby, the Mouseketeer ears, M-I-C (see you real soon) K-E-Y (why?, because we like you) M-O-U-S-E, accompanied by my Chili and Cornbread . . . all I can say is, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

  93. Especially when it was cold, my Mom would cook up her favorite tomato soup recipe and some yummy, gooey, cheesy homemade grilled cheese. The tomato soup was the most delicious kind with the tomato chunks throughout………….and it was made with love! It may sound corny but when I come into Sweet Tomatoes every Monday for lunch, it takes me back to a day when things were much simpler. And, I feel like I’m stepping back in time when I fill my bowl with tomato soup and I grab a delicious slice of the grilled cheese focaccia………..Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  94. My food combo that brings childhood memories back is chicken noddle soup and a ham sandwich. My mom would make us this combo when we would come in from playing hard outside all day. This was my favortie lunch for a long time. Sometimes I still like to make this just for a little treat.

  95. Chicken noodle soup and frozen yogurt (not together!) reminds me of the best times of my childhood. Whenever I was sick as a child, the aroma of chicken noodle soup would make things just a bit nicer. And frozen yogurt… I’ve always loved frozen yogurt, although now I prefer vanilla over chocolate. The child me would probably think that’s crazy.

  96. There is nothing that takes me back faster than a thick, homemade meatloaf…and chicken noodle soup from scratch. The worst day can be appeased in a heartbeat if that combo can be found on the dinner table!

  97. My Mother made so many wonderful meals but one single item that always comes to mind is her homemade southern coconut layer cake, made with fresh coconut which she grated by hand.
    Add a glass of milk and my world was complete. Thank you Mom. I miss you.

  98. My favorite thing that my mom made…

    Coming home from a hot day at Summer Camp to Homemade Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwiches! MMMMMM!!!!! The fresh cookies combined with the vanilla ice cream was the most amazing thing ever!

  99. Grilled Cheese Focaccia & Creamy Tomato soup makes me feel like a kid again at @souplantation – Free Meal #giveaway. RT to win!

    As a kid, I loved my grandmothers Chicken and Dumplings. The dumplings were hand made, and melt in your mouth good!

  100. My favorite childhood food was my mom’s famous homemade potato soup. It was all I wanted when I was sick, needed comforting, or just because! I love that stuff!

    To this day, I can’t make it as good as my mom does, so I’ve had to create my own totally new recipe. My mom’s was a traditional cream-based potato soup. Now, I’ve started making a broth-based potato and kale soup that I love. But, if I’m feeling under-the-weather when my mom comes to visit, I still ask her to make her version! 🙂

  101. My moms famous homemade chicken pot pie brings back my childhood memories and is still one of my faves to this day! Yummm

  102. When my dad would go out of town on a business trip, my mother, brother, and I would have breakfast for dinner. My mom would usually make waffles with maple syrup and bacon. I don’t know why it was such a special treat, but my brother and I would always look forward to this meal. As an adult, my mother told me that she did this because it was a quick and easy meal. Whatever the reason, it made us all happy.

  103. My mother made the best vegetable soup in the world. She used limas, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, and okra from our garden. If she had it, she would add chicken, and rarely beef.

    I have tried to duplicate her soup, but have never gotten it just right. Anytime I see vegetable soup, it brings back wonderful memories of my mother.

  104. My favorite childhood food combination is definitely mac and cheese with hot dogs! The hot dogs have to be cut up perfectly and added to the boiling pasta right at the end. The creamy cheese mixed with the smokiness of the hot dogs is just the perfect combination. I still make it for my fiance and me! He loves it and I know our future kids will love it too!

  105. Loved,loved,loved grilled cheese and tomato soup and then gooey warm chocolate chip cookies especially after ice skating on the pond behind the barn on a COLD Minnesota day. Another favorite treat was breakfast for dinner. Eggs, pancakes, and bacon. Yum!!! I’m hungry now for all of the above. We’ll be having one of these for dinner tonight. Thanks for the memories flooding my mind. I’m going to call my Mom and Dad and thank them for my great childhood.

  106. One of my favorite childhood dishes, and it continues to be a favorite dish as an adult is my grandmother’s ghoulash. At my grandmother’s house I would “fight” with my grandfather for the last of the ghoulash (we even got him a fork that extends for easier stealing ability when we were at the table). At home, this was the dish I choose for my mom to make for numerous birthday dinners and when we would make it I would often help my mom by sticking my hands into the mound of ground beef, pasta and veggies and mixing everything together before it could be covered with creamy mushroom soup and ooey-gooey cheese. And now as a new mom I’ve made this dish for my 10 month daughter to try and she LOVED it too! She couldn’t seem to get enough, and even ate the bell peppers and onions in it! (Of course photos were sent out to family members because Grammy’s Ghoulash is a staple in our family–just the smell of it baking makes me think of my grandmother.)

  107. I like to remember sitting around the breakfast table on Sunday morning with bagels, cream cheese, and pickeled herring…I loved to put the onions from the pickeled herring on my bagel. It seemed to be the only day and meal that we could guarantee that we’d all be together.

  108. My two favorite creamy soups growing up were definitely creamy tomato soup and creamy mushroom soup. Whenever I was feeling sick or under the weather, that’s what my mom would make me. Yum! Just thinking about it brings back warm memories of my mom taking care of me when I was a child and needing a bit of love. Two thumbs up for these classic favorites!!

  109. Growing up on a dairy farm was hard and endless work. But the up-side was delicious food brought through our kitchen door from the bounty right outside of it. On busy mornings mom would treat us with a thick slice of toast slathered with fresh butter and a perfect mixture of cinnamon and sugar. Ice cold milk oozed over the edges of our colored metal ‘glasses’ in a flulrry of tiny bubbles. Weekends offered us a bountiful plate of thick bacon or ham and fresh eggs that we would have to ‘cut’ with our forks! Yolks were deeper in color than we know today. During harvest season, mom would feed the workers mountain high plates of freshly dressed chickens (no kidding) fried to a golden crisp, real mashed potatos whipped to a creamy cloud with ‘plops’ of golden butter melted into deep pools ready to receive the ladles of perfect creamy white gravy stirred to perfection at the last minute. The bright yellow ears of fresh corn on the cob would very often burst at the first bite and baptize a nearby fellow with juice! I was always excited about the fresh green beans, a color of green that didn’t exist in my crayola box, because I picked them, cleaned them and snapped them earlier that morning! Huge slices of succulent, bright red tomatoes edged the dinner plates. Our meals were very colorful. No main meal was served without an end offering of homemade cherry pie, latticed with perfect golden crust that actually had a flavor, and deep cark cherry goo seeping through the cracks!

  110. My favorite memory of mom’s cooking was “potluck” night on fridays. Thats where mom took the leftovers for the whole week and wrapped them in foil and heated them up in the oven. My families meal schedule was always the same, monday was hot dogs and mac n cheese, tuesday was salisbury steak and mashed potato, wednesday was beanie weenies, thursday was tuna casserole (yuck!), and friday we had all the leftovers, unfortunately there was always plenty of casserole, and not much of the other stuff. So my siblings and I fought for the beanie weenies.

  111. My Mom used to make the best rice pudding ever. As kids we would play “restaurant” where we would serve the delicious treat as every item on our “menu.” Order steak? Get rice pudding. Order salad? Get rice pudding. So went our menu. Many happy memories of childhood days with my brothers, sister, and friends.

  112. I have to say that when at my grandmothers house she would make for breakfast Mush…it is really thick cream of wheat put in a mold (she would use a loaf pan) refrigerated overnight then sliced and pan fried til golden brown served with syrup…I can still smell it sometimes and she always served milk and juice (a small glass of each) Even though she passed away 2 years ago that was one of the fondest memories I have.

  113. My favorite kid combo was tomato soup and grilled cheese my grandma would make. She would use Velveeta so it was so ooey gooey good! Me and my cousins would sit at the table and giggle while dunkin’ our grilled cheese in that tomato soup. MMMMMM

  114. My favorite food memory is when my dad had to cook for us. He didn’t know how to make many things, but he was AWESOME at breakfast foods. He would make us crepes with fresh fruit! The man could burn water, but boy did he make scrumptous crepes.

  115. My favorite combo as a kid was our standard holiday / special occasion breakfast/brunch. Usually fruit filled pierogi (cherry or plum) and unsmoked Keilbasa. Can you tell I’m half Polish? There was just something about the garlicy goodness of the sausage and the sweet, slightly tart pierogies that always brings me back to being a kid. Plus it doesn’t hurt that it was our typical Christmas morning meal and we’d have the lefotvers for the next couple days. Its harder to find both where I live now, but we try to carry on the tradition with my son.

  116. Fried bologna sandwiches! I wouldn’t touch them as an adult, but my mom made them for me as a kid and I loved them.

  117. I know this will sound nuts, but one of my favorite childhood food combo memories is boiled potatoes and sauerkraut! My dad used to mash the whole thing up together with mustard right at the table – it not only tasted great, it was a really fun show!!

  118. By cracky bars were my childhood favorite cookie bars. As far as food I would say my grandma chicken and dumplings

  119. Homemade chicken noodle soup and baking powder biscuits-my mom made both and I always loved soup night as a kid.

  120. Believe it or not, I do fondly remember tomato soup and grilled cheese…also, Stouffer’s escalloped apples and Rice-a-Roni…also, my mom made great Lake Superior whitefish. My kids’ favorites were (and still are-they are now grown) spaghetti pie and turkey au gratin

  121. I remember enjoying chicken salad sandwiches and Hula Hoop potato chips for lunch as a child… All while watching black & white episodes of Lost in Space on TV! This is one of my earliest memories. And even to this day, every time I eat a chicken salad sandwich, I’m taken back to those days of green vinyl covered dining room seating and “Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!”

  122. Creamy soups and cobblers! Brings me back to the days when my mother would go outside to her gardens and pick what was in season. Her kitchen was a busy place then. What great smells and tastes!

  123. It’s hard to pick just one favorite. Your soups are a warm, filling memory back to when I was just a kid. I remember coming in from a day of play in the cold Michigan winters. There was a hot, steamy bowl of cream of tomato soup and a crunchy, gooey grilled cheese sandwich waiting for me. Who could feel more loved or taken care of? Thanks for your memory making bisques, chowders, soups, and chilis.

  124. My favorite childhood meal was a simpe grilled ham & cheese, but it had to be on thick, itaillian bread (sliced right from the loaf) – Also, my mom’s homemade chicken soup with rice instead of noodles… Loaded with veggies and chunks of chicken… soooo delicious!

  125. One of my favorite childhood memories concerns a sled, a sister, and a sandwich. I’ll share it with you now, in the hopes of free food. 🙂

    I was nine years old. We had a huge snow, and subsequently a snow day. My sister was five at the time, and we really wanted to go sledding. My mom’s offices were closed, but she had to keep working from home, so we called up our cousin. I think she was fourteen then. She said she would take us, and my mom took a little time away from her work to drive the three of us to Suicide Hill. Oh! Backin’ up now. Let me explain Suicide Hill. It was a twenty-foot hill of pure awesome which included an easy, gentle slope and a super steep rock-filled hill of doooooooooom. (Or at least, that’s what I called it.) There was also a baseball field and a playground. Best of all, it was about six blocks from my house. We took the gentle slope, of course. My cousin and my sister rode together on our long sled, and I rode alone in one of those little bowls. Well, long story short, I ran into a tree, and my cousin busted her chin on my sister’s head. We tearfully called my mom, and she dropped everything and sped over to come get us. Instead of just bringing us home and getting right back to work, she went into the kitchen and made us hot coaco and grilled cheese sandwiches while we sat, huddled in a blanket ball, watching TV.

    That may seem like a day I wouldn’t want to remember, but I will never forget it. My mom was–and is–so nice. I could never repay her.

  126. One of the things that my mom used to make me was chili with extra kidney beans on cold nights. Now everytime i go to Souplantation, I grab a bowl of chili and add in a large scoop of kidney beans. And if you happen to have the black bean chili, it’s another twist on chili and kidney beans.

  127. My family still eats a lot of grilled cheese but growing up my favorite was tuna noodle casserole!

  128. When I was a kid, my father always adored the combination of a scoop of chocolate ice cream and a scoop of orange sherbet. HIs grandmother had always ordered this combo on their trips to ice cream parlors, so he had picked it up as favorite. And the more he ordered it when WE went to ice cream shops, the more I started to like it too. To this day, we always get that delicious mix of creamy sweet chocolate and tart, refreshing orange. I’m trying my best to get my nieces to fall in love with the flavor mix now!

  129. My childhood food memory was with my grandmother. On the weekends, occasionally some friends and I would walk over to visit my grandmother for lunch. She would cut bagels in half, spread butter on them and cover the hole in the bagel with a large slice of tomato. Her tuna salad was always made already with a hard boiled egg and diced sweet gherkins pickles mixed in. She would put a large serving of tuna on top of the tomato slice and then top the tuna with a slice of American cheese. This was topped with a thin swipe of butter. The bagels were put in the toaster oven until the cheese started to bubble and get a little toasted on the edges. The bagel became both soft and crunchy and the combination of butter, tomato, tuna salad and cheese would just melt in your mouth!

  130. “What food combo conjures up great childhood memories for you?”
    Macaroni and cheese (sadly, the boxed kind) with hot dogs (now, as an adult, those would be made of tofu). Total comfort food, total childhood treat.

  131. When asked about my favorite childhood memory of food, I am instantly zapped back to summer time and growing up in Texas. My mom would make honey sandwiches for me and a girlfriend across the street. It was that simple: honey on some white bread-YUM. Because it was so messy, I distinctly recall having to stand out on the porch in the summer heat and lean forward so the honey fell on the ground, all the while my girlfriend and I would just giggle at the mess. I loved those honey sandwiches and think about them often. I’m hoping to pass on the tradition to my Niece.

  132. My favorite memory, of all the meals my Mom cooked, is of her homemade noodles. She would mix together and roll out the dough, sprinkling flour as she worked. Then, cutting it up into tiny slices, she would spread her noodles out all over the table in order to allow them to dry. Meanwhile, she would slow-cook beef OR chicken in a savory broth. Once the noodles were sufficiently dry, Mom would add them to the large pot of meat (which was falling apart in tenderness!). Once the noodles were cooked, this concoction could be added to mashed potatoes or eaten as is, served with green beans or peas (or any other green vegetable. UMMMM! Warm, hearty, and delicious! Everyone in our large extended family loved Mom’s homemade noodles! Thank you for allowing me to share.

  133. Ooooo I have two….first Mac and Cheese on cold days with a glass of milk….always warmed me up on those cold days…..another is Pimento Cheese sandwich…but when I was sick in bed…..for some reason I continue to eat that when I am under the weather and that is usually the only time I eat it and it perks me up thinking of my childhood in that way 🙂

  134. I remember my favorite and fun past time snack similar to your frills cheese, but with a Hispanic twist. summer days when we were little being in the pool coming out so hungry my mom always made is this wonderful fruit cocktail with a lil orange juice in it so with every spoonful you would have a lil slurp at the end. the perfect cool treat. along with our fruit we had lil Hispanic twist finger foods lol. she would get a corn tortilla add A piece of cheese and ham fold it and put it in the pan to cook till the cheese was melted. yes a quesadilla. An hour later back in the pool. Those were such fun peaceful times being a kid. With mom making lunch. Now times continue with me trying to make healthy snacks. But the fruit cocktail still lives on. So do the quesadillas but with wheat tortillas and turkey

  135. Whenever I am sick, I fix a soft boiled egg and dry toast because that’s what Mom always made for me. I also remember her using left over pie dough to make a sugar/cinnamon crisp snack.

  136. One treat my older brother and I were allowed to cook by ourselves was chocolate pudding from a box of mix. We stirred, knowing we would not be able to wait until it chilled before eating it. When it was ready we added marichino cherries–always more cherries than Mama had in mind. Eating the pudding was mining for the cherries. Now I prefer the light, fluffy pudding at Sweet Tomatoes.

  137. It’s funny you mention Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup. Definitely a classic and takes me back. And then, of course, there’s peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and mac & cheese. Your mac & cheese is always so good.

    One food memory that always prompts me to make it is my mother’s Chicken & Spaghetti. She would pre-cook the chicken & then continue cooking it until cooked through in spaghetti sauce. It was unrivaled. I think the secret is she always used dark meat & added sugar to the sauce.

    Chicken & Dumplings was always a favorite at grandma’s house. It didn’t even need to be cold outside. It would always warm my heart. I regret she never passed on the recipe.

    Another favorite that I continue every now and again is Breakfast for dinner. Most of the time we don’t have time in the morning to cook breakfast, so fruit and cereal is how we start our days. It’s nice to be able to sit down, chat, and enjoy the bacon, eggs, home fries, and pancakes or biscuits. Something about breakfast brings about a feeling of family & togetherness.

  138. My sister and I loved it when we’d walk home from grade school for lunch to find that Mom had fixed ham sandwiches for us because it often meant she was making chocolate malts to go with them!

  139. I always loved how my mom made mashed potatoes. She always keeps the skins on and adds carrots…mashes them all together and into my tummy it goes. Yummmmy. I make it that way now. Love it! 🙂

  140. One of the best combos for me growing up was chicken and dumplings. No one, and I mean no one can make dumplings like my Momma! She’s still the best at it. It was always warm, comforting and full of love.

  141. One of my favorite lunches that my mom would make me was cream cheese and grape jelly sandwiches. They were so creamy….yum!!!

  142. Ahh… I remember it like it was yesterday. I would be sitting in our living room on the couch watching whatever Pops had on TV. A whiff of cheesy wonders would fill the air… And at that moment, I knew it was going to be a good night. 3 simple words. Mac n’ cheese. Pops always made them the best. It was extremely cheesy and gooey and rich and savory… And the way he made it was different from everyone else… the Mac n’ cheese was swimming in it’s own magnificent cheese broth. It was the best thing in the world. Pops would also serve it along side a grilled cheese and some tomato soup, or if it was a special occasion, a slab of his famous steak and tots. The only place that has ever come CLOSE to making it the way Pops did is at Sweet Tomatoes of course, with the Mac n’ cheese swimming in that pool of cheese that takes my taste buds on a journey. That is why I come so much, Sweet Tomatoes never fails to make me feel like a kid again, eating my Pop’s Mac n’ Cheese. 🙂

  143. As kids we used to love Tuesday nights. Dad worked a swing shift for the railroad and on Tuesday he wasn’t home for dinner. Mom would fix us all kinds of things that dad wouldn’t approve of. Sometimes we were test subjects for a new meal idea but mostly we got to choose the entree. I remember pancakes and sausages and French Toast were popular entree items. Things like grilled cheese sandwiches and hamburger/hot dogs made their appearance as well, but I really liked the dinner plate sized pancakes. Sometimes I make pancakes for my dinner these days… takes me back a bit.

  144. Grilled cheese were a personal favorite of mine along with yummy cheese pizza!! Ice cream and cookies…yummmmmmmm

  145. The food combo that conjures up great childhood memories for me was when my mom made fried bologna and eggs and rice for lunch!! Sounds wierd, but oh sooo good. My children like it too.

  146. My mom was always so wonderful and made sure that I had plenty of snacks for not only me, but all my neighborhood friends. One favorite that always stands out in my memory is her homemade tortillas that she would cut into fours and put crunchy peanut butter and bananas on. It was a tasty and feeling snack that would give me the energy to play outside all day long.

  147. What food combo conjures up great childhood memories for you? American Chop Suey and salad. We had it all the time when I was a kid. I don’t eat it alot now but when I do it reminds me of my childhood.

  148. Lemon pudding cake is one of my favorites. My mom still makes it every year for my birthday and I’m 32.

  149. My mom’s homemade cream puffs filled with vanilla ice cream and topped with her homemade hot fudge sauce!

  150. My mom would make me a sandwich which I affectionately called my mommy sandwich – cream cheese, plain omelette, tomato slices, sliced green olives, and garlic powder. Yum!

  151. I remember the delish smell of Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese, the wonderful fulfilling feeling I experienced as I ate the delicious food!!

  152. I lived close enough to my elementary school to come home for lunch, which was almost always hot soup and a sandwich. My favorite combo was a really thick green pea soup and a meatloaf sandwich.

  153. The meal I looked forward to growing up was my mom’s yummy fried chicken and mac n cheese piping hot out of the oven. We also had veggies with it, but what kid likes veggies? We never really ate as a family at the table. Everyone just ate when they were ready, but on fried chicken and mac n cheese night, the whole family was reunited at the table waiting for our dinner. Good times 🙂

  154. Food is tied to so many of my memories of the past. I would have to say my favorite food combination that brings the most memories, would be my Grandma’s beans and cornbread. She makes them like none other and I love all the fond memories that go with the tastes and smells.

  155. My best childhood meal was kind of unusual… On our birthdays, we were allowed to pick anything we wanted for dinner. Every year I picked the same dish – potatoes, leeks and cows tongue with caper sauce. Seriously. That was my all time fav.

  156. When I was a kid, some of my favorites were hot dogs with macaroni and cheese, soup and grilled cheese, and pizza bread. Chocolate chip cookies were, of course, my favorite desert but they didn’t last too long as I have 7 brothers and sisters. Mom just couldn’t bake them quick enough. She would occassionally put some in the freezer so I learned to enjoy them frozen as well.

  157. Good ‘ole banana pudding makes me feel like a kid again. With fresh bananas and crisp Nilla Wafers all throughout, definitely brings back sweet memories!

    The food combo that conjures up great childhood memories for me is homemade Beef Chili with Macaroni and fresh-baked homemade White Bread (still warm from the oven)! My Mom worked full time during the week; but early Saturday morning, she would be up making bread for our family of seven to have during the week. (We never had store-bought bread.) For another yummy treat, she would also make Cinnamon Rolls for our Sunday breakfast before we went to church.
    Wow! I still can taste these wonderful homemade treats right now, just by writing about them in this blog! Thank you, Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes for allowing me to bring these memories back to me!

  159. Homemade potato pancakes, breakfast sausage and applesauce or tuna noodle casserole with crushed pottato chip top makes me feeli like a kid again.

  160. One of my favorite childhood memories was when my grandma and grandpa watched sister and I. My grandma was the best at making grilled cheese but on rye bread. I can still taste it and try to do it like she did now but it never turns out the same way. I guess it just needed grandmas touch!

  161. When my mom used to make those pent butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches, man I’d always be looking forward to lunch! Except when my friends would try to steal it.

  162. Chicken and rice with bell pepper, onions, and tomatoes. Also, known as chicken Arroz con Pollo.

  163. My best memories of food when I was a kid was when all my Aunts, Uncles, & Cousins came to our house on Sunday afternoons after church. (Also Grandma & Grandpa and some Great Aunts too) Everyone would bring a dish to share, and there were some great cooks in my family. Us kids would play games in the backyard, and well after dark we would be outside catching fireflys. Then they would bring out the leftovers and we would eat again. Now that I am retired, I have tried to do more cooking like my mother and grandmother did. Times are much busier these days and we don’t get together as often, but when we do the food is great and we are all exchanging recipes.

  164. My mom would make us fresh cookies when we little and they were so good hot from the oven. When I got older I started making the cookies myself. I managed to cut a deal with my sister that if I made the cookies, then she’d clean up the mess. She got wise to it eventually and stopped cleaning up for me, but it was nice while it lasted!

  165. As a kid I LOVED grilled peanut butter and bacon sadnwiches, macaroni and cheese and ketchup, and spaghetti with meatballs.

  166. No homemade soup in our house – but Campbell’s Tomato Soup made with milk and eaten with lots of saltine crackers was delicious! One of my favorite lunches as a kid.

  167. The fondest memory is of my grandmother’s homemade ravioli on special ocassions. It took her three days to make the dough, make the filling and put it together. It was inhaled by the family gathered around the big holiday table in 20 minutes!!! It was so delicious. Nothing I have had anywhere else has ever compared, maybe because it doesn’t have her love stuffed inside.

  168. EAT LIKE A KID….. As sais in another post, we routinely load up a truck load of neighborhood kids and head out to Soup Plantation. The kids sit at their own table and they truly enjoy their own space and time with their friends. We sit close and enjoy the smiles! The best part is watching the making of their ice cream….tells a lot about the individual kids as some come back with the perfectly made swirled cone while others come back with ice cream dripping off the sides with sprinkles and chocolate sauce. We love our nights at Soup Plantation and obviously so do the kiddos!!!! 🙂

  169. Growing up I remember wanting mashed potatoes and corn for every meal. Didn’t care what else went with it just mashed potatoes and corn. Yum I think I might make this for lunch lol!

  170. I remember like it was yesterday (when in fact it was in the 1960’s!) running home from school at lunchtime to my Mom and a bowl of warm Tomato soup and sandwich sitting waiting for me on a tray table in front of the family TV. There was a children’s show on TV every day at noon called “Lunch with Soupy” where a crazy character named “Soupy Sales” would play cartoons, and dance and play with other crazy characters for that special 1/2 hr. while we ate our soup. Running back to school, my day was always better by the warm soup, and “Soupy Sales”! I love how my Sweet Tomatoes always has warm soup…now if they had “Soupy Sales”…..!

  171. My daughter and I just made one of my favorite childhood combos for breakfast. Hot cinnamon toast and a tall glass of cold milk. YUM!

  172. Baked potatoes and clam chowder – now those are fond memories! My mom and dad used to create spectacular meals together, but the ones I remember as most delicious were creamy, clam chowder and piping hot baked potatoes with sour cream and melted cheese. Back then I didn’t have to worry about calories or fat content so I ate with abandon! Now, when I visit Sweet Tomatoes, I look forward to small samplings of my childhood favorites!

  173. sweet potatoe casseole with lots of baked marshmallows and macaroni and cheese!!! weird combo i know… but my childhood favorites (and still are!)

  174. My heart-warming, salavating, childhood memory is of a Norwegian dish called komla. It is a rolled ground potato/oatmeal/flour combination boiled in ham broth and then eaten with lots of butter. My husband refers to it as eating tennis balls. However, he became an adult convert. I think it was the butter that convinced him it is gourmet worthy.

  175. Whenever I eat meatloaf and mashed potatoes I am transported back in time to Sunday dinner when I was a kid. I still can’t get my meatloaf to taste as good as Mom’s did back then. BTW……..she made the best apple pie I have EVER tasted.

  176. I would have to say that my favorite childhood “food memory” is when my mom would make what she called “crafty crescent pizza”. It was so yummy and gooey. I guess it was very involed to make, so I was so excited when she made it.

  177. My favorite childhood memory is waking up on Saturday morning to donuts from Mister Donut and a glass of extra chocolatey milk. We didn’t have much growing up but we never felt deprived. My dad owned a hot dog truck and at the end of his night he would trade hot dogs and what not with willing workers at Mister Donut for his childrens favorite morning breakfast. When we woke up and saw those boxes sitting on the table we just knew it was going to be a great day…..

  178. Although tomato soup and grilled cheese were also favorites, one of my others was homemade waffles with a ham gravy or maple syrup. Yum!

  179. Homemade chicken pot pie was my favorite childhood meal. I loved the smell as it was cooking and really enjoyed eating it!

  180. Yum I remember sitting outside in my backyard and my mom called me to come inside for dinner. I could smell the great grilled cheese sandwich. My favorite lunch was a grilled cheese sandwich when I was 6. This was my brother and sisters favorite!!!!

  181. I remember coming home from school on a cold winter day and eating creamy, hot potato soup. It made me feel warm and so glad to be home.

  182. Childhood memories of grandma’s house, were there was always a fresh pot of soup on the stove a combination of left overs from the week. But it seemed whatever was in it it was always good. With warm homemade bread ! Then there was always home made tapioca pudding for dessert. It always had lumps in it– which I loved! When I go to Sweet Tomatoes the smell of the fresh bread and soups brings me back to my grandmothers kitchen. And when they have tapioca pudding its always an extra treat!

  183. The very best food memory for me was from my grandfather, who did 25 years in the navy as a cook. He would make homemade soup and homemade cornbread.
    He was the one who looked after me when my parents were at work. Every time he would cook that combo up, I would be stuck to our kitchen chair, watching and waiting for the heavenly meal. Now when my wife and I eat at Soup Plantation, that combo is the very first thing I get after my salad. It brings my right back to being a kid again. What a great set of memories.

  184. OK, explaining the rules already answered the question. A bowl on Tomato soup, and gooey grilled cheese sandwich, broken up into the soup acting like crackers. OK, now I’m hungry for that at lunch….mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

  185. When I think of the best dinner meal at the family table, I think of seasoned crispy chicken and smooth and creamy mashed potatoes my mom made! That meal takes me back to my childhood!

  186. I remember my mom use to pack up peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and we’d get in the car and go to the beach all the time. When it was time for lunch, we’d pull our sandwiches out and they were all mushy but we ate them anyway. As a kid, it didn’t bother me. Every once in a while, I’ll make us all a PB&J sandwich, but it has to be on white bread and not toasted, just the way my mom made them.

    I also remember whenever I was sick, my mom made me drink ginger ale. To this day, I cannot drink ginger ale without tasting the vomiting taste. LOL

  187. My Favorite childhoo memory was new year’s eve. Mom would make a light meal for dinner…ususally homemade mushroom soup. Then, she would put out party food and we would snack all night on spreads, appetizers, juices, chips. It was a party every year.

  188. Wow- so many nostalgic food choices. I will go with gingerbread made from scratch, and topped with a secret-recipe egg sauce. But whipped cream works too.

  189. Comfort food from my past were: Pasta Fagioli soup with baked parmasean cheese
    Deep fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwhiches
    Make your own Banana Splits
    Breakfast for Dinner
    Build Your own Burger
    Chicken Pot Pie
    Rigotta Pie
    Svinge-Fried Dough
    Cheeseburger Soup
    Crusty Poundcake With Fresh Fruit
    Baked Candy Bar Surprise with Ice Cream
    Baked French Onion Soup
    Fresh Baked Italian Bread

  190. Growing up on a a farm, mom would make crazy good chili with cornbread baked in a cast-iron frypan…..yum!! My sister still has that frypan, LOL!!

  191. My favorite food combination was always simple: chocolate chip cookies and milk. Makes me feel like I’m about 3 years old again every time I have them!

  192. My favorite food childhood memory is mac and cheese. It was creamy and cheesey, baked in the over with crispy buttery breadcrumbs on top! A variety of additions would keep us guessing. Sometimes tomatoes, bacon bits or ham, broccoli or green peppers–whatever was in the frig could be an added taste and nutritional bonus!

  193. When I was a kid, I loved mushroom soup and crackers. If I felt “under the weather” or just needing a yummy treat, that was my pick. It is still my favorite and the mushroom soup you make is the best with big chunks of mushrooms (not the tiny minced stuff) and a wonderful, creamy base to make it absolutely delish! I love all the warm, homemade breads you have, too, to make it a meal. Well, now I am hungry. Looks like I better stop for lunch today and get some good soup and bread. Yuuuummmmm!

  194. One of my favorites that my mom made for us was her fresh strawberry cake. There were strawberries in both the cake and the frosting. It was so moist and yummy. To top it off, she would bake it in heart shaped pans (especially for Valentines day). Pink, heart shaped, and sweet…..what little girl could resist?

  195. What food combo conjures up great childhood memories for me? Donuts and milk. My grandmother made her own donuts and one of my most fond memories of her is when she would make them. After she rolled out the dough and cut them out using the juice glass with the oranges on it (anyone born in the 60’s will remember that glass), she would line them up on the inside of her arm to carry them to the oil on the stove. I remember it like it was yesterday.

  196. Mac and cheese with hot dogs… there is nothing more childhood to me than that wonderful, warm and gooey combo! Yum!

  197. My favorite will seem rather yucky to most readers. Many decades ago–before salmonella made raw eggs a tabo–my mother would take a raw egg, beat it, mix in crushed graham crackers and top with brown sugar. That was a real treat.

  198. Sweet Tomato’s Chicken Noodle Soup is my favorite! I find this rather odd, as I am not particularly fond of soup. But Sweet Tomato’s has these fantastic thick noodles – kind of mix between matzoh and noodles. Also, the pieces of chicken are huge; not little pieces like I’m used to in other soups. The broth is great; not too salty. Sweet Tomato’s Chicken Noodle Soup – not all like Mother used to make (she used Liptons!).

  199. I like the hot soups and crusty breads that are so yummy. The variety of hot soups warm my palate amd provide such comfort in the hurried world.

  200. For me, spaghetti with meatballs brings back the good old days! Many times my mom’s sister and her family would stop by and after a couple of hours of running around outside with my cousins, playing hide-and-seek all over the neighborhood, we would come in to the house and to find our moms talking over a huge pot of steaming spaghetti and stirring another one full of rich thick tomato sauce full of large spicy meatballs that my mom would always make ahead of time. I liked the ones that were just a little bit too cooked! And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, the garlic bread would come out of the oven and put the final touches on a kitchen filled with family and good food!

  201. One of my favorite childhood meals is rice with milk and sugar. My mom would boil white rice, and when it was prepared, serve it with brown sugar and milk on top. Such a simple combination but it really warms the heart and makes life just a little bit sweeter!

  202. Reminds me of warm lentil vegetable soup and tomato rice that mom made to make us happy on days when it rains prevents you from playing outside.

  203. My grandpa used to grow all kinds of food at his home. When I was visited, he taught me to just eat avocados straight by salting them and scooping out the flesh to eat. He also made hot lemonade for me and I loved to drink that.

  204. My favorite thing my mom made growing up was fried bologna sandwhiches. Doesn’t sound like much, but we had a little tradition. She would let me poke the bologna with a fork and flip it over. I just thought that was the funniest thing. We could laugh as the center of the bologna would rise. Silly I know. 🙂

    I now make them for my kids and let them flip it over as the center rises. They love it! RIP Momma….your special tradition continues.

  205. My favorite memory of a food I had as kid were the “candles” we made at Thanksgiving or Christmas – 1/2 a banana in the middle of a slice of pineapple on a leaf of lettuce with a cherry on top of the banana (mayo was used as the “glue” to keep the cherry on top).

  206. My mom would have ooey gooey grilled cheese sandwiches ready for us when we came home from school. She would cut them into strips so they were easy to dunk in our tomato soup, which she put into a mug which would make it extra fun.

  207. Any kind of sugary cereal – brings back wonderful childhood memories of hours spent watching cartoons on Saturday mornings! They sure don’t make cartoons like they used to…. 😉

  208. Home made chicken noodle soup and warm bread rolls with butter…mmm, grandma always knew how to make me feel loved.

  209. My dad used to make the most delicious split pea soup – on those fall days when it is starting to get cold but you can still play outside in a sweatshirt and then head in to watch the football game with a big bowl of split pea soup and some bread.

  210. My favorite was my moms famous potato salad, made with fresh pickles, celery, eggs, pimentos, and fresh green onions. Yummy….

  211. I was not able to locate a place to enter my Childhood Memories favorite food.

    So, hope this will work.
    My mother did all the baking for our family of 10. She made a Cheesecake Kuchen with our cottage cheese she made, with raisins,– also, a stuffed Pugac (pizza like) that had left over mashed potatoes,prunes, or cooked cabbage with onions and fresh butter . This is a favorite with my grandchildren now.

    Elizabeth Ponzetti

  212. I feel like a kid again when I go to Souplantation and eat the apple crisp with vanilla frozen yogurt on top “before” I eat my salad and soup! Yummmmmmm! Love it!

  213. A brownie topped with vanilla/chocolate swirl frozen yogurt, chocolate syrup and sprinkles makes me feel like a kid again! I make up that combination every time I visit Sweet Tomatoes.

  214. My mom is from England and when she came to America, she couldn’t find the same English sauce that they put on rice, so she substituted with the closest thing she could find, grape jelly! So as kids, we would eat our rice with grape jelly, which looked really cool because it turned purple and tasted like candy! Whenever we tell people we eat jelly on our rice, they look at us kind of strange!

  215. I remember making hot dumplings and homemade chicken noodle soup with my mom. THere was something so magical about mixing together a bit of flour & eggs, then spooning out hot, fluffy dumplings to add to the soup. mmmmm…….I could go for a bowl of it now!

  216. Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese, Ham and Tomato Sandwich. I think I may have to have that for lunch soon.

  217. Campbell’s Cream of Tomato soup, made with milk, not with water. Not grilled cheese though – oyster crackers and lots of them! I would cover all the exposed areas of the soup and replenish as the layer of crackers was consumed. In retrospect, the tomato soup at Sweet Tomatoes tastes much better!

  218. As silly as it sounds, for special mornings my mom would make marshmallow crackers for breakfast (marshmallows on top of saltine crackers and broiled til they brown). Even now when I’m not feeling the best or need a pick-me-up I can make those crackers, enjoy the gooey marshmallows and saltiness of the crackers and feel like a kid again. 🙂

  219. I have great memories of delicious homemade Chicken Soup, thick with tons of noodles, with big chunks of carrots and parsnips. That was always served with fresh, crusty bread thick with butter. Wonderful Lamb Stew made with orange juice, that simmered on the stove for hours. For really special occasions, a rare Roast Beef and gravy with small, new potatoes “roasted/fried” in the oven in fat (not oil) until they were crusty. How about a sweet Pot Roast with tons of potatoes and carrots, that cooked for hours until the beef was falling apart, with lots of crusty, buttered bread to sop up that thick gravy.. Not to mention the leftover pot roast sandwiches that you took to school for lunch for the next couple of days. Ice Cream was the favorite dessert, and still is! Family time was in the kitchen and at the dinner table years ago…

  220. As a kid I remember a wonderful Lentil soup with carrots, onions & celery and warm apple strudl for dessert (my mom was german!).

  221. A steaming mug of Hot Cocoa with a dollop of whipped cream, buttered toast sprinkled with a little bit of brown sugar makes me feel like i’m 10 years old and back in mum’s kitchen!

  222. When we lived in Ohio I remember walking home for lunch during the winter and my mom would have a nice bowl of chicken noodle soup and a hot grilled cheese sandwich for me. I would sit and watch a cartoon while eating and then walk back to school.

  223. My favorite memories come with the tomato soup and any sort of macaroni combo.. When we were younger food with 5 children was slim and always comfort because comfort was affordable.We laughed , argued and just plain had a great time at dinner time all of us and for us we were lucky enough to have a mommy and a daddy……..the best memory of all this is the family together eating and enjoying each other. What a great time it was….Ok going to tweet and post on the blog lucky everyone

  224. Tuna salad sandwich, cut into 4 triangles, with the crust cut off, toasted, with macaroni salad, potato chips and lemonade all served by the pool on a warm summers day! (vegetarian now so no tuna, but it was a good childhood meal!)

  225. My favorite childhood memory is mom baking toll house chocolate chip cookies! The whole house would smell like heaven for hours 🙂

  226. Spaghetti and meatballs. My mother would make it every couple of weeks and my brother and I looked forward to having it all the time.

  227. My mom made a macaroni and meat casserole made with tomatoe soup. It’s the only thing I ever wanted to eat! Yummy!

  228. The smell of fresh bread just out of the oven brings back one of my favorite childhood memories of coming home from school once a week to find my mom in the middle of bread baking day! Add some homemade strawberry jam to that steaming bread and heaven was on earth! That combination still warms my heart!

  229. Food combo from childhood, hmm, Eggnoodles and Cottage cheese. My dad ate it growing up and then so did I :). Its pretty good for you and it teast good to!

  230. My grandmothers Quiche recipe reminds me of every cold winter morning that she made it when we lived in Ohio. It’s like I’m really tasting the snow on the ground and looking at my breath in the air.

  231. love your place, need a little more sitting and help maybe. i go for the salad bar, love it .
    need a little more selection for me main hot food, don’t need meat, but the kids could use maybe hot dogs sliced with mac and cheese. Sounds good for me also.
    thank you

  232. It is amazing how much we all have in common regarding childhood memories of comfort food and what memories are conjured up by our favorite foods as children. I would have to also say that Campbell’s Tomato Soup was one of those comfort foods. Another one is Lipton’s Chicken Noodle Soup made from the boxed soup mix. Comfort food made by my grandmother sparks more memories than the commercial foods. Her cabbage borscht and her matzo ball soup and her cooked cabbage with beef short ribs are always conjuring those sweet days of childhood.
    However, over all, I guess it would be the hot tomato soup that made my innards feel great if I was sick or needed some comforting.

  233. My favorite meal growing up was my Mom’s juicy pot roast with sweet pickle juice added to give it an awesome flavor. She served it with her homemade potato salad. Delicious!!

  234. I used to love Hot Tomato Soup withe Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. My Mom also used to make the BEST peanut butter chocolate chip cookies for my step-father, but I used to sneak them off of the kitchen counter while they were still warm!

  235. My mom was the queen of cassaroles when I was growing up. This meant we have many good memories of comfort food. The one dish our friends would ask her to make when they came over (and that we would ask for our birthday dinners) was Tuna Fish Cassarole. The trick was Velveeta cheese and cream of mushroom soup. It was like catnip for all of us under 12!

  236. The food combo that i most remember from childhood is hamburgers, crinkle cut fries, and apple sauce. That was almost a weekly event in our house.

  237. My favorite meal was grilled cheese sandwiches with tomatoes, potatoes chips on the side, and a bowl of tomato soup. Even as an adult, it continues to be one of my favorites.

  238. Hi.
    We lived in Massachussettes when I was a child growing up.
    I remember getting off the school bus on those cold days and running up the driveway with my sister to where my Mother had grilled cheese nothing fancy just white bread and cheese grilled to perfection and tomato soup. It was so good.
    Other days we would come home with friends and she would have spaghetti ready and waiting for us, with homemade whoopie pies.
    Wow to be a kid again! Those were the days!!!!

  239. Grilled cheese and baked potatoe soup reminds me of my dear Aunt Louise. I would go to her house in the country ever summer as a child and have the soup n sandwich on a Sunday evening. She is the only one in my family that can make this soup so deliciously..gotta love it!

  240. I loved pouring a bowlful of animal crackers, adding milk, and a spoon… perfect and way more fun than cereal!

  241. One of my favorite foods as a kid was beef stroganoff. My mom makes it with a rich sour cream sauce and wide egg noodles. We didn’t have it very often, but she’d make it on my birthday.

    I’m hungry now!

  242. I love chicken noodle soup specially when I am sick. It is the best thing my Mom would make for me.

  243. My mother was a tremendous cook and baker. She canned fruit and kept a garden (largely by necessity). When summer came and she was canning peaches my favorite memory of her food was this simple combination she’d serve for dessert. She would slice fresh peaches, sprinkle them with sugar and put them in the fridge. Then, she’d bake chocolate chip cookies and as she took the cookies out of the oven we’d have cool, sweet peaches with the warm gooey cookies! The taste and texture; the warm and cool – it was wonderful!

  244. I got an e-mail about blogging or twittering you regarding winning 10 free meals in a contest. Some of us don’t blog or twitter. PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO ENTER VIA E-MAIL OR PHONE – THE OLD FASHIONED WAY. My favorite childhood food was peanut butter on graham crackers, and a glass of cold milk. THANKS.

  245. The food that most reminds me of my childhood (and makes me feel like a kid again when I have it) is some good ol’ mac & cheese! 🙂

  246. Kelloggs Corn Flakes and Nutella Sandwiches remind me of my childhood. Thanks for the giveaway. We love Sweet Tomatoes. I hope I win.

  247. At the end of the day, nothing beats a bowl of creamy, cheesy Macaroni and Cheese. I love Souplantation’s version–the macaroni is the perfect size for shoveling! 🙂

  248. Meat loaf and mashed potatoes….oh my! Mom could even get us to eat the peas as long as you could hide them in your mashed taters…..

  249. My favorite food combo growing up was Chicken-Fried Steak and Mashed Potatoes. No wonder I was a chubby kid!!

  250. When I was younger I remember waking up to the delicious smell of homemade flour tortillas and scrambled eggs with ham. My mom was born and raised in Mexico and had to make breakfast each morning from the age of 8 for about 13 people in her home, so anytime she cooks, she makes a huge amount. Every time I’d get closer to the kitchen table that mound of flour tortillas seemed to get bigger and bigger! I loved making breakfast tacos with those delicious flour tortillas, or sometimes just even eating them by themselves. Now that I’m all grown up and moved out of the house my mom will still invite me over for breakfast, and even though I can make the flour tortillas myself, they never taste as good as when my mom makes them for me 🙂

  251. Yum, I remember delicious Baked Chicken and Mashed Potatoes, one of my moms specialties! But I was always the sandwich maker in the house- my little brother says I made the best PB&J because I spread the Peanut Butter right out to the edges of the bread!

  252. Thick beef stew with carrots, potatoes and onions served with piping hot home made biscuits! Ummmmm……. 🙂

  253. My mom would always make chicken soup from scratch when it would get cold and it was delicious!

  254. My Mom used to make meat loaf and “frost” it with mashed potatoes, so it looked like cake when she sliced it. She still makes it for her granddaughter, who loves it as much as my brother and I did when we were kids.

  255. What food combo conjures up great childhood memories for you?

    Answer: A bowl of yummy chili makes me think of my childhood (along with some oyster crackers)!

  256. My all time favorite would have to be macaroni and cheese with crushed potato chips on the top. Not the boxed kind. That’s OK but I’m talking about the real deal. Lots and lots of cheese. The edges of the pan and the potato chips get browned and crunchy. Yum yum.

  257. There are so many memories of good food from my Mom. Grilled cheese – she made the best – the cheese oozed out of all sides. I haven’t had a grilled cheese sandwich since she passed 8 years ago b/c I can’t make it like she did. My Mom also made awesome peach cobbler. She’d make that for me for my birthday instead of cake b/c she knew I loved it so much. She also made these wonderful 3-layer chocolate cakes. They were so good and so decadent. Everything she made was always so good b/c she put so much love into everything she fixed.

  258. We only lived 1 block from my elementary school, so on every rainy day I would walk home from school at lunch time and my mom would make the best cream of potatoe soup with grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. It was the best childhood memory, so when I had my own family, I would make this for dinner on rainy days.

  259. My Mom would make pudding on the stove and then pour it into those old fashioned, glass sundae cups. She would make the dessert with one layer of pudding and then one layer of cool whip. She would put it in the refrigerator to cool and we would have to see it all day knowing that we would have to wait until after dinner to get it. We would eat dinner so fast so we could run to get our special dessert out of the refrigerator. Eatting out of those glasses and Mom making a special one for each of us was a very special treat after dinner when we were kids. I think we felt like special royalty eatting out of those special glasses. Dessert never tasted so good when we were kids.

  260. My Mom used to make Creamy bacon and Potato soup with grilled ham and cheese sandwiches on cold winter days. It was my favorite! I use to make it for my daughters, and they loved it! So, when we have a cold day, I’ll make it and it brings back all kinds of memories from my childhood to my children’s childhood.

  261. My favorites as a kid were:
    grilled cheese with tomato soup
    fried zucchini
    triple fudge brownies
    peppermint hot chocolate

  262. Sunday morning breakfasts were Dad’s specialty. My favorite was “Dried Beef, Grits and Gravy” His secret ingredient in his white gravy was Worcestershire sauce. Yummy for the Tummy!

  263. With two adults and 6 children to feed, my mother had to make money stretch. On soup and salad night if you wanted seconds, you had to eat the first serving fast and furious to ensure you were first for seconds. At Sweet Tomates, seconds and thirds are always available, so you can eat at your own pace and savor the taste.

  264. Growing up in Virginia my family had a large garden in the backyard. Tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, cabbage, corn, etc…. were all grown. Throughout the summer my mother would can the extra vegetables that were not consumed at dinner. So, not only were summer dinners fresh, organic, and delicious but winter ones were as well. One of my favorite dinners that mom would make would be fried summer squash & stewed tomato casserole. I loved Sunday’s when my brother and I would come in from an afternoon of playing to the smells of Sunday dinner being prepared. Still to this day whenever I smell cooked tomatoes I’m taken back to the mountains of Virginia and I’m 8 years old again.

  265. You could say that Mom wasn’t the world’s greatest cook, so eating out at a restaurant was a real treat for us kids. Only in those days, we didn’t have much choice in what we could have. Nowadays, with Sweet Tomatoes’ abundant offerings, EVERY kid out for dinner has a big variety of healthy and appealing foods. It’s great for the kids and it’s great for the parents!

  266. Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup and freshly made Bisquits were always a hit at our home.

  267. When I was a kid I loved peanut butter and mayo sandwiches with cooked spinach. sounds very gross but I love it at the time.

  268. Wow, I’m the first commenter in this contest? That’s amazing. ^_^ I love Sweet Tomatoes!

    I remember for a long time, for almost every birthday, my family would have a big, treat-filled breakfast of fruit salad (didn’t matter what fruit was in it, though I love strawberries, mango, and grapes the best), pancakes, croissants, and my mom’s special strawberry ice-cream (she makes it with no dairy and no sugar. Just put frozen bananas and frozen strawberries in a food processor, throw in nuts if you’re not allergic, and you’ve got my mom’s ice-cream!)

    The perfect way to start off such a special day. ^_^

  269. For every single birthday my mom baked me a homemade angel’s food cake and frosted it with whipped icing made from fresh strawberries. Just thinking about it makes me smile!

  270. I am not exactly sure how to enter. Is it by posting through a comment? My favorite childhood dish was cheesy scalloped potatoes with ham. My mom is still alive and well at 97. Perhaps she will share her recipe with you.

  271. My sweetest childhood memory is waking up to my grandma gleefully cooking Saturday morning breakfast. The soft sizzle of the toasty pancakes got me dancing my way out of bed. I filled my lungs with the mesmerizing aroma of the fresh-made strawberry jam. My grandmother is a doll, and she always put just the right amount of heart-warming cinnamon in every pancake. Lastly, after we held hands and gave thanks for being able to accompany one another in this scrumptious breakfast, my grandmother whipped out the whip cream. Soon our plates looked like a snow-capped mountain. As filling as the breakfast pancakes were, nothing is as fulfilling as seeing my grandma smile, doing what she does best, cooking with love.

  272. Chicken noodle soup and jello were always foods my Mom made me when I was sick and they always make me feel so good!

  273. Taco Night! That is one of my favorite memories. Every Friday night I would help my mom get the fixings ready in the kitchen. She’d cook the hamburger meat and refried beans and cut the tomatoes and I’d grate the cheese and tear the lettuce. Then we’d set everything on the table and the feast would begin. My dad and I loved to compete to see who could eat the most tacos. And yes, though I was only 6 or 7, sometimes I’d win! Did Dad eat more after the leftovers were put in Tupperware containers and stored away in the fridge? I wonder about that sometimes.

  274. The food combo that conjures up childhood memories for me is ribs and corn on the cob. What’s more fun than eating your whole meal with your hands. Ribs were always a special occasion dish because it took my mom hours to prepare. While corn on the cob is just plain fun and delicious.

  275. When I was a kid, the three things I loved were Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup; grilled cheese sandwiches and salad with lots of mayonnaise. As a 25 plus year vegetarian, the soup and grilled cheese are out of the picture as is mayo yet, my childish tastes have expanded to enjoy a cornucopia of other fun foods and we LOVE the choices of our Souplantation ~ my husband being a carnivore. We both get to eat!


  276. My favorite comfort food meal was and still is country fries with onions with a steaing bowl of 15-bean soup and cornbread.

  277. My favorite meat when I was a kid was spaghetti! My mom would make a salad with homemade vinaigrette, spaghetti with meat sauce and the best treat: garlic bread!

  278. My mother made the most delicious potato soup. We always got it when we were ill. In fact, getting sick was not at all bad at our house, because we knew we would get Mother’s potato soup. It was our “potato soup for the body & soul.” How I miss it now!

  279. When I was young, my mother did not offer a lot of variety at dinner, but she did not some very good dishes. Although they weren’t necessarily meant to go together, there was nothing better than when my mother made goulash (macaroni, tomatoes, and ground beef) along with her German chocolate cake topped with a thick fudge icing. It just couldn’t have been any better.

  280. Food has always been a centerpiece of good memories for me growing up, but i think breakfast still stands out as one of my favorites and this memory in particular.
    I must have been 7 or 8 and I remember my mom bringing home a couple of young sailors late one night (morning?) when we lived in San Diego and she made them breakfast. I awoke to the smell of bacon, eggs, and potatoes cooking on the stove. I joined them and we chatted about their ship (the USS Kitty Hawk I believe) and feasted on what has become even to this day my favorite meal. We then piled into the car and took them back to the Naval base driving over the Cornado Bay Bridge as the sun was coming up and seeing those large ships anchored all around. It was a great morning for a young man like myself!
    Anytime, anywhere will i eat that sort of breakfast and I never fail to recall that meemory as well as many others surrounding breakfast, and food in general.
    Now even my 11 year old, Zak loves that breakfast meal with me!
    Heres to good food memories!!!

  281. When I think back to my childhood, the fondest memory I have is that of my mom making chili. It usually followed a cold winter day, when we couldn’t really go outside. I’d help Mom in the kitchen, throwing spices into that big pot, and stirring as well as I could (considering I was a head shorter than the top of the pot). Now whenever I make chili, those memories stir up for me. I hope to pass along the same feeling to my son. Family, friends, and good ingredients can go much further than any superficial gift.

  282. Mmmm…what memories this contest brings back! I remember not being fond of veggies as a kid, but my dad found creative ways to get me to eat them. One of the best was letting me eat my peas with a butter knife. The concentration it took to coax those emerald green spheres onto my knife made me forget I was eating something good for me!

    It wasn’t until we planted a garden together, that I started enjoying veggies. Pulling a bright orange carrot straight from the earth, washing it off under the hose, and enjoying it’s sweet crunchy goodness was one of the most memorable things of those few summers.

    Another memory I have is my dad having hot chocolate with marshmallows ready for me when I got off the bus when it was raining. He would meet me at the bus stop and we would walk home together and he would have hot chocolate ready for me. Yummy!

  283. A favorite combo of mine is Corn chowder and cornbread. LOVE IT!!!! Also spaghetti and meatballs and then a chocolate chip cookie with ice cream! You’ve got it all at Souplantation so our family loves to go there.

  284. Macaroni and Cheese and soft serve ice cream… childhood favorites I can still enjoy at Souplantation.

  285. On the weekends my father would always make delicious breakfast from scratch. I would wake up smelling homemade pancakes with pure maple syrup, or my other favorite: homemade biscuits with warm butter and fruit spread. The whole home would smell delicious, especially if he cooked bacon to go with it! 🙂 My nose was an alarm clock on the weekends, always waking me up in time for those delicious meals!

  286. Mine would have to be breakfast for dinner. Scrambled eggs, sausage, applesauce and OJ. Although another would be tacos. My poor mother trying to get tacos on the table for 8 people. Of course with 8 people she had to be pretty thrifty which meant frying your own taco shells. She never ate with us on taco or waffle night.

  287. My grandma would make a tea party for me when I was little. She made cute little tea sandwiches and nice hot flavored tea. We would get all dressed up in a fancy dresses. She always used the nice china. She’d cut the finger sandwiches in triangles. They were simple sandwiches like chicken salad, ham/cheese and turkey/cheese… They were great when paired up with the hot tea. She’d have an assortment of flavored teas that we’d choose from. I always chose the sweet, berry or fruity flavored ones. It was a great childhood memory. I’d love to keep that tradition going when I have grandchildren one day.

  288. I feel like a child again when I bite into a creamy peanut butter and jelly sandwich accompanied by a tall glass of cold milk. I have fond memories of my mother making me these sandwiches with layers of peanut butter on each slice a bread. She’d allow me to squeeze jelly atop each slice before I finally closed the slices together and indulged in the consumption of my yummy treat. The cold milk was what I used to wash it all down and top off my stomach. It was the best thing then and still is!!!

  289. Mine is sort of strange. The greatest meal memory of food is getting the chance to eat torn up bread and milk in our “silver” cups. Let me explain….As a kid we were extremely poor. When there wasn’t any other food our “silver” cups with glass bottoms would be put on the table on small dishes along with our silverware. There was also a pitcher of milk, a basket of bread and the salt and pepper. My dad would come to the table and as he was tearing his bread up into small pieces he would say “Oh look we get to have bread and milk tonight for dinner” aren’t we lucky? No one ever questioned him that we were indeeed the luckiest people in the neighborhood.

  290. I grew up loving my mother’s homemade foods. Chili and tamales were my particular favorite. I remember eating almost the whole pot of chili. Of course there was homemade mac and cheese with real shredded cheddar, monteray, and mozzarella cheese. On occasion we had mini pizza bites, the size of mini wheat cereal; breaded pizza sauce and cheese. Sometimes they would be made with mini bagels or triscuts. The dessert I drooled over was the mini cheesecakes; Vanilla wafers were placed in a muffin pan for the crust, filled over with cheesecake batter, then topped of with a dollop of jam or jelly, and baked. Oh how this makes me want to travel back in time. And the funnest part was helping my mom make it all; I treasure our family times!

  291. When I was growing up we made a special family cookie every Christmas… I remember that is when my mom and dad both worked together to bake these cookies. My sister and I were the “helpers” and we got to fill each one and as soon as they came out of the oven we had to be the taste testers! These little cookies were the highlight of my holidays and a gift that everyone in the family would honestly fight over. I am glad my mom and dad have passed this tradition down to my sister and I. We come together during the holidays to make the Koliche cookie and well we have even made them in the summer just so we have a secret batch hidden :D…

  292. My favorite as a kid? PB&J sandwiches hands down! I had a habit of eating right down the middle of my sandwiches so that I would end up with “two halves” of sandwich. Of course, I would always end up with PB&J spread from ear to ear. My poor mom (being the brilliant woman that she is) tried to avoid this mess by cutting my sandwich in half right from the start. I liked that a lot! Did it help? Nope. I just ate down the middle of the halves so that I ended up with “four halves” instead of two!

  293. One of my favorite childhood food combinations is hot, fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies with a glass of cold milk. We grew up very poor, but when we could afford the ingredients, Mom would have us invite our friends over for a cookie baking party. We would mix and munch and laugh and talk, hanging over the dining room table. We couldn’t wait for the cookies to be done, burning our fingers and tongues on the still too-hot chocolate and cooling them with the ice-cold milk. Food and friendship: the best combination in the world!

  294. There are many foods that remind me of childhood, but by far my favorite is opening my lunch sack and finding a great peanut butter and grape jelly sandwhich to eat, with the side of milk. I may grow up- but that will always remain one of my favorite sandwhiches!

  295. Favorite meal growing up with grilled cheese sandwiches cut in squares with vegetable beef soup. On the side I had to have my ketchup for the sandwiches. I would have this everyday for lunch growing up……How I miss those days.

  296. My mother always made our everyday meals and snacks–nothing fancy, but good, healthy, and filling. I was a picky eater, so I didn’t always appreciate it. My father frequently made Sunday breakfasts or barbequed dinner. He tried making pickles in a large crock. I think he was the only one that ended up eating them. I remember licking the spoons and scraping the bowl when my mom baked. She made our bag lunches and we had the same thing everyday–a tuna sandwich on toasted bread and cookies. We bought milk at school. Life was simpler then–not as many choices.

  297. It’s difficult to pick a combination, but I think I’ll go with snails and eggs.
    …Hear me out.
    My family used to live in Korea when my dad was in the Army. I was between the ages of 5 and 7 during our tour there. My mom is Korean, and she used to take us to big bustling markets and to the beach every now and then – if we weren’t visiting relatives. A couple of “treats” we would get from food stands at the beach, and sometimes the markets, included small steamed sea snails and turtle eggs boiled in some sort of sauce. They remind me of the warm times in Korea, times spent with my mom, and how awesome it is to eat what others would consider “weird food.” LoL.

  298. Your wonderful chicken noodle soup reminds me of when I was little and needed some extra comfort when I was sick or just sad, my mom always had the cure with some delicious homemade chicken noodle soup and homemade bread–there’s nothing that makes you feel better inside and out than a bowl of mom’s homemade chicken noodle soup–great memories 😀

  299. I am from the South, and I have fond memories of my mom making cheesy Shrimp and Grits for breakfast. Its a southern tradition for breakfast, and is basically what it says. You have grits, shrimp, and some cheese melted in, and some crumbled up bacon. And its sooo good!!! That would be a great dish for Souplantation to try out sometime, I guarantee it would be a hit!

  300. I wish I could remember the recipe; but growing up, my momma made a yummy avacado and banana fruit salad. My Mom is 80 years old and now and can not remember how she made it. The week before we lost my Brother, he actually asked if I remembered that avacado fruit salad. So I know it was a favorite memory of my brother too.

  301. EAT LIKE A KID blog contest: My favorite memory as a kid would be at Elementary School. I loved the warm chocolate chip cookies. I loved them so much, that I volunteered to help in the kitchen, so that I could get extras!

  302. My favorite childhood combination was what we affectionately referred to as “Gravy Train”, after the popular dog food. My mom topped creamy, steaming hot mashed potatoes with a big ladle full of rich brown gravy mixed with ground beef. She always served it with corn, and I always took my corn and mixed it in with the potatoes and gravy. I loved the taste and the texture of the occasional corn kernels in the “Gravy Train”. I still make “Gravy Train”, and I still mix my corn in with it today! March is one of my favorite months at Souplantation. I’ve already had my fix of creamy tomato soup and toasted cheese foccacia. They are wonderful! Yum!! I CAN’T WAIT for next month, as lemon month is my absolute favorite at Souplantation! The chicken lemon soup is to die for….

  303. I know it’s not very exciting but everytime I see fish sticks in the grocery store I am reminded of my favorite meal that Mom used to serve when I was young. Fish sticks and home made macaroni and cheese. This meal was a big favorite of myself and my four brothers. Mom made her macaroni and cheese from scratch and it was to die for. She would bake it a top it off with toasted bread crumbs on the top. Yum

    Mom is no longer with us but I remember all the great food that she made for myself and my four brothers. She was a great cook.

  304. I remember a frequently enjoyed meal that both my Mom and my Dad had a hand in. Dad would make a big pot of chili, and Mom would make it even better with fritos, cheese and sour cream for frito pie. It gave Dad a chance to cook his specialty, mom got a little break, and we all had some tasty comfort food.

  305. When I would be at my dad’s house, my step-mother would make hot dogs, baked beans, and fried potatoes. My dad lived so close to his work that he would come home for lunch daily (at least while I was there). When she started frying the potatoes, I knew that not only would I soon be having one of my favorite lunches, but that my dad would soon be home.

  306. I always loved chili dogs – a hotdog on a bun with lots of chili with beans, shredded cheese, and finely chopped onion. You have to eat it with fritos – reminding me of another childhood favorite – frito pie!

  307. My mothers Rhubarb Crunch was my favorite. My mom made it with rhubarb fresh from our garden. Yum!!

  308. When I was a child my parents insisted on having a large salad with many ingredients with most dinners. I grew to explore new ways and ingredients to make our salad something out of the ordinary. That is why I appreciate all the different things you can do to a salad at Souplantation.

  309. This is MY time @Souplantation!!! As a child, oh how I enjoyed tomato soup and cheesy grilled cheese sandwiches! So excited to share this with my daughter at ‘her’ favorite place… Souplantation!!!! Thank you 🙂

  310. My Mom made so many yummy dishes! But my FAVORITE one is her Taco Salad and I know that may sound like the plain old taco salad with the big tortilla bowl….but it isn’t! First there is no tortilla bowl at all. It’s just yummy salad with beef thosand island dressing, avacados and you have to have some totilla chips with it! I am 35 and still have her make this for me. I’ve made it but it’s NEVER the same as Mom makes. 🙂 I think that’s why I LOVE salad and Sweet Tomatoes so much…it all came from my Mom and I LOVE her and all of those childhood memories, can’t wait to pass them on to my daughter. 🙂

  311. There are so many foods that conjure up great childhood memories for me like grilled cheese with tomato soup or banana splits, but I think the food that conjures up the best childhood memories for me is chilli and crackers as my mom made the best chilli and everyone always wanted to come over for it.

  312. my mom always used to make sugar cookie dough and me and my brother and sisters always got to use the cookie cutters to make lots of fun shapes! although half of the cookies never made it into the oven because we all loved to snack on the dough while making them! 🙂

  313. My favorite has always been and will always be mac and cheese. 🙂 I could have eaten pounds of the stuff as a kid.

  314. As a youngster growing up in western PA, I always remember the cold, snowy days when we would trudge home from school and sit down to our favorite hot lunch – cream of tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwich with LOTS of cheddar cheese, tall glasses of milk and a plate full of fresh-baked peanut butter cookies with the criss/crosses that you make with a dinner fork. My Mom knew what we all loved most and that lunch kept us going the rest of the day as we trudged back to school through all the snow. That’s what I picture in my mind whenever I see a grilled cheese sandwich or a bowl of cream of tomato soup. Good memories!

  315. What I wouldn’t do for my Nana’s homemade Matzo Ball Soup and fresh hand-rolled Blintz!! Oh, those were the days!!

  316. My favorite food combination that reminds me of childhood is crackers with cheese and pickles. It was the after school snack I looked forward to having. Stoned wheat thins, cheddar cheese, dill pickles….. amazing! The other combination was to have crackers with peanut butter and pickles, which is just as tasty!

  317. My favorite childhood food memory was Sunday dinners when Mom made roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy. We were privileged to have the meal of our choice on our Birthdays and I would always ask for the beef dinner – you know “the stringy kind”. Little did I know that “stringy” chuck roast was a favorite of hers as well, because it fed our family of 6 inexpensively and stretched to two meals!

  318. The fondest memory I have of food is good with my Grandmother and Great-Grandma. When I was 10, I was making cookies with my Grandmother and she told me to separate the eggs. I had no idea what that meant so I “separated” the eggs by putting one on one table and one on the other. My grandma really got a kick out of it.

    My great-grandmother was always cooking when I came over to her house and she always asked for my help. This really made me want to cook. I remember making fudge, chocolate chip cookies, and Anna Lee’s apple bread. My great-grandmother never got upset or judged if I measured things incorrectly or ate half of the cookie dough before it got on the pan.

    Even though my great-grandmother and grandmother have passed away, I am let with these memories for the rest of my life. I hope that I can leave an impact on my family as they have left on me.

  319. My favorite childhood meal was steak with mashed potatoes. And I like my mashed potatoes lumpy with a pool of butter melting in the middle.

  320. I loved eating bean soup, when I was little. With a little bit of onion, tomato, cheese and sometimes sour cream, it was extremely delicious and filling. Which was good when it’s a house full of about 4 grandchildren. My mom would make grilled ham and jack cheese sandwiches and a bowl of macaroni and cheese. Those are the two most favorite dishes ever growing up 🙂

  321. I am 27 years old, and to this day, my favorite food combo that conjures up great childhood memories for me is my mom’s after school snack that she made for me and my brother. It was mini pizzas made from store-bought french rolls, part-skim mozzarella cheese, and Prego pasta sauce, that were baked in the microwave oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until the cheese was bubbling and dripping over the tomato sauce onto the baking tray. Can you say yummy in my tummy?

  322. Spaghetti & Meatballs

    Burrito Night- build your own

    Meatloaf & Mashed Potato Soup

    Seafood Chowder

    Velma’s Pepper Steak

    Sausage & Rice Casserole

    Cucumber & Tomato Salad

  323. One thing i remember as a child was my mom making pumpkin pie. But she would put the extra filling in lil custard cups and that was our special treat we would get after they cooled w/ whipped cream on it!

    Also I loved her chicken noodle soup w/ ABC pasta in it!

  324. My mom made the best casseroles and my dad made the best “Sunday dinners” roast, potatoes and gravy (best ever) and cooked grated carrots!

  325. Pizza and cheesy garlic bread bring back fond memories 🙂 .. along with cookies and milk .. those were good times

  326. What takes me back to childhood and is the ultimate comfort food is the classic chicken and noodles.
    Hot, steaming bowl of chicken and noodles!!

  327. I have a few food combinations that conjure up childhood memories. The piping hot and buttery homemade biscuits, grits, and cheesy eggs remind me of my father and summer mornings. Grilled cheese and tomato soup would give me a warm, secure feeling after walking home from school on a wintery Chicago day. Homemade chocolate chip cookies remind me of my mother and her willingness to teach us about baking from scratch. It’s nice to know that I can find some of these things at Sweet Tomatoes. It’s always good to have a taste of home.

  328. Well the things I remember the most is when my mom would make us her delicious “albondiga soup” or Meatball soup. It was delicious on a cold or warm day…My mom had little money, so a pound of ground beef and a few veggies and she made a huge pot. We had our fill with warm home made flour tortillas. To this day when my mom makes that same combination, it takes me back from the adult I am today, to the happy child I was then. Low income naver made me feel less loved, or less advantaged because I knew the food mom made was with love… and it was oh soo yummy. Eating together in my family, are some of the best memories I have to this day.

  329. Do I really have to pick a favorite? Everything is so good. But some of the best are the cheese bread with one of the fabulous soups like tomatoe. Or the herb bread with the pasta with alfredo sauce. Or the corn bread with chili…ARE WE SEEING A THEME HERE! LOVE THE BREAD!!!!!!!


    My favorite childhood food is the fresh baked bread my mother would make twice a month. You see, my mother came from Syria almost 50 years ago when Middle Eastern food was virtually unknown in the United States. She couldn’t get used to the American loaves of bread and couldn’t find her beloved version of pita bread. So she made it herself. She’d start early in the morning and by the time we kids came home from school, the house was bursting with the warm smell of fresh baked bread. My mom’s version of pita is a bread about as large as a small pizza and thick. We would split the bread and slather it with butter, eating two or three loaves between my four brothers and I before we were satisfied and went off to do our homework. My mom still makes that bread, which I haven’t been able to master, and my mouth still waters just thinking about it.

  331. Growing up, I always looked forward to our annaul family summer vacation to visit my grandparents in Oregon. One of my very favorite childhood meals was homemade pot roast with mashed potatoes, gravy, and homegrown green beans. There were no shortcuts taken when my grandma prepared this meal. Everything was so fresh and delicious. It was the ultimate comfort meal. For desert, we enjoyed freshly-picked wild blackberries served with vanilla ice cream.

  332. Spaghetti and garlic bread makes me feel like a kid again. It was my favorite food when I was a kid and it still is.

  333. I remember my mom used to buy the cans of biscuit dough but instead of making biscuits we would roll them into mini donuts. She would also lay out some sugar and once they were ready we would roll them in the sugar. I haven’t had them in years but in my head they were sooo delicious.

  334. Mom made Tuna Noodle Casserole; wide egg noodles in a yummy creamy sauce with tuna and cheese and just the right crunch on top. It became a Halloween tradition because we kids were always too excited for trick-or-treating to eat much dinner before we went out, and this meal was an easy re-heat for when we got back home with our loot! Now my sister-in-law and I continue the tradition with our own kids (though the recipe has evolved to include lots of veggies). Just thinking about it, I can almost feel the excitement of dressing up and hear the autumn leaves crunching underfoot!

  335. As I child, you need it was lent with grilled cheese and tomato soup or fish Fridays. Oh how we had to have tomato soup to dip the grilled cheese into just like peanut butter sandwiches to dip in the chilli. I still have the two combintions together. I think sometimes it is what you grow up on when it comes to taste. My favorite fastfood growing up was spaghetti with chilli and cheese on it, several restaurants in the mid west serve it and it’s called a Three way. Yes, and people from other parts just aren’t too familiar with the term so only mid westerns amoung mid westerns can use term without a snicker.

  336. My grandmothers Macaroni and Cheese was always paired with hot dogs. I have her recipe and still make her mac n cheese.

  337. Beef stew with rice. Large chunks of beef browned, then mixed in with the vegetables and stew, which had a slight curry flavor. Perfect when ladled over rice, and especially on cold Winter evenings.

  338. When I was a kid I used to love eating chicken nuggets and those soft rolls dipped in my mashed potatoes. It sounds strange to some, but it brings me back. Especially when paired with Yoo-hoo 🙂

  339. I loved going to grandma’s and she would fix fried bologna and fried potatoes. Nice and greasy but every time I think of it, I think of my childhood!

  340. My mom’s homemade chili was always my favorite as a kid growing up on Long Island, NY. She would simmer it for hours and the smell would fill the house. It was a warm delicious meal on those cold winter nights!

  341. My most favorite food memory was when my daughter at 6months old tried black bean soup and decided she was a big girl and could use a spoon on her own. Loved seeing her covered in black bean soup from head to toes.

  342. Best comfort foods I loved as a child were Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup made with milk and a bowl of Creamette macaroni with sour cream and cottage cheese. Still is what I use when I’m having a down day and need to pamper myself!

  343. Breakfast for dinner always brought our family around the kitchen table. There is something about “breaking the rules” and that your parents are being a the rebellious ones for a change. Warm chocolate chip pancakes or warm belgium waffles smothered in syrup still are my go to comfort food…anytime of day!

  344. the taste of childhood for me is any casserole. Mom used to make tuna casserole, ground beef casserole, ground lamb, lasagna – you name it. Between the creamy sauces and the tomato sauce-based casseroles, she had quite a collection of dinner recipes to feed us. With 6 kids, she had to find ways to feed a crowd on a budget and casserole dishes were it for her.

  345. For me it’s super nachos when I was a kid and my daughter loves them too! Beans, meat, cheese, tomatoes, sour cream, guacamole, and chips! Yummm

  346. My favorite thing that my mom used to make for us as children was her homemade macaroni and cheese. It was so delicious. She is from Africa and is of Boer and English descent and would make us yummy desserts like trifle and Koek Zusters (Cook Sisters), braided donut like pastries. Everytime I think of foods from my childhood those are the things that I remember and now like to cook and share with the people in my life.

  347. For me, it was making blueberry muffins and cinnamon rolls on weekend mornings with my mom. And of course, mac and cheese!

  348. My favorite food combo memory is definitely meatloaf and mashed potatoes! Gotta have a little of both in one bite off the fork!

  349. I remember eating warm chicken noodle soups with crackers especially in the winter because we lived in New Jersey and it would be quite cold. Soup always warmed our tummies. Also Ice cream sundaes in the summer. Those are my childhood memories of food that I can have at Sweet Tomatos 🙂

  350. Great Grand Dad had a “Michigan Secret Prohibition” Chili Recipe that has been passed down through the men in our family. My own father recently shared the beloved recipe with me. I would have to say that my favorite memory was not in childhood. It was just last year when my own father graciously bequithed the knowledge to me. It is the first time in almost 100 years where a female in our family tree has actually acquired the information. Let me explain…..It was defintely a highlight in my adult life.

    My great grandfather, Albert Deninger, came from Germany in 1917. He opened a restaurant in Flint, Michigan during the mid-1920’s, and called it “Al’s Diner.” He served up sandwiches, soups and beer. As fate would have it, Prohibition made it illegal to sell alcoholic beverages, so “Al’s Diner” had to become creative to financially survive.

    Grand dad developed a special and secret chili recipe that he would never reveal. Only when he was confined to an old folk’s home did he finally gift the recipe to select , male, family members. To this very day, my father keeps it under lock and key from his five siblings!

    Albert Deninger would always have the chili pot cooking at the diner and would entertain the restaurant guests by playing the piano. People came from far and wide to taste his famous chili. Some family members even told a story where there was some moonshine in the back too. Maybe this was the real treat to Al’s diner! (ha, ha) The realization of grand dad being a bootlegger is a little difficult to accept! Especially since our family is so “religious.”

    Recently, my employer hosted a “moral-boosting” inner-office cooking contest where my co-workers were all asked to bring in a family-made dish with traditional roots. Not only was the request to reproduce the entree, but to write a corresponding essay as well. There were prizes and the bossman wanted to produce a cookbook with all of the contest entries as well. I knew that I had to enlist my father to help me with the contest. Luckily, he agreed.

    We set some time aside to go to the grocery store to acquire the secret ingredients. We picked the highest grade of ground chuck hamburger, soaked the dark red kidney beans, browned an additional pound of spicy pork sausage, selected natural tomato juice, red ripe tomotoes, extra virgin olive oil, several “perfect” onions for dicing, and hit the spice asile with garlic, salt, pepper, chili powder and onion salt. I was trying to memorize all of the ingredients in my head.

    We spent the whole evening cooking together. As jazz music was playing on the background radio, we began browing the hamburger, spicing, respicing, and dicing the onions and tomatoes. My father told me that after it is finished, an important step is to cool the chili, remove it from the refridgerator and take off the think layer of white greese that will form on the top. He told me that I need to cool and re-heat at least 3 to 5 times before serving to guests for the ultimate taste.

    All in all, my father and I experienced a wonderful day together. It was one of those times that I will always remember as “quality” and as a favorie memory.

    By the way, I won the office contest. Everyone voted for me…or should I say “us”….me and my pa. I only won a $25 gift certificate to a grocery store. Ironically, I spent more than that on all of the top-grade ingredients. However, it was a moment in time that I consider priceless. I am so proud to have won the competition.

    Additionally, Chili is high in fiber, low in calories and is good for your body!

  351. cherry tomatos bursting in my mouth were my fav thing … as a kid i loved salads!! … i know its crazy but true

  352. I think the food combo that brings me back to childhood is scrambled eggs and my dad’s “famous” french toast with powdered sugar, syrup, and flower-shaped sprinkles. I always felt like a princess eating that flower-topped french toast and whenever I go back for a visit, I’m sure to request it!

  353. Tuna melts-tuna fish put on bread, sprinkled with cheese and broiled until the cheese is brown- and chicken noodle soup all the way! Plus oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for dessert! Oh the delicious memories 🙂

  354. Grilled Cheese is my favorite kid food! And who doesn’t love homemade chocolate chip cookies and milk!

  355. Finger foods remind me of being a kid! Homemade french fries, corn dogs, fish sticks…my oh my it would be awesome to see a healthy spin on these treats. Maybe baked fries (sweet potato)!!!

  356. Tomato soup with small chunks of cheddar cheese. It is the gluten free tomato soup and grill cheese sandwich. My kids love my Nana’s favorite lunch.

  357. Waffles, topped with ice-cream was my favorte treat when I was a child. These days, I would choose whole grain waffles, topped with frozen yogurt and I might even add a candy sprinkle or chocolate syrup to complete the treat.

  358. My mother made a soup that she called “The Special.” She would make it on cold days and the whole house would smell great all day long. It was a beef stock soup with loads of veggies in it. She would tell us that she put something “special” in it. She never told us exactly how she made it, but that soup was delicious! As an adult I have tried to duplicate that recipe, but none of my attempts have ever tasted the same. That soup really was special.

  359. Little sandwiches cut into triangles paired with apple slices–the best childhood meal! Served on the old metal tray while I sat in front of the tv watching “The A-Team!” But then again, everything my mom made tasted great, and it was always even more special because of all the love that went into preparing it!

  360. One of my favorite childhood memories is something that my mom made which was very much like a tuna melt… she called them gooey buns. They were baked in the oven wrapped in tin foil, and had tuna, shredded cheese, a little mayo and dab of ketchup, diced hard boiled eggs and chopped green olives (though my kids prefer that I leave those out)!

  361. The tomato soup and grilled cheese were exactly like my great ma used to make for me only she put giant egg noodles in the soup. Extra yummy, might just have to visit the Tomato tonight and have some. Yum! & good luck everyone.

  362. Without a doubt, the best comfort food Mom ever made was garlic chicken with her delicious cabbage salad. After dinner, she’s break out the warm peanut butter cup cookies from the oven— they were still warm and gooey and just melted in our mouths. Oh! I am getting hungry now!

  363. My favorite childhood memory is something that my Mom used to make for my brother and I. I have tried to reproduce them for years but I haven’t been able to. She made cookies that filled the house with the most delightful scent! They had raisins and nutmeg, but they were different because they weren’t baked, she would fry them on a dry griddle. They were amazing!!

  364. My favorite lunch as a kid was, peanut butter an jelly with a glass of milk or juice, Bernie

  365. When I eat an egg salad sandwich it brings back fond memories of my mom and my brother and myself going to a swimming park in Atlanta. We would leave early in the morning and return by 4:00pm. We would have our picnic and swimming all day and getting a little pink as well. Great memories.

  366. On a cold snowy day in February I began my walk home from school. We lived about 3 blocks from school, but that day it seemed much farther. My nose and cheeks, which were the only body parts exposed, were red and stinging.

    When I reached the house, I kicked off my huge red galoshes in the vestibule and ran in. The smell of warm chocolate chip cookies, that my mother had baked, was wafting throughout the house. Wow, it was great to be home!

  367. My dad use to make homemade lasagna and giant size meatballs and my mom would make a chocolate lasagna for dessert (layers of graham crackers and chocolate pudding!)

  368. Some of the best childhood memories that I have are conjured up by a variety of foods. Every Saturday afternoon, my extended family would get together and bring everyone’s favorite meal: Enchiladas, rice, beans, salad, Lomo Saltado, Papa La Huancaina, etc. It is our tradition to have potlucks and to enjoy family along with food. I remember playing with my cousins while we expectantly waited for outstanding flavors to satisfy our hunger. The best part is, this still happens now. The memories keep accumulating.

  369. In 2nd grade, I refused to eat anything for lunch except tuna on white. Gobs of mayo and sweet pickle relish in the mix made my day. Top it off with carrot sticks on the side and a carton of chocolate milk. I ate that combo every day of 2nd grade and still love it today!

  370. Cornbread and Chili conjure up great childhood memories for me. For family get togethers my grandma made some of the best southern cornbread and my mama made chili and it was like heaven on earth

  371. Sweet Tomatoes is my daughter’s favorite restaurant…when she comes to visit this is one of our eating spots to go…She loves the variety of salads and trimmins…would love to win these passes because i love sweet tomatoes too!!! Love creamy thick soups to warm the tummies on a cold winter’s day….thanks for always being there…. A place to call home!!!

  372. My mother was a great cook! I have so many favorites from my childhood. One of my favorites was when we’d have breakfast for dinner. Eggs, bacon, slice and fried potatoes, toast or biscuits, etc. Another favorite was roast beef with gravy and mashed potatoes. I don’t eat beef now, but it’s still a favoite memory!

  373. My name is Ashley Avina and I’ve always loved Souplantation since I was a little girl. My mom and I would always meet up with my dad on his lunch break to go eat at Souplantation. My favorite thing to eat was the Famous Chicken Noodle Soup and cornbread. The one thing i loved best about the soup was the thick noodles and how it is drenched in the soup everytime you take that one bite. The cornbread is always made fresh and perfect. Now as a 20 year old, I still come to Souplantation at least three times a month. I love making my own cold and fresh salad. I still love my chicken noodle soup to this day but now I love every single soup thats out there in Souplantation. Blueberry muffin with the honey butter and macaroni and cheese… deelicious :)) Souplantation thank you for existing and being the only fresh and healthy restuarant there is! I have NO complaints what so ever about Souplantation!

  374. Every Sunday was my mother’s ” night off ” from cooking. Yes, we had Tomato soup and normally grilled cheese sandwiches. However, the dinner would not have been complete without the us being able to eat on t.v trays ( NOT @ the dining table as usual ) with the t.v tuned into ” Bonanza “. I was in love with Little Joe!
    Who could ever forget a special night like that?

  375. What food combo conjures up great childhood memories for you?

    I remember growing up in my grandmothers house in West Suburban Chicago as a child. On those cold Midwestern winter afternoons I would get in from school and my grandmother would have a pot the size of caldron sitting on top of the stove permeating the air with the smell of homade Chicken Noodle Soup. Of course that was prepared from the left over baked chicken the night before but my grandma had a way of reinventing a meal till where you would have thought you were eating it for the first time. Of course with that thick rich chicken stock broth soup with egg noodles, celery, and carrot slices we had to have her famous from scratch cornbread squares. Umm, Umm, Yummy! I can taste it now. The combination of Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup and Cornbread truly sums up the happiness of my childhood with my grandmother. Nowadays I have passed that love down to my husband and three children and on occasion they get to savor a piece of my childhoood.

  376. My mom had a ton of snacks and meals that made my childhood extra special. She made her own homemade tortillas and when we got home from school she would have a fresh stack and we would roll one or two up with butter that would melt on the hot warm tortilla….it was comfort and an appitizer for our dinner that was to come! I had a great mommy and she still cooks well and for me when I go up North to visit her. I just spend more time exercizing off now all that love she shows through her cooking. 🙂

  377. What I remember most about meals as a child….
    Every week, my mother would make one of her famous soups. Vegetable, Chicken, Minestroni, Turnip (yes, turnip!). My sister and I looked forward to “soup day” because she would alway surprise us with a different recipe. Her soups where thick and hearty and needed nothing else to go with it but chunks of french bread and butter.

    To this day, I myself have a “soup day” for my family, using my mother’s recipes.

    Linda Dahlberg

  378. Growing up in an Indian household, my comfort food is rice with dahl, chicken curry and a fried egg. There’s something about it that makes me feel like a kid.

  379. Milk and cookies would be my answer! Mmmm… fresh-baked cookies that were still warm, with a tall glass of cold milk. :o)

  380. My favorite dish is mac and cheese- when I was younger I loved smelling it in the oven and even today I will ask her to make mac and cheese. I tried making it before but it is not the same. She melts the velvetta cheese and then mixes everything together then bakes it all with parm cheese. It is the best thing I have ever ate!

  381. My favorite childhood meal was my mom’s French bread pizzas, that she would load with pineapple chunks for me.

  382. I have two favorite childhood food combos. One is from my mom and one is from my grandma. My favorite combination from my mom macaroni and cheese with little hotdogs. So yummy and such good memories. I make it for my kids from time to time, but it is really for me! My favorite combo from my grandma is vegetable beef soup with homeade refrigerator rolls. I LOVED walking into her house on Sundays after church and being blasted with the smell of the soup simmering on the stove. I sometimes make her recipe in the slow cooker so that when I come home after a long day it will smell like Grandma’s house. Good memories!

  383. As a child, this was just the ticket,
    And I still love this taste treat triplet.
    It’s so delicious and filling,
    I’m always ready and willing
    For chicken & dumplings and a warm drop biscuit.

  384. One of my favorite and funny childhood memories was when I was about 8 years old and my younger brother was 4. My mom was taking a cake decorating class and would have to bake cakes to take to class. Of course being little kids, we wanted some cake.So to keep us away from the cake while it cooled and to give my mom time to get the cake away from us she told us that eating hot or warm cake would make us sick in teh stomach. So my brother and I would sit near the cake waiting for it to cool. We would eventually get bored and go out to play, giving my mom a chance to put it in the carrying case for her class. The good thing was when she would come home after her class. She would give us a piece of decorated and cooled cake. They never made us sick.

  385. When I was young my mother would prepare a delightful afternoon after school snack especially during the long, cold winters that we experienced. What a treat it was to have this delectable feast, Oven baked macaroni and cheese sprinkled with mini crackers on top and baked. As a side dish there were cherry tomatoes with tiny lettuce leaves.

  386. As a child, I loved eating daal with a little bit of rice. Also my love for cake has not changed since I was a kid. I still love eating birthday cake. There’s just something so wonderful about it.

  387. I remember the BEST candy my mom made: it was homemade FUDGE, I mean FUDGE with a ton of sugar, Karo corn syrup, butter, Baker’s chocolate (I took a nibble of that one time-EWWW! BAKER’S CHOCOLATE AIN’T SWEET!!!), a couple of other things, she brought it to a rolling boil, to test it she dropped a tiny bit of water. If it kinda ‘boiled up’ a little, it was done.
    The HARD part was the fudge cooling in the pan, then putting it into a bowl, then BEATING it, BEATING it until it was shiny, then CLUMPING it onto wax paper.
    It was even HARDER to beat when you added walnuts!
    But it was worth it. Totally worth it.

  388. The best part about being young is that many of my memories that involve food have to do with Sweet Tomatoes. Even now, whenever my family does garden work we plan to go to Sweet Tomatoes afterwards. By the time we get there, the salads (which we always get first) taste better than anything in the whole world. But I will never be able to forget the taste of the cranberry apple bran muffins. Sweet, deft, and wholesome. That’s what my childhood tastes like.

  389. My Mother used to fix home fried chicken with homemade mashed potatoes with lots of golden butter drizzling over them.She would prepare an amazing salad of lettuce,tomatoes,radishes,celery,cheese,carrots,onions and homemade hot rolls with fresh ice tea.Mom would then ice the cake,so to speak with an awesome homemade peach cobbler with blue bell homemade vanilla ice cream.This was my most favorite meal she used to make.It made me feel loved and oh so secure knowing when we were having this that Mom loved us because she made us the very best.The second most favorite meal was the same exact meal except swap out the fried chicken with a home baked (bone-in) ham.Mmmmmmm. My mouth is watering.

  390. The food memory that reminds me of being a kid is having breakfast food for dinner! My mom also love this so I think that when she made it, it made her happy and in a silly mood too, which is great when you are a kid!

  391. My mother stayed home when we were growing up and she always had something warm and comforting waiting for us after school and for dinner.

    My favorites were always the comfort foods: meatloaf and mashed potatoes, pot roast, or a hearty vegetable soup.

    She also made delicious oatmeal scotchie or snickerdoodle cookies or brownies which we ate piping hot right out of the oven.

    I continue these warm memories by making family favorites with my children.

  392. V8 Soup. My mom made the best beef stew using V8 as the soup base. It would be awesome at Sweet Tomatoes!

  393. My favorite childhood memory is this amazing pasta dish my mom made- we called it “specialtiy” I wanted it every night!

  394. My Mom had the best apple crisp I’ve ever had. Sometimes when I acted up and she was mad at me, she’d make one as I stewed in my room. I knew when we shared that pie that she was finished being mad and everything was great in the world again.

  395. Graham crackers and peanut butter! I still bring them to work every so often just to feel young again and recently introduced them to my 2 year old daughter, we love the eat them together now!

  396. My favorite lunch my mom would make is Bologna and cheese sandwich with Campbell’s alphabet soup. The best!!!

  397. I grew up in Connecticut and winters were full of playing in the snow, sledding, building igloos and snow forts. After the end of a freezing, snow-filled play day, we would come home to a roaring fireplace and Mom making grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches with hot chocolate. It was the best meal ever, especially when you eat it sitting my the fireplace and warming your hands and feet.

  398. My mom always used to let us help in the kitchen…mixing up cookies has to be my favorite kitchen memory! I’m looking forward to doing the same with my children!

  399. Growing up in an Asian household, my mother would make plenty of Taiwanese and Chinese food. One of my warmest memories is of her scooping me a bowl of her hot pot, which was always filled with thin slices of beef ribeye, enoki mushrooms, fish balls, a cracked egg white, rice vermicelli, fresh dashi stock, Napa cabbage, rice vermicelli noodles, and a small blob of Chinese BBQ sauce for extra flavor. Easy to make, comforting, and filling!

  400. My mom used to make all kinds of casseroles – Tuna-Noodle, Meatball-Rice .. yumm .. filled the tummy 🙂

  401. When I was little, my Grandpa would sneak me out of bed for a special treat: blueberry pie, mayonnaise sandwiches and “Dr. Who”. I think now that this was such a strange combination, but to a 3 year old me, it was pure happiness. Now that my Grandpa is gone, these are memories I will always cherish.

  402. My Grandma use to make a potatoe beef taco with homemade tortillla and with fresh out of the garden veggie salad. Yummy!! I also liked Rice Crispy Treats.

  403. My mom would, every once in a while, put some dish on the table and say “This is what all the little XYZ (Polish, German, Chinese) children are eating tonight…” Once a teacher, always a teacher!

  404. My mom’s chocolate chip pancakes–nothing was better than waking up and smelling pancakes cooking on a saturday morning! She made these gianormous ones that no one should be able to finish, but somehow we always did. Yum!

  405. When I was a kid there were many favorite dishes that my mom and grandma’s would whip up! Homemade buttermilk biscuts was always a favorite when I was with my mom. But when wevisited Grandma’s house she would always be making handmade tortillas the smell would just make your mouth water! add a lil butter to that and WOW watch that frown turn upside down! and just when you thought you couldn’t get anymore fuzzier… She always had a pot of homeade soup! Chicken or Albondiagas.. How I loved visiting Grandma’s ~ some how she knew exactly how to make everything okay.. My other grandma would make these thick fluffy waffles, it didn’t matter what time of the day you went over to visit her house was always warm and smelled like maple syrup! To this day I can take my kids to visit and at 85 she will still offers to whip up some yummy waffles for her little ones.. I love to create these same types of memories for my kids!!! Thank you for the opportunity to share!!

  406. ohh,childhood memories. Chocolate chip cookies nice and warm from the oven is definately the best. Making rice krispies treats, cut-out sugar cookies and decorating them is all wonderful. Every year, we would carve a pumpkin, and then roast the pumkin seeds. Sooo good.

  407. My fondest food memory is a really good chocolate cake my mom makes! She got the recipe from a dear friend who has since died. It calls for boiling water, butter, sugar and cocoa together, and then blending it in with the rest of the ingredients. The frosting was always applied when the cake was still warm, so it melted a little and covered the whole cake. It always turns out so rich and delicious! It’s become a birthday tradition with the whole family!

  408. My mom made a great vegetable soup with potatoes, corn, green beans, ground beef, and lima beans in a tomato soup broth. We’d cover it in cheddar cheese and it was oh so yummy =))

  409. Apple pie. My mom would bake 10 apple pies on Saturday, and with seven kids in the family, the pies would all be gone by Sunday night.

  410. Food forever brings people together, and nothing in this world brought my crazy cuban family together more than food and dominoes. My all time favorite childhood memory was my grandfather’s soup, it was I suppose like a cuban version of chicken noodle soup. The noodles were thicker and there were huge chunks of chicken with pieces of vegetables, and the best broth on the face of this earth! My grandparents would always give me a bowl when I went to visit them, or when I was feeling sick. No one really knows what’s in this magical soup. My favorite thing is my grandparents still to this day remember how I like it (extra noodles, little chicken, broth, and minimal vegetables) and always have a separate soup for me. It brought us together and still does. I don’t live in south Florida anymore but every time I go visit my abuelos there is always soup waiting for me, and just one sip takes me back to my happy childhood. The best part is now – I take home a gallon of it!

  411. Two things. Gooey homemade Macaroni & Cheese. Nothing beats that. Delish. And, believe it or not, salad. I loved the salads my babysitters Mother used to make for special occasions like Thanksgiving and Christmas. I always loved digging in to a heaping bowl of her salad loaded with red onions, marinated mushrooms and artichoke hearts. It was divine.

  412. Fresh strawberries from the garden always reminds me of being a kid! We’d pick them right out of the patch, sprinkle with a little bit of powdered sugar just for fun and gobble them up!

  413. I remember chocolate chip cookies my Grandma made – she made the whole house smell so good, but we couldn’t have any till after we ate our dinner! It made them taste all the better!

  414. I remember my Mom’s big pot of homemade sauce that cooked and simmered all day with homemade meatballs and sausage cooking inside it. The smell always emanated throughout the entire house, and everyone in the family could hardly wait for dinner. There was always so much sauce that we would be able to make all different delicious Italian dishes for days to come. Whenever my Mom makes that now, it reminds me of my childhood. 🙂

  415. Back yard parties at my grandma’s with steak, salad, fresh fruit, chips and dip and most important, the homemade strawberry ice cream.

  416. When I was a kid, my fondest memory and dinner, was my mom making us pancakes, eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast for dinner. And my own children now LOVE to have breakfast for dinner as a treat as well. Ahh.. to be a kid again!

  417. My family comes from two different cultures that both value food. Christmas at my grandparents’ always included tamales, rice and beans, and ham. One year, all the women and girls got together to make the tamales from scratch. My grandfather kept coming over to tell us to add more masa. Dessert would include pan dulces or bunelos.

    My mother learned how to make all the Jewish recipes for the holidays, first with my grandmother, and then in her place after she passed. We would help prepare the potatoes for the Hanukkah latkes every year. And Passover would always include my grandfather’s cousins homemade gefilte fish, my aunt’s famous brisket, and my mother’s matzah balls – sometimes floaters and sometimes sinkers, but always good. My cousin would make the haroset, then my brother took it over, and now my non-Jewish husband makes it. Food brings us all together.

  418. We were very poor growing up, but as children we never knew! Mom would put together the most wonderful meals for very little money. We had fresh veggies from the garden and Mom’s creativity made mealtime a grand adventure! One of my favorite meals was the New Year’s Day supper. Mom was from the deep south and made black-eyed peas and rice plus sauerkraut and wieners for Dad’s German roots. That was such a feast!

  419. I LOVE the memory of having grilled cheese with tomato soup and creamette (elbow) noodles! The grilled cheese was cut diagonally in half (had to be that way!) and we’d dip it in the soup. YUM!

  420. My best childhood food memory is my Mom’s Christmas sugar cookies. It is just an ordinary recipe out of an ancient Fanny Farmer cookbook worn with love that has a paper ice cream cone bookmark to identify its delectable location in the book. But when my Mom makes those cookies it is the best treat in the world. She rolls them out thin, but not too thin, so that we get a little bit of chewy center and a crisp brown edge. She sprinkles some with red and some with green sugar. They come in shapes like Santa with a sack over his shoulder, an angel or a star. Sometimes she throws in a shamrock to remind us of our Irish heritage or a kitty in tribute to our beloved pet, Tigger. Any which one I choose I am a happy camper. And since she ONLY makes them at Christmas time we wait in anticipation for twelve long months to pass for the legendary treats. We hear whispers from her co-workers, “Is Sharon making her cookies again this year?” and we start to get giddy after Thanksgiving passes. To this day I wait in sweet agony for Christmas to come every year for when I go home to visit. I would give up roast beef dinner, shrimp cocktail appetizers and maybe even my Christmas morning stocking just to eat those cookies. Thirty-nine years later Mom’s cookies still remind me of Pure Christmas.

  421. My dad makes the best homemade cinnamon rolls. Soft and chewy with a sticky caramel bottom. I love those fresh from the oven with a tall glass of milk, it immediately takes me back to my childhood. In fact I still do… when I can convince Dad to make them.

  422. Gosh, My dad is Italian and we had so many yummy treats. Lots of spaghetti, all sorts. My mom made pies too. Lemon meringue. Yum. Mom also made this sandwich stuff only a kid could love. She had a meat grinder and took bulk bologna and cheese with pickles and put it all in the meat grinder and made this sandwich spread. Mom was from Kentucky and we had Southern treats also. Chicken and dumplings. I also remember my grandmother making us that southern gravy and biscuits. Oh and jello salad with cream cheese in it. Loved that as a kid. Mom made a lot of cakes. She made some sort of frosting that she cooked on the stove and then put the mixture in the mixer. Some kind of cooked buttercream frosting. very yummy.

  423. Loved when Mom would make a big pot of chili – all that goodness in one pot! And in the oven, the cornbread was baking. Couldn’t get enough of that! Which is why every time I go to Souplantation, I get the Kettle Chili and a piece of cornbread! Comfort in a bowl!

  424. Mom’s homemade rhubarb pie (made with rhubarb I helped her pick from the garden) with vanilla ice cream. It was best when the pie was still hot from the oven and the ice cream would start melting as soon as it would touch the pie.

  425. Texas toast with melted american cheese on top (in the broiler of course) has always been my favorite combination from childhood. When I had friends sleep over, the smell of the toasty, buttery duo would wake us up after a night of laughing, barbies and movies. Anytime I burn the roof of my mouth from hot steam rising up out of the first bite of the melted layer of cheese, it takes me right back to 3rd grade.

  426. The best memory is baking chocolate chip cookies with my mom and eating them as they came out of the oven – still hot and melty. Every time I have a cookie that is still warm and gooey, I remember her.

  427. To be honest when i go to Souplantation i feel like a kid again. My whole family used to go and meet up with my grandparents and enjoy eachother and the food 🙂 to this day i call it sloop plantation because when we all used to go thats whatd id call it and it just stuck haha. But ebery time me and my fiance go now i look in the exact spot my family and i would sit everytime and smile at all the fond memories we had there. (p.s. Its definately the chicken noodle soup that brings me back, those huge noodles are the best!!)

  428. One of my favorite dishes growing-up was my mom’s homemade ‘meatball soup’…with lost of vegies, actually somewhat similar to the ‘albondiga loca’ soup feature at the Fountain Valley, CA Souplantation..every time Souplantation has this soup, it brings very nice, warm and sweet memories from my childhood. thank you!

  429. Cinnamon sugar toast is my absolute favorite, and since it’s not a “grownup” food I don’t eat it anymore. But when I’m at home and sick, my mom always makes it for me and I feel like a little girl again. 🙂

  430. My favorite memories include spaghetti and meatballs for dinner or the wonderful homemade chocolate chip cookies and milk for an after school snack.

  431. Hi,

    My Mother was a wonderful cook and I have many fond memories of her delicious meals growing up in her home. Many of her recipes are family favorites still and have been shared with friends and neighbors as I’ve moved from place to place in my adult life.

    Her homemade “Lemon Pie” made from scratch always gets rave reviews! The crust is thin and delicate, the filling made from eggs, butter, sugar, and fresh squeezed lemons, and topped by real, fresh whipped cream. Whether serving it at dinners, buffets, book clubs, to neighbors and friends, or at family meal time, it is always remembered for days after.
    That is one of my favorite childhood treats and also a favorite memory of watching her make it, and later, helping her make it as I grew older.

    Thanks for triggering this fun and beautiful memory of my Mother and her skills and talent as a great cook and wonderful Mother.

    Patsy Jensen

  432. A bagel topped with what my mother used to call bubblegum cheese (bubbly muenster cheese). It would be all stretch and gooey out of the oven. I loved it paired with creamy tomato soup, with a little bit of milk in the middle topped with crackers.

  433. Chocolate covered strawberries and lemonade on a hot summer’s day bring back childhood memories for me.

  434. I grew up with a single father who raised me and so he was both a mother and a father. One of my favorite’s he’d make for me is “Migas,” which is a combo of chopped up corn tortillas, a little onion and eggs (scrambled). He’d make a special salsa to go on top made with tomato sauce, chile piqui, and more onion. Sooo good! His french toast was excellent too!

  435. Grandma’s homemade fried chicken was my favorite! I loved the milk gravy she made with the chicken grease! I would eat bowls of plain gravy!!!! YUMMY!

  436. The combination of food that takes me back is “beanies and wienies” My mom would cut up wieners and heat them with pork and beans. It really makes me think of my childhood.

  437. The best childhood memory of eating is all the family dinners we had together–food was everything from american fare to ethnic offerings, mostly traditional Chinese home-style cooking. One of the best was fresh fish & chips brought home still warm wrapped in real newspaper and lots of malt vinegar to dip the crispy goodness into.

  438. My favorite was our fried chicken weekends. Friday night my mom would make a batch of fried chicken legs, wings and breasts, mash potatoes, a salad and a ton of chicken gravy. The next morning we would have big breakfast with fried potatoes, biscuits and chicken gravy, eggs and bacon or sausage. Those weekends were few and far between, but I think that’s what made them special.

  439. My mum would make the best “toast toppers”! I remember her mixing together cheese and all kinds of yummy ingredients and toasting it under the broiler until bubbly and golden. These were my favourite suppers – little did I know this was that left-overs before pay-day dinner!

  440. This is an evil dessert I made up out of Souplantation goodies that I STILL crave whenever I visit:

    Place 1 oven-warm chocolate brownie muffin in an ice cream bowl or one of the smaller plates.
    Swirl either vanilla or vanilla/chocolate or dark chocolate (whichever floats your boat) on top (be generous!). And sprinkle granola on top, with caramel and chocolate drizzle.

    Hey, I was good! I had salad before dessert! 😀

  441. My mom’s homemade chicken soup with fresh Italian bread always gives me the comforts of home, and makes me feel like a kid again. My dad used to make fresh biscuits, with cheddar cheese, before I went to school in the morning. Just thinking about that brings me back to elementary school. And, homemade baked macaroni and cheese – made with real cheese, topped with breadcrumbs. Worth every calorie…

  442. My favorite food memory from childhood was my grandmother’s potato soup. We drove up from our house in Florida to my grandparent’s house in West Virginia every summer. We would leave well before the sun came up and drive straight through until we got there in the evening. Since we never knew exactly what time we’d get there (and shockingly, there was no such thing as a cell phone to call ahead), she would make a big pot of fresh potato soup with bits of bacon and some fresh vegetables from her garden, and leave it simmering on the stove so that when we got in, we’d have a nice fresh hot meal waiting for us. To this day, anytime that I have potato soup, it reminds me of those times, especially the baked potato soup at Sweet Tomatos.

  443. My mother passed away when I was only five years old, so every memory I have of her is priceless.
    One summer when the breezes were blowing nothing but hot air, i remember making pizza outside with her, my aunts and cousins.. It was the early 50’s when home air conditioning was unheard of. We carried out all the ingredients and each of us cousins were assigned one of those important jobs of adding an ingredient.
    The picnic table was covered in white paper waiting for the rolling out of the dough. We kids kept peeking into the large bowls waiting anxiously for the dough to rise which seemed like an eternity. After hours of play, a fast lunch and more play, it was time to roll out the crust! We young ones had our own small rolling pins and we worked tirelessly. My grandmother added the sauce which we called gravy, and then we kids were let loose with the ingredients to add on top.
    One by one the masterpieces were carried into the hot kitchen and put into the oven. Seems we waited forever for all of them to bake. To pass the time we were allowed to run through the sprinkler until we saw the pizzas being carried out to the picnic table for dinner.
    I can still see all of us sitting in our backyard-kids at my small picnic table, the women at big table and all the men sitting on lawn chairs in a circle at the back of the yard.
    There we were eating the best pizza ever made and I had helped create it!
    I think fondly of that hot summer day everytime I pop a frozen pizza into my oven!

  444. My favorite thing to eat as a child had to be my grandfather’s potato pancakes. There would always be a towering stack for my brother and I to finish. They were simply amazing (and simple to make)!

  445. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with potato chips. I used to put the chips inside the sandwich for a crunch. So good!

  446. I loved it when my mom made home made hot cocoa for us. It was always a special treat on cold evenings.

  447. ‘Creamed Salmon’ is an easy, nutritious & delicious item that Souplantation could serve. Just heat canned salmon,peas,cream ofg mushroom soup & serve over toast or with warm crusty bread. Whern my husband & I dated we were shocked to realize our mom’s served the same heartwarming dish. After 60 years we still enjoy it today.

  448. we used to toast a tortilla and put butter on it while sprinkling it with cinnamon sugar. we also used to put a slice of american cheese around a banana–whose idea was that? it was good!

  449. I loved it when my Mom would make cream dried beef. It was a white sauce with the jar of dried beef chopped up in it. She served it over her buttermilk biscuits that were just like Grandmother’s. YUM!! We also loved starwberry shortcake and for bdays we asked for lasagna and french bread. Her oriental chicken was super yummy too. Today I am vegetarian but I still remember that delicious food Mom made.

  450. So many to choose from…rice with soft boiled eggs, homemade chicken soup, enchiladas. My mom is a great cook! Ooh and her desserts — the flan was the best, I would always lick up all of the syrup afterwards 🙂

  451. Would you believe refried bean tacos on a cold morning!?! 55 years ago we lived in a small house with no central air/heat. During the winter on cold weekend mornings my beautiful, wonderful mother would make bean tacos for my dad’s lunch and then bring tacos to us kids IN BED!!! I had 9 brothers & sisters. Bean tacos were a big staple in our lives growing up. And now when we go to visit Mom & Dad, that’s the first thing we ask for. I have 34 nieces & nephews, when they go visit Grandma & Grandpa, the first thing they ask for? Grandma’s bean tacos. Who knew when we grew up, we’d discover beans are one of the greatest foods you should eat. Maybe that’s why all of us are so healthy. That’s why when my husband and I go to Sweet Tomatoes, we look for soups with the beans!!!

  452. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches and a tall glass of milk makes me feel like a kid again. It’s still one of my favorite lunches!

  453. My favorite meal as a kid is home made mac n cheese and home made beef and noodles.
    Every holiday my grandma would get up very early to prepare her dough for the noodles. I would always try to sneak some and always got caught!

  454. For breakfast, my mom cooked hot cinnabons and then after a long day of schools shishki bobs. I honestly wish that Sweet Tomatoes was still around so I could go there and eat a great meal!

  455. I remember on cold wet rainy days I would love to have creamy tomatoe soup with toasty grilled cheesey sandwich. Yesterday was one of those days so we were off to enjoy that fond memorie at our favorite Sweet Tomatoes. Love to dip the cheesey bread in the delicoius creamy tomatoe soup. Thanks Sweet Tomatoes for reminding me of childhood memories and allowing my children to create their own.

  456. My mom was a terrible cook but she could make tomato and rice soup (from a can with added milk) and a grilled cheese and it was my favorite meal.

  457. My favorite dessert was chocolate cake with white mountain frosting. YUMMY!! We could have company drive in the driveway and before they got out of the car Mom could have a cake in the oven, she was that good!! I miss you Mom!

  458. Cream of Chicken soup paired with Minute Rice – a simple recipe but to this day no one other than mom can make it “just right.”

  459. My Mom’s “one of a kind” special recipe of homemade vegetable “gumbo” soup with old-fashioned iron skillet cornbread is the best! It was sooo good that we even ate it during HOT Texas summers with no central air…just an exhaust fan! And we’re still enjoying it while passing the family recipe along to 2 younger generations!

  460. My dad’s home made strawberry ice cream and angel food cake. Sometimes I would be lucky enough to have this for my birthday.

  461. My mom’s dutch apple pie…cinnamon-sugary-appley goodness!

    She also made this crazy good fried chicken! YUM!

  462. Chocolate Chip pancakes in the shape of MIckey Mouse’s face!!. Basically 2 mini pancakes (the ears) and one large pancake as the face. Alongside a cold glass of fresh orange juice!

  463. My fav childhood memory associated with food is tapioca with bananas sliced in it. Don’t know why but this always conjures up warm & fuzzy feelings.

  464. My mom used to make cinnamon sugar toast in the morning when I was in a hurry or running late. She would butter the bread, sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on there and put in the toaster oven for a few minutes…it was heavenly! I have tried to make it myself, and although it seems simple, it never tastes quite as good as remember when I was a kid!

  465. When I was a kid all I wanted was meals like the others kids had, mac and cheese, burgers, fried chicken, you know real comfort food. Well, my Mom was Armenian and she made stuff like coucous, bulgher salad, chicken cooked in peanut oil, and dolmas. Now I realize as an adult she was making healthy stuff but as a kid you want the same stuff as others. To get what I wanted I learned to cook at a very early age. I made burgers and the best mac and cheese and chicken cooked in oil. If only I could go back and tell Mom thanks for all the great stuff she made even though when TV dinners came out I felt like a winner when I compared my eatring them with the other kids! It is amazing the stuff you rememvber when now I am happy when I can remember my pin #, ah life goes on!!!

  466. My father just passed away last month and we’ve been going through all our childhood photos and videos. This is back in the day when “camcorders” were the size of a small dog, and came with a little suitcase that held the tapes. There is this one video where my brother and I are shoveling the driveway while my Dad “supervised” (in other words videotaped us for posterity.) We were probably 5 and 6. It was hard work! We were complaining he wasn’t helping us, but now we get to treasure the memory forever. It snowed often in Pennyslvania and after we shoveled the driveway and sidewalk, my Mom would always make us “hot chok” and grilled cheese sandwiches. What a cozy, all American childhood my parents gave us, and they were born and raised in Taiwan!

    You can see the video here:

  467. One of my favorite meals as a kid was homemade waffles with strawberries and whipped cream! Nothing tasted better. We’d have them for breakfast,lunch or dinner with cheesy eggs. I also loved meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Tuna noodle casserole was a close third!

  468. My mom’s famous grilled cheese stuffed with bacon and peanut butter is a childhood memory in and of itself. People always made a face when she mentioned the combo, but after their first bite they took it alllll back. So simple yet so tasty.

  469. Growing up, whenever my mom was not around to cook, my Dad would step in and make his “famous grilled cheese sandwiches”. These were just basic grilled cheese sandwiches with ham or balogna in the middle but for some reason we thought these were gourmet sandwiches and we loved them! I think the best part of this was my Dad was so proud of these sandwiches and he enjoyed making them for us. haha Also breakfast for dinner was also popular growing up. So now, every once in a while, I like to recreate that memory and have pancakes, eggs and bacon for dinner. It’s the best!

  470. reuben sandwiches and homemade fries.
    homemade buttermilk pancakes
    spam sandwiches
    chicken a la king over rice

    Miss my Mom!

  471. Mom made several delectable dishes, but when the trifecta hit, all the world was right: homemade breaded cutlets (CFS) mashed potatoes with gravy and corn meal dusted fried okra (she still makes the best fried okra). It did not happen often, but honestly, I cannot remember eating anything else as a kid.

  472. Macaroni and cheese is one of those happy foods that bring me back to childhood. It was never part of a family meal; it was reserved for special nights when I got to choose whatever I wanted for dinner. It’s comfort food for sure, and I love the mac n’ cheese at Souplantation!

  473. Believe it or not….fried balogna sandwiches! Mom would add a slice of cheese, mayo, mustard and a little ketchup and there you have it, smiles from ear to ear!! 🙂

  474. For me okazu. Ground beef with soy sauce, sugar, ginger and garlic with zucchini over rice. Makes me think of mom. That or her beef stroganoff with bacon. I had a strange childhood.

  475. My favorite meal when I was a kid was chicken broccoli casserole and breadsticks. It didn’t matter what went on that day, whatever problems we had with either each other or work, or school, when we sat down to eat this meal we all loved it and enjoyed spending that time together. I don’t what it was, it was just this meal that it happened with. But looking back, that was the best childhood meal.

  476. I am Chinese and grew up in Taiwan. My childhood favorite is tofu flower soup. It’s basically tofu custard in syrup. I remember when I was 5 or 6 years old, I’d wait in our family room and looked out of the window for the guy who sells it on his bike. He has this big wood bucket full of it. When he comes, I’d let my mom know and she would bring a big bowl out to him. The bowl is full of the sweet delicious tofu custard. Another childhood favorite is chilled tomato dessert that my mom makes. It’s diced red riped tomato with brown sugar chilled in the refrigerator for couple of hours. It’s a refreshing dessert in a hot summer afternoon.

  477. Growing up poor in Alabama with seven children was definitely a challenge for my mother to feed us. However, she made the Best buttermilk biscuits. She would give us each a large plate with maple syrup and we would add butter (that we made ourself) and stir until the syrup became a beautiful tan color. Then we would take our biscuits and sop up this glorious mixture. I can taste it now!

  478. I always remember my grandma’s french toast! She made it extra rich with lots of cinnamon and sugar, I always asked for seconds. She wouldn’t make it for breakfast, but only for our afterschool treat! BEST EVER!

  479. Is this a trick question?! I mean, how could I possibly pick just 1 meal that brings me back to my childhood?!? There is just tooooo much good stuff here (literally) to eat! But if I had to hold a beauty pagent for the meals served here, I would crown Souplantation’s Homemade Chicken Soup as Supreme Winner. Don’t be fooled however, this winner isn’t all ‘dolled’ up in superficialness— it is its “au-natural” flavor that had me at ‘hello’! And that’s what makes this soup bring me back to my childhood— the fact that it is so simplistic, where homes across America have created this dish for generations like my mother did back in Germany…. mmmm…. homemade egg noodles with flour sprinkled on top by me, a 5 year old helping my mom make a soulful bowl of chicken soup in the midst of a crisp wintery night. 25 years later, with a husband and 1 year old in tow, I run up to the soup line like a little kid again in my pajamas yearning for some chicken soup– sure, i’m smarter now, i drain most of the broth in order to fill my bowl with those childhood friends called noodles– but its not in vain!- To warm my soul just 1 more time, and to warm the souls of my loved ones and family for another generation to come is why I LOVE SOUPLANTATION!!! MMMMMMM…..

  480. Every time I eat hamburger & fries I get excited! It’s probably still one of my favorite dishes. When you eat it you think of family gatherings where someone is on the grill and there’s a table with condiments and buns. I loved all of the variety and assembling my special burger.

  481. My grandmother’s homemade noodles for chicken and dumplings were amazing. When she gave me the recipe, it was “a small mound of flour with a well in the center for half an eggshell filled with cold water” and so on. My mouth watered just watching her make them. She let me lay the noodles into the hot broth and chicken on the stove, even though I was the youngest of all the grandkids. To me, that is love.

  482. My Mom made the absolute best chicken and dumplings! Loads of gravy. I could have mine in a soup bowl if I wanted. Yummy!

  483. Comfort foods for me include my youngest daughter’s homemade mac’n’cheese (with LOTS of cheese) and prime rib! Not necessarily together, of course, but those two foods just say ‘Aaaahhh’ to me! As far as comfort foods together, I would say the homemade mac’n’cheese and a big fruit salad, no topping, just lots of delicious fresh fruit like berries, watermelon, pineapple, bananas, oranges, apples, mango, etc, etc. Oh, and some chopped dates and raisins tossed in.

  484. My food memory from childhood would be the wonderful food available at our cafeteria from school.. Pizza, mashed potatoes and corn w/ a buttery roll. Totally brings me back to the 90’s 🙂

  485. I remember coming home from school and the house would smell so good. My mom would make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and add butterscotch chips too. I can almost taste them now. Yum!

  486. A tradition that we have continued with my kids (and is really odd to outsiders) is to put ketchup on our homemade tacos. Growing up, it was with soft, pan-warmed corn tortillas but now we have both available since most of the family prefers flour tortillas. It isn’t so odd if you break it down to it being a sweet instead of a hot sauce, which sometimes is added, and we have converted many outside the family. Yummmmmmmy!

  487. Definitely cookies. My mom always had homemade cookies in the house, and, at Christmas, she still makes about 20 different types to give away to friends and neighbors.

  488. We had Tomato soup and Grilled cheese sandwiches when it was cold. We also had special cookies made with chocolate chips and peanut butter.

  489. I always enjoyed pizza day at school. I really miss those rectangular pizzas and the dessert they served with it was delicious, peanut butter bars. My grandmother went to my high school and got the dessert recipe for me; I’ve had to seriously reduce it in size because they were making it for over a thousand!

  490. My brother just passed away last Sunday unexpectedly and it got me to thinking of all the good times we had growing up and one of the things was: My Mom could make a supper from nothing. She would make supper just appear. One of our favorites was a goolash with hot dogs baked in a cassarole in the oven. Rice, stewed tomatoes, corn, celery, green peppers and hot dogs on the top baked in the oven, oh thank you for helping me remember such a wonderful memory. Now I think I will make it for my Grandchildren.

    1. Mom would make the best rice pudding. Also when we would get sick she would make eggnog. Yes Carlene ” Wounderful memory ” Aloha

  491. My grandma’s beef stroganoff was the only thing she could cook well, and it was the best. She made it for birthdays and holidays, and I always had several plates of it. I’ve never had a good beef stroganoff since she passed. It was and always will be her specialty.

  492. One of my favorite memories is making rice crispy treats with my mom and brother. I almost giggle as I think about the gooey marshmellow melting and smearing on everything. It was a messy job but it was fun to lick off the cereal and marshmellow off the spoon and our fingers. YUM!

  493. My mom use to make us Macaroni and Cheese and give us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with it cut into triangles. As odd of a combination I loved it and it always makes me feel like a kid having either one or both 🙂

  494. There are so many childhood memories that revolve around my mother’s good cooking. She was used to cooking for a family of 6-10, and when it was down to four in the family, let’s just say there were a lot of leftovers. She would be creative and try to make the leftovers appear and taste differently…and she did have a gift for that.
    A fond memory is every Sunday our family (as many that were able to make it after church) would get together, and very rarely would she ever need us to bring anything. She loved to cook, feed, and share, which meant, generally we didn’t go home empty handed. Even when my dad retired and they went to a fixed income, she still continued to do this, by finding inexpensive recipes. I think she had a Jesus quality that she could make the food
    multiply. We always told her she cooked enough food to feed an army!
    Mom’s apple pie, still a little warm, with vanilla icecream probably is the highlight. Many would not wait to have their dessert for fear it would be gone! My dad grew apple trees in the backyard, and there was a distinct taste and crunch to these apples that baked so nicely! The homemade applesauce was more of a favorite to me, because I really don’t eat pie…I would pick the apples out, and everyone would fuss over wasting a piece of pie…well, I guess if you’re not going to eat that (the pie crust), I’ll finish it off.
    Another winter time favorite, besided cookie baking and preparing for holiday meals, we looked forward to homemade icecream. It was a family tradition at Christmas to have this, and the first year without a snowfall, they had to prepare it another way…It was still delicious! They eventually purchased icecream makers for the adults, because they would blow the motors out of theirs frequently. One year, everyone made a different flavor and brought it…YUMM!
    I could go on and on about foods that bring back childhood memories, but I think the true memory is not about the food, but the time spent together during and after the meals (for me it was helping before, and cleaning after so Mom did not have to do it by herself!). My kids are teanagers, and to this day, we have never missed a meal as a family. Thanks for
    passing that value along Mom and Dad!

  495. Definitely has to be gooey, warm chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. They were best straight out of the oven!

  496. Meatloaf, roast beef, and ham – the Sunday dinners we had all the time. My hubby doesn’t like traditional Sunday dinner food, so I don’t eat them very often. When I do, I always think of my childhood.

  497. My mom’s homemade pizza. I remember the day she got her breadmachine and how the crust would rise so high it was better than deep dish! Now her homemade pizza is a tradition on Christmas Eve. There is just something about the thick, warm dough that makes any topping wonderful.

  498. Weirdly enough it was tuna casserole and canned pears – she made the kind topped with cheese and crushed potato chips, the best!!

  499. Bacon, Lettuce and Tomatoe sandwiches on toast cut diagonally (of course). Love it in the hot summer with fresh tomatoes from the garden!

  500. As a kid, I loved applesauce. I could eat a giant jar all by myself! Not the most exciting food, but other than peanut butter it was my fav 🙂

  501. I loved my mom’s stuffed bell peppers. In fact, I still love them. She just made a casserole dish full of them for me to take home a few weeks ago. She is 84 years old and she still makes this family favorite for my sister and me. My daughter and I have decided it’s time for us to spend an afternoon with mom to learn how to make this great comfort food.

  502. A bowl of steamin’ hot chicken noodle soup always hit the spot on the days I stayed home from school sick watching Bob Barker on The Price is Right. My favorite chicken noodle soup today is what Souplantation serves. I’ll buy a quart To Go for any of my friends and family who may need an immune booster.

    1. LOL, I used to watch Bob Barker on the Price is Right whenever I was sick and stayed home from school too!

  503. birthday cake and cheetos…. for some reason they always thad that at the birthday parties i went to……i guess that’s the reason why i was a fat kid for such a long time

  504. A food combo that conjours up great childhood memories for me is a peanut butter and banana sandwich with the crusts cut off and a cold glass of milk! My mom would have one of those waiting for me after school and I always looked forward to it.

  505. My mom always slow-cooked pot roast in the oven. When I would come home from school on cold wintry days and smell the roast and vegetables in our warm kitchen, I knew it was going to be a good dinner!

  506. I grew up in the early 50s in a small town in a modest house, but with a Mom who was home every day. One of my fondest childhood memories of ‘home’ is walking in the door after school and smelling what Mom had cooking in the oven. And, one of my favorites was smelling her meatloaf, but my ‘favorite Mom homecooked meal’ was always beef and noodles with mashed potatoes! It was the best and whenever I traveled back home again in Indiana, my Mom always made Beef and Noodles because Nancy was home. There really is no place like home…

  507. When I was in school, on cold days my mom would pack hot soup in my thermos and place a hot dog in the soup & a bun with all the fixings in my lunch box. At lunch, I would take the hot dog out of the soup & put it in the bun to eat. The warm hot dog & soup was such a treat when it was cold outside!!

  508. Without a doubt my favorite childhood food memories are the “open face” sandwiches my mom would make.
    The whole plate was a face. Carrot smile, prune eyes, cucumber cheeks, Cheetos hair. LOVED IT! It was so awesome. I do it for my kids now.

  509. One of my most favorite meals my Mom prepared for us was her Tuna & Noodle Casserole. My Dad wasn’t much for casseroles, but this one as a hit with the entire family, all 10 of us. What made it so special was the crumbled potato chips she would sprinkle on top before she would bake it. So yummy and there was nothing better on a cold blustery day. To top it off, she would make Tapioca Pudding and serve it to us while it was still warm. MMMM now that’s a memory I won’t soon forget.

  510. my mom made the best arroz con gandules ever. A Puerto Rican/ Spanish dish that has chick peas, rice and pork in it! I would eat so much she would double the recipe! Every holiday she made it to take to my grandparents house and there was never enough to go around!

  511. My mother, who wasn’t the greatest cook, makes a really good beef vegetable soup and baked grilled cheese sandwhich. She would take leftover pot roast for the beef and add only fresh vegetables. My brother refused to eat vegetables when he was little so she named it “Snicklefritz soup” so he would eat it. We still request her Snicklefritz soup.

  512. My mom makes the best rice dishes. Arroz con pollo, Paella, even her stews like Fricazed de pollo with rice are AMAZING. These are the aromas that filled my house and my belly as a kid. I am so thankful for our Cuban/Spanish heritage.

  513. Oreo cookies, a glass of milk and cubes of red jello in a tall glass bring me fond memories. My best friend’s Mom would have these waiting for us whenever I would go to visit after school!

  514. My mom used to make tomato soup and put popcorn in it- that is what makes me feel like a kid again – to eat those foods together

  515. My favorite thing that my Grandma and I made was crumbled up Jiffy Corn bread, browned ground meat, lettuce, tomato, cheese and salsa. I loved fixing and eating that with Grandma.

  516. I have a couple of combos that bring back great childhood memories: first is pancakes and egg (fried egg). My dad used to make them almost every Saturday morning when I was growing up. Second is my grandma’s Gnocci and potato salad with homemade mayonnaise. Those were staples at our family get-togethers for birthday celebrations and holidays. I still have yet to perfect her recipe, there’s none other like it!

  517. I always loved my mom’s tuna noodle casserole (made with cream of mushroom soup), and tuna rolls (her dough rolled out and cut into rectangles, rolled up with a tuna, egg and celery mixture, and baked til lightly golden brown) topped with cream of mushroom soup and peas. They still make me feel like a kid, and I still make them. . My grandmother would make “lukschen” for us, wide egg noddles with sauteed onions and sour cream. Yum!

  518. On cold nights my mother would occasionally fix the best dinner. We scarffed up the “white cream sauce loaded with cooked ground beef that she served over toast. We always had picante sauce to accompany or even a fried egg if we wanted it. Leaving the best to last was the creamiest, most divine chocolate cookies made with Jello chocolate pudding…

  519. Mom used to make green bean casserole every once in a while, and I could never get over how much it looked like throw-up mixed with snot. Now I now it’s not (it’snot… itsnot… it snot… heh) but I still have to suppress a slight gag reflex every time I take a bite of some at a family function. And to think, we mature with age.

  520. My mom made pierogi that my brother and I would gobble up. No need for my mother to say “Eat all your dinner.”

  521. One of my best childhood memories is of walking into my grandmothers house and seeing the fresh, home-made noodles strung across her kitchen table. That meant we’d have her famous chicken soup for dinner often followed by her handmade blueberry pie. Nothing beats chicken soup made from scratch and shared with three generations around the table.

  522. Sometimes on hot summer nights, my mom would let us have “milkshakes” with dinner, which were nothing more than a banana + milk + ice whirled in the blender, but it tasted so decadent to us kids and was a huge treat — but once I got older, I realized how clever she was to “trick” us into thinking something that healthy was a reward!

  523. When I was young, I’d wake up early on Saturdays and my dad would make me french toast for breakfast…soo goood. I also enjoyed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a cup of milk and a small bag of trail mix that consisted of peanuts and raisins.

  524. Friday nights on Massachusetts winters my mom would heat up the old gas stove in the cellar and make a simple homemade pizza with sauce and Parmesan cheese..the best pizza yet ever………Or the coal furnace would be burning !!!!!!!!!!all in a cozy cellar with sheets and laundry drying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!best ever smells to remember……….

  525. Fried chicken and bread and gravy. So delicious, especially since I can’t eat fried food anymore. But if I had some of my mom’s fried chicken right now, all bets are off!

  526. My mom would always make homemade chicken soup with matzo balls. To this day, whenever anyone in the family is sick, she’ll make it and bring it over. It is definitely the cure-all and it always makes you feel warm inside.

  527. The best make-you-feel-loved food is hot, creamy soup ladled into a warm, crusty bread bowl. There is nothing better than enjoying that soup knowing the treat of the flavorful bread is coming next. Souplantation… crusty bread bowls can be your new signature item! Pretty please?

  528. No one makes chicken mole with spanish rice the way my mom makes it. Of course, I never tried anyone else’s until I was an adult, but guess what, I still feel the same way. No one makes it like my mom! She doesn’t have the time to make it as often anymore so it has become a birthday treat every year!

  529. My favorite was curry! My mom would put a pack of pre-made curry in the rice cooker and let it sit while she went out to work. I would open the rice cooker and smell fresh curry and rice. It was the best!

  530. Macaroni with cottage cheese (small curd, like Farmer Cheese or Ricotta). The cheese melts in the hot noodles and the whole thing is just oozy, creamy.

  531. My mom would make chinese rice congee with a poached egg for breakfast. It was the perfect way to start the day.

  532. My family is from the midwest so everything they cook is comfort food, and it is hard to choose, but one of my favorites would be when my mom would bake cube steaks in the oven on a very low temperature while we were at church. When we got home she would make a thickened gravy and add to the roaster and continue cooking while the rest of the meal was done. It was one of the most delicious melt in your mouth meals you have ever tasted.

    She would also make creamed eggs (boiled eggs, chopped and mixed with a white sauce) over toast. So yummy! My grown kids love this one to this day. We also loved the biscuits and gravy!

    I am making myself hungry just thinking about all the wonderful foods I grew up on.

  533. Mmmmm…I can still remember the wonderful smell of my mother’s tuna casserole baking in the oven. It was always cheesy and buttery and perfect on a chilly day. I never wanted to wait for it to cool…I just wanted to eat it right away. Now I’m 32 and I still can’t wait to eat it when I make it!!

  534. I think that lasagna was my favorite because both my mom and I would work on it all day. We’d simmer the sauce for 4 hours and boil the noodles and then put all the layers of ricotta, meat sauce, mozzarella and noodles together and bake it for a long time. The anticipation grew with the smell from the oven.

  535. My dad was a navy man and he used to make us chipped beef and white gravy over bread when we were kids. yum.

  536. my mom would cook veggie dogs and give me a jar of mustard to dip them in and out of!!!!!!!! We would make curry sauce with vegetables and salmon and our Iranian neighbor would bring basmati rice over and we would watch a Disney or Anne of Geen Gables type movie, with a fire in the fireplace in our back glass walled room!!!!!!enchanting

  537. My mom used to make us red peppers with cottage cheese and paprika sprinkled on top, ahhh, takes me back

  538. My mom was/is a fantastic cook, but one of the simplest things she made is still one of my favorites: grits and eggs. The grits were usually instant, the eggs were just boiled eggs, but add some butter, salt, and pepper and you have a breakfast that keeps you full and energetic all day!

  539. I will always remember Mom making snickerdoodles and the smell of the cinnamon wafing through the entire house when I was growing up. To this day the small of warm cookies with cinnamon is a favorite scent. I love the smell so much that I buy anything with a cinnamon scent to recreate that smell and memory.

    Mom was the everyday cook but my Dad would cook breakfast on Saturday mornings, he would bang the pans to wake us up and make packages in all different shapes, all made by pouring the pancake batter free form and if we had leftover mashed potatoes, he would make potato pancakes. I think having the pancakes made in a special form that you requested will always be a treasured memory.

  540. How about every meal? From hot oatmeal or cream of wheat in the morning, to packing my lunch for school (some days I got to come home for lunch and she would make open faced grilled cheese and tomato!), to dinner on the table every night. She also canned her own jam and was the best baker ever. I miss her apricot pie with crumb topping the most… but it’s super hard to pick just one.

  541. My favorite family childhood nights were full of the fragrant aromas of fresh vegetable lasagna made from scratch with toasted garlic bread and cheese. My mom found a way to make salad mouthwatering as well when she added homemade croutons and a splash of lemon zest. I now try to recreate these memories for my own little girl- who loves italian food!

  542. Macaroni and cheese mixed with green peas makes me feel like a kid again! I also have fond memories of ham, cheese, egg, and strawberry jam sandwiches!

  543. I love grilled chesses and campell’s tomato soup, my mom’s beef stew, and her special sugar cookies!

  544. Macaroni and cheese. I only eat it now as an adult when I have had a really bad day. Oh, and chocolate chip cookie dough, we didn’t really bother to bake them!

  545. My favorite is so easy. Apple and Cinnamon Oatmeal. My grandpa used to make it every morning for me for breakfast. He made it exactly the way I like it, nice and thick. I wish I could tell him now how much that meant to me.

  546. how about a good old fashioned meat loaf, with mashed potatoes, fresh green beans, this meal brings back so many good memories. we did not have deserts, but when we did it was grandma’s Banana Cream pie. yumm yum.

  547. My mom is an awesome cook. She would spend time in the kitchen preparing the meals for 5 children. The one I really liked was the pot roast. It was so tender the carrots and potatos were soft and yummyas well. Then she would make homemade chocolate pudding on the stove and then add fresh warm homemade carmel sauce. Thanks mom for that yummy meal!

  548. Tomato soup and grilled cheese is the killer combination. And I’m talking grilled cheese that is just dripping with butter!

  549. Homemade Pumpkin Pie & lots of whipped cream.

    Homemade Egg Noodles (flour, eggs, and a pinch of salt) with leftover Thanksgiving Turkey (torn into chunks) in leftover Homemade Turkey Gravy that has been thickened with flour not corn starch.

    Roast Beef with homemade mashed potatoes, home made gravy, and root vegetables that were roasted in the roaster with the beef.

  550. Hot, fresh chocolate chip cookies with dark chocolate chips and a glass of cold milk always hit the spot for me when I was a kid, as did simple Mac & cheese and some buttered sourdough bread!

  551. We had a tradition in our family for our birthdays. If it was your birthday you could choose anything for that meal and Mom would prepare it. I never waivered when it was my turn. It would always be breaded pork chops, cheesy potatoes, homemade chunky applesauce and pineapple upside down cake for dessert. It is still my favorite meal. I have continued the tradition with my boys.

  552. My fondest, make me smile food memory is making sugar cookies with my mom and sisters at Christmas time. The best part wasn’t making the cookies, it was decorating them with colored sugars and sprinkles, trying to see which one of us sisters could make the prettiest decorations. Of course mom said all the cookies were beautiful. Moms are the best!

  553. I remember that good tomatoe soup my mom used to make and the grilled cheese sandwiches. I like the healthy vegetable soup that there is at Sweet Tomatoes.

  554. Oh my, there are so many choices! Mama was a wonderful cook and I remember her wonderful fried chicken with potato salad and baked beans (for our picnics), her scrumptious homemade chicken soup, and the biggest and best pot of pinto beans (made with brisket – not hamburger meat) you ever tasted served with cornbread – yummy! Everything she cooked was made from the heart with love! I only hope I’m half the cook she was and that I’ve passed that on to my daughter.

  555. siting in my gammas kitchen in Alabama eating g homemade gumbo with shrimp precently caught out of the Mobile Bay…………….

  556. My dad would put potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil in the fireplace under the ashes so we would have fresh baked potatoes to unravel and eat. YUMMY!

  557. I just loved my mom’s rhubarb pie. She grew the rhubarb in her garden. It was the best! She also made great lentil soup from scratch. I can’t find any other soup like it.

  558. Mom called it slumgullian….macaroni, ground beef, tomatoe sauce with celery and onion….comfort food at it’s best.

  559. My Mom used to make the best beef stew ever, her beef chili with beans was also awesome, both great comfort foods.

  560. By far my favorite meal growing up would be the Mickey- shaped pancakes my mom would make just for me! ( Also accompanied by a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice from our backyard orange tree!) Nothing fancy, but it just made breakfast so fun! I remember asking her to make them for me even past the Mickey loving youth years. This might explain why I pursued a career at Disneyland, dancing in the parades! Fulfilling a childhood dream that may have started with a loving and caring mother’s desire to make breakfast fun and special for her child. I have the greatest mother alive! We just celebrated her 10 year cancer free anniversary! So very blessed!

  561. The dish that sticks out in my mind amongst all the rest is my mother’s homemade chili. The perfect meal to warm you up after playing outside in the snow, over hot dogs, or along side a baked potato. Mmmmm… gotta love a hot and spicy chili with lots of meat and the distinct taste of HOME!

  562. Whenever our family went to an all-you-can-eat buffet and I went to the bathroom, I would have some nasty surprises waiting for me when I got back. Hotdogs in my coke, super-salted ice cream, tons of hidden mustard…

    This tradition actually hasn’t changed, and I still get the odd ketchup-in-the-coke. I do get my revenge, however, which involves chocolate applied directly to the face!

  563. I’m 10 in bed with strep throat…mom bustles into my room with a delicious poached egg…a staple for those under the weather in my house. Another favorite was cinnamon toast…it’s just not the same now that I’m a “grown up”

  564. My mom made homemade matzoh ball soup. Because we wouldn’t eat the vegetables if we could see them, my mother put them through a food grinder and put them back in the soup so we would still have the same fiber and nutrition. We never knew we were eating so healthy! I still prepared this recipe for my family, in the same way, and it is a favorite of all!

  565. I come from a big family of 7 syblings. One of my favorite memories was when my mother would make a chocolate pourage (called Chomporado) and toast some bread. My syblings and I would all gather around the table, anxiously waiting for the chomporado to be served. Umm, umm, good! For dinner my mother would make a warn and hearty soup made from cabbage, onions and beef steak. We’d pour this over some rice. It was delicous! I’m happy to say, even after all these years, and my syblings and I being much older, my mother will occasionally call us together and still cook these favorites for us on a cold day!

  566. When we were little, my mom would use to make us pizza triangles using a hot sandwich press. My brother and I loved them! My fiancee made them the other day and they reminded me of home.

  567. My Mom had a recipe called “Chicken Magnifique” that we would ask for again and again. It was a baked chicked with a mushroom soup sauce piled on steaming white rice. She also had a great spagetti recipe that we would come home and ask for after we went off to college. My sister always asked for meatballs made with rice and tomato soup, but I didn’t like it, mostly becuase she did. And I wonder why my kids are so challenging to keep happy in the food department!

  568. I loved the warm gingerbread cake my Mom used to make, so moist, dark and rich with flavor. It seemed like I could eat the whole pan by myself!

  569. I remember my mom, little brother and I would bake fresh chocolate chip and macadamia white chocolate cookies at home. We use to make 3 cookie sheets with one of the sheets being a 10″ wide jumbo cookie. I still remember the aroma filling the house as the cookies baked and how we were anxious to grab them off the tray barely after taking them out of the oven. Oh youthful metabolism…how I miss you =p

  570. Sunday afternoon waffles! We would have eggs, bacon and juice too, but the waffles were always my fave and still are!

  571. I loved fish sticks when I was growing up, and every now and then I get a hankering for them (I especially like the crispy ones.) I don’t remember what Mama served with them, but I serve them with baked potatoes with all the trimmings, lemon juice and homemade cocktail sauce… We also have salad and/or vegetables, of course, but they aren’t the important part of the meal.

  572. Mom would make Quaker Oats oatmeal cookies. She would add a little peanut butter to the mix and make them tall and thick. Also Grandma would always have fresh cut watermelon everytime I came for a visit.

  573. My mom had the Tollhouse Cookie recipe memorized because we made it so many times. She would always let me eat some of the dough raw. My brother and I would fight over who got to lick the beaters, the spoon, and the bowl! And the cookies taste best fresh out of the oven with a big glass of milk. Yum!

  574. Hot dogs (my Mom would toast the buns) and pork-n-beans. My brothers would fight for the little piece of pork from the can.

  575. There wasn’t much my mom couldn’t make. We didn’t have much money back then so we always ate in. However, the food always tasted better than any restaurant. Mom would make her delicious rice with her mouthwatering enchiladas; or her tamales from scratch; the best chicken, beef or steak tacos. Almost everything, everything was made from scratch. We had an extra blessing too since we lived with my mama (grandma)who was the one who taught my mom everything about cooking! When we came home from school, there would always be the familiar smell coming from the house that you could whiff coming down the block. She loved having people over as well, and was often accused of trying to fatten people up since nobody could resist her cooking. She could make a vegetarian change their path! She’s gone now and oh how I miss her so and there will never be another cook like that, as far as I’m concerned!

  576. When I was young, I remember my mom making a couple of special dishes. A meat loaf recipe (not your typical meat loaf, much moister and swimming in tomato sauce) served over pasta. Also, she would take some cooked pasta and fry it with some scrambled eggs. Loved both of these!

  577. Meatloaf and macaroni and cheese or sometimes mashed potatoes was great after a cold, long day at school when i was a kid; the best part was my mom always seemed to know when to make it to comfort us after a bad day

  578. My favorite childhood foods would have to be
    1) Kraft macaroni & Cheese – the shapes kind!
    2)French toast. yummy! My dad used to make this EVERY weekend. Some butter and brown sugar…I might have to have this today!

  579. Mushroom soup! My Dad got a “great deal” on mushroom soup and bought five cases of it! For almost a year my brother and I ate it for countless lunches with bologna sandwiches. We decided we would never eat mushroom soup and bologna sandwiches again!
    Well I still don’t eat bologna sandwiches, but the mushroom soup at Sweet Tomatoes tastes great and actually brought back the great memories of those golden years. If they made ’em at Sweet Tomatoes, I might even give those bologna sandwiches a try………..nah, I still hate that stuff!

  580. My favorite foods my Mom would make is Grilled cheese sandwich with homemade chicken noodle soup. It was just the best on a cold rainy day! For dessert she would bake these cookies called Hello Dolly cookies. Made in a brownie pan, graham cracker crust , melted butter ,eagle brand milk, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips , and coconut all melted together. So yummy with a cold glass of milk.

  581. My dad used to make homemade strawberry preserves, on top of my mom’s -made from scratch- pancakes and a little bit of butter was heaven in a plate, my sister used to help me roll the giant pancake using cuttlery (cause I was too small to use the knife and fork, I would use my hands to roll it and lick all my fingers afterwards)

  582. My mom’s macaroni and cheese! Baked in the oven and the crunchy bits on the top are the best! Still love this today at 60 years of age.

  583. Taco night. Simply because we would turn on the music and all cook together. We were each in charge o a different part of the tacos.

  584. A sunday roast was one of the best meals my mum made. You knew it was coming every week! Roast chicken, roast potatoes, veggies, Yorkshire puddings… all covered in brown gravy. Such a warm and cozy dinner! Definitely one of my all-time favorites.

  585. My mom would make me the best Penut butter, honey and banana sandwiches. She would toast the whole weet bread, spread on a thick layer of crunchy penut butter, then put thin slices lengthwise of banana to cover the whole piece of bread. The trick was she put penut butter on both slices of bread, honey on top of that on both pieces and double layer of thin sliced bananas….

  586. One of my favorite childhood memories was make your own mini pizza night. My mom would give my brother and I english muffins and we were able to make it our own. She would put the sauce and all the toppings out on the table and we could choose.
    I remember that we would make happy faces out of the olives to be silly. They were very simple, ususally salami or ham, olives and cheese. Pop in the oven for a few minutes and instant pizza, that we could say we made ourselves. We do this now with our own kids. Super fun!

  587. My mom made the best lasagna and garlic bread. It took a long time and we always had to help out in the kitchen- grate cheese and butter bread, etc. but it was sooo worth it!

  588. The best memories I have as a kid were during the holidays when we would make butter cookies and rosettes. It would be my grandmother, mother, aunt and myself all squished into a small galley style kitchen. It was about 100 degrees inside between the oven being on and the deep fryer.
    My grandmother was amazing because she could make the dough for the butter cookies and the batter for the rosettes from memory and it was perfect every single time. We would have brown paper bags all over the kitchen to drain the rosettes and trays of cookies cooling every where.
    We would sweat and my grandfather never wanted us to open the window because it would cost too much in heat loss but we always had the best time. Lot of laughs and tons of fun. The best part was getting to eat the cookies while they were still warm.
    After my grandmother passed away, my mom kept the tradition alive and now that I am married, I have started baking the cookies myself. Although I still don’t know the recipe by heart.

  589. Family food memories include so much more than food, don’t they? Those Saturday mornings when my dad would make hot cakes before we’d do outdoor chores, and the big Sunday dinners with a bunch of relatives (thank goodness for the kid’s table!) and extra-tasty fried chicken and mashed potatoes and green beans with bacon…
    Sunday nights for soup and popcorn with movies… best way to start/end the week.

  590. We used to go home for lunch during the school day. My Mom would do her grocery shopping for the week on Friday mornings. I would walk home for lunch and every Friday my Mom would give us each a personal size 6 inch pizza for lunch with a serving of applesauce to go a long with it. I always looked forward to Fridays.

  591. Was never a big fan of meat, but I really did enjoy the chicken noodle soup that my mother made. Could never get enough!

  592. My favorite memory is rolling dough on my grandma’s kitchen table to make chicken noodle soup. We would roll the dough, cut it into strips & drop it into boiling water. The finished product was thick, tasty noodles along with the chicken. I was never able to duplicate her process. But then Soup Plantation came along & “hooray” you did the job. Whenever I have your chicken noodle soup it puts me back in the 1950’s when families cooked & ate together. Soup Plantation is really a family/friends event. A place were, not only you have great food, but an event each time you eat.

  593. the best part of a meal for me was desert. weather it be green chile chicken enchiladas, my grandma’s spanish rice, or my tia Rosa’s tamales (with raisins and green olives). A homemade churro was always welcomed. Freshly made with brown sugar and cinnimon, a dash of powdered sugar and a scoop of your favorite ice cream and rasberries 🙂

  594. I still long for those made by dad peanut butter and jelly sandwiches…you know the ones made in the morning and stuffed in a brown bag with your heavy bottled water so that by lunch they are all flattened out and the bread has abosrbed the jelly and some of the peanut butter and it’s a little chewy from having been compressed. When I get this craving now I defrost an uncrustables sandwich and flatten it for a while…not the same as one made with love by dad…but it does the trick!

  595. Ambrosia Salad! Yum.
    Tapioca Pudding. Yum.
    Easy and quick. Stirred with Mom’s love and a dash of kisses.

  596. I remember my Mom’s meat sauce spaghetti with garlic bread. She would make so much we would ahve leftovers for days!! Great…now I really want some….

  597. The special Zebra cake my mom made for my birthday – homemade chocolate cookies layered with whipcream (the real kind) and frozen. She made it for the first time for me in my adult likfe for my most recent 36th birthday. It definitely brought back great memories!

  598. I love everything that my mom cooked for my sister and I as kids. Some of my favorite dinners were: fish sticks and kraft macaroni & cheese & chicken pot pies and cottage cheese with pineapple. Both of these dinners take me back to when I was a little girl. I make them every so often just so I can reminisce on being a kid again.

  599. Hot and sour vegetable soup with vegetable noodles and chinese vegetarian salad
    In breakfast I would like to see vegetable omelette with rolls…yummmy.
    That’s what my mom made for us on rainy days. She is a gourmet cook and your food comes very close to hers in healthy options…. its a family ritual to visit soup plantation twice a month at least.

  600. Growing up in MN we had a lot of cold days with wonderful homemade hot meals! One of my favorites was mom’s homemade chili with mashed potatoes…a family favorite and easy enough to serve all 6 of us kids

  601. Homemade bagel bites, Korean rice cakes, and a cup of fresh squeezed orange juice always made me jump with joy!

  602. My mom’s fresh homemade potato pancakes (Kartoffelpuffer) with applesauce. I have yet to replicate that magical meal she used to make for us a long time go.

  603. Breakfast for dinner! My mom never made the whole eggs, pancakes thing in the morning, there was never time, but every so often she would make breakfast for dinner, and every time I do the same with my husband and I, I think of my childhood again.

  604. My dad would always make awesome bread from scratch..loved the smell of it when I’d come home from school

  605. Coming from a traditional Asian family, we had meals that many people may deem odd. But thats the best part because that’s what separates my childhood meal from everyone else. I remember when I was coming down with a fever, instead of feeding me chicken noodle soup, I was fed rice porridge, in my language it’s called “chao.” Chao is made up of just rice and water and the texture is very thick, entrapping the warmth of the soup for awhile. Sometimes i add fish sauce, called “nuoc mam,” for flavor. Just a small bowl would do the trick in making me feel better!

  606. My favorite meal was Sunday afternoon. My Mom was from the south and Sunday afternoon is a big deal there, at least where she came from and we always had something special that wasn’t made the rest of the week. Some of the special meals were fried chicken with a delicious creamy cold slaw and a vegetable, or steak and salad with buttered bread. After the meal was always a special dessert. I loved Sunday afternoon because the rest of the week was a blur of hurry, hurry, hurry. Sunday was the slow take it easy afternoon with great food.

  607. For special occasions my mom always made (still does!) homemade peanut butter cookies but added a hershey kiss to the top while they were still warm. Great with a cold glass of milk!

  608. Every Sunday was spent at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. We always had a big meal with a pot roast and for dessert we ate peach cobbler. These are my favorite!

  609. making awesome chocolate chip cookies with my mom and eating the cookie dough. Nothing beats a homeade cookies =)

  610. This is a coincidence since it’s St. Patrick’s Day, but I always loved my mom’s corned beef with potatoes!

  611. Overwhelmingly hands down moms sweet and hearty chili along with her home made banana bread! That was a winner any snow day or busy day at play in my house. The aroma of spices and sweetness knocked me out when I walked inside that kitchen door!

  612. My favorite childhood memory has to be with my Grandmother. On cold days she would make hot cocoa and toast, this combo was magical. She always made sure the hot cocoa mix had mini marshmellows and she would butter the bread before it was toasted, I think thats what made it the best. My mom would tried to make me hot cocoa and toast and she buttered the bread after it was toasted, it was not the same. My Grandma’s hot cocoa and buttered toast could always cheer me up or make me feel better. I think when I get home today, I going to have hot cocoa and buttered toast. I just hope I can make it the way she use to.

  613. Mini-Pigs in a Blanket served with ketchup and Cream of Mushroom Barley soup with garlic-cheese bread. YUM!!

  614. When I was in elementary school, my favorite school days were the ones when the cafeteria would serve chicken nuggets! I remember that I didn’t know about brand names and so I thought that ALL chicken nuggets were called “McNuggets” (like McDonald’s brand), and I am sure the lunch ladies got a nice chuckle at the little blonde girl who would always ask for “McNuggets” in the cafeteria. 🙂 My 8-year-old is a nugget fan now…and sometimes we’ll even share some together! It’s nice to pass down fond memories to your children while creating new ones.

  615. As a kid, the best meals were always the ones I got to help prepare. I especially liked taco night because there were so many ingredients to help with. My dad would let me grate the cheese, chop tomatoes and lettuce, etc. It made me feel so proud of the end result because I was a part of making it.

  616. Holding up the line for the chicken noodle soup at souplantation and grabbing as many bowls as I can, when the bowls use to be bigger and colored white!

  617. When I had a cold or didn’t feel well as a kid, my mother would make me a bowl of pastina, tiny little pasta stars in a chicken broth, and a grilled cheese sandwich. A very simple dish but I still remember it fondly.

  618. I remember having barbques in the backyard during the summer. We would have pool parties with friends and neighbors and barbaque hamburgers and hotdogs. We would swim all day long. Our parents would have to threaten us or physically pull us out of the water. My brother and I loved swimming and playing games in the pool. We would also have ping pong tournaments among cousins and friends. Later at night we would roast marsh mellows in the fire pit.

  619. Being Asian, it was homemade chicken noodle soup that was made with rice noodles instead of wheat noodles. And topped with cooked soybean sprouts.

  620. Rainy days have always felt extra special to me– partly because they were a rarity growing up in Southern California, but mostly because I could always count on my mother to take extra care of me on those dark, wet days. I live on the east coast now and most I talk to now don’t have the positive associations I carry with rainy days; they always wish for them to be over. Not for me. When I smell the rain in the air before a drop falls I instantly get thrown back to my elementary school days when my mother would make me home-made oatmeal with maple and brown sugar– to this day I can not copy the way she made it. It just isn’t the same. More distinctly I remember when El Nino hit California and there were days where school was canceled and my mom would miss work just to stay home with me. She would make her own Macaroni Tomato soup, to this day I haven’t seen anything like it. If I close my eyes I can still smell the aroma and the sound of her wooden spoon stirring in the pan. With it she always made me grilled cheese, perfectly grilled on the griddle. I don’t know if it was her special touch or if it was merely the love she poured in before bringing it to me at the table, but my senses explode every time I hear the rain.

  621. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, I love roast! With a family of 5 to feed, mom would always put a roast in the oven on Sunday morning before church. What I remember the most is always coming home and smelling the roast. Odd for a kid who always requested frito pie or hamburgers on Sunday, the smell of roast would make my mouth water. Paired with baked potatoes where could add a LOT of yummy stuff, it was perfect! About once a year I get a real craving to smell roast and will go to the store, buy the ingredients and make it just to have the memories again!

  622. Every Halloween, my mom would make homemade spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and chocolate chip cookies for dessert for my friends and I. It was great to come in from the cold after trick-or-treating to a warm home-cooked meal. I miss those days!

  623. I remember waking up on a sunday morning to the smell of my mom making rice crispy cakes! I would sneak a couple as they were cooling and remember the soft chewiness of it.

  624. My mother loves to bake. She still makes our childhood favorites — mine — a gooey chocolate cake with marshmallow/chocolate frosting!

  625. When I was a kid, my mom was always best at making homemade pancakes. Although she started with a base of baking mix, she added extra ingredients to make them some of the most luscious pancakes ever. She made them large, too–at least seven inches in diameter, if not larger. That way one (or possibly two) would be enough for a full and hearty meal. They were the best possible breakfast–or lunch or dinner!

  626. I always loved Hot dogs with Cirly fries and lemonade when I was younger and I still love it today 🙂

  627. My mom fed us all the normal kid foods, but what i really remember well were the special lunches she would make me for field trips or birthdays or other special occasions – turkey and provolone sandwiches on buttery croissants with the lettuce and tomato in a separate baggy so that the croissant wouldn’t get soggy. If that isn’t love i don’t know what is!

  628. My mom made delicious pot roast with carrots, potatoes, cabbage, and gravy. It was the best meal! Another favorite was tacos made with fried corn tortillas, ground beef, tomatoes, lettuce, cheddar cheese, and ketchup! Yes, ketchup! Everyone thinks that sounds disgusting, but my sister and I really ate it up when we were little.

  629. Being i’m from a Cuban/Hispanic family, everything is celebrated with lots of food. But my most favorite meals were with my aunt. She could cook for an army! Everything she cooked was delicious. Her most famous was her arros con leche (rice pudding) and when she passed away, she didn’t leave her recipe. As for my mom, she cooked good too and my fav was her Picadillo, white rice and fried plantains. Picadillo is ground meat with (sofrito) spices, raisins, capers, red peppers or green peppers and dry white wine, YUMMY! I can smell it now! I miss her soooo much. Aye mami!

  630. My Mom made me grilled peanut butter and honey sandwiches when I was a kid. The peanut butter would get warm and gooey. Years later I would occasionally work near the Hoody’s Peanut roasting plant, and the smell of the peanuts roasting was just like the aroma of my PB&H sandwich grilling. Fond memories!

  631. One great meal memory I have is Veggie Fondue Night. She would pick a few different salad dressings and put them in ramekin’s on the table. Then she set out a platter of veggies; cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, radishes, etc. We could then pick our veggies and dip them in whichever dressing we wanted (just no double dipping!). We even got to use bamboo skewers to do the dipping. It was a great way to get us to each our veggies and even for her to add different veggies like jicama and squash!


  633. My Mom used to make goulash on cold winter days in Michigan and then we would have chocolate cake or oatmeal butterscotchies for dessert. That was the best after coming in from snowmobiling with our cousins. We would stay and eat and drink cocoa.. Ah the easy good ole’ days.. Gotta love them….

  634. Some of my favorite memories of home were around our Sunday night icecream. Mom would have several toppings and we could choose which we would like. It was always a special time.

  635. On my birthday I’d always pick my mom’s homemade spaghetti, mashed potatoes, and fudge pie! Good thing I used to be a skinny little thing back then.

  636. My favorite meal as a kid was fried chicken and rice and tuna casserole with potato chips on top! Yum!

  637. Those days of lunch at home prepared with love by mom. I remember she use to make grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. My mouth watered every time I smelled that combination of steam coming from the heated soup and smell of the buttered bread sizzling on the pan. I would dip my half triangular cut grilled cheese sandwich into the soup, it was so tasty that I would dip every bite into my soup. Yummy…

  638. My mom didn’t start cooking until she got married. Even then, she was an amazing cook. She tried recipes of all cuisines and complexities. The simplest dishes were the best, though. Most favorite Chinese dish was tomato with beef which was savory and warm and you wanted to finish every drop of sauce. Most favorite lunch was grilled cheese sandwich which she broiled so the cheese would puff up. I was always fascinated by that.

  639. As a child, my grandmother would make chicken n’ dumplings. They were and still are the best! The smell of her house when it is cooking always brings me back to childhood memories. She would always have a big plate of assorted homeade cookies too-fig, chocolate chip, biscotta, icebox, peanut butter and oatmeal cookies. Love em’!

  640. I remember eating my mom’s chocolate chip cookies, but I don’t know of anyone else who ate them the same way. I would nibble away at the “cookie” part, and have a handful of chocolate chips at the end…saving “the best” for last!

  641. The foods that made me smile as a kid were french toast with syrup and sausage for breakfast, peanut butter and jelly on white bread with potato chips for lunch, and for dinner, spaghetti and meatballs with bread to sop up the extra sauce left on the plate. Yum!

  642. I remember walking inside the house from school and smelling the aroma of cooked food. Since my mom was a housewife, I’d always come home to a home cooked meal. My favorite dish was her chicken soup, goldfish crackers and an orange juice. The combination of a warm meal along with my mothe’s warmth equalled a memorable childhood.

  643. I had two favorites. One was grilled pork chops and macaroni & cheese. The second was strange but I really loved it – grilled weiners and hash browns. Loved them both!

  644. I remember backyard BBQs with both sets of my grandparents. My dad would be grilling the burgers and hot dogs while us kids (my three siblings and our five cousins) would play in the little plastic pools. Life was so carefree and fun! I am now vegetarian but I still love the smell of BBQ as it brings back such wonderful memories.

  645. My mom always made muffin meatloaf. She would use a muffin tin and make mini meatloafs!! It was (and still is) one of my favorites. When I go to her house for dinner I usually ask her to make it because it brings back so many good memories if the whol family sitting around the table and eating together, PLUS it is amazing!!!! Thanks mom for your amazing food and all the love you put into it!

  646. The childhood memories of fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies straight from the oven on a rainy day always brings a smile to my face!

  647. Favorite comfort food: warm beef stew filled with crunchy carrots, potatoes, onions and of course beef…served over a piping hot bowl of rice….with a piece of cornbread on the side……and peach cobbler topped with ice cream for dessert…..sheer heaven on the table!

  648. When I was a kid, I liked to eat brussel sprouts by peeling off each leaf one by one. I guess it took a long time, but they were my favorite veggie for a long time.

  649. I loved lasagna. Mom would make it for company meals. We always had leftovers. I ate it for breakfast – cold. I would fix it for lunch (no microwave – add a little butter to a pan and heat it.) I ate it for dinner.

    I have Mom’s lasagna recipe and make it for my family. “The trick is in the layering”, she always said. …And so I layer it just so. Add a small bit of cannoli to the lasagna, and I’m still in heaven.

  650. My mom would make the best chicken soup, especially on really cold days. She made it with plenty of vegetables such as carrots, chayote squash, green squash, whole-small sweet onions, potatoes, and she also added some white rice. The best part was that she would sometimes add some raw tortilla strips that cooked in the stew and turned soft once it was served. Mmmm, I’m going to have to request this soup on a really cold day again!

  651. My mom used to make what she called a baked bean stack-up. I loved it. It was a piece of bread (toasted on the bottom side) with pork and beans, cooked bacon slices and cheddar cheese on top. The cheese was melted by putting it under the broiler for a few minutes. We walked home for lunch everyday and I always looked forward to having whatever my mom fixed. She was a great cook. Another favorite was peanut butter and sugar on toast.

  652. Sunday morning the whole family would make crepes and once my mom hung one on the window because it came out in the shape of a sun burst. It was there for a while and friends would come over and say why do you have a pancake on your window?…

  653. Gram had one shiny gold tooth, right in the heart of her infrequent smile – giving her worn face an almost piratical cast. She came to America from Budapest, Hungary. Mom said she spoke seven languages fluently. I never found out if she was from the Aristocracy, or if she was a gypsy! Methinks she was a gypsy indeed!

    Towering over us at four foot – ten inches, she was indeed quite formidable. But she was safer to me than my mother who stood five eight. It astounded me, when at age fifteen – visiting Gram for the last time – she came only to my chin!

    Feisty little Gram became reknown through my retelling (to the point of most folk’s boredom) – of her savory Chicken Paprikash. The national dish of Austria. Chicken and chewy “finger dumplings” smothered in real fresh sour crean and sweet Hungarian paprika. Took me years to discover that paprika!

    I can still see her – with a heavy breadboard firmly balanced on her narrow shoulder, scraping not too sticky dumpling dough into the furiously boiling chicken broth smelling sooo good in her huge cast iron pot! She used a sharp knife dipped into that bubbling liquid, rapidly knifing that batter in strips the size of her index finger.

    Wrestling that crusted cauldron from her fire-breathing stove, thickly mitted against the incredible heat, Gram would strongarm it over the newspapers I had so proudly stacked on her necessarily sturdy wood table. Sticking a soup bowl sized fat white ladle into it, she would call us all to the table and we would feast! You had to move quickly. Her home filled with hungry people – her cooking reached upstairs with tantalizing aromas. We were all hungry bears reaching for that ladle, and politeness soon fled. After all, we were family.

    Gram was a black market shopper – able to purchase real sweet butter and fine cuts of meat during the war years. Her recipes cannot be duplicated without sweet, freshly churned butter. Or perhaps it was that most interestingly seasoned, fire blackened old pot?

  654. When I was a kid and my whole family still lived in town, all the women would get together at my grandmother’s house to make tamales, beans & rice for our holiday dinner. We would make so many tamales (traditional and sweet) that it would take an assembly line of my mom, aunts, and all the granddaughters to finish preparing the meal. It was something special that just us girls would do together. Someday I hope to carry on that tradition with my children.

  655. My favorite duo from childhood would have to be pork roast with mashed potatoes and gravy. It always reminds me of home with my family.

  656. Mom was Hungarian and most dishes were of this type but on Sundays we would have a great chuck roast with mashed potatoes and gravy, or a roasted chicken with her own homemade stuffing that was absolutely great. Also stuffed cabbage and stuffed peppers. In the summer the best was homemade blackberry pie. And her chicken soup was fantastic especially with homemade noodles-lots of good veggies too. I am getting hungry, people.

  657. My mom’s tomato soup was fun and nutritious. Although it was canned, she spruced it up by adding milk with the water when she cooked it so that it was thick and then she tossed cheerios on top. We drank it from a cup and the thought of it still makes me smile!

  658. I remember my mom when I was child would make the best fried bologna sandwiches on toasted bread with mustard! And when she would let me help fry the bologna it was even more fun! Now that my mom has fallen into ill health I now go over and make her fried bologna sandwiches as a reminder of the good times making them as a child. It is my extreme happiness to be able to make fried bologna sandwiches with my own daughter now.

  659. My mom used to make a bread pudding every Christmas that was exceptional. We would have that first with opening our stocking. That – to me – was the official start of Christmas. When my mom was diagnosed with diabetes, she stopped making desserts, so my sister and I were handed down the recipe and continued the tradition with our own families. That is one of my best memories surrounding food.

  660. Macaroni & Cheese with Fishsticks and ketchup. And not homemade Mac&Cheese, the kind you get out of the box with the orange powder. My sister and I would use the sticks as swords and fight eachother to the death, or we would have the stick be people and jump off our imaginary diving board into a sea of orange. We always looked forward to those nights as we always found a way to entertain ourselves!

  661. As far back as I can remember, I always loved helping my mom in the kitchen. My favorite was before Christmas though, because we would always make dozens and dozens of different kinds of cookies!! I was always in charge of rolling the dough into balls for the cookies (I thought it was because I was really good at it). When it came time to make the thumbprint cookies (the ones with the jam in the middle), I ALWAYS wanted to help put the print in the middle with my thumb…and mom always let me. Little did I know, that every cookie I did she just had to go back and put a bigger print in it because my thumbs were too small to fit hardly any jam!! She knew I liked to help so much though, that she just let me do it anyway. Thanks Mom… 🙂

  662. Lunch at Eddie Joe’s Grandmothers house. She would make us bacon, lettus and tomato sandwhiches. The bacon streched across the sandwhich like seatbelt straps and the tomatoes , fresh from her garden, were the size of trach can lids or so it seemed when I was nine years old.

  663. Fried chicken with mash potatoes and gravy. My mom made it better than any one else’s so my siblings and I would always beg for this dish!

  664. Oh, to be a child again. My mom created such wonderful memories for us.
    One such memory are the sandwiches she packed for us to take to school.
    She use large cookie cutters on them .No matter what the filling they always
    tasted better that way. But PB&J was always my favorite.

  665. My dad used to take me to this place in Taiwan where they made the best steamed dumplings in the whole wide world! I recently went back, and my friend brought me to a new location. I wasn’t sure if it was the same food at first, but once I stepped near the shop, the smell transported me back to the times I would eat with my family outside round a plastic orange table, enjoying each others’ company and eating those delicious steamed dumplings only to be found in Taipei, Taiwan.

  666. For a quick breakfast, my mom would make homemade eggnog – milk, raw egg, vanilla, and a little sugar, blended until thick and creamy with a layer of foam on top. She knew I would never willingly consume something made of eggs, so she dubbed it “foamy milk,” and I drank it up. I suppose the raw eggs wouldn’t fly today, but I did learn a valuable lesson from her little ruse: It’s not always what you serve, but how you present it, that makes a dish memorable.

  667. My favorite childhood memory of comfort food was Grandma’s house. Mom did great things, but Grandma could make something out of what most people would say nothing. She made the best home-made potato pancakes out of leftover potatoes and would serve them with applesauce. She also made an amazing rice pudding out of leftover rice. I don’t think my grandma ever had a leftover she did not use and did not make something amazing out of. Loving and missing you Grandma. RIP

  668. I loved the school hot lunch program. Most of us got the sloppy joes – great! Today, I’m a vegetarian and sometimes use “veggie ground beef” to make this.

  669. I know it may sound strange, but manicotti stuffed with chicken and spinach, topped with cheese sauce, always makes me think of being a kid. It was my FAVORITE meal, so my mom would spend hours in the kitchen making it for me on my birthday every year. So yummy!!!

  670. I don’t know if you can call this a food combination, but when my sister and I were spending time at my grandmother’s house, she would make us french fries for lunch. Nothing else, just french fries and ketchup. She would cut up the potatoes into french fries, and with the oil on low heat, would watch over those fries, slowly turning each and every one so they all came out golden and delicious. She had two boat-shaped plates, and she would fill one so that one of us could bring it back to the table to start eating. Once we finished that plate, we would go back and give her it and another one would be waiting for us. We would do that back and forth a couple of times until we were full (or she ran out of potatoes).

  671. I always loved my mom’s stroganoff and corn. And, of course, mom’s chocolate chip cookies and a cold glass of milk

  672. Oh, to be a child again. My mom created such wonderful memories for us.
    One such memory are the sandwiches she packed for us to take to school.
    She used large cookie cutters on them. No matter what the filling they always
    tasted better that way. But PB&J was always my favorite.

  673. Definitely grilled cheese sandwiches and Campbells chicken noodle soup. That’s still my go-to comfort food when I’m sick because that’s why my Mom used to make for me. Also spaghetti and cinnamon rolls.

  674. My Mother used to give me chocolate chips and raisins for a snack I still love that combo today. My Grandmother made me a chocolate pie I called “chocolate creamy”, it was the best thing in the world, no one has yet to be able to reproduce it. I miss them both.

  675. My mom is from the south, so my favorite combination for dinner is her pinto beans, fried potatoes and cornbread all made from scratch. It is the birthday dinner to this day that I request and I am 59 yrs old!!! I can’t make the pinto beans or the fried potatoes that taste any thing like hers. Very much a comfort food dinner for me!!

  676. Cake!!! Everyone loves cake. Vanilla, chocolate fudge, carrot, coconut… the possibilities are endless!
    PS: Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes is the COOLEST place! We love how they constantly change their menu, and get very creative with their themes.

  677. My Mom used to make homemade pizza, she would raise the dough for the crust in large pots and bowl cover them with towels and place them either in a sunny window or over
    the heating grate to rise As kids we had a hard time waiting for the dough to rise
    Finally with dough stretched in the pans she would add sauce and cheese and always one special pizza with onions for my Dad
    We have a large family and homemade pizza was a special treat

  678. The two food favorites I remember from my childhood were actually made by my Grandmother. They were homemade pastine soup (small pasta with meatballs) and ziti with meatballs. She made them for us almost every time we visited and I looked forward to it!

  679. When I was growing up, nothing was better then spaghetti and meatballs. Another favorite and is always sure to bring me back to my childhood is: grilled cheese, tomatoe soup and chocolate milk (made with Bosco syrup)!

  680. What takes me back to my childhood is the memory of Mom making fish sticks and macaroni and cheese with stewed tomatoes on top. It was warm, cheesy, and comforting!

  681. One of our favorite treats growing up was knuckly sandwiches. My sister’s and I loved them, partly because we could all participate in making them, partly because they were quick and delicious and partly because we got to decide what went into them. You start with some yummy biscuit dough, rolled out nice and thin, fill it up with cinnamon and apples, or peanut butter and jelly, or… NUTELLA – YUM! roll them into rolls, scissor a couple o knuckles in and pop em in the oven. Ten minutes later, -warm, sweet butterly knuckle sandwiches. (Always much better to swallow than the ones from the boys that grew up across the street!)

  682. My dad used to make my grandma’s meatloaf recipe but add cheese to it. One year he made my sister and I a meatloaf shaped like a christmas tree! The garland was ketchup and the ornaments were chedder and jack cheese squares pushed into the meat. I was sooooo gooey and yummy and the fact that it was a christmas tree was just awesome.

  683. I grew up in a Mexican household where Albondiga Soup was the best. This was served with fresh corn tortillas. I was delicious.

  684. My favorite childhood food was Chicken Rice soup! Growing up with a food allergy to gluten, I didn’t have a lot of food choices available to me (unlike today). Thankfully, chicken rice soup was one of those foods that helped me to feel like every other kid, because no one could say no to a steaming hot bowl of this delicious, brothy soup!

  685. Macaroni and cheese always transports me back to childhood. My mom was a whiz. Stovetop or baked, she always made it from scratch. I’d never tasted fake mac and cheese until I went away to college, and boy was that a disappointment. My friends would ask when my mother was making mac and cheese just so they could come over that night for a sleepover. She was famous throughout the neighborhood and she was always happy to have a whole gaggle of 10 year olds over for a Disney movie and a big pot of mac and cheese for dinner.

  686. My very favorite thing when I was a kid that mom made was her Cheesy Tuna Noodle Cassarole. It was loaded with goowey cheesy goodness and she always baked it until the top was crunchy and the inside was really creamy which was of course the perfect way to make it. We always had spinach with it. I know what you are thinking, “kids eat spinich?” but yes she made it the best.

  687. The first memory that pops into my head are when my brother and I would help my mother make English tea rings during the holiday season. We would make a list of people/families we wanted to give them to, often around 30, and then proceed to take a full day making them. The joy on people’s faces when we would give them a tea ring, either a gift, a thank you, or as a pick-me-up, was priceless.

  688. I remember sitting at a large picture window with a hot mug of Creamy Tomato soup, a grilled cheese sandwich watching the snow falling outside. I was so warm and toasty. Now that’s a memcry.

  689. Fried chicken! Mashed potatoes!
    Milk gravy and green beans,
    Hot biscuitsdripping with melted butter
    Sliced tomatoes and cottage cheese.

    And for desert , why, a big chocalate cake
    Baked by mom the night before
    If I could go back for just one day
    To say, “please, can I have some more?”

    I’d look at my mother and say to her
    As I piled my plate full of food,
    Mama, you’re the best cook in the world
    And I bet you’re the best in heaven, too!

  690. My favorite snacks as a kid were simple. I liked anything with salt. I used to use my allowance to buy Pringles. When we got home from the store, I would run up to my room, sit in my closet and gorge myself on the crispy crunch, all the while hoping my younger brothers wouldn’t come wanting some.

    I also remember morning times with my dad eating freshly toasted-just-so toast smothered with the following layers: melted butter, peanut butter, and pure honey. It was our special treat together when we got to spend time with each other and share in the simple joys of culinary goodness. Mom always told us, “You two are going to have high cholesterol!” But we only giggled and winked at each other.

    Man, I miss the good ole days! Now I have Celiac’s disease and have learned how to love a whole new type of diet. It’s funny, those childhood memories still comfort me even though I can’t eat the old comfort foods anymore.

  691. My favorite things my mom made was her stuffing and her meatloaf. Those were always the first things to go when they were made. Mom was not a gourmet cook, just the basics, but those two things always were my favorites. Though I never really got a recipe, I try and make my version of mom’s best.

  692. Growing up in the mountains, rather far from civilization, meant that we spent a lot of time on the school bus. My favorite “welcome home” was the smell of chicken and dumplings as I walked through the door. My mom served them over mashed potatoes and it was the best comfort food!

  693. I came from a Filipino household without a lot of money so my mom would make the best food for as cheap as she could. The result? Two of my favorites to this day!! They’re not healthy, but boy were they good:
    1) Fried spam on toased pan de sal bread (Filipino bread) with mayonnaise.
    2) Canned corned beef and onions with easy-style ramen noodles over rice.

  694. I used to come home from school and eat a big bowl of turkey chili on really cold days 🙂 yummiest thing ever!

  695. My favorites as a child are definitely spaghetti with extra mushrooms and italian wedding soup. For the soup my grandmother used to have me help her mix the concoction of ground beef with spices and eggs and the likes, it was a messy adventure and then some, with the rounding of the meatballs id try and make different sizes. Italian wedding soup definitely brings fond memories of my childhood and makes me miss my grandma immensely 🙂

  696. My favorite childhood food is a bowl of Vietnamese Pho. I grew up in a very traditional Vietnamese home, so no soda, cookie or pizza for me. But who needs all of that when you can have a hot bowl of yummy Pho. 🙂

  697. My mom makes the best homemade turkey and noodles. It is still our day after Thanksgiving tradition, and even my husband has learned the recipe so he can cook them because I work retail!!

  698. I remember my mom making spaghetti…I was the one to brown the hamburger from it’s frozen state to completion. I also remember my mom’s rosette iron cookies and I got to put the powdered sugar on. My dad’s fried bologna sandwiches were pretty good too! Thanks for the contest opportunity. 😉

  699. My mother makes the best rice pudding hands down! Cinnamon and raisins yum! Didn’t matter if she made it for a summer BBQ or with Christmas dinner. Though there was rarely any left, it was even better for breakfast the next morning!!!

  700. I would spend most weekends with my Nanny Anna and Grandpa Steve. On Saturdays she would baked a cookie called mondelbrecht-almost like a moister biscotti. It was a recipe that needed no card to follow. I remember her letting me help with pouring in the ingredients and making a mess-that was the best part. When it came out of the oven it was in like a loaf, and was then sliced. The smell was divine. I can honestly smell it now, and it makes me smile. Warm cookies and the warm embrace of my Nanny. Comfort foods warm the heart.

  701. American Chop Suey! This is a New England area favorite! Simple and easy and cheap! Everyone has their own recipe. I remember some of the ingredients my Grandma used. Elbow macaroni, corn, ground beef, tomato sauce or sometimes tomato soup and lots of melted cheese!

  702. My grandmother would make crepes, we called them ‘roll-em-ups’, for us. They were so good, and she would let us fill them with powdered sugar and chocolate chips! I loved them so muc,h I learned how to make them; and now they are a favorite for my three boys!

  703. My family is originally from the Philippines and food is such a large part of our culture. Growing up, inang made so many wonderful Filipino meals and desserts for us. Now, as an adult, I find myself making these same foods as they bring me back to a time of carefree days and fun times with my family and siblings. My favorite dish, a sweet one, is inang’s ginataang mais. It’s a porridge made from sweet (sticky) rice, coconut milk, sugar, and sweet corn. It’s my ultimate comfort food and always brings back many wonderful childhood memories.

  704. One of my favorite meals as a child and a great comfort is Beef Stew and Homemade Biscuits. My mom was great at preparing both. My second favorite….Grandma used to make: Stewed Chicken parts served with Cicilian style spaghetti with baked zuchini. Ummm Ummm Good!!! You have the means to add both these meals to your menu. The chicken in the Chicken Noodle soup is sort of like Grandma’s, and you already make good pasta dishes. Beef stew would seem to pose no real challenge for you. Work on it will you?

  705. My mom made noodles from scratch with flour, broth, salt and eggs, then she cooked them in soup. They were killer. Everytime I go to Soup Plantation I head for the Chicken Noodle Soup with those wide, thick homemade tasting noodles. They remind me of Mom’s! Delish!

  706. mac n cheese, or tomato soup and grilled cheese if mom was cooking
    when a little older and could make it myself i loved combining a box of craft mac and cheese and a can of spaghetti o’s, something about the cheese and tomato sauce was great together. now i still make mac n cheese and add some marinara to it, one of my favs even as an adult.

  707. Growing up in the country, I was given a chicken for a pet. Her name was Henny Penny. She was a fat black laying hen. After several years, she ceased laying eggs. Being a kid, I was unaware of what happened to hens that stopped laying eggs. I was educated about this when I got home from school one day. I had to help my father wring her neck. Guess what we had for dinner……that’s right….chicken and dumplings! My favorite!! This grossed my sister out and she has never eaten chicken and dumplings since. I am now a vegetarian, but I still remember my mom’s chicken and dumplings.

  708. My Mom made “vegetable suppers” all summer long when you could get fresh veggies in abundance. With our silver queen corn (off the cob), new potatoes with butter, “butter” beans, field peas with snaps and sometimes pole beans cooked with country ham and potatoes, she made a macaroni salad with chunks of sharp cheddar cheese, vine-ripened tomatoes, finely chopped onion, bell pepper and green olives mixed with a little light mayo, salt, pepper & dash of oregano. She almost always had a little bowl of sliced cucumbers soaking in vinegar with ice cubes on top to cool and dilute the vinegar and fresh cantaloupe slices we ate with salt and pepper. Yummy NC summer meals at home.

  709. My absolute favorite breakfast was always cereal, but I love the memories of those all-time favorites, sloppy joes! My mom always made them with corn inside and they were as delicious as they were filling! Bring on the napkins, please!

  710. My mom always made each of us a birthday cake from scratch for our birthdays – all five of us kids and my dad each had our own special flavor of cake. Mine was a white cake with coconut and cherries – so delicious!

  711. Fried potatoes for breakfast, just like my Papa used to make. As far back as I can remember, we knew it was a special day when he would break out the cast-iron skillet and start cutting potatoes. They were the best fried potatoes I’ve ever eaten, and still have yet to find ANY that even come close. After he passed away, my aunt wanted his cast-iron skillet and it was the hardest thing of his to give away. Once I get a place of my own, I will be buying an identical (or as identical as I can find) small cast-iron skillet just for fried potatoes.

  712. My Mom made the best spaghetti sauce in the whole world!!! Even now I try to make the recipe and although it comes out really good, it still doesn’t taste exactly like hers! We had this every Sunday and always at least another day during the week (Wednesday)…That and Lasagna were the best!!!!

  713. I grew up in a Chinese household so my childhood favorites will stray from the norm 🙂 It’s super simple to make as it just takes one pot of rice to do most of the work. It’s a combination of fresh rice, Chinese sausages, and fried eggs that brings back delicious childhood memories. You cook the sausages along with the rice in the cooker and it comes out perfectly steamed and the rice with a little bit of additional flavor. And fried eggs, made over medium, with a dash of soy sauce. Yum! 😀

  714. My dad would make Tater Tot Casserole when I was a kid, I LOVED it!! I actually just made some the other day and it totally brought back to the “good ol’ days” =) He also used to make me Tiramisu every year for my birthday cake! (I’ve tried replicating it, but its just not the same!)

  715. Sunday dinner,after church,our family of 8 would have families from church over to share with us,my mothers fried chicken dinner with mashed potatoes.The house smelled delicious for the rest of the day.Now,I am passing on that same memory to my children….

  716. I loved my mom’s tuna casserole. She had two versions; the “quick” version and the long version. The long version entailed melting cheese into the soup base and other ingredients and was the BEST! A great comfort food!

  717. My mom would always make me mash potatoes if I had a bad day at school and would let me mash them because she said it was better to “mash” on the potatoes then anyone else haha

  718. It was our mom’s baking that inspired my sister and I to start a business. Often, when we came home from school, the house was filled with the aroma of cookies, bread, or cakes baking. There is nothing else that can compete with that wonderful smell and the feelings it gives you. So 16 years ago, we created a company based on that idea – that it’s easy, fun, and rewarding to bake at home!

  719. My favorite childhood meal was PB&J with sliced strawberries on the side. I remember asking my parents to make the duo every day for my lunch throughout middle school. Yumm!

  720. My favorite dish was chicken dumplings and cornbread and you can never make a dish better than your mother did.

  721. My favorite memory is my grandmothers homemade chili with spaghetti noodles, red kidney beans and her own special seasoning blend! Perfect for the cold chilly days in Green Bay!

  722. When I was little I loved when my mom would make “Pluck It’ bread for breakfast. Also, anytime she made a dessert from scratch was always a very special treat for us since we didn’t have many sweets in the house.

  723. My mom would make Taco Salad every Monday. It was easy and fun for us to assemble. She would have different bowls of each condiment: ground beef, lettuce, tomato, cheese, onions, sour cream, salsa, etc. Not only did it taste great and a healthy alternative (she used low fat French Dressing) but it was also loads of fun to eat. Part of the joy of my childhood food favorites were the fun and people I got to spend it with ( -my friends LOVED coming over for dinner)

  724. MMMM…just thinking about these great family food memories makes my mouth water. Two dishes, simular, and both wonderful.

    Beef stew with homemade mini bisquits. My mom would start on the prep work the night before and let is simmer and “stew” all day long. Then scoop up a bowl full with a few mini bisquits on top – oh my, so good.

    Then, the sister recipe is vegatable soup with beef. Always best the third or fourth day after it was made. One time our great dane ate an entire HOT pot full while we where out for a bike ride.

    Some of the other comments sound so tasty – fun idea for your blog!

  725. My mother made the best dish with kidney beans, potatoes (cubed), sausage, stewed tomatoes served over white rice. She even got her grandchildren to love the same. Easy to make and good for us.

  726. my mom used to make homemade vegetable beef soup along with homemade loaves of cheese bread when it got cold out. I still look forward to the first cool night in the fall to go over to her house so i can enjoy all the great food. 🙂

  727. Beef stew full of onions, potatoes, and carrots served with warm buttered bread and pineapple upside down cake for dessert.

  728. Taco pizza! My mom used to make a pizza using crescent roll dough as the crust, some kind of very kid-friendly cheese (nacho cheese or cheese soup?), ground beef, tomatoes and olives. It sounds funky now, but I couldn’t get enough of it growing up. I’d always request it for my birthday. Now that I think about it, I’m getting very nostalgic and my mouth’s starting to water.

  729. My mom made a great spaghetti casserole–all the ingredients for spaghetti (pasta, sauce, mushrooms) put into a casserole dish, covered in cheese and baked in the oven. I’m hungry just thinking about it! Perfect comfort food. She also made an amazing fudge pound cake that would always disappear in a few days–it made a yummy breakfast with a glass of cold milk!

  730. My favorite childhood food memory is eating produce as we picked it on our farm – especially peas and radishes and blackberries. It led to a lifetime love of fruits and veggies!

  731. I remember coming home from school everyday to find my mom either washing dishes, or starting dinner. I would sit at the counter and talk to her about my day, plus anything and everything, while she cooked. It’s one of my favorite memories of home, and mom. She usually made some type of meat and potatoes meal since that is what my dad always liked. Her meatloaf was wonderful! She made pork steaks that were delicious, and every Sunday we would come home from church to the wonderful smell, before we even got into the house, of roast with potatoes and carrots. She’d add another vegetable and gravy, and we had a meal fit for a king. She also made homemade chocolate chip cookies that were wonderful, & we loved doing decorated Christmas cookies before Christmas. Nowdays the favorite thing my mom makes is her apple pie, NO ONE can make it any better – it is the absolute best!

  732. Everything my mom made was good. I could try to make it the same way and it never tastes the way mom’s food did. Her specialty was chicken casserole….ymmm!

  733. The best thing my mother made was Tuna Casserole. Cream of mushroom soup, pasta, tuna, and any vegetables I would eat. To this day, she makes it for me whenever I visit. My version just isn’t comparable…

  734. My two all-time favorite meals are toast with sugar and a little sprinkle of sugar – Bread, Butter, Sugar and sweet rolls with sweetened condensed milk.

  735. Ever come home from school to the smell of freshly baked home made bread? When I was a kid my mom would make bread about once a month and believe me there was nothing better to come home to than that smell of fresh bread coming out of the kitchen window, nothing that is than the taste of a slice of it still warm with real butter on it!

  736. When I was a child, my favorite thing to eat was home made sultana scones with clotted cream and jam. Yummy!

  737. My grandmother’s crispy fried egg with a runny yolk to dip toast in and my mom’s jello and cool whip pie.

  738. I remember my Mom cooking lots of great things. She always made desserts from scratch. her pineapple upside down cake and blueberry pies were my favorites. As far as main meals her lasagna and beef roasts were always the best.

  739. Crock Pot Pot Roast!!! Mom ALWAYS loaded it up with potatoes, carrots, onions and celery and we could eat it so many different ways for like a week! I make it the same way today and my kids loooove it!

  740. I remember the best meatloaf and mashed potatoes… I can’t seem to make it as good as she used to make it…. She added vegetable soup to the meatloaf and it was so moist and delicious! I also loved moms homemade vegetable soup… I guess that is why I make it as often as I can. Fresh veggies in the crock pot to cook all day…. so delicious! I love the soup at Sweet Tomatoes.. I am definitely a soup lover.

  741. Yummy chicken soup with veggies and grilled cheese on the side. Followed by homeade chocolate chip cookies!

  742. As a child my favorite veggie was broccoli. One day I was treated to broccoli with Velveeta cheese on top; I think I ate that for 2 weeks straight at dinner.
    Another favorite that my Sicilian grandma used to make was pastina cooked in chicken broth with eggs mixed in. It was heavenly with just a sprinkle of quality Parmesan cheese and parsley.

  743. My mom made the best pies I have ever eaten – apple, cherry, pumpkin – they were very traditional, but made the day special when she served us a steaming slice after dinner. I learned how to make those great pies from my mom and still make them today – mostly for special holidays. I’ve passed the art down to my daughter and she’s got the knack now, too. Thanks for the memory!

  744. My favorite childhood food was Velveeta grilled cheese sandwich, that was my lunch for years as a kid…funny, they must have changed the recipe cause it just doesn’t taste the same any more. I also loved my mother’s chicken soup, she used to make it from scratch…drop a chicken in a pot and simmer till the meat falls off, then add some veggies and noodles.

  745. I loved my mom’s Spinach Soup served with homemade bread. All mom’s food was great. We never ate fast food and everything was made from scratch. Probably why we were never fat kids!

  746. I think the stongest food memory pairing I had as a child was what my mom gave me to eat when I was sick – a cup of hot jello, and a few slices of just barely toasted white bread. The outside of the bread was crispy, the inside meltingly soft, and when taken with the jello you alternated between feeling the texture and scent of the bread and feeling and tasting a warm shot of sweet, soothing berry liquid.

  747. The best foods growing up were the ones made by my mom and her three sisters at our numerous family gatherings. Each sister had her specialty, but they were all amazing cooks. Christmas dinner was a two night affair – very Italian. Homemade pizza for appetizers along with Auntie Jessie’s stuffed mushrooms. Antipasti and Salad course, pasta course, meat course, dessert course, fruit bowl with nuts and anise course, then a snack later on of a leftover turkey sandwich. The next night it was turkey soup and leftovers and Aunti Jessie’s homemade ravioli. It was all about the food and all about the family. Mangiamo!

  748. My mom made homemade, microwave lasagna. It was awesome. This was in the 70’s when microwaves were really new and HUGE! She would put all of the fresh ingredients in a big glass pan and let it cook in the microwave for an hour. It was revoluntionary at the time. It would come out perfect everytime! Gooey and yummy and delicious!

  749. my favorite was hot dog casserole, which now that I think about it was just hot dog pieces with saurkraut. mmm so good.

  750. For me, homemade chocolate chip cookies, grilled cheese and tomato soup with saltines in it! Yum, yum, yum!!!

  751. I grew up mainly in Taiwan, though there were select american cusine at certain places (in the city), I grew up loving this tasty taiwanese treat called ” Green Onion Pancake”. It was a flat grilled salty flour treat that was easy to grab on the go, while one is shopping or simply rushing to get home. It was the msot popular vendor snack to this day in Taiwan.

    1. My roommate in college was from Hong Kong and she used to make those all the time. They were awesome! Thanks for the reminder.

  752. I have two favorite childhood foods, creamed peas and potatoes fresh from the gargen and my moms pudding dessert with cream cheese and a yummy crust.

  753. My favorite childhood memory, was my grandma making me grilled cheese sandwiches. They had wheat breat and red-rhined cheese. Yum, Yum….Or even cool whip with choc sprinkles….

  754. One of my favorites…………..breakfast for dinner! My mom would make waffles with bacon inside them – yum!

  755. I often requested cinnamon toast and sweet tea for breakfast…apparently sugar was the best way to start the day as a kid! I also loved my mom’s cherry pie which she only made once or twice a year. Another dish I may never get again is my grandmother’s homemade chicken and dumplings and cornmeal-fried okra. Nobody cooks like grandmas do! 🙂

  756. My favorite food memory as a kid was breakfast. Every so often my dad would cook the perfect over-easy egg with just enough yolk running to dip with the buttered toast. Simple and satisfying, it is a meal that always brings back the taste buds of my childhood.

  757. My mom used to make a spagetti like dish for us called ‘gaumer goop’ (maiden name) she used shell noodles, spagetti sauce with gr beef in it, and added a can of pitted olives. She grated some cheese into it as well and kept it warm in the oven. We always loved how the sauce, beef chunks, mushroom pieces, and olives would find their way inside the shells and be a surprise taste when I bit into them!
    Dessert favortie was my grandma’s graham cracker cake… a sheet cake that used no flour, just crushed graham crackers and homemade buttercream icing! SO GOOD!!!

  758. We did not have a color tv for the longest time as a kid, nevermind cable. One new year’s eve, we went over to the house of some family friends. All of us kids got to hang out in the basement, where there was the biggest tv I had ever seen. I remember watching the movie “Space Camp” on their cable while eating bowl after bowl of my mom’s homemade “hamburger soup”, which was a tomato-soup like broth with beef, carrots, celery, onion, and cheddar cheese sprinkled on top with hot sourdough rolls. It was heavenly. To this day, when I visit my parents around Christmas, I request mom’s hamburger soup.

  759. My Mom would make a soup out of zucchini, tomatoes, and Velveeta cheese. It was so creamy and delicious it was sinful. She cooked “old style” southern dishes such as velvety smooth large white Lima beans, fried catfish, liver and onions, collard greens, fresh field peas with snaps, and she always had dessert in the house. I try to cook a little healthier options of these today but I still love a good spoon of butter in my grits 🙂

  760. My fondest childhood FOOD memories, without a doubt, would be Sunday dinners. It was always traditional Italian. An all day event. Mom’s made from scratch pasta sauce, cooking all day long and permeating the house with that fabulous aroma. Sometimes, there were homemade meatballs and sometimes not. Of course, it was served with made from scratch pasta and crusty Italian bread. I would take little pieces of bread and dip the sauce all day, which kept me cozy, content and comfortable!!!

  761. Good old Macaroni and Cheese with a dash of Milk to make it all Creamy – and fresh steamed brocolli mixed right in!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM good comfort food!

  762. BREAKFAST PANCAKES ! my mothers extra thin pancakes with maple syrup on top. the pancakes were a bit crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. mmmm so good.

  763. My mom always made the BEST roast with homemade mashed potatos & gravy. Add a side of corn and some biscuits & I can guarantee you there wasn’t a morsel left! Just thinking about it is making me hungry for her cooking 🙂

  764. Everytime I see Fish Sticks, still to this day, I get happy. My mom used to let me put them on the oven tray and sprinkle parm. cheese on the top. Then she whipped up scalloped potatoes to go along side and dipping sauces for the sticks.

  765. My mom made lots of tasty food, but my grandmother–she had some of the best rolls anyone could hope for. She made an apple kuchen the likes of which I cannot replicate because her recipes burned in a house fire. Sometimes for lunch (she was our baby-sitter when mom was at work) she would make her own french fries and we’d have them with a hamburger patty and cooked cabbage. Yum.

  766. My favorite food memory that reminds me of being a kid is my mom’s chicken roll ups with stuffing and the Rice Krispy treats she used to make for all of our swim meets! She made them every week during our season, everyone loved those!

  767. Grilled Cheese sandwich with a bowl of Tomato Soup and a side of Dill Pickles! YUM! Or when no one else was home, I would eat a whole can of black olives and dill pickles. I ate alot of sunflower seeds. PB&J was a childhood staple. My mom makes a wonderful Spaghetti Sauce from scratch and that still brings memories of childhood meals around a table filled with the pot of sauce, pasta, garlic bread and a salad. What a terrific meal, we would always be super content afterwards. Mmmmm…. this is making me very hungry!!!

  768. A hot dog with clam showder soup with vanilla ice cream for dessert. I had it everytime I traveled up to NY to visit my grandma as a kid after checking on the rock I hid in a tree nearby for years.

  769. Peanut Butter and Cheese Grilled Sandwiches.
    Soooo good! I didn’t live with my parents at the time, but my Uncle made that for me. AMAZING COMBO!

    American Cheese Slices and Smooth Peanut Butter on Whole Wheat Toast, fried with butter on the pan. So yummy!

  770. My Mom was the best. We used to watch Romper Room on TV. My Mom always brought us healty treats to eat at the same time the kids were eating on TV. We would snack on carrot sticks, celery sticks and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and then would go hit our punching balls just like on TV.

  771. My mom always made these homemade noodles when she made chicken and noodles. To this day I ask her for them when we visit. It is still something that I crave and never attempt to do on my own.

  772. We all loved sunday dinner in my house!! Talk about Oxtail, Rice & Peas, Fried Ripe Plantain, Mac & Cheese & 100% fresh juiced Carrot Juice. Real Jamaican authentic cooking!…gotta love it!

  773. When I think of my childhood memories and food I think of my Grandpa and everything he cooked…I would sit in the kitchen and watched so closely to everything he did so I would be as good as him when I grew up. My favorite thing he would cook was “angels belly buttons and shrimp” it was shrimp tossed in a garlic butter sauce with cheese filled tortellini…Till this day it is my favorite thing to eat! He also made the best FRIED bananas mmmmmmm

  774. When I was a kid, almost every morning before school my father would prepare baby oatmeal for my older sister and brother and me. Yes, I said baby oatmeal. I guess my father thought that baby oatmeal was so good that you didn’t have to be a baby to enjoy it. Along with our morning routine, while we would eat our oatmeal he would play Cri-Cri which is a character who would sing children songs in Spanish. I am 22 now and love baby oatmeal, maybe more than ever and Cri-Cri seems to pop in every now and then.

  775. My mum never used to bake often. But me and my sis used to get excited when she did once evry few months. My favorites were and are, the butter cookies and coffee cake with milk…yummm. and the best and most favorite is the semolina balls that she made during xmas, our family tradition….10 of these balls never made it to the serving dish after she made them, it was already in my tummy 🙂

  776. My best food memories from when I was kid are breakfast and dessert foods. I loved when my mom would make us cream of wheat with cinnamon and sugar, a milk moat, and a melting pat of butter in the center. It was warm and yummy on cold mornings.

    My second favorite food memory is of making fresh apricot pies with my mom with apricots from our backyard, so good! That warm, sweet apricot taste and crisp flaky crust is/was just about the best pie I’ve ever had.

  777. When my mom started working a new job, she used to pack a special snack for me to eat after school. It had chips, fudge, fruit, and more. Not the most healthy snacks, but it made it more fun for me to have to stay by myself after school.

  778. Growing up in eastern Washington we would get buckets of snow each year. Our family had a huge driveway that we would have to shovel out each time it snowed. It would take my sister and I a couple hours to get the driveway shoveled out. I was hard and cold work, but what made it worth the effort was coming in to our warm house and curling up beside the fireplace with hot chocolate topped with marshmallows and baked treats that Mom had made while we worked. We would sit there together as a family and share a treat. It wasn’t so much the treat that made it all worth it but the love that Mom put into it and the time we spent together. I look back on those days with fondness.

  779. Apple Brown Betty! My mother used to make me this every summer for my birthday. Just the thought of it conjures up my fondest culinary moments from childhood.

  780. My favorite food memory is the Tomato Soup and grilled cheese sandwich my Aunt Anne made for me as a child. It was so yummy, and I still make that soup just the way she did to this day. I still love grilled cheese sandwich’s too. What wonderful memories.

  781. The favorite combo in my house as a kid was mac & cheese with hotdogs. Yummmm. Think I should make some now.

  782. Casseroles any and all the mac & cheese with bits of hot dogs; cowboy stew – a little ground beef carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms and onion with elbow noodles; then for desert any time “more pudding” made at the time with “Girl Scout” vanilla wafer cookies crumbles top and bottom and with a lemon filling. Then peanut butter and jelly sandwiches after a bike ride to grandma’s house. Thanks Mom and Grandma for all the memories.

  783. In high school, I loved the school’s crispy chicken sandwiches, on which I would put scoops of shredded lettuce pre-mixed with mayonnaise. I also loved the chocolate pudding custards.

  784. My favorite meal that my mom made as a kid was Cream of mushroom soup and pieces of pork, baked in a caserole.
    She also make “the cure all” chicken soup, loaded with all kinds of vegetables, rices, barley, pasta.. yum yum
    And she made Ambrosia alot for desert, which was delish.

  785. The food that conjures up childhood memories for me is macaroni and cheese! I still smile even thinking about having some 🙂

  786. When I was little and my “tummy” hurt from being sick, my mom would make me my favorite dish, for this ocassion………TOASTED BREAD-HOT MILK-BUTTER-AND A SPRINKLE OF SUGAR…… seems like I always got better.

  787. My mom would always make me nachos (just plain chips and cheese) whenever I watched my favorite movie, the live action version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. To this day I associate one with the other.

  788. We were a family of six kids, two parents, and multiple friends dragged home for dinner on any given night of the week. My mom always made pot roast with tons of good vegetables (in a dutch oven in the real oven, not a pressure cooker like I use!) on Sunday nights and at least one of my four sisters’ boyfriends would ask to stay for dinner. I could smell that roast cooking all the way from my church pew Sunday mornings.
    MY favorite meal my mom made, only once a month or so, was “golumpkis”! This is a traditional Polish dish that seems easy to make but I’ve never mastered my mom’s recipe. My mom made her filling with ground beef, rice, and season, then wrapped it all up like a little present inside a steamed cabbage leaf. I remember how pulling the toothpicks out of the golumpkis made dinner seem like it was prepared especially for me to unwrap and enjoy! Very good home cooked memories!

  789. When I was growing up we had a wonderful tradition in the winter. My brother and I would go caroling or go shovel the widow’s sidewalks and when we got home my mom would have a homemade batch of hot chocolate for us to drink. It warmed us up quick and tasted so rich and good. I make it for my daughter when she has been out playing in the snow or shoveling the neighbors walks. It always takes me back to those wonderful childhood days.

  790. One of my favorite childhood memories is watching my mama make homemade biscuits. She would let me help her sift the flour, put the shortening and pour the milk but she did all the mixing. When she got through forming the biscuits she always made two little ones for my sister and me. She always made us feel special.

  791. I grew up in a Filipino household and the dish that reminds me of my childhood is Arrozcalldo. Its a chicken and rice porridge which you garnish with fried garlic, green onions, and lemon juice. I can now make this dish myself and every time I eat it, it makes me think of home; exactly what comfort food should be!

  792. My mother is an amazing cook, and she made a ton of things that I love, but some of my best food memories come from my New Orleans-raised grandmother. When we’d spend the night at her house (a very special treat), in the morning she’d make us cafe au lait (really, more like lait au cafe, to be honest – a cup of warm milk with a splash of coffee), and we felt like such grown-ups! Every Christmas she would bring a coffee cake and pralines along with her. She passed away in 2009, and last year I made a batch of her pralines for everyone to enjoy, while we reminisced about that special lady. Many of the stories, told by my mother, involved Grandma in the kitchen!

  793. What food combo conjures up great childhood memories for you?

    Pineapple upside down cake…
    Warm and sweet with a little bit of tart. Make my mouth water to this day!

  794. Although I was born in the US, my family immigrated here from Asia. I remember my mom trying her best to be an all American mom, would pack my lunch bag with sandwiches but it would have an Asian twist since it was usually made with the previous night’s leftovers, LOL. Dessert would be a type of cookie or cake but again adapted from an asian recipe. You can say she was probably one of the first to implement Asian fusion… She didn’t understand English but studied hard to be come a US citizen and she wanted us to be proud to be Americans.

  795. My favorite dish at holiday mealtime was always the green bean casserole. My mother made the best green bean casserole and as I have grown up and started my own family I have developed my own delicious recipe for this holiday favorite. I also loved helping my grandmother put the marshmallows on top of her famous sweet potato casserole recipe. Those toasted marshmallows *made* that dish!

  796. Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese! My mom also made a family favorite called “Egg on Toast.” It was hard boiled egg in a cream sauce over bread for breakfast.

  797. Making homemade egg noodles with my Mom and siblings on rainy days. This was a all-day affair and around afternoon the kitchen was literally draped with drying noodles! at the same time, a chicken was being slow-cooked so the meat just fell off the bomes. Then the meat and fresh noodles were combines with all the fixings for chicken soup-carrots, celery, onions, etc. After it had cooked we ate that amazing feast! Ah! Comfort food supreme!!

  798. My favorite food memory from my childhood would have to be grilled cheese sandwiches.
    I learned to make them by myself and it was the first food I was allowed to “cook”.

  799. Mom loves “oldies” music, especially Elvis. When I complained to her about jelly making the bread soggy for my school lunches, she started sending me with peanut butter and banana sandwiches instead. It was a tasty lunch and fun to see my classmates’ reactions!

  800. Pumpkin pie from scratch, with lots more spices than the store-bought kind. Served with whipped cream also from scratch. those were the days.
    Mag Parkhurst, Los Angeles

  801. i love souplantation and that’s pretty surprising because my strongest memory as a child was my mom always making me eat carrots! i guess she thought i needed more vegetables and i didn’t want to sit too long( i wanted to be outside playing) so she would give me a large peeled carrot and let me go. i would run through the neighborhood with my carrot in hand. if i got tired of it (they were large, not like the baby carrots today), i would hide it somewhere handy. they were usually found months later! i do still like carrots now, usually in my salad. 🙂

  802. This will probably sound terrible to most people, but my absolutely favorite mom-made-miracle was my mom’s creamy homemade macaroni and cheese mixed with her sweet baked beans. The combined saltiness of the cheese with the sweet tang of the beans made for an absolutely heavenly treat! For a picky eater like me, I’m sure my mom was relieved that this “simple” meal was something I’d devour!

  803. baked potato combined with all kinds of creamy soups reminds me of gathering with families on holidays when i was a kid. Yummy and warm.

  804. my father’s grilled-cheese sandwiches. he still makes them for my sons, and they love them too.
    Emily Parkhurst
    Los Angeles, CA

  805. As I now turn back the hands of time– I would now be running back and forth from Mama & Granny’s back (kitchen) door! Back in the day, screen doors were always opened and the smell of really good cookin’ was the fragrance of the spring and summer day air in my neighborhood!

    When it comes to Mama, nobody could beat her at making Granny’s Southern Fried Chicken smothered in Gravy and Mama’s Peach Cobbler from scratch- well, nobody could match!

    Wow, finger licking good- yum, yum, yummy, those were the days!!!

  806. My mom’s lemon and banana…sliced bananas topped with tart lemon pudding. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water!

  807. Hamantaschen cookie. My mom made them and we always got to help 🙂
    They are still one of my favorite cookies.

  808. My favorite childhood food memory was my moms homemade spaghetti sauce simmering all day in the kitchen. I couldn’t wait to eat dinner on those days!

  809. I always remember coming home to the smell of cinnamon apples and freshly baked crust; My mom would bring home bushels of bright green apples and remove the skin by swirling her paring knife from top to bottom and id watch as the ring of greenery fell down into a saucepan, which mom used to make candied apple skins. Mom would always have a little flower left on her knuckles and sprinkled in her hair. The kitchen was slightly a mess but when mom pulled that freshly baked apple pie out of the oven, no one minded cleaning up their plates.

  810. My mom made lots of delicious things! I loved her apricot chicken and scalloped potatoes! umm.. I still go over to her house and request that for dinner when I am there!

  811. My favorite memory is of my grandma’s delicious biscuits. She would make them for breakfast and sometimes for dinner. They were sooooooooooo good.

  812. I remember growing up my mother would always be sure to make corned beef and cabbage for St. Patrick’s Day – and we’re Japanese-American! You don’t have to be Irish to be Irish!

  813. My Mother’s Pumpkin Pies with a flaky homemade crust were simply the best! She still makes them at age 90+.
    Sweet Tomatoes is our favorite restaurant as the abundance of raw foods along with slow cooked soups from scratch are more tasty and nutritious.

  814. My folks had a hard time making ends meet, and my mom hated to cook, but she LOVED to bake. She had been a pastry food service worker at the local community college. She made the best chocolate cream pie EVER! She recently passed away, but at her memorial, many of her friends asked for the recipe. I told them I didn’t really have it, but her secret was her crust. The rest was just pudding and whipped cream. It was wonderful that others remembered her for her pies, too!

  815. Mmmmmmm. All of these memories sound delicious. I especially remember meatloaf and mash potatoes. The meat loaf was baked, then broiled for a couple of minutes to crust the top. Barbecue sauce and cheese were then added to the top, melted, then served. Different, various vegetables were added each time, so they were always a wonderful surprise. Now I’m hungry!

  816. My favorite food memory is Sunday pot roast. Every week after church we would come home to the smell of roast in the oven. Delicious!

  817. my favorite was a grilled cheese sandwich that was toasted first, then fried with real butter and cinnamon. Sooooo good! A very yummy, sweet meal.

  818. My grandmother used to make a German version of Chicken Pot Pie with homemade noodles. Souplantation’s Chicken Noodle soup is as close as I can come without making it myself.

  819. The best food I had as a child (and now, adult) was breakfast! I grew up having breakfast for dinner, breakfast for lunch & occasionally, breakfast for breakfast!! Golden french toast w/sweet maple syrup, fried potatoes w/onions & tasty hickory bacon…. yum! (and now i’m hungry!)

  820. Whenever we didn’t feel well mom would make grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup & cottage cheese.

  821. When I was growing up a lot of different kinds of food were made in my house. My mother is from Argentina so I would often have beef empanadas, arroz con pollo, and milanesas, but the most memorable thing I ate when I was young, and that I can remember being so excited to eat was her mashed potatoes. I would beat my little sister to licking the left over mashed potatoes off the blender whisks and the spoons. Brings a smile to my face and makes me wish I was eating them now. They were and still are my favorite potato dish.

  822. One of my favorite dinners was fried porkchops with the bone in, yams, and canned peas! Mom was a great cook and we grew all our own fruit so she made a lot of homemade Royal Ann cherry pies, Gravenstein apple pies and berry pies. One of my favorite pies was Lemon Merange—sooooo good! I loved the pineapple up-side-down cakes she made. And I have never tasted cinnamin rolls since like she used to make. She would take the lid off our big roast pan and turn it up-side-down and bake them it it! And I always loved her spagetti–it was even better tasting the next day! And homemade vegetable beef soup–the aroma was so wonderful on a cold winter’s day let alone the taste and warmth it imbibed in us or sent to school in a thermous in our lunchpail!!

  823. My favorite food my mom made when I was a kid was rice with a side of beef, tomatoes and spinach. DELICIOUS!

  824. My childhood favorites are:
    – Meatloaf and Mash Potatoes
    – Sheppard’s Pie (I think Souplantation should make Sheppard’s Pie as a monthly special- super easy and DE-LIC-IOUS!!)
    – AND OF COURSE…drum roll please….. Hot Dogs w/ Ketchup and onion after a long summer day in the Pool! 🙂 Good time and great memories!

  825. I have fond memories of my mom’s creamy chicken and rice casserole. Tender chunks of chicken with rice tossed in a cream sauce baked with buttery cracker crumbs on top! All of us kids loved it. She always served a strawberry jello salad with whipped cream along side of it. A kids delight!

  826. The neighborhood kids would all come to our house over after playing outside and we would request my mom make Macaroni and we would always be so anxious to eat it and it would be too hot. So we would come up with creative ways to cool it off….once we poured some of our lemonade on the plate since it was cold…and then one day there was ketchup on the table and i thought..hmm i like it on grilled cheese…and it would cool down the Macaroni…instant hit! So that became my obsession….Macaroni and ketchup…dont nix it until you try it 🙂 I still even eat it once in a while….lol.

  827. my faviorte meal is my mom makes this amazing spagheti from scratch with a piece of garlic bread on the side its delicious

  828. I remember thanksgiving turkey cooked with apple juice, orange juice, and a sprig of rosemary form our garden.

  829. My favorite food memory is my mom’s lasagna. Everyone always looked forward to it at church dinners. She always made it with Swiss cheese instead of Mozzarella, so I grew up loving the heartier taste of the Swiss. One time when I was grown, I tried making the lasagna with Mozzarella, the way the recipe was written. It was BORRRING! So I’ve gone back to Swiss cheese! YUMMMMM!!!!

  830. My favorite food memory is every easter my mom and I would make a bunny shaped cake. The hardest part was to not eat all the coconut before putting it on the cake.

  831. I always loved my mom’s tacos and her spaghetti sauce. Of course I called it “biscetti” when I was really little :).

  832. My favorite dessert combo growing up, was my Mom’s pumpkin pie, and her homemade real whipped cream. Now that was Thanksgiving!

  833. I always remember my Mom making deviled eggs and my “Me-ma” making the best homemade pies and chicken noodle soup.

  834. What really stands out are the Sunday lunches my family would have after going to church. When I was younger, we lived in Hawaii and we would go to one of the less touristy beaches and we always ate chicken and pancit. This lunch was always a fun family time for me. Nice time at the beach with great homemade food made by my mom.

  835. I will always remember the wonderful aroma filling our home on Sundays. We always looked forward to coming home from church to tender slow-cooked rump roast complete with carrots, onions and potatoes and gravy. Yummy!

  836. Corn tortillas fried in olive oil with 3 cheeses in the middle and cut into little triangles! Delish!

  837. One of my memories that I have as a child is Home made beans and rice. I am mexican descent and When my mom would make those two items…….ok three because when she could she would also make home made tortillas!!!!!!! She just had the touch!! Mmmmm

  838. My mum used to make this amazing chocolate cake inspired by the Joy of Cooking’s Rombauer Chocolate Cake recipe for our family celebrations. The best part of the prep work was licking the bowl clean after the batter had been poured into the pan.
    Mmmmm, delicious!!

  839. My favorite childhood memory food would be my grandmothers fried potatoes and scrambled eggs with homemade tortillas and for dessert she always made us vanilla ice cream sundaes with crushed frosted flake cereal on top to make it crunchy. sooo goood 🙂

  840. My favorite childhood memory is one about my mother’s fried chicken that she made in her big cast iron pan. Afternoons in my childhood were spent playing in the street with my friends until the sun went down or the streetlights went on, whichever was first. Unless, that is, when my mom made her fried chicken. The delicious smell wafted down the street and on those days, I didn’t wait ’till the sun went down nor waited for the street lights to go on. Not only was I early, but my hands and face where clean too. I can still remember how good the chicken tasted, as good as it looked. It was crispy and crunchy and oh so juicy! Oooo. Ahhh. Yumm! I still recollect those days when I make fried chicken for my own family.

  841. My Mom, ’till this day conjures up some good ol’ Chicken Noodle soup with lots of little crackers on the side ;D Yum – Yum!!! But I must admit, Souplantation’s is a notch above & I don’t have to be ill to get it (SMILE).

  842. We only got to see my grandmother once a year – but when she came we made gingerbread cookies – they really were shaped like gingerbread men and women – we then got to decorate each

  843. Making homemade cheesecake with my dad and placing all the glazed cherries on top (all the while eating them before they even went on the pie)!

  844. My mom used to make the all-time best beef stew with tiny carrots, tiny green peas and tiny onions. The stew would break away at the touch of the fork .. it was so tender. Alongside were homemade mashed potatoes (not from a box or pouch) … lumps and all. LOL. Anytime I smell an aroma faintly similar .. I am taken back 40+ years in my mind. Wonderful memories. 🙂

  845. My mother made the best bread….fresh from the oven, a big thick slab with real butter melted all over it. Can’t beat it! It was always white bread when we were kids, but when we got older and my dad became a little more health conscious, she also made an awesome soybean bread that was great hot with honey over it.

  846. When i was a kid, my mom did alot of cooking, she was a stay at home mom so shewould bake chocolate chip cookies and i would have them with milk when i can home from school. and i loved her lasagna. my mouth is watering just thinking about them.

  847. My favorite food that my Mom cooked that I loved throughout my childhood, was her amazing meatloaf. She’d serve it with steaming baked potatoes, rich gravy, and a variety of green vegetables, which I’d willingly scarf down. I of course had to add my own touch, so beginning at age 5, I put ketchup/catchsup in my mashed potatoes…and loved dining on pink potatoes!! (Not so much now!)

  848. I loved making peanut butter chocolate chip cookies with my mom. Another favorite recipe was a fruit and mini marshmallow salad… I forget what it was called, but it was so yummy! Tuna melts were also a favorite of mine.

    1. My favorite childhood comfort food my mom made for us 7 kids (and many of our friends!!) was a dish she calls Baked Macaroni. It is simple, but delicious…and always brings back fond memories. The secret is NOT using a homemade red/marinara sauce, but using an inexpensive plain jar sauce, and using sharp cheddar cheese instead of the traditional mozzarella. I am now over 50 and mom still makes her Baked Macaroni for my kids and family members when they visit!! Baked Macaroni will always be a favorite in our family!

  849. My favorite food that I can remember eating that my mother made was her homemade chicken and rice soup. We would also have cornbread on the side. But my most favorite food was pork chops, macaroni and cheese, with either carrots or corn as the veggie.

  850. Mom’s fried chicken…… and homemade christmas cookies ….. baking with my mom and sisters love those memories.

  851. My best first memory of a food experience was the first time I ate chicken. I was on a picnic with my next door neighbors and family at Greynolds Park in Miami, Florida. We had fried chicken for the picnic and no one wanted to eat the wings. They gave them to me to eat, since I was only six years old and would not have any opinion on chicken parts. It was the best food I ever ate and they gave me so many I thought I would be able to fly since they were wings.

  852. My favorite meal was my grandmother’s baby lima beans,fried chicken,and homemade cornbread…hmmm i’d just enjoy the aroma. And slice of her peach cobbler was to live for , but all her desserts where the bomb!!

  853. My mother was a wonderful cook, nothing fancy just basic home cooking. I loved her French Toast with cinnamon sugar and her scrambled eggs & cream style corn with toast made from homemade bread. I got to come home for lunch during school and I would get tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches or mac & cheese with tuna or left overs from dinner. My favorite dinner was Paprika Chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy made from the drippings. And there was always cookies or cake or pie for dessert – my favorite was cheese cake with blueberry topping. And now I’m getting hungry.

  854. For my birthday, I always insisted on Chef-Boy-R-Dee Spaghetti that came in a box and Koffe Krunch cake from a restaurant/bakery that I believe was called Stickney’s.

  855. My parents make an amazing potroast, with carrots, potatoes, mushrooms, and onions flavoring the meat. I didn’t even like mushrooms or onions as a kid, but I always loved the potroast. It was always my birthday meal request, and I still ask them to make it every time I see them.

  856. I loved my moms tuna noodle casserole with crushed potato chips on top and fresh cut up tomatoes on the side

  857. My mom never made any treats. However, she made a lot of delicious, wholesome meals. One dish that I love is chicken ginseng soup.

  858. Homemade chicken soup (with lots of onions, carrots, and rice) and spinach potato latkes that my Nana made. Chicken cutlets and mashed potatoes that my mom made, also chicken livers with rice.

  859. My favorite childhood meal was my mom’s Lacha-Vasole soup and her awesome Escarole soup. Lacha-Vasole is a version of a Pasta Fagioli, but it does not have any pasta. It is made with celery, onions, white beans, garlic and tomatoes! Escarole is a soup made with Escarole and little, yummy meatballs. Both are super comforting and make a great meal!! 🙂

  860. my fondest ood memory has to be all the weekend get togethers with my family were we would cook huge potlucks of yummy foods to enjoy.

  861. Growing up in an Indian household, my favorite food combo as a childhood were idlis with green chutney. Idlis are little cakes made from steamed lentils and rice. Sounds weird, but they were delicious. Sunday was idli + chutney day at our house, and we had it for breakfast. Needless to say, I LOVED Sundays!

  862. When I was younger (even sometimes now), my daddy would make me the most yummy grilled ham and cheese. It would make me really happy because my dad made it and two it was the best thing in my world. Even now a days I can’t eat grilled ham and cheese anywhere but at home when my daddy makes it. It’s just not the same. Mommies and daddies make the best food anything they make becomes a comfort food really and for me grilled ham and cheese is one of those things.

  863. My grandmother would make my favorite pie for me, lemon meringue. I also loved when my mom made creamed corn!

  864. When I was a kid, my mom made (and still makes) the BEST garlic mashed potatos in the whole world!!! She always put just the right amount of garlic, milk, butter, and salt, and then would mash them first by hand and then with a mixer. She would leave them just a little bit lumpy (cause that’s how i liked them best). and she always served them with hot out of the oven pork chops and cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soups. MMMM the taste of home 🙂

  865. I remember my grandmother’s chicken and noodles, made with homemade thick noodles and fresh chicken that my brother and I helped her catch on Saturday afternoon for the family Sunday dinner. I think that is why I love the chicken noodle soup.

  866. I remember my moms lasagna. I would eat like a pig when she made lasagna. She also makes amazing chicken and dumplings! MMMMMM Good!

  867. My most comforting childhood food is spaghetti with toasted hot dog buns. I didn’t know that we ate this all the time because my parents were so financially strapped-I just thought it was my dad’s favorite thing to cook. Now that I am grown and know the truth, eating it reminds me of the amazing strength my parents had in the throws of hardship.

  868. My grandmother always made us salmon patties, creamed corn and mashed potatoes. We loved going there and having that special meal.

  869. My favorite memories of eating as a child came straight out of my Grandmother’s garden. My Grandmother would make seven layer salad and rhubarb crumb cake.We ate a fresh tomatoes,green cabbage, and sweet corn all summer long.Any kind of fresh vegatable you were hungry for.

  870. My mom made a great beef and beans with corn bread casserole that I loved. It had barbeque sauce in it and I used the corn bread to help absorb all the casserole goodness. My mom would make a Swedish kringle that I loved for family parties I would devour for dessert whenever possible. I loved the almond flavor.

  871. Macaroni and cheese made from scratch, mixed with albacore tuna, peas and just a hint of minced onion was a family favorite of mine. Sometimes my mom would add chopped pimientos, which was odd, but added to the flavor. So good!

  872. My favorite memory from childhood is when my mother would make pies she always let me have the scraps of the pie dough so I could use the rolling pin and make my “special cookies”. I would cut out shapes and sprinkle them with sugar and cinnamon. I did the same thing when my children were young.

  873. My favorite food is my Mom’s Chocolate Meringue Pie with her homemade cornbread. Funny combo I know, but I love those two!

  874. Coming home from school, nothing was better than bread coming out of the oven. As a treat before dinner, we would put a little bit of butter and honey on a slice. It was heavenly!

  875. My Dad used to make this tasty side dish he called “spring salad”. It was a pasta salad made with corkscrew noodles, mayo, celery seed, a touch of green olives (I think that’s what they were…), celery, tiny cheese cubes, and every now and then chopped boiled eggs. He didn’t really cook when I was growing up, so it was always a big deal when he would get out the pots and big mixing bowls. We all knew what was coming!

  876. two favorites…macaroni and cheese with cut up hot dogs, and tuna melts and tomato soup that my great grandma used to make us every monday. 🙂

  877. As a child my one of my favorite foods was Cream of Potato soup…the one out of the cardboard cylinder container specifically. Something about those little pieces of potatoes was amazing. I was also a big fan of the Lucky Charms cereal although it became a bowl full of marshmallows and milk (I’d pick out the actual cereal). I would LOVE if Soup Plantation would a a vegetarian potato soup -I think last time it had bacon or something in it. BRING BACK MY CHILDHOOD MEMORIES SOUP PLANTATION =)

  878. My mom made the best homemade chicken pot pie and it was my all time favorite. I just saw someone mention salmon patties and I loved those too!

  879. Soft buttery corn tortillas wrapped around a mildly spiced chicken with lettuce, cheese and sour cream—mom’s chicken tacos were the best! I also loved her tuna noodle casserole with lemon pepper, peas, soft wide egg noodles, creamy sauce and tuna. And of course tomato soup with grilled cheese, which I am happy to see you are serving. We will be making a visit to Sweet Tomatoes this weekend. Yummy!

  880. I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. My mother made them for me for lunch almost everyday. She would put peanut butter on both slices of the bread and grape jelly on one. With an ice cold glass of milk and some potato chips it was delicious. I made them that way for my children as well.

  881. One of my favorite memories was when I as a child was able to spend the weekend with my Grandparents. On Saturdays, my Grandma would make homemade Split Pea with ham soup. I watched her blend the soup with her Oyster Blender and later served up the piping hot soup with crusty bread to dip into the creamy soup. My Grandma is long gone, but whenever I go to Sweet Tomatoes and they have their Split Pea soup on the menu, my mind goes back to the great Childhood memories and I smile!


    Ron Bannister
    Portland, OR

    Homemade Sunday biscuits drizzled with honey along with ham & potatoes.
    Grilled cheese (extra cheese) sandwich with tomatoe soup for dipping.

  883. I was always in heaven when my mom made macaroni and cheese with baked beans. So simple and yet so divine. Her baked beans recipe called for brown sugar and molasses, making a sweet contrast with the cheesy goodness of the macaroni. I got into the habit of mixing them together and savoring every last morsel.

  884. I loved my Mom’s homemade spaghetti & meat sauce. We all enjoyed that meal! My mom always served it with garlic bread, and a green salad. I often make it for my family & the taste of home always comes back! 🙂

  885. The most comforting food I remember from my childhood days was this garlic bread-like toast that my mom made out of Filipino dinner rolls called Pan De Sal. She used to flatten the rolls in a pan and grill it while putting some kind of seasoning. I remember eating it almost every school day!

  886. My memory was actually with my dad. When I was little, my dad convinced me that he was a chef (he’s not, by the way). According to him, his main creation was a cut up weenie and ketchup sandwich… and I believed him because I loved them sooo much!! haha

  887. My favorite childhood food was my Mom’s roast beef drowned in gravy with onion mashed potatoes (caramelized onions then tossed into mashed potatoes), green beans. She also would make a Hunter’s Stew: vegetarian vegetable soup with ground beef, onion and bacon. Everyone loves this simple dish still!

  888. Raw fish, fermented soy beans, miso soup with seaweed, pickled plums, white sticky rice, fried eggs Japanese style, and green tea – absolutely delicious and very healthy. ; )

  889. Peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich on white bread, with homemade chocolate chip cookies. That was the greatest part of being a kid – you could indulge in all the carbs you wanted and have them burned off by afternoon recess!

  890. My mother is the perfect moher.She made dinner and dessert and my favorite use to be her spaghetti with ground beef spaghetti sauce and for dessert homemade strawberry shortcake with fresh starwberies an homemade whipcream. My mother is a diabetic so desserts were always low on sugar an fats so i could eat as much as i wanted and till this day she does it all

  891. Growing up on a farm, we always had fresh produce. Some of my best childhood memories are picking fresh produce, and eating it right in the field. Fresh tomatos on our sandwiches, cucumber salads, homemade sauce, homemade pickles, chow chow… YUMMY!! Spending hours in the kitchen with mom, aunts, grandmas and cousins, cutting up the produce, blanching, preparing and canning them to get us through the winter, always brings a smile and warm feeling inside my heart. A lot of those people have passed on, but I will forever have the memories of childhood and the many hours in the kitchen, learning the “art” of homemade cooking that I still carry on today.

  892. Peanut butter (creamy, not crunchy!), banana and marshmallow (sliced marshmallows, not fluff!) sandwich. It was quite a treat when I got one. My grandpa would sneak me one when I visited him. My mom would never allow us to eat anything unhealthy or sugary. 🙂

  893. My Dad always cooked for us growing up and my favorite combo was eggs & pancakes. We had breakfast for dinner at least once a week.

  894. My mum hated cooking but she created “Runny Nose Soup” for my sister and I when we were small. It became a winter favourite which I still make. Boiled chicken bones for stock, left over chicken, pearl barley, onions, potatoes,carrots, rutabaga, and baked beans and seasoning – it was delicious.With fresh bread. Why “runny nose” ? I think you can guess!

  895. I will always remember that when we ate grilled cheese sandwiches we ALWAYS had to eat applesauce with them. She thought the applesauce would help us out ‘later’. HA! WE also had Campbell’s Tomato Soup with the evening combo. Brings back warm supper memories!! Thanks MOM:)

  896. It was wonderful to get food madefor me as a child and I can remember one of the most fun things that my grandmother prepared for me was the slice of Bologna with a slice of cheese, cut into a triangle shape on top, and she would lightly fry them on the stove.
    They raised in the center and they looked like hats! The were delicious and so fun!

  897. My favorite grilled cheese sandwich is made with vermont cheddar on dark rye bread. Usually, I only had this sandwich at my grandparent’s house when I was visiting. My Papa loved vermont cheddar cheese. He loved us enough to share his cheese with us.
    As a grown woman, I like this same sandwich with tomatoes in the sandwich.

  898. Hot Cheese Danishes and Hot Chocolate Milk make me feel like a kid again! Especially on those cold mornings!

    — Kevin

  899. Chicken pies my grandma used to make. These little handheld pies were filled with shredded chicken and love among other yummy things. I sure do miss them but not as much as I miss gram.

  900. It was my mom’s homemade spicy thai chicken soup ! & her sweet taro coconut tapioca dessert really nailed a delicious meal !

  901. Every morning my daddy prepared a slice of bread and cheese for me before I left for school. It didn’t taste good, but I ate it anyway. I will always remember how much he tried to provide for us.

  902. My favorite memory was learning to make fried rice and wontons. I was chopping up green onions with swim goggles on.

  903. My favorite childhood memories are making Shepherd’s Pie with my Grandmother in her kitchen (the only thing she knew how to cook and it didn’t happen very often!) and the Sunday morning waffles my Grandfather used to make and him telling me to stop eating the batter or there wouldn’t be any waffles!!

  904. My Grandmother made the best chicken and dumplings ever. She would work all day rolling out dumplings and what a great dinner would we have. It would make everything okay. As a special treat she would also make homemade cinnamon rolls to go with it. Such great memories.

  905. Walking to the back door at grandma’s house, passing the kitchen window and smelling the baked apples fresh from the oven. Mmmmmm.

  906. I loved my Mom’s homemade Navy bean soup cooked with lots of onion and big chunks of ham. We always had it with buttermilk corn bread baked in a big cast iron skillet and slathered with butter. It was so incredibly good.

  907. I remember my Mom making us Creamy Tomato soup and cheesy Grilled cheese to dip in the hot soup! Yum! She also made us a side of “ants on a log” , celery sticks filled with peanut butter and topped with raisins 🙂

  908. A favorite meal that my mom made was Sloppy Joes…her recipe was so yummy, with crumbly, barbecue-y ground beef and toasted buns. These were usually accompanied by homemade french fries or tater tots, which were always a special treat.

  909. Grew up on Galveston Island. Loved going to the beach and eating watermelon and grilling hot dogs. Favorite summer memories.

  910. Being the only girl in a family with 4 children, I was often recruited to help Mom in the kitchen. Of course it was to help me become a good cook and carry-on our family recipes. I remember having to roll meatballs no bigger than 1 inch for Aunt Rosie’s Spaghetti and Meatballs and helping to fry them as I got older. Our treat afterward was 2 meatballs each on fancy toothpicks and a little bit of 7-UP soda in a martini glass. Mom also made a fantastic yellow 1/4 sheet cake with chocolate peanut butter fudge icing. The icing was just like eating a piece of homemade fudge and I am still trying to get that recipe exactly like my mom’s.

  911. My mom made the best meatballs and gravy – the house smelled great and they were delicious. I now make them for my kids!

  912. When I was younger I would spend the summers with my mom. I would go swimming in the pool literally every day and after swimming, mom would make me chicken cordon bleu for lunch (even at 6 years old, I had sophisticated taste lol) Now whenever I go tot he beach or swim, I crave that meal! PUT SOME VERSION OF THIS ON YOUR MENU! (please) 😉 I love you SP.

  913. My favorite was the simple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches my mom, sister, and I would make…it wasn’t a gourmet dish, but it certainly felt like it at the time!

  914. My FAVORITE was when my Mom would make homemade chicken noodle soup. I would watch her make the thick noodles and I just couldnt wait to eat the soup! YUM!

  915. I remember a delicious rice pudding that my great aunt use to make. It was so creamy it was like eating ice cream!

  916. At Christmas time, I remember mom making Christmas chowder (cheese chowder with celery, tomatoes, bacon… mmmm….).

  917. My favorite memory was during the wintertime. After coming home from the freezing weather, my mom would always have hot cocoa ready for us. Now whenever we drink some at school, we remember those cold winter days and coming home to the smell of it!

  918. My best childhood memory was “Thursday Night Cookie Marathon.” It was the only time Mom let us eat cookies as much as we wanted. Other families had left over nights but our family had cookies. The chocolate cookies she baked from scratch completely washed away all of my worries and stresses of everyday childhood. It was as if the cookies possessed some power. But now that I am older, I know what that power was: love. Mom baked her heart into each of those cookies. Maybe that’s the reason why I still visit home from college just to eat some of her cookies.

  919. Every night our kitchen smelled inviting as we made fresh tortillas to go along with our meal. It was never anything fancy–just fresh and prepared from scratch. We ate beans, potatoes, green chili, etc. Fresh always beats prepared foods and that is why I love Sweet Tomatoes!

  920. Grew up in a Taiwanese family in the US, so the foods that I as a kid loved were most of the “bad stuff” fro special occasions-: pizza from local “Grande Pizza”; – over salty Campbell’s alphabet soup with saltine crackers – Banquet frozen pot pies after church on Sunday.

  921. Every Saturday morning my mom and I would use Bisquick to make either pancakes or biscuits. We were so overwhelmed with joy when we bought a griddle and could make more than one at a time!

    Also my mom would usually make me scrambled eggs and garlic cheesebread. I miss those days when I could eat nothing but carbs!

  922. My favorite was on Friday mornings mom would make cinnamon sugar toast… and let you eat it in the car! As a kid you really look forward to the little things, no matter how simple they may be.

  923. My mom couldn’t cook very well, but even she couldn’t mess up grilled cheese with cream of tomato soup!

  924. Mom helped with a committee to build a new playground in our community. She would make hot dinners to take over the workers — one of those was PLAYGROUND CASSEROLE! A yummy combo of pasta, sauce, cheese, and probably a few veggies sneaked in there as well.

  925. I loved Sunday night dinners made with left overs from our big lunch meal after church. We made roast beef sandwiches, chips, and the one day of the week we could have soda. We were able to then watch The Wonderful World of Disney while eating our meal.

  926. My favorite thing to eat as a child is chocolate chip pancakes made into a bear faced shape with a sausage link as the mouth and two dallops of whip cream for the eyes.

  927. When I was a child my favorite meal then and still one of my favorite meals is ‘Meat Loaf with mashed potatoes and tiny green peas’. I would mix up the meat loaf and mashed potatoes into a jumble and put the peas on top and then just dig in.
    This was and still is one great meal.

  928. gut-busters were the best! Chili, fritos, lots of cheese and if you were daring add onions! Yummy goodness!

  929. My favorite childhood food would have to be meatloaf with potatoes and corn and tons of ketchup yummy!.

  930. My absolute favorite combo when I was a child was Chef Boyardee and cherry Kool-Aid!
    mmmmm, makes me hungry just thinking about it!

  931. I have several childhood favorites.
    Dad’s homemade Chili on a cold day or especially a game day! Oyster crackers cheese and sour cream! Oh yum! Kugelis a Lithuanian potato pie it’s so good especially the next day fried up for breakfast!

    My mom and I made Pizza all the time when I was little and it was so much fun, the best part was devouring the huge pizza that had all of our favorite toppings. Also my mom’s macaroni gravy (Italians call pasta and sauce macaroni gravy) neck bones, oxtails, Italian sausage, spare ribs no matter how my mother makes it it comes out great!

    Grandma’s soup, she is the Queen when it comes to soup! Homemade chicken and oxtail soup or sometimes she’d use neck bones, the broth is so wonderful the combo of the meats are just fantastic. lots of veggies and she always made farfalle (bow tie pasta) to go with, with parmesan cheese to top it off! Also being a southern Italian tradition for Christmas we have a 7 fish dinner, she out dose herself every year! Crab legs, shrimp, muscles in red sauce the list goes on, but what I love the most out of all of it is her calamari and linguine in a red sauce it’s worth the wait every year! Also as a child I was some what of a picky eater, one of my favorite things my grandma would do for me was make me a bowl of pastina (itty bitty pasta that look like tiny stars) when she was making gravy and meat balls, take the meat ball and gravy and smash it into the pastina and put some parmesean cheese on top. Oh I love, love, loved that as a kid, it would always get me to eat more than I normally would.
    These childhood favorites are still my favorites!

  932. One of my favorite memories was when my mom baked her “pastelitos”, which are from her country in Central America. They were made from scratch, and filled with homemade pineapple jelly. YUMMM!!

  933. Dessert – texas sheet cake, apple cake, rice crispy pie, jumgills, applesauce cake, the list goes on. As a child dessert was an after dinner must and my mother always had one prepared.

  934. I remember my Grandma’s sweet gelatin made from milk. It was like a creamy custard with cinammon and raisins. Wish I had grandma’s recipe!

  935. My favorite was grandma’s bisquits and chocolate gravy for breakfast. She alway made us eat an egg too for nutrition sake.

  936. I loved my mom’s homemade split pea soup. It was usually prepared a day or two after easter with the left over ham bone. She would let it simmer all day. Oh how I looked forward a bowl of that delicious soup with some croutons on top…Yum!!

  937. The treat I remember the best was on Sundays when I could pick whatever I wanted for breakfast so I’d sometimes have my mom give me the premade yellow cake cups they sell by the strawberries, filled with whipped cream and a cherry on top. The breakfast of champions!

  938. I remember my mother making long, fluffy, chewy, dumplings from scratch. She would start with a whole chicken and boil it with spices and herbs and pick it off the bone. Then, she would get out a huge mixing bowl, fill it with flour, baking powder, salt, and other ingredients and she would cut in a bunch of real butter with two butter knives. I would sit on the breakfast bar and watch her dedication to the perfect meal for the whole family. She would add cold milk or buttermilk, roll them out, cut them into strips with a pizza cutter, and if I was lucky, I got to try a piece of the dough. I knew I was in a comforting, safe place when my bowl was filled with that hot little bit of Heaven.

  939. One of my favorite memories is a heart beef stew with carrots, peas, a little potatoes but no tomatoes. I also loved to help my mom make peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

  940. Ohhh grilled cheese & tomato soup sounds heavenly. Although a nice tuna sandwich with sweet pickles, on wheat bread, with lettuce was a favorite item too.

  941. My mom made home-made chicken noodle soup when we were sick! Yum Yum!! But is she thought we were faking it… we got Campbells out of the can. 🙂

  942. My favorite childhood food memorie is of my mom making me pancakes on sunday morning in the shape of different animals. I would get so sxcited to see what kind of animals would be on the plate that I could barley sit still. I think I probably enjoyed the surprise more than I did actually eating them. Either way, it’s always been a memory that’s made me smile, and P.S. I now make sports shaped pancakes for my husband and he loves them 🙂

  943. When I was a little girl, whenever I got sick, my Mom would make cream of tomato soup and serve it to me in a coffee mug. To this day, when I don’t feel well, I make cream of tomato soup and drink it out of a mug.

  944. A very favorite treat in our family was Toasted bread sandwiches spread with peanut butter and sliced bananas. And on special occassions Sundays she would make it with homemade waffles.
    Delicious and nutritious.

  945. My favorite childhood food was probably just buttered toast or grilled cheese. But I used to make scrambled eggs with my twin sister, and whenever I eat them, I always remember us coming home and making that for a snack. It was my first cooking experience ever!

  946. My grandpa made the world’s best green chili, grandma made spaghetti sauce you wanted to eat by itself, and my mom made fantastic noodles from scratch. mmmm…is it dinner time yet?

  947. My mom started cooking when I was already grown-up and she became great in the kitchen. My childhood memories go back to my grandma’s kitchen… she prepared a delicious dish: balls of mashed green platain filled with cooked and well seasoned ground meat (with olives, tomato, raisins, green and red peppers, garlic, onion and spices). The balls are covered with egg mixture and bread crumbs and then fried. They are nice looking and so good, kids love them! She used to called them platain balls.

  948. My mom still makes the same home made sugar cookies every Christmas. She only made them for Christmas Eve so I looked forward to that every year. They are the best cookies I have ever had!

  949. what a long list to choose from 🙂 all sorts of munchies can bring us back! spaghetti-o’s….I still get them sometimes! And of course anything chocolately gooey and fresh out of the oven. mmmmmmm.

  950. I loved my Mom’s Nilaga, a Filipino stew of beef or chicken with veggies and potatoes plus rice. OMG I would eat bowl after bowl of it, so yummy!!

  951. Grilled cheese and tomato soup, of course. Also spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic bread or root beer floats.

  952. One of my favorite meals as a child was mac n cheese, tuna, and peas. It was so simple, yet so delicious. I would ask my mom to make it every night, it was so yummy!

  953. My favorite meal as a kid was peanut butter and jelly with Mac & cheese. I used to request it all the time for dinner or lunch.

  954. So generic I know, but the one thing I LOVED as a kid and always served as the best comfort food was mom’s homemade chicken pot pie-YUM! My kiddos now love the treat themselves! =)

  955. My favorites as a child were, yummy mashed potatoes, chicken cutlets with brown gravy and for desserts, one egg cake and chocolate pudding pie.

  956. One of my favorite sweets that my mother would make was marshmellow cream chocolate fudge. When all was finished and the candy was scraped into the pan, my mother would give me the big wooden spoon to lick and my younger brother would get the pan. A yummy sweet memory!

  957. Chicken and dumplings homemade by mom. My sis and I would always ask for more dumplings 🙂 Gosh, I want some right now.

  958. I love clam chowder and oster crackers, they are like little ships in the soup and you go fishing trying to catch one in each spoonful of soup.

  959. Homemade potato soup and homemade french bread
    sourdough toast with a cup of hot chocolate on a cold day or before bed
    peanutbutter balls

  960. My mom made ‘week-end” meals special. I remember Saturday’s smelling (from scratch) cakes or pies,. On Sunday it was wonderful coming into the house and smelling some type of “roast”; that she’d serve with mashed potatoes, vegts, salad, homemade rolls, and then, yes, the dessert she had made.

  961. A big messy sloppy joe that just gets all over your face, shirt, and table. Sit around w/ a bunch of friends and laugh at who made the biggest mess afterward.

  962. Four of my childhood favorite foods were homemade apple turnovers with sweet icing, sweet potato casserole with brown sugar and marshmallows, tuna salad sandwiches on white wonder bread with crushed up potato chips in the middle and Oscar Meyer hot dogs split down the middle with crisp bacon strips and melted cheese.

  963. When I was a kid, my nanny used to make something we called an egg tortilla. It was essentially scrambled eggs but instead of chopping it up, she would leave it flat and I’d eat it like a pancake.

  964. My Grandma used to always make the best divinity and peppermint bark at Christmas time ! I miss it !!

  965. My Mom would cut up a banana into bite-size pieces, then put it in a cereal bowl and give me a fork to eat it. 🙂

  966. I came from an italian family. So every Sunday my parents would make an italian meal. My dad would make his famous sauce. We would have macaroni,meatballs and bread. My mom would make a salad with her homemade italian dressing. We had this EVERY sunday. We would even invite our friends over and they loved it too.

  967. My favorite treat childhood food was my grandma’s “yellow pototoes”. I think the dish comes from the south. It is mashed potatoes made with mustard and onions and topped with chopped hard boiled eggs. She still makes them for me on the holidays. YUM!

  968. Definitely macaroni and cheese with hot dogs cut up. I’m over 50 and it’s still one of my favorite comfort foods!

    Also — leftover frosting put between two graham crackers. She left them in the cupboard for a couple of days to get good and soft and stale. Delicious!

  969. In our house it was sopita and homemade flour tortillas. Wish I could go back and record my grandmas tortilla recipe, she never wrote it down. But that is my favorite memory of food in my childhood days.

  970. Tuna fish sandwich on toasted bread and fresh sliced watermelon on the side. Reminds me of the summer when I was about 8 or so.

  971. Nothing conjures up great childhood memories with respect to food than grilled cheese with a bowl of cream of corn soup to wash it down!

  972. All this talk about food is making me hungry! My favorite were the empanadas (pumpkin turn overs)

  973. My favorite childhood memory of my mom’s cooking, was Spanish Rice & beans with Baked chicken and fried plantains. It brought such warmth to my siblings and I. We loved coming home from school or practice from school sports to smell the aroma of the rice and beans cooking and the juicy delicious baked chicken and sweet plantains. It makes me feel warm and loved just thinking about it! Even today as adults we love to come home to our mothers cooking .Spanish rice and beans with chicken and plantains are still our all time favorite.
    The greatest thing about this meal is, that as I raised my family I too made this very special meal for them, and now that my children are young adults, it is the one thing they love coming home too. And it is the one thing I love making for them, just as my mother does for our whole family.
    Interestingly enough, my son now makes it for his new family, and it blessed my heart the first time he called me to ask how to make it.
    I believe this meal is special to us, because it is always made with love.
    Lavenia Balina

  974. We lived with my grandparents when I was a child. The BEST aroma was coming home from school and smelling grandma’s homemade bread fresh out of the oven!

  975. When I was growing up, my mom used to make me and my brother roast beef.And she also made us macaroni and cheese from scratch.

  976. I always LOVED my mom’s clam chowder! Funny thing is – I made it for a family event years and years after gowing up and my mom said, “Shan! I LOVE this chowder! Where did you get your recipe?” I laughed out loud! She still doesn’t believe it is her recipe.

  977. My Dad would make us “Birds nests” -a piece of bread, hole cut out in the center with an egg fried right in the middle. Similar texture of a grilled cheese, buttery, crispy and good!!!

  978. My favorite was my grandma’s homemade bread. She was Sicilian, and we would smell the bread baking from down the street. While it was still warm, we would put olive oil, romano cheese, salt and pepper on the bread…that was my HEAVEN!

  979. I remember when I used to come home from a long, hard day of elementary school and there would be a homemade cheeseburger and a side of fries/chips waiting for me. Oh how I miss the days when I was waited on hand and foot!

  980. My grandma made the best homeade Marionberry pie, it was wonderful. She also was a master candy maker, fudge and divinity were her specialties. I even liked her lima beans with ham, and she made the BEST macaroni and cheese ever; I wish I had her recipe as it was not written down.

  981. When I was little, my mom or grandma would make these rice balls. It was just sticky rice formed in perfect sized spheres. So simple but so delicious:)

  982. Cheesy goodness!

    Mac and cheese. String cheese. Cheese and crackers. During grocery trips with Mom, I’d get really excited if these were on sale at the supermarket! That meant we could stock up on the yumminess!

  983. We used to have tostada night…the salsa verde was to die for. I think I was the only kid I knew who loved spicy food LOL. Oh and on snowy days, for lunch my mom would make tomato bisque with grilled cheese sandwiches…yummy!

  984. My mom was not a great cook so when she made something special, it really stood out. Coffeecake was it for me. Delicious.

  985. Toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich with banana slices with the crusts cut off and a large cold glass of ice cold milk. Best after school snack from my childhood!

  986. I grew up in a traditional chinese family. We made pork and vegetable dumplings (both fried and poached). I make them with my kids now, they have a blast wrapping them and they devour them.

  987. I have a mixed heritage, so my memories differ from family sides. On one side my favorite was soft-cooked eggs, in an egg cup, with Soldiers(toast with butter, cut into slices). This was a play on Humpty-dumpty and the breakfast was very European, as my Mom’s family is from Belguim. On the other side, my Dad’s family is from the deep south, so my memories are of fried catfish, hush puppies and sweet tea…..Now I have to have it!!!

  988. Plantains with sunny side down eggs. That’s what makes me feel like a kid again. It brings back alot of memories back in PR.

  989. As a family of 6 growing up something cheap and easy and something we ate a lot was grilled cheese and tomato soup. Now my own family of 6 this is a tradition we do quite frequently.

  990. i think i’ve eatin 100’s of pb&j’s that my mom would make me… even now with my own kids it is definitely we share together.

  991. PCLT Sandwich – instead of a bacon BLT, I had Potato Chips (ruffles), Lettuce & Tomato for a PCLT. Another popular variation – BFLT (Barbeque Fritos, Lettuce, & Tomato. Delicious and nutritious!

  992. My mom used to make me a toasted bologna and cheese sandwich in elementary school. By the time I ate it, it was starting to get soggy but it tasted so good to me. I ate it with cheesy Doritos….Best thing I ever ate sandwich in elementary school!!!!

  993. My Dad would make French toast with strawberries on top of it every once in a while for us for DINNER. Made us feel like we were breaking a rule or something. It’s one of my favorite childhood memories.

    Breakfast for dinner is RAD!!!!!

  994. My childhood favorite was this sticky cake with red bean filling. My mom made it from an old recipe she got from the newspaper. Crave it now….!

  995. I remember when I was about 10. I would come in the door after a long borring day at school and the smells would overwhelm me. Mother had been making home made bread and Potato Soup. The warm fresh smell would sweep over me and take away all the knowledge that I had learned that day. Mother would always give us one piece of warm bread smothered in butter and huny. We would gobble it down and then fly through our chores for the day and then dive into homework. We then sat waiting for dad to get home. Homemade, thick creamy potato soup and warm bread for dinner. I still love that smell. Even the memory makes me happy. I think I will have some tonight.

  996. My mom made home made peanut blossoms. I would help her roll the peanut butter cookie dough into balls and then roll them in sugar. While they baked, we would unwrap the Hershey’s kisses and get them ready because once the cookies came out, we had to scramble to get those kisses on! (: They were SOOO good! I now make them and carry on the tradition with my children.

  997. Tuna potato chip casserole! It was probably as disgusting as it sounds, but it was the only junky food we were ever allowed… needless to say it was ALWAYS my birthday dinner request!

  998. Way back when I was a kid, my mother used to make macaroni and cheese. It wasn’t just any kind of mac and cheese, and she never used the cheese powder that came from the Kraft macaroni and cheese boxes. Using elbow macaroni pasta, mom would cook the pasta, mix it with a few tablespoons of butter and slowly added slices of Kraft cheese onto the macaroni. I would wait in front of the stove top with anticipation as the cheese began to melt onto the macaroni. At that point, mom would begin to stir the macaroni until it was completely mixed with the cheese. Then, for the final touch, she would heat up leftover ham steaks, cut the ham into cubes, and toss them into the macaroni. I can still remember the aroma of cheese and ham in the kitchen. Good Times.

  999. Mac & cheese with hotdogs cut up in it. I was never really fond of the combination as a kid, but anytime I see or hear about it I’m brought back to my childhood. And my mom always made mac & cheese the best. 🙂

  1000. The thing I remember eating most as a child was my mother’s warming chicken noodle soup made from scratch on windy fall or cold winter days. Now, although I’m old enough to make myself chicken noodle soup, whenever I’m back in my home state for the holidays I always visit my mother’s house for another bowl of chicken noodle soup. It always makes me feel like I’m a child again and she always packs me some of her broth to take with me! It’s great to remember childhood memories through food.. These are ones that I will never forget!

  1001. Green butter popcorn! As a super special after school snack, mum would put dye in the butter (never red dye because it’s bad?) and we would eat green buttery popcorn!

  1002. Mmm, potato soup topped with Cheese! Peach Crumble topped with ice cream. So many yummy things my Mom made.

  1003. My favorite eating experiences as a child were those which followed baking with my mom. Especially around the winter holidays, nothing was more satisfying than the taste of homemade zucchini bread. I loved rolling and chopping the dough for peppernut cookies, as well — and eating them, of course!

  1004. One of my favorite memories happened at the end of every summer. Our garden was producing the last of it’s vegetables for the year and it was time to pick the zucchini. My sister and I would grab the baskets on the back porch and run up the hill in a race to gather the biggest and the best in the garden. We would bring them back and give them to my Mom. In only a few hours the entire house would smell of sweet cinnamon and nutmeg. We would watch as the loaves of sweet bread rolled onto the cooling racks waiting to be eaten.
    My Mom would get out the butter when the bread had set and cooled, calling my sister and I to the kitchen. We would run in and each receive a piece of buttered heaven! There is nothing better in the world than my mothers fresh warm zucchini bread! It is something we looked forward to every year, and I have continued the tradition with my own children.

  1005. My mom was never a cook, but my grandma used to make the most delicious little mini chocolate cookies! When I was away at college, she used to mail me boxes full of cookies with a piece of bread in with them to keep them fresh. Oh how I miss my Grandma and her cookies!

  1006. My Australian mom made the most scrumptious leg of lamb with sweet baby peas and bubble-and-squeak (every kind of left-over veggie all fried up together).

  1007. My best childhood food memory is of the mac and cheese they served us at camp every summer. It was so creamy and delicious. I looked forward to it every summer. What is even better is the mac and cheese served at Sweet Tomatoes tastes exactly the same as the camp mac and cheese and is one of the reasons I eat there as frequently as I do. It reminds of my childhood!

  1008. My mom makes the best Keylime Pie using fresh Keylimes from her 2 trees. Sometimes, she adds Mangos (when her tree is in fruit). To die for!

  1009. Our Sunday meal was always ready when we arrived home from church….Pork roast with peas and applesauce was so yummy and of course mom’s homemade pie with ice cream was a plus.

  1010. Aside from grilled cheese and tomato soup, I have extremely fond memories of a particular breakfast food. Soft-boiled eggs with butter, salt & pepper kind of mashed into smaller pieces. Still my absolute favorite comfort breakfast item, although these days I want toast and coffee with it.

  1011. ah, the joys of tomato soup with little bits of sourdough in it. Now that is a taste of heaven, but only mama’s homemade one, of course!

  1012. My mom used to make us fried egg in a hole (frying and egg in a hollowed out slice of bread). The bread would get all toasty and the egg would perfectly seal up the hole. It was delicious and whenever I make it it reminds me of childhood.

  1013. My favorite childhood memory would definitely be the homemade chocolate chip cookies. Or the hot fudge sundaes. These were rare treats, but everytime I see them in Sweet Tomatoes, I’m reminded of my own childhood!

  1014. My favorite was my mom’s stew, she would leave it cooking in a big cassole in the oven for hours, i can still smell it, & of course the backed potatoes to go with it !!!

  1015. After hours of playing with my cousins my nana would make her 23 grandkids peanut butter squares every sunday. I miss the snack, being a kid, and my nana.

  1016. Everyone always said my Grandma was made of chocolate and instead of my mom donating blood, she goes to Hershey to donate chocolate! I guess you could say that chocolate is part of my blood too. I have the best memories of dipping chocolates with my grandma, mom and even my aunt and cousins. Just the smell of chocolate is enough to bring back those amazing memories from my childhood.

  1017. My mom made the worlds best Lasagna. Like 5 different types of cheese, Italian sausage, olives. She’d make it in this HUGE dish so we’d have Lasagna for days. She made home made Garlic bread with it too. Makes me feel like a kid again just thinking about it.

  1018. My Mom always made our whole family the most delicious meals and, basically, made our kitchen feel like it was the heart of our home. We had many family gatherings and always ended up in the kitchen. My Mom’s speciality was tuna fish cakes (like crab cakes but using tuna fish instead of crab), turkey with all of the fixings including mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing, devilled eggs and hot german potato salad. When I was a little girl and I got sick, my Mom would always make me a big bowl of macaroni and cheese after I felt better and was able to eat. My Mom passed away in 2008 and I miss her every day. She was the most amazing cook and the best Mom that anyone could ever have.

  1019. Not something I would eat today, but butter, bologna and potato chips on white bread — a little warm from trekking to the beach for swimming lesson 🙂

  1020. I loved spaghetti night. Whenever my mom would make a good spaghetti dinner, all was right in my world.

  1021. My mom always made us a chicken dish that had a lot of rice, carrots, and peas in them… to top it off we were given our own little ceramic pots with lids. I think that’s what made it so memorable, the taste and how it felt like mom was still cooking it when she served us so it was freshly done and smelled wonderfully.

  1022. My favorite memory was coming home from school to the smell of fresh baked bread and seeing my mother standing at the stove making dinner. My friends used to come to my house and say my mother was always cooking something that smelled so delicious. They were jealous! I also LOVED my mother’s chicken and dumplings! There is nothing more wonderful than a thick and creamy stew with juicy chicken and fat, soft dumplings in it. Yum!

  1023. Like the chicken noodle soup, Korean version of chicken soup with lots of garlic and maybe ginger with steamed rice. Yummy. It’s called dak juk 🙂

  1024. My fav has to be icecream sundays made with our fav chocolate and peanut butter icecream, bannanas, strawberries, fudge, cool whipp, nuts and our fav Disney movie.

  1025. My Mom made the best scalloped potatoes I’ve ever had. Sadly she doesn’t cook much anymore and the miles have separated us but the thought of those yummy potatoes sure brings back good memories.

  1026. Oh to be a kid again. My mom made the best snickerdoodle cookies. They werecrispy on the outside andsoft in the middle. She would make potatoe soup with bacon and cheese. It was so good but I always had my eye on the cookies she made for dessert. I miss her and her cooking!

  1027. I remember coming home from playing all day and my mom would cook English muffin pizzas. She would serve it with a cheese soup and I would dip my mini pizzas in it..that was my favorite childhood food.

  1028. mine is when my grandmother would make her matzoball soup.the balls were just right and tasted so great.bubbies make the best soup 🙂

  1029. I remember walking up late at night and my mom would still be awake and we would have split pea soup together. We would both add pepper (we love pepper!) and watch tv together!!! great memories!

  1030. I remember lots of wonderful treats my German and Polish Grandmas made for us, most of which I can’t spell! But one of my favorite memories was my mom’s monthly “taco parties” for the four of us and our friends. She’s get together all the “fixins” for the four of us and our friends so we could have taco-eating contests. I still hold the record….

  1031. I am the oldest of four children, and the only girl. On all of our birthdays, my mom makes the birthday kid whatever they want! If the food is out of season, or the meal extremely mix-matched, it doesn’t matter! We’ve had strangest combinations, and the most elaborate of dishes, but each and every time, the entire family : Dad, Mom, Grandpa, and my four brothers and I have sat down together to eat the birthday meal. It’s a tradition I hope to carry on to my future family!

  1032. I have two combos – Macaroni and Cheese with hotdogs and Homemade Fried Chicken with homemade mashed potatoes. Can you spell “clogged arteries”?! I think the reason they were so yummy is because we didn’t eat like that on a regular basis. We grew up in the heart of California’s San Joaquin Valley – loads of fresh fruits and veggies at our disposal!

  1033. As a child, my mom would make home made chicken noodle soup. We would keep all the ingredients separate though until we actually served it. So the carrots, celery, onions, and noodles wouldn’t be mushy. It was delicious, and I still make it that way to this day. We, also, made chicken tacos with chicken breast and taco seasoning. It made the house smell so good with home made corn tortilla shells and then to pile on the toppings of lettuce, cheese, onions, guacamole, taco sauce, and tomatoes sprinkled with seasoning. They would be gone in no time, and the left overs usually didn’t make it past breakfast. Yummy!

  1034. When I was a kid, we would have the typical Italian family Sunday meal. There was always a huge salad chocked full of fontina cheese, homemade bread, a huge pot of sauce, and pounds of pasta. But the best part for me was my grandfather’s “topping.” It’s a simple but delicious mix of ground beef, onions, mushrooms, and peas mixed with a little tomato sauce to pass around as a perfect accessory to the pasta. The “topping” is great with every kind of pasta (even bread), but its perfect pasta pairing is with rigatoni because the peas fit perfectly inside! I loved pushing the peas into the tiny tubes, then pushing the stuffed vessels onto my fork with the meat and mushrooms so I would get the proper taste “explosion.” It took me forever to eat, but I did it every time.

  1035. I remember as a kid eating my mom’s homemade deep dish pizza. SO tasty and I wish she still made them.

  1036. Chicken noodle soup-Vietnamese style aka Pho…..Mom’s infamous recipe either with soup or the dry version with her own special sauce made our day! Add in fresh basil, bean sprouts, thinly sliced onions and scallions with chopped cilantro and it makes any “sick day” 110% better!!!

  1037. Spaghetti Bolognese and French Bread Pizza bring back the bext memories for me. My Grammy knew it was my favorite and made it special for me. We always had a garden salad and a glass of milk. Still brings a smile to my face!

  1038. my favorite when I was growing up in england was a pineapple upside cake and what we called spotted dick with hot custard.pored over it It is made by steaming the ingredients

  1039. My mom made the very best chocolate chip cookies. It was a favorite after school snacks for all my friends (didn’t even know some were friends except for the cookie snacks). Years later I asked for the recipe, but there wasn’t one. It was all put together from memory and experience.

  1040. Nothing quite brings my childhood alike like my favorite dessert. The dessert would only be served when my brother or I would come home with an award or a great report card. A delicious molten chocolate lava cake just out of the oven with a scoop of fresh ice cream. My brother loved to sprinkle the slightest hint of Cinnamon just to add his own twist!

  1041. My favorite was when I growing up in China was the juicy, delicious dumplings that made by my grandfather. He is an absolute gourmet!

  1042. I must have been the wierdest kid when it came to food. I loved SALAD & fresh veggies. Not so easy to come by even in SoCal all year long in the 50’s. This is why I jumped with joy when the SP came to the Coachella Valley!

  1043. I’m filipina so I loved it when my mom made homemade babinka! It’s a Filipino rice dessert.. Yum!

  1044. Why do my childhood food memories revolve around pizza? I guess because it was such a special treat. Sometimes on a Friday, Dad would pick up pizzas on his way home from work. It was thin crust with tangy cheese, “North End” (Boston) style and we each got our own small pie. My older brothers would inhale theirs in moments, but I would always save part of mine (hiding it from my brothers, of course!) to eat cold while watching Saturday morning cartoons. Pure bliss!

  1045. My 5-year old loves tortilla soup as well as hot and sour soup, so he’s generating childhood memories. Mine is my moms homemade pizza wih sliced tomatoes on top

  1046. It was always a treat to wake up on a Saturday morning to the smell of French Toast, Blueberry or Banana Pancakes, and/or waffles. I remember running downstairs in my power ranger pajamas, looking for the deliciously cooked breakfast with a mouth watering for the morning dose of that sugary syrup! [and of course, bacon was a must] After that, it was time to go outside and play, then, LUNCH!!! The classics were a must: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, BLT (made with the morning’s left over bacon — with which everyone was still happy), or even better yet, SLOPPY JOES!! Dinner time was always family time, and the crowd favorites always included some sort of Italian: Pizza, Spaghetti, or Lasagna — when we got that, we all knew that night was a little special.

  1047. I remember my brother and I going down into my grandparents basement early in the morning to get a jar of corn beef hash and apple sauce. My brother ate the hash and I had toast with apple sauce and cinnamon

  1048. A food combo that brings back memories is freshly made spanish rice pudding with some hot french bread. Its a little odd but sooo good 😀

  1049. Homemade shredded beef tacos! My mom would get the corn tortillas a bit crispy and then add lettuce and green sauce. Yum!

  1050. When I was younger, my mother and father had to work a lot. I was sometimes what you would call a “latch-key” kid, taking care of my little brother.

    After school, I would walk home with him and make us a snack. I would usually make macaroni and cheese, straight outta the box because that was easy.

    Your macaroni and cheese brings us the sweet memory of being a good big sister and yet satisfies my adult taste buds. (WAYYY better than outta the box!)

    Thank you for making something so close to my heart all year long!

  1051. Growing up I did not realize we did not have a lot of money. To me, I had everything I needed. Loving parents, a place to live and a bratty brother to contend with. My mother used to make a fabulous ox-tail soup with an assortment of vegetables and barley that was out of this world. As I would enter our building from the blustery cold outside I could often smell the soup wafting through the halls and knew I would have to wait until dinner time to eat. We may not have had a lot, but my mother did a lot with what we had.

  1052. Spaghetti and meatballs! My family is Asian so when my mom has to learn some recipes other than Thai food, she makes pasta because it’s the closet thing to Asian noodles! I remember spaghetti being my most favorite because it’s fun to eat, I can pile on the cheese, and it’s so yummy! To this day it’s still brings back memories of my sister and I sitting around the table with sauce all over our faces 🙂

  1053. I remember one day when I was in the first grade, I got sent home from school with a fever of 103 degrees. My dad was called and he came and picked me up from school. Now, my mom is the gourmet chef in our family and when my dad cooked, things would taste alright but it would be…off. (Not quite the taste of my mom’s homemade food.) When he asked me what I wanted to eat, I knew what would make me feel better right away: his homemade beef and veggie soup. Whole onions, tomatoes, potatoes, celery, corn, and tender beef made me feel better instantly! Nowadays, some twenty years later, I still remember that day and how my dad is the master of soups…which also happens to be one of my favorite things about Sweet Tomatoes…

  1054. Definitely when im sick some steaming porridge was the trick.
    For breakfast I had a blueberry bagel and a glass of milk or some chocolate pancakes with a glass of orange juice. And for dinner i would enjoy spaghetti with garlic bread. YUM

  1055. When I was a kid, my mom was taking evening classes to finish her master’s degree. On evenings when she was not home, my dad would make dinner for my brother and me. He would take whatever cans of soup we had, mix them together, and add all the leftover vegetables and meat we had in the refrigerator. Through expert salesmanship he managed to convince us that “Dad’s Soup” was a real treat and we would ask for it again and again. My brother is now working the same magic with his two little boys.

  1056. When it was cold outside, I loved when my mother (or older sister) would make oatmeal that was super thick but then add milk and sugar to the top.

  1057. My favorite meal that my mom made was Chicken and Dumplings. My grandpa would come over for dinner when mom made her chicken and dumplings. She would always make a double batch, but I would count the dumplings to make sure I got my share and maybe some extra. She would also make sugar refrigerator cookies and put the dough in the freezer for future cookie making. But when it was time to make the cookies, there wasn’t any cookie dough left because my brother and I would sneak when she wasn’t looking and eat the dough. Boy oh boy was it ever good. Those are good memories of my childhood.

  1058. What brings back childhood memories for me when I was sick as a kid, was when my mom would whip up a concoction of Vitamin C powder, bioflavonoids, and echinacea powder and tell me to drink it up while taking giant pills of garlic and fish oil. I always healed up so fast and to this day am grateful she introduced me to natural remedies before it was even cool!!
    Sure kept me from playing hooky! I couldnt get away with playing sick to get out of school because I had to drink that terrible tasting stuff!!
    Yet, it was the first thing that came to mind when asked about a yummy treat from Mom =)

  1059. When I was a kid I loved to eat my mom’s vegatables and vegatable soups. I especially loved green beans. My dad would always say “finish all your green beens Carol, it will give you hair on your big toe”! I said “OK Daddy”! Then I would look to see if I had hair on my big toe like my dad. I was 35 years old before I realized that I really didn’t want hair on my big toe. I still love my mom’s green beens and vegatable soups and I don’t need to be talked into eating healthy foods.

  1060. My favorite memory from childhood was scraping the cheese and sauce bowls with broken or left over lasagna noodles! 🙂

  1061. Mom is such an excellent cook and I can hardly pick up one from her homemade cooking.
    Well, let me choose something of my favorites and it is SUSHI! It’s also very popular here in US but it IS very sensational to me because of all those unique ingredients and how it looks. Her recipes are based on tradition. I looooooooooooove them.

  1062. It varies based on where I am~ my parents managed a good balance between work and home, but their cooking couldn’t compare to the signature dishes their parents made.
    As for my maternal grandfather, he would conjure up a bowl of thinner than angel hair noodles in this oyster mixed with cornstarch and some broth soup. It sounds bizarre but it’s a Taiwanese classic!
    Then I’d visit my paternal grandmother. She was an AMAZING baker. The fresh scent of various pastries from the curry horn to a daikon bun or a pepper beef bun. Thinking about it makes my mouth drool.

  1063. My favorite memory is my Grandma’s lemon meringue pie. My cousin would make Grandma a little embarrassed because he called her the best Grandma in the world and his sweetheart.

  1064. I come from an Asian family, so I would love rice, right? Wrong!!! I am not a big fan of rice, but I do love macaroni and cheese. This traditional comfort food brings back memories from when I was eating mac n cheese after swim practices. Mmm mmm good! 😀

  1065. Hash was my favorite meal. It was simply cook ground beef with little chopped up potatoes and onions. The meat, potatoes, and onions were cooked in a pan and then sprinkled with cheddar cheese and salt and peppered. Such a yummy kids meal! I still love it as an adult 🙂

  1066. Spaghetti and meatballs, Hawaiian Pizza or ramen.
    I wasn’t the healthiest child and I remember I rather eat one of the choices above rather than an elegant bowl of seafood linguine or something a bit more nutritious.

  1067. One of my favorite childhood memories, is eating my Mom’s Spaghetti, with meatball and vegetable sauce. When I was little I didn’t like vegetables, but this was a dish that got me to eat it. Then to get my fruit she would make strawberry shortcake.

  1068. i may not be a full grown adult in my 30’s but i think the one thing i remember the most about being a kid and waking up on the weekends were the breakfasts that my parents made me… even though we are asian, i remember my mom making me chorizo and eggs along with fresh corn tortillas. at tmes i also remember my parents sometimes making me breakfast in bed re-creating Mickey Mouse pancakes with warm maple syrup! just thinking about it makes me hungry!

  1069. On Saturday evenings, my mom would make sloppy joe’s and tater tots…my friends and I always loved it!!

  1070. My Mom was such a wonderful cook it is hard to pick just one thing that was my favorite. I guess it would have to be her beef stew. She would make it in the crock pot with carrots, potatoes, and onions. So when we came home from school, the whole house smelled of the delicious aroma. She would then whip up some fresh, melt-in-your-mouth biscuits to top it off. Yummmmm! My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

  1071. My fondest food memory in my childhood was on rainy days, coming home from school and my mom would have fresh, homemade chili piping hot on the stove. My siblings, parents and I would eat until we were stuffed. And with the leftovers the next day, we’d make burritos out of the chili. The BEST burritos I’ve ever tasted, even to this day!

  1072. Beanie Weinies!! My husband had never had them until I made them last night and now I get the feeling we’ll be having them more often. I like them with a little bit of bbq sauce in there to make it smokey. Mmmmmm.

  1073. When I was little made Dad would make us grilled cheese with tomato soup when it was cold outside and we would always watch a movie while eating.

  1074. Those special Sunday dinners at my Italian grandmother’s, when she would make homemade pasta and meatballs, for the best spaghetti & meatballs you have ever eaten. That was always served just before the roasted chicken with white & sweet potatoes, roasted in garlic & olive oil and a salad of oranges & black pepper (believe it or not!).

  1075. My mom would make a drink that combined orange juice, lemonade and almond flavoring. We called it “Ida’s Drink” and it cured all that ailed us. It was good for colds and flu. Also hot cocoa and grilled cheese sandwiches on Sunday night after church. Sometimes sandwiches and tomato soup. Carrot sticks and apples. Simple, but super-easy meals. I loved the shepherds pie she made and spanish rice too.

  1076. I’ve always liked my Mom’s Tuna Burgers. Tuna, mayonnaise, catchup, cheese, on a bun. Put it in the oven until the cheese melts and starts turning brown.

  1077. Cream cheese and jelly sandwich. You can never go wrong with this combination! Love making it for my kids now!

  1078. The food that conjures up a childhood memory for me is the smell of these special cookies me and my mentor used to make. Chocolate Chip Cookies however these were not just any chocolate cookies theses were made with half brown sugar and half white sugar and lots of vanilla extract. They were amazing! And I would love to make them again but my mentor moved and we can’t make them anymore. By the way. All of this was made from scratch. So that is what I think of when I smell cookies cooking…It brings me back to when I was very little and making them with my mentor. Ahhhh how I miss those days and her.

  1079. One of my childhood favorites was my mom’s potato carrots all whipped up together – better than just mashed potatoes. Also my grandmother’s creamed spinach. Very delicious.

  1080. My grandma would bake fresh bread. While it was still warm, she would cut slices for us and we would spread butter over the slices and eat them warm. The best part of this treat was that she baked the bread in a wood burning stove!

  1081. I love my Mom’s warm mashed corn, shredded chicken, and mushrooms cowder soup with a piece of warm toasted garlic bread. It is the BEST in the world!! 🙂

  1082. Growing up, my mom would make a yummy breakfast plate of boiled hot dogs and corn! Not until I was an adult did I find out that corn is normally a dinner side dish. I always assumed it was a breakfast dish since my mom only made her hot dog/ corn concoction for breakfast. It may sound funny or odd, but it’s my favorite mom dish memory. A little bit of ketchup and YUM! Magical.

  1083. Wow, flash back of a young child eatting just mayo on white Bunny bread. Then my mother would make me homemade tomato soup. The tomatoes were from our garden. YUMMY!!! Sometimes I’d have grilled cheese with that particular soup.

  1084. My grandmother made wonderful Yorkshire puddings to accompany her roast beef. One rose so high she couldn’t get it out of the oven!

  1085. I’m from the Midwest and my favorites were fried chicken, mashed potatoes, & corn on the cob, with lots of butter. Yes, we had fresh veggies, but butter was required in almost everything!

  1086. My mom is a fantastic cook! I grew up with homecooked meals all the time. I loved my mom’s meatball soup! It was called Yankee Doodle soup and I can’t find the recipe anywhere, but man did I love it!

  1087. I had 5 brothers & sisters and we were on the poor side, but we never knew it. Pork & Beans with cut up hot dog pieces in it was sooooo good that I still sometimes crave it. The other thing we would have for special treats on Friday nights were homemade pancakes, scrambled eggs, and crisp bacon. Yum!

  1088. My mom used to make meat n peppers. which is basically fancily cooked stew meat, bell peppers, onions, and catsup. With fresh french bread. mmmmmmmmmmm

  1089. My mom was made this great corned beef and potato stew with onions! She doesn’t even remember having a recipe and she would make a great pan of homemade cornbread in the cast iron frying pan in the oven. It was crusty and good and went great with that stew!

  1090. My best childhood food memory is my grandmother’s making tuna fish sandwiches with fresh buttermilk bread. It is a taste I have not been able to duplicate. Her chocolate chip cookies also the very best I ever tasted and again, I have not duplicated, even being a homemade officianado myself. Must have been here special love ingredients.

  1091. Cake and ice cream remind me of being a kid. When we go to Sweet Tomatoes I always save room for one of your awesome muffins and put a bit of ice cream on top!

  1092. My grandmother would make a homemade Mushroom soup broth with Sour cream and then she would add noodles made with flour and just drop them into the hot soup so they free-formed noodles. I would come home from school on a cold winter day up north and this would be waiting for me. Wow, what a neat memory!!! Because of this, I love the Cream of Mushroom soup that Sweet Tomatoes offers. Yummy!!!

  1093. Grilled cheese and tomato soup make us feel like a kid again! What food combo conjures up great childhood memories for you?

    Mom’s Candied Yams were mouth watering delicious. We dreamed all year about them! LOL

  1094. Childhood memories of my mom making Mac ‘n’ Cheese with hotdogs (on the side) for all of us makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside! Then there was the traditional Polish sausage with fluffy dumplings cooked on top…all in the same pot! Delish!

  1095. My mom’s homemade choc chip cookies, fudge and brownies were the best! And my sister and I loved the whole process of making Christmas cookies and that gloriously decorated Easter egg-shaped cake surrounded by green coconut! I think I know who to “blame” for my sweet tooth! Thanks, Mom!! 🙂

  1096. Home-made ice cream, made from our own rich jersey milk, and hand cranked in a 1-gallon canister within a wooden tub.

  1097. I used to love coming home to the smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and enjoying a tall glass of cold milk. My kids enjoy the same thing.

  1098. My all-time favorite food as a child (and now!) were Ramen noodles. Hot or cold (yes, they’re even yummy cold!)

  1099. My favorite childhood food was chewy oatmeal cookies with raisins. They were healthy food and yummy!! Especially right out of the oven!!

  1100. Growing up in a Chinese household, my favorite treats from mom that bring back my childhood are her potstickers and egg rolls…YUM! And of course there were all the other things that I loved as a kid- like ketchup sandwiches and V-8! Gross!

  1101. As a child, I remember how my mom made the most delicious strawberry pies. Since my birthday was in the summer, I always asked her to make me her strawberry pie to celebrate my birthday instead of a traditional birthday cake. When she comes to visit, I still ask her to make me her special strawberry pie!

  1102. Mom would make spaghetti and add sausage to the sauce. But to start, we would have salad with creamy bacon dressing. Loved it!

  1103. MMM mmm GOOD, just thinking of my childhood favorites: pastina (orzo with butter) and lemon chicken make my mouth water. Though I really LOVE seeing young kids at Souplantation filling their plates with veggies and eating healthy!

  1104. my grandma and I used to make homemade donuts. so yummy when they are warm…nothing like a homemade donut!

  1105. My favoirte meal was sitting down to boiled potatoes and roast. She’d mash the potatoes for everyone but me. She’d put some aside just for me. I felt special…

  1106. I remember mom making us lunch on the weekends and it was vegetable alphabet soup and a tuna sandwich. Um-good. I liked making words out of alphabet noodles letters on the sides of my bowl

  1107. So everyone likes cookies, right? Well you havn’t even lived until you’ve tasted my Dad’s homeade Heartattack Cookies. And yes, they do explain themselves allright; with a whopping 5 sticks of butter, they aren’t the healthiest. But let me tell you, they are the best chocolate chip cookies in the world, my world that is. Everything is mixed by hand(washed, of course) with the finest ingredients and is still gives that old fashiond chocolate chip cookie taste that everyone( all our friends and family) cherishes. And don’t even get me started on the dough, however, they are the tiniest better when baked if you know what I mean.

  1108. Sitting on the ice-cream maker, as everyone got a chance to turn the handle until it was too hard to turn anymore…and then….that delicious home made ice-cream!!!!!!

  1109. Triple Decker PB and J and Marshmallow Sandwich…. On 3 slices of good whole grain bread, spread one with peanut butter, one with your favorite flavour jelly and one with marshmallow spread…. Put all 3 together in different color combos each day. Cut in 4 triangles and YUM… Kids at school were always jealous…

  1110. With the scent of freshly baked cookies in the air and the warm, melted chocolate left on my crumb covered face I’d have to say my favorite childhood memory is baking chocolate chip cookies with my grandma. I remember the excitement I got from taking seemingly unrelated ingredients: sugar, flour, eggs, etc . and mixing them all together to create this wonderful treat. Peering in the oven, I’d wait and wait until finally! That first warm, luscious bite in my mouth would send my taste buds dancing and I knew it was worth the wait. Now, that my grandmother has passed, from this day forward I’m always comforted and delighted to know that when mixing sugar eggs, butter and chocolate….I will once again end up with this memorable treat and make my grandmother proud 🙂

  1111. My favorite childhood memory was when my whole family would go over to my grandma’s house for Thanksgiving. A delicious, juicy turkey was always waiting, accompanied by a turkey smoked by my uncle. Flavorful green beans, sweet potatoes, buttery rolls, and too many other choices to count came together to create an aroma so enticing that all you wanted to do was grab a plate with everything–if you could find a big enough plate. I could have eaten those warm, soft rolls all day long, skipping dinner and dessert! But, everything was so delicious, that we ate as much as we could! We washed it all down with an ice cold, creamy glass of buttermilk! Once we had our fill, we were forced to take a break before dessert, because there was just no room! But, once ready for dessert, everyone was hopping! The kid-favorite was some green marshmallow jello made by my grandma. But there was pumpkin pie, sweet and delectable. Chocolate cream pie—smooth and rich! Gingerbread cookies—sweetly spiced with perfect texture! But, to bring the magic of the meal to a perfect ending was being with my family. Everyone so joyful and happy—the feeling was so comforting! It is one of those unforgettable memories that I hope to bring to my children.

    Thanks for holding this contest–it was a joy to read all these great memories!!!

  1112. Growing up in Indonesia, I ate soup for my meals every single day! My favorite would have to be chicken/spare rib soup with red beans, with soy sauce and green pepper to add a ‘zing’ to it. Mmmm.

  1113. My favorite dinner my mom would make my sister and I when we were kids and our dad was working second shift was pot pies and macaroni and cheese.

  1114. My favorite is when we would barbeque hamburgers with my dad’s special sauce. Add mashed potatoes, cream corn, and lemonade—delicious! 🙂

  1115. My mom used to make homemade butterscotch pie filling….BUT instead of filling a pie, she just let us eat the warm, sugar-overloaded goo like pudding. We were bouncing off of the walls afterwards, but I think she just loved to see us enjoying it!

  1116. Peanut butter banana sandwiches and milk!!!!! So awesome!! I want to go to my Mom’s house right now….lol

  1117. My mom baked fresh bread almost every day. That fresh bread hot out of the oven with butter melting on it was the best! Your sourdough bread with honey butter on it is almost as good though!

  1118. My favorite childhood food was pastina with butter. My mother (Italian of course) always made this for us whenever we were sick, sad, or simply needed a comfort.

  1119. Mmm, I remember grandma making her famous Chinese dishes. They’re all good, I can’t just pick one!

  1120. Oreo’s and Peanut butter always remind me of having Friday late nights with my siblings, where we would get to stay up and watch our favorite movies together.

  1121. The food that brings me back to my childhood can be found in a Betty Crocker cookbook. It would definitely have to be waikiki meatballs served with a sweat and sour sauce with pineapple and served over jasmine rice. We used to have this meal about once a week, and to this day, the idea of eating it again makes my mom sick, but the kids loved it!!

  1122. one of my favorite memories is of myself, my 3 sisters and my mother snuggled on the couch together late on a Saturday night while my dad was working, eating toast and jelly while watching “Saturday Night at the Movies” on TV. After the movie was over, the “test pattern” would come on TV and that meant it was time to head off to bed. It wasn’t a gourmet treat, but it was a special treat none the less.

  1123. It’s not mom’s cooking that brings back the memories. It’s dad’s.
    On cold nights, there was nothing better than a plate full of beef stroganoff!
    Also, on the weekends, we’d wake up to fresh pancakes. Made in special shapes, of course!

  1124. I remember my mom used to make a special neopolitan birthday cake for us. It was 3 layers. The bottom was chocolate, the middle was cherry and the top was white cake. Then she made an absolutely sinful fudge icing between the layers and iced the entire cake with white frosting sprinkled with coconut. This was all handmade from scratch. Have never tasted anything like it since!

  1125. I loved my mom’s grilled cheese and potato soup! I loved them so much I had her make me a grilled cheese for lunch every day for years until I could not look at another one. Now I make them for my kids and it takes me back to my childhood and wonderful memories.

  1126. Mmmmmm…. Mine would have to be either Grilled cheese with tomatoe and grilled onions from mom, or German chicken cuttlets from grandma!!!!

  1127. Wow there are so many. Just pondering through all my foodie childhood memories makes my stomach rumble. I would have to say that my mom’s oatmeal and raisin cookies dunked in sweetened condensed milk is one of my fondest childhood loves. Yum!

  1128. My mom would make a pot of homemade spaghetti sauce early Sunday mornings. I loved the smell of it through the house as it simmered all day. My dad would get fresh baked bread from Brooklyn and we would have a big Italian dinner in the early evening. I still think my mom’s sauce tastes the best and always look forward to her making it when she comes to visit.

  1129. My mom cooked Syrian food for most of my childhood, so comfort food was rice and yogurt, or macaroni smothered in bechamel sauce and tomato paste.

  1130. Making and eating dumplings with my mom. Starts with chopping scallions and shitake mushrooms, peeling shrimp, and mixing it all in with ground pork. We’d take a blop and put it in a dumpling skin, wet our index finger, run it around the skin, and pinch it together. We’d make 100 or so, boil them for 10 minutes, and eat them for the next couple of meals!

  1131. meals together are important in our family. whenever we can gather and
    have warm bread rolls, eggs, cheese and sardines is a treat. sounds weird,
    but its quite delicious! we would enjoy this for breakfast or a midnight snack.

  1132. My favorite memory of my mom’s cooking was the tomato preserves she made after my dad’s bumper crop of home grown tomatoes. Instilled with just the right amount of orange peel, it was perfect with peanut butter in sandwiches….yum!

  1133. The Battle of The Hot Chocolate Chip Cookie Flying Saucers versus The Rolling Banana Slice Wheelers on Ice Cream Mountain was a war my Commander in Chief momma produced for me to dig into every Cartoon Saturday. Both sides always won on my taste buds, and both sides always came together to find PEACE in a happy belly WHERE THERE WAS ROOM FOR ALL!

  1134. My mom used to take a slice of wheat bread with Swiss cheese and fennel seeds and put it under the broiler and let it melt. She would serve it with a big bowl of tomato soup. It was my most favorite lunch!! Thanks Mom!

  1135. The most memorable time I had was with my mom, making chocolate chip cookies from scratch. I can remember waiting in anticipation for my mom to finish with the mixer so that I could lick the cookie dough off of the mixer blades. It was always such a treat! Spending time with my mom and eating cookie dough is something I will never forget, and look forward to doing with my daughter in the years to come!

  1136. I loved tuna sandwiches. In fact for one birthday party, I requested tuna sandwiches be served. Another mother attending the party complimented my mother for making such a simple and savvy meal selection. My mother said “that’s not why I made the sandwiches. That’s what she (me) wanted!”

  1137. it’s very simple for me: corn chips. any time i open a bag, it sends me right back to my elementary school lunchroom. my dear mom would always pack my lunch and corn chips were a staple. the smell of them brings it all back, her love and the chaos of the shool lunchroom.

  1138. I remember the homemade split pea soup my mom made for me. Nobody else in the house liked it but I loved it. I also remember peanut butter cookies…a staple in my childhood. 🙂

  1139. Not being a fan of PB, I really digged my mom’s cream cheese and jelly sammies she packed for my lunch to eat at school. Good times 🙂

  1140. My grandparents, who raised me, are from the midwest and thus, we’re real “meat ‘n’ potatoes” people. My grandparents also lived as Farmers through the Depression Era, so several of their “make due” attitudes stuck.

    One dish I remember so vividly was what my grandmother calls Fresh Fried Potatoes and Onions. The dish was basic; fried potatoes, fried onions and served with hot dogs and chocolate pudding. For sure this meal wouldn’t grace the pages of Cooking Light magazine, and probably strikes fear in the heart of any Nutritionist today, but that sweet and salty combination brings back the fondest memories of eating at the table with my grandparents.

  1141. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (with the bread on backwards) with tomato soup & home-made chocolate pudding !!

  1142. My mother had a deep fryer and she would make her own skinless fried chicken, along with fresh homemade fried potatoes. They were never greasy and no restaurant could top her recipe.

  1143. Always loved pizza for th meal. Couldn’t wait to eat the warm chocolate chip cookies. Then after shoveling snow, enjoyed some hot chocolate!

  1144. I would have to say chicken noodle soup. My mom would always make me this soup when I wasn’t feeling well… and just having it gives me a good feeling.

  1145. Growing up in Spain we had lentil soup almost once a week, cleaning up the plate with freshly made crunchy spanish bread. The smell of lentil soup always reminds me of home…

  1146. my favorite kid time food has to be a big glass of ice cold milk and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

  1147. We were such health nuts growing up – my mom made fried tofu “chicken” nuggets with tofu, whole wheat bread crumbs and nutritional yeast and we LOVED them! I still miss them, can’t make them as good as mom!

  1148. I remember my cousin and I used to dip watermelon chunks into chocolate pudding! GROSSSSSSSS now that I think about it…

  1149. I thought I invented peanut butter and honey sandwhiches when I was little. I also like no bake cookies, they are awesome!

  1150. I grew up in the 50’s-’60’s, a time when many women, including my mom cooked almost everything from scratch because that was the norm. My dad wanted meat and potatoes almost every night. Now simple home style foods made with good ingredients, nothing artificial, and of course TLC remind me of my childhood. Favorites include: chicken or beef soups, a rich meat spaghetti sauce, beef stew with big chunks of carrots and potatoes, and breads with caraway seeds. My mom made many assorted fruit-topped cakes like apple or peach cakes and many special desserts like Boston cream pie, pineapple upside down cake, and cupcakes and cakes carefully decorated to look like a bunny, a witch, a football, and even a Ked’s sneaker.

  1151. I was one of 5 children, and our father died suddenly when we were quite young. My mom would make unusual combinations of foods that would fill us up and give us the nutrition we needed, and she would do this on a ‘shoestring’. My favorite meal was meatless, and served on Fridays in our Catholic household. It consisted of scrambled eggs with a side of spaghetti mixed with a can of stewed tomatoes! The tomatoes were our vegetable serving, the pasta was the carbohydrate, and the eggs were our protein! Paired with a big glass of milk, we never went to bed hungry. Every so often, I will make this meal now for my triplets! This meal is a family ‘comfort food’.

  1152. When I was a kid we would go out to the garden and pick fresh tomatoes to make tomato sandwiches. I still love the taste of a nice ripe tomato sliced between wheat bread with a little Miracle Whip. SO YUMMY!!!

  1153. After watching the movie, The Terminal, I took some saltine crackers and ketchup and made a sandwich… still my favorite, but only when i’m alone haha

  1154. My favorite meal growing up was sweet & sour kielbasa with Mac & Cheese. We used to save our extra sweet & sour sauce packages from Mcdonalds and make it when we had enough.

    I also remember spending time at my grandparents cabin. Every morning we ate a 1/2 of grapefruit with sugar. I loved waking up to that.

  1155. Toasted bagels w/ cream cheese & veggies, reminds me of Sunday morning breakfast as a kid. However, Grilled cheese & tomato soup is a close second.

  1156. As a child growing up in Hawaii, refreshing “Rainbow Finger Jello” brings back my childhood memories. My mom made the 7-layered treat in rainbow colors and on holidays made the treat with jello colors that represented the holiday. For example, Christmas – Red, White and Green, Easter – Purple, White and Pink, 4th of July – Red, White and Blue, Valentine’s Day – Red, White and Pink and etc. Cool and Refreshing!

  1157. My best memories are picnics with my mom. She would create a picnic anywhere. It could be our backyard, our front yard, local park, the beach, or any room in the house. Each place was a new experience. Always centered around the food…. Sandwiches were the best and could be different. Cream cheese with olives or cucumbers, peanut butter with honey or bananas, and my favorite tuna fish with potato chips inside and a touch of lemon juice. On cold day picnics there was always soup in the thermos. Creamy tomato or chicken noodle. Always finger foods., even the sandwiches were cut in quarters. We could be having cheese with apples or cheese with salami. Spinach dip and veggies was a special treat. “Sweet days included little cakes, cookies, and hot chocolate in the thermos. I even bought a picnic basket at a yard sale to create the same with my kids and now my grand kids. “mmmmm”.

  1158. My Mother used to make her own version of pasta fazool, instead of beans she put in potato cubes and peas. It was my favorite childhood dinner.

  1159. Tomato soup was being served the first time we ate at Sweet Tomatoes two years ago. It sweetly brought me back to elementary school. Mom would make turkey sandwiches and tomato soup the Sunday night after Thanksgiving and we would all eat in the living room watching “Lassie.” A bite of turkey sandwich washed down with a sip of soup was delightful. What a memory rush when the tomato soup with the cheese breads at ST hit the mark! Keep serving that tomato soup!

  1160. It was worth getting sick to have Grandma make Floating Island, a creamy egg pudding with a sweet meringue floating on top!

  1161. Macaroni and Cheese was always a comfort food when I was a kid, same with homemade mashed potatoes. One of my favorite sandwiches was lightly toasted, buttered toast with a bit of mustard and a pile of thin-sliced ham. It was great with a bowl of tomato soup!

  1162. My earliest food memories were actually in the garden. Me – a little stool – a salt shaker and fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, rhubarb… There’s still nothing that can top the taste of garden-fresh food. Maybe that’s why the salad bar is stillmy favorite part of Sweet Tomatoes!

  1163. My mom’s oooeey gooeeyy coconut rice krispie bars in the summer and warm goulash hotdish in the winters 🙂

  1164. Cocoa and chocolate drop cookies both made from scratch. Warm tuna noodle casserole with peas (no onions).

  1165. My mom use to make a wonderful split pea soup and make the best homemade, no-sugar applesauce for dessert! Yum!

  1166. Growing up in Phoenix in the fifties, our simple post-war tract home neighborhood had green-lawn backyards with lots of fruit trees. We couldn’t give away enough of our apricot or plum fruits, so we would freeze them and eat them all summer (hot! hot! hot!) like Popsicles! So.o.o refreshing!

  1167. My mom used to make cornbread for breakfast and we would put butter and sugar on it and then pour milk over it. So yummy!

  1168. Everyone has a birthday and who doesn’t like birthday cake and ice cream? Hamburgers and french fries…or now the new mini- burger ‘sliders’ would be a fun one. Hungarian goulash…yummy! Has Souplantation had an ‘International’ month with foods from various countries?

  1169. Any time I didn’t feel well when I was a kid, my mom gave me chicken noodle soup, ginger ale, and saltine cracker-peanut butter “sandwiches” (peanut butter between 2 crackers). I still eat that combo when I’m feeling low. Very comforting!

  1170. My parents were health nuts, so I was raised to eat very differently than most people. We had an avocado grove and many different kinds of fruit trees. We always had a nice vegetable garden, too. My mom would make everything from scratch. She baked using whole grain flour and honey or brown sugar. This made it tough on me when I ate at friend’s houses, because I was used to the healthier versions of foods and didn’t care for processed foods. My friends were just the opposite. For example, my friends drank orange juice from concentrate. We never did…my mom always fresh-squeezed it. My best friend tasted our fresh-squeezed orange juice and said it tasted awful. I guess it’s all about what you get used to when you’re a kid.

  1171. When I was in grade school, my late grandma walked to school to pick me up everyday. Before leaving, she would prepare a nice, warm cup of tea and a simple piece of toast with a spread of butter and sugar for me. As basic as it was, it’s the memories that are attached to it that make it unforgettable!

  1172. We always had dessert for dinner even if it was just canned fruit. I loved vanilla pudding over peaches or tapioca pudding with a marischino cherry on top. The juice from the cherry would run down the mound of pudding like rivers. Yum. Since Mom taught me to cook at times I was the one at the stove stirring the pudding and just when it seemed like I had been stirring forever it finally thickened and I could go back to watching the Mickey Mouse Club on tv.

  1173. My Mom makes wonderful spaghetti sauce. She’d mix the sauce with the noodles and put parmesan cheese on top. She’d serve spaghetti on the nights my Dad wasn’t home for dinner because he wasn’t fond of it when we were kids.

  1174. Growing up with a single mom she didnt have much money to feed us four kids…and we looooved pizza. So she made her own with toasted english muffins, tomato sauce, cheese and toppings. I make it a few times a year for a flash back 😉 and prefer it over real pizza…YUMMY!!

  1175. My mom always made the best chicken soup. It was full of so many veggies and chunks of chicken and I still can’t get enough of it! That’s why I love the chicken noodle soup at the Souplantation. It reminds me so much of the way my mom would cook her chicken. :o)

  1176. All time favorites were limitless watermelon, broccoli cheddar soup, and ice cream [not together!]
    Also, when sick, hot Earl Grey tea with a touch of honey always made me feel lovely.

  1177. My dad was the all time snack master, we always got to have a snack before we went to bed, a bowl of ice cream, homemade cookies with a glass of milk or my favorite, a marshmallow on top of peanut butter on a cracker toasted in our little toaster oven. .

  1178. my favorite was chicken noodle soup and my mom would always make it as a treat to us. as bonus sometimes, she would give us grilled cheese with it.

  1179. As a kid, I loved bean and bacon soup, especially when served with a BLT sandwich on toasted wheat bread!

  1180. Triple Decker peanut butter, jelly, and cream cheese sandwiches for lunch, then macaroni and cheese for dinner. Hmm,hmmm…PB&J is still a comfort food.

  1181. My mother was a terrible cook….this is one of my most vivid childhood memories. Canned peas, canned pasta and TV dinners. Now, my grandmother was a different story. Her back porch smelled with a musty, sweet smell, a harvested cornucopia of the freshest fruits, nuts and vegetables imaginable…. Her special chunky, warm applesauce filled the kitchen with the aroma of the homegrown fruit, partnered with cinnamon and a hint of nutmeg. And lo, to our delight, she’d pull a peach cobbler or berry crisp from the oven……and the memory would become the foundation for a lifelong affair with the grocery store’s produce department and later….Sweet Tomatoes.

  1182. My favorite treats as a child were Blonde Brownies. Mom made double batches in 13×9 pans because we went through them so fast. When they came out of the oven, the chocolate chips warm and gooey, the brownie portion browned just to perfection, with a tall glass of milk was the best. In fact, I just facebooked my mom last month for the old fashioned recipe because I felt the need for a taste of home. Mom is still a great baker and everything she makes is from scratch. Those were the days.

  1183. When I was in high school, my mother and I didn’t always have much time to talk as she worked long hours. She was very health conscious and instilled in us the idea that desserts were better skipped. Instead of traditional sweets, we started eating cereal with a light sprinkling of sugar for dessert most nights after dinner. We did this at the dining table; the only time anyone in the house ever sat there, and the only time my mother and I ever sat down to talk. I have since kept this tradition and often eat a bowl of cereal for dessert.

  1184. My grandmother used to make the best food ever!!! My sister and I used to help with house work while she told us stories. She made the most amazing stuffed grape leaves! She would have us help roll the rice, tomatoes, and ground beef into the leaves. Mmmmm, so yummy! She also made the most delicious soup! It was a chicken broth with these frozen chopped green leaves from Egypt. It was called molokhia (the leaves from the jute plant). Then the sent of fried minced garlic filled the air as she ladled the soup over the garlic and then poured it into the pot of soup. I remember the sound it made. I would always ask for the pita bread and the pan she had fried the garlic in. We ate the soup with rice or pita bread, and it could be made vegetarian. I miss her! Everytime I prepare these meals, I remember…=)

  1185. I know it’ll sound weird to most and it’s no hot soup and grilled cheese, but cold raviolli and potato chips with koolaid remind me of great memories from when my sister and I were younger. Our mom would ALWAYS take us out to the beach [the jetties] and thats what she would pack for our lunch, because this would be an ALL DAY afair! I miss the younger years!
    Nichole Miller

  1186. My ABSOLUTE favorite growing up was Spaghetti-Os on toast…it was an easy meal and was the first thing I ever made for my husband when we were dating. When I told him what I was making, he laughed…but quickly stopped when he tried it. As an adult, I cut some hot dog into it, add a little sugar and chili pepper…butter the toast and pour the tomato-y goodness on top to eat with a knife and fork! Mmmmmm….think I know what I’m having tomorrow night for dinner now… 🙂

  1187. Corn Chowder, with bits of onion sauteed in bits of bacon, sweet kernels of corn , diced potato’s added; then the milk, evaporated milk, or half & half….rich & delicious. Always served with bacon ,lettuce & tomato sandwich.; what a combination….match made in heaven….Soooooooo Delicious!!!!!

  1188. I remember the weekend mornings when my mom would make pancake for our family. It was only times when our family could get together and enjoy a family breakfast (:

  1189. In Korean culture, you eat mi-yuk-gook (seaweed soup) on your birthday. My mom would always make that for me or my sister whenever it was our birthday. It’s a symbol of love and wishing us good health for another year!

  1190. I remember my mom made the best corn beef and cabbage with boiled potatoes. We would all race to the table to eat when we smelled the food.

  1191. I used to love going to my uncle and grandmothers house cause he would make the best beef stroganoff. I have never had any from anywhere that tasted as good as my uncles. I also loved going to my other grandmothers house and having triffle. So many happy memories as a kid around the dinner table.

  1192. not the healthiest, but my mom used to slice up a french baguette and toast it it in the oven with butter and honey. so yummy!

  1193. As a young child, I remember eating an oregano/egg soup every once in a while. It doesn’t sound too great I know, but it’s just one of those things you had to try to understand. I recently asked my mom how to make that oregano soup, and was very surprised when she said she didn’t remember. She told me she remembered the soup I was talking about but said it was something she would throw together with whatever she could find when we didn’t have anything to eat. I really enjoyed the soup as a child and felt comforted by it, how ironic to find out now that those were hard times.

  1194. I am one of 8 kids. My Mom was a good cook who would sometimes get bored with making her standards. When that happened, we were likely to sit down to something that seemed exotic to us. One that I particularly remember (because she and I were the only ones who liked it) was Greek Lemon soup. She made a vat of it and we enjoyed it for quite a few days.

  1195. In my day I was fortunate to be able to walk home for lunch so my mom fed me a grilled cheese sandwich, cup of hot soup and a tall glass of milk everyday. It still remains my comfort food.

  1196. Always the the big breakfast mom made on Sunday after church. Eggs, bacon, potatoes, and pancakes. Yum!!!

  1197. There is nothing that goes together better than Pizza and Root Beer, my favorite pizza was olive and mushroom with a little cheddar cheese on thin crust.
    I also loved mac and Cheese with hot dog slices.

  1198. Best thing as a kid was chicken noodle soup my Mom use to make for us. Makes you feel so special as we’d come home from school tor from playing outside on a cold day to smell the chicken broth cooking. That’s why I always get the chicken noodle soup at Souplantation. It sure brings back good memories.

  1199. Pierogies. They were so much work and well worth it at the end.
    Daquiri ice sorbet (before I knew what a daquiri was).
    And the sourest soudough bread toasted with melted butter. Or it was cinnamon raisin bread when I would visit my grandma.

  1200. I remember cheese blintzes with warm cherry sauce. These were a rare treat and so yummy. My mom could be quite the gourmet chef when she wanted to!

  1201. When I was a kid, nothing made me happier than macaroni and cheese for dinner! If I could have gotten away with it, I would not have eaten the veggies and the meat. It was all about the pasta for me! A close second is chicken noodle soup with crumbled up saltines! I still love it, especially when I am feeling a little under the weather! Both of these childhood traditions have been passed on to my own children, so I must admit that I am still a kid at heart!

  1202. I remember so well, Mom’s Split Pea with ham soup. Man!!!!!!!! That was really, really good. I always try split pea soupd wherever I go eat or even from the can at the grocery store. There is only one problem everyone has split pea soup but, not always with ham. It’s just sooooooooooooo goodjust can never ger out of my mind or off my taste buds.

  1203. Mac & Cheese!!!! YUMMMM! I loved it as a kid and will still pass over almost anything offered for a bowl of steaming Mac & Cheese!!!! GOOD EATIN’!!!!!

  1204. My favorite childhood *food* memory, was my mother making me a proper “English” breakfast – with buttered toast (toasted in an iron skillet), Fried Egg and Baked Beans. Now that’s a heavy breakfast, but oh, so yummy! 🙂

    Also, grilled cheese sandwiches – again, toasted in a cast iron skillet, with buttered toast holding the cheese together – YUM YUM! 🙂

  1205. As a child I always remember makindg cut out sugar cookie, decorating them and sitting around the christmas tree eating the cookies with a nice warm cup of hot chocolate. Yummy!!!

  1206. A holiday was not a holiday without Mom’s famous warm, homemade, cinnamon rolls and ham and egg quiche!

  1207. As unhealthy and unappealing as I find it as an adult, I used to looooove macaroni and cheese and fishsticks. (I think the macaroni was really the main course of that meal!) I begged my Mom to make them all the time. 🙂

  1208. Walking home from school on a cold wet day and being greeted by the smell of Ovaltine and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. My mom also made the best spaghetti from scratch, served only on special days, made from our homegrown tomatoes and spices and cooked all afternoon. We sat around our diningroom table, a redwood picnic table, and ate it all up, YUM!

  1209. My grandmother’s super creamy scalloped potatoes. She’d make extra so I could have them for breakfast. I make them now and still make extras.

  1210. One late night when I was 10 years old, my mom had to pick me up at a friend’s house after I got homesick during a sleep-over. We shared a piece of fresh baked German chocolate cake to “help me feel better.” It was the best cake I had ever had & it felt so good to be home.

  1211. I managed to get tonsillitis almost once a month when I was a kid. My mom made the MOST HEAVENLY chicken-and-dumplings from scratch! Those dumplings were light as air, and she left the chicken in really big chunks; and the chunks of carrot were sweet and absolutely scrumptuous . YUM.
    I’ve tried making that for my kids/grandkids, and while mine is “pretty good” nothing could possibly be as delicious as I remember my mom’s dumplings with thick broth and those big chunks of chicken.

  1212. Homemade donuts and fresh apple cider – always a special treat around Halloween. My mom was an awesome cook. Her mom had the best sugar cookies. Wish I had the recipe.

  1213. I would have to say that the Clam Chowder and bake bread with Tapioca on the side for desert…ummmm Good!… I’m originally from New England and when I eat Sweet T’s Clam Chowder than dip that fresh bake bread into that creamy unforgettable delight I am thrown into another time and place of sweet memories. The tapioca is Oy Vay…like grandmas home made. My mouth feels like Pow! From one Delish to another!

  1214. mmmm, fried bologne sandwich…..fry two pieces of bologne in the frying pan, toast some bread, spread on mayo and a little butter and enjoy……healthy? nope, but very tasty thanks mom and dad

  1215. Homemade French Toast from thick slices of bread, topped with Grandma’s special cinnamon/sugar shaker — or topped with one of her many special fruit-flavored syrups (blueberry, raspberry,…). Also Grandma’s noodle kugel, made with cream cheese, maraschino cherries, three different colors of raisins, drop of sugar,…

  1216. we used to make little “balls” with dulce de leche, cocoa and oats, covered with shredded coconut P:

  1217. My mom used to make bagel pizzas when I was little. They were so good! She never makes them anymore though 🙁

  1218. My favorite memories of food go back to my paternal grandmother whom I cherish to this very day, may she rest in peace. We are latin and we love palomilla steak and rice. But she had this special way of making it in a square pan that made the steak taste like no one elses. She would make the rice exactly the same every weekend. it was light and fluffy. And then she would mash bananas. She would cut the steak in tiny pieces (I guess she still thought we were babies) and mix it altogether. To this day, I still think about that dish. I also remember every Sunday she would make us pancakes and a cuban sandwich with white cheese. Oh my, it makes my eyes water. I miss her dearly.

  1219. My mother (originally from China) always cooked chinese food for our meals, but as a special treat, she would make “American” food. It was a treat to get her macaroni baked with ground beef and ketchup. I think she added soy sauce and whatever she had in her asian pantry, and somehow she made the combo work. It was delicious!

  1220. What makes me feel like a kid again? Macaroni and cheese with some chicken noodle soup :] delicious.

  1221. I grew up in the Northwest where it rains or snow or cold most of the time. Hot chocolate. Hot soup. Hot congee and even hot Pho. Today, on cold days in Texas-it’s hot chocolate for my children in the morning.

  1222. yummy and warm-chicken soup with matzo balls made with fresh carrots, parsnips, celery, garlic and onions!

  1223. The very first combination that came to my mind… Macaroni & Cheese (the kind that was like 10 cents a box then) with hot dogs sliced in it. — Yuck!

  1224. I remember curry. When I smell curry I know mom is thinking of me because I love her curry. No one in our family like curry!

  1225. The salad reminds me of being a kid, because I remember eating salad a lot as a kid, since I’m vegetarian.

  1226. In the summer, my babysitter (Granny) would make Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Treats…and around Christmas she would make the most amazing Strawberry Bread…I’m going to dream about those snacks tonight.

  1227. When I was little my mother worked a split shift at the phone company (that was when we only had one!) so my dad had to make a dinner. He was a good cook, but my favorite was potato soup. I helped him peel the potatoes and he chopped them. We had a pull out desk in the kitchen so I sat there and peeled my one potato to his many.
    Best soup ever! Best dad ever.

  1228. My mother made spaghetti and meatballs like no one else’s mother. The aroma would fill the house and linger for days. For a home run, she would make devil’s food cake. Her secret was to mix the frosting with whipping cream. Mangia bene!

  1229. My mom didn’t do a lot of cooking growing up, but when it was Christmas and Easter she made every kind of cookie imaginable. My favorite was at Christmas we would make Sugar cookies but she would take half of the dough and then show me how to put Peppermint extract and red food dye in it. Then together we would weave them and shape them into Candy Canes. I remember loving how the smell of Peppermint would fill the air while they were baking while Classic Christmas music played in the background. We still make them every Christmas. Now it is also with my 3yr old daughter. 🙂

  1230. My mother loved to cook when I was a kid. I remember eating homemade bread and homemade cakes, as well as many whole wheat cookies. I didn’t always like all the whole wheat goodies but I loved it when my mom made homemade waffles for breakfast or dinner. My favorite memory of them was when she would make me one and one for our great dane dog who would eat hers near me and then would look at me with her big eyes hoping I would share mine with her.

  1231. Quite often my Mother and I would wake up in the middle of the night and meet in the kitchen. She would make us a grilled cheese or something good out of the fridge….all by just the light on the stove. That was sure fun!

  1232. When we were little, my mom made us “bean and cheese tortillas” for lunch even more often than peanut butter and jam sandwiches. She spread a flour tortilla with refried beans and then set thin slices of cheddar over the beans before topping with a second tortilla. My dad always fried his quesadillas in a skillet, but my mom just microwaved ours. She cut each one in half, then into triangles with kitchen shears. That simple dish transports me back to my childhood faster than anything else.

  1233. My favorite memory is biting into a cheesy pizza and creamy soup. Your pizza bread dipped in delicious decadent cream of mushroom soup is the absolute best savory memory ever. Crunchy seasoned italian bread with smooth rich velvety goodness is the best combination ever created. My mouth is watering for Souplantation!

  1234. One of my favorite things that my mom made for me and my dad was a baked hot dog with bacon bits and cheese. My dad got his with onions. She would slice the hot dogs down the middle being carefull not to cut all the way thru. She would then place them on a baking tray. Put a layer of crumbled bacon pieces on top of the sliced dogs and add a layer of cheese on top(I like mazzerella} She then baked it slow to make sure that everything cooked and melted to perfection. MMMMMMMMM. I still can’t seem to make it as good as mom.

  1235. Pineapple Upside Down Cake! My mom’s specialty. It was always on the table during my 6th grade break-ups, best friend fights and lost kitten moments!

  1236. There are so many foods that remind me of being a kid. My 2 favorite food memories however- Tuna casserole made with peas, macaroni & cheese and cream of mushroom soup. It was so delicious. I wasn’t much of a picky eater but my brother was, and this was his favorite “mom-made” meal also! It goes great with a glass of milk. Mmmm.

    I absolutely loved goulash, made like a stew. Thick, hearty goulash with garlic bread, or just bread and butter. The best part was cleaning my bowl using buttered bread. After you eat all the stew it’s almost like tomato soup is left in the bowl. Man was that good.

  1237. I would have to say the Grilled cheese sandwich with Tomato soup was always welcome on a cold day, or Strogonoff or my Dad’s famous(for our family) Flips- Its like a pizza pocket but SO much better. Sure miss him making them…he passed away 8 years ago this December. They just aren’t the same without him making them.

  1238. My Mom’s home made vegetable soup and home made rolls, just coming out of the oven hot with melting butter.

  1239. Growing up we weren’t exposed to different types of food, my mother was a single parent and she did the best she could with what she had. What I remember that she would make for dinner at times for my sister and me, were ground beef patties with homemade frenchfries and ketchup! Lots! It was the yummiest! and now I make them for my little ones. It’s easy and fun to do.

  1240. My mom would make crepes as a treat. One of my birthday parties was a crepe breakfast. It is so fun to roll them up…like participating in the cooking.

    My dad would make tuna casserole when it was cold. He’d put in celery and peas for a little texture. This was one of the first dishes I learned to make myself.

    Also, we’d do breakfast for dinner and that was always so fun because we were going against the grain (or so we thought.) It would be fun to have brunch one night a month at night? 🙂

  1241. My mom is a baker….she was always baking cakes, cupcakes, cookies, brownies…..& always from scratch….my favorite-to this day is her carrot cake…freshly shredded carrots, walnuts, raisins, pineapple, whole wheat flour topped off with a thick laye of cream cheese frosting! Yummmmmmmy!

  1242. My dad woud make grilled cheese sandwiches and cut them in squares. He’d pile all the squares on one plate in the middle of the table. It was nice, as a kid, to serve myself. We’d always have soup too.

    As an afternoon snack, my mom would make us nachos. Gooey, salty, perfect! Thanks mom!

  1243. Hamburger Soup! This was the yummiest soup ever and it always hit the spot! It was basically, chicken broth, bits of ground beef, small cubes of potatoes, celery, possibly onion and also small chopped pieces of spagetti shaped pasta noodles. On a variation, she would even put in some canned chopped tomatoes.

    My other favorite combos were tomato soup with saltine crackers

    macaroni salad (the tiny ditalini shaped tubes, not elbow!) with chicken salad sandwiches

    Also, fried potatoes with corned beef were the meal when we ran out of fresh stuff.

    My parents still make to this day for me, beef stew with potatoes, beef, carrots, celery, onions, chicken broth, tomato sauce and chopped tomatoes….accompanied by freshly baked sliced french bread. The inside of the bread is soft and the ouside crust is crispy. You could make at the restaurant mini little loaves and that way the inside wouldn’t harden.

    Another yummy treat was spagetti-o’s (from a can) with frankfurters. You could make your own version of it!

  1244. Almost all of my childhood food memories surround breakfast. Scrambled or over-easy eggs, always toast and jam, orange juice, fresh oatmeal with honey or brown sugar and milk. Warms my soul 🙂

  1245. My grandma’s homemade biscuits and homemade pear honey bring all kinds of memories
    back to me. First, the smell of ripe juicey pears being peeled and cut to make the spread. My sisters and I loved to catch the skins as Mom and Grandma peeled the pears. They were sweet golden treats we’d eat on those warm summer days. Then, the smell of pears, pineapple and sugar boiling in the pot would fill the house. It was torture, though, to wait til morning when it was all done, and we could put it on the delicious golden brown biscuits Grandma would make for breakfast. Oh, but it was worth it! Warm biscuits dripping with butter and sweet spoonfuls of pear honey couldn’t make it fast enough into our mouths. Nothing felt so good as the cold, fruity mixture and the warm, buttery bread going down the throat together, and landing gently in the stomach creating a feeling of comfort and reassurance that all was right in the world. Grandma used to say it was nothing special, just plain country fare. I disagree. It was magic!

  1246. I remember when I was younger my mother used to make my brother and I Swedish Pancakes (with powdered sugar and fruit of course!) on the weekends for breakfast 🙂 Boy, those were the days…

  1247. My mom would fry corn tortillas and make ground beef tacos. YUM, I remember she would put them in our hands, and instruct us not to put them down until they were all eaten (otherwise, they would fall apart and make a mess) and I remember the grease would run down my arm. I still love tacos and the smell of corn tortillas frying makes me smile.

  1248. My mom used to make me peanut butter, butter, and honey sandwiches.. something I remember her telling the babysitters to give me to make me happy ! something I clearly would’nt eat now a days, but a memory that makes me smile none the less.

  1249. My favorite food combination that reminds me of childhood is mashed potatoes & ham. I would take a piece of Ham, fill it with mashed potatoes, & roll it up like a burrito. So yummy!

  1250. Tomato soup & grilled cheese-really 🙂 After playing in the snow. Made to order grilled cheese-with any kind of cheese requested. Muenster was always my favorite!

  1251. My mother would make the very best pineapple upside down cake. She has been gone for many years now, but I still envision that cast iron skillet she made it in and when she turned it upside down, that cake looked scrumptious.

  1252. I still love tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. But I like the sandwiches DELUXE-style (with tomato, lettuce, mayo and dill pickles…sometimes a very thin slice of grilled sweet onion!) Another favorite “comfort food” combo for any season has always been chili soup (with pasta, beans, beef, onions and tomatoes) served with peanut-butter and honey sandwiches…….brings back memories……my husband’s family introduced me to this combo back in the ’70s when our kids were little. We just recently moved to Florda, had never heard of SweetTomatoes until then. I love the many healthy choices available.

  1253. stir fried bean sprouts, peas, and broccoli with rice. Used to come home after school and reheat this in the microwave and happily sit down in the front of the TV and watch pokemon 😀

  1254. My mom wasn’t the cook in the family, so when dad was away on TDY, she would fry up hot dogs and top them with mashed potatoes and American cheese. I loved those things and after two we were stuffed.

  1255. my mom would make “champorado”–oatmeal with coconut milk and chocolate (from Mexico). I now make it for my kids. It brings back great memories every time…

  1256. My favorite meal as a child was shrimp. We only got it on special occasions, like a birthday or Christmas. I could just peel and eat it forever. That and PB on saltine crackers. As a Nana they are still two of my favorite things! 🙂

  1257. My favorite is chicken & noodle soup my grandma made just like the one at soupl plantation!!! I get only noodles leave chicke to rest of everybody!!! followed by cinnamon pie(pie crust blind baked with cinnaman sugar!

  1258. Growing up as a first generation American, I felt little connection to my Romanian heritage. Growing up amid Communism in Romania, my mom did whatever she could to forget her own. But the one cultural tradition that she clung to was the cooking. I remember the excitement she felt when she prepared Mamaliga, the yellow maize dish, known more popularly as Polenta. Sharing a bowl of warm, filling Mamaliga, topped with a pat of butter with my mom was a reminder for both of us that wonderful things can still emerge from the most trying of situations.

  1259. My mother would make what she called Swedish meatballs. They had ground beef, sour cream, and seasonings, and were cooked in a pan until they were browned and crispy on the outside. Then she would put some brown gravy on them. Even though I doubt they were in any way really Swedish, they were Delicious! Corned beef was another great meal. Too bad meat is so unhealthy, but that’s why I am a vegetarian now.

  1260. I loved to eat ice cream, homespun on the porch of our vacation home in Virginia. We’d add strawberries or peaches, or melon, all kinds of wonderful fresh ingredients to make a deLICIOUS ice cream dessert. Yum!

  1261. Love love love my moms homemade Mac and cheese, with homemade popsicles we made from koolaide!!! To this day still one of my favs-Berh

  1262. My fondest memory of a great meal growing up is Hamburger Patties with chopped onions and seasoning mixed in, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Carrot Salad and Creamed Corn. That was one of my favorite meals and as an adult I still make it for my family.

  1263. It’s not as much a single recipe as it is the phrase, “new recipe.” My Mom subscribed to a couple magazines including McCalls, and had the food sections from the old St. Louis Globe Democrat (and later, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch). At least once a week, sometimes more, her answer for the question “What’s for Dinner?” would be, “A new recipe.” I would get feelings of dread, and yet so often enjoy these new flavors. Now, as a grown-up, I continue the “tradition” in my own cooking.

  1264. I remember always having peanut butter sandwiches with doritos. I never liked jelly so I would smash doritos and put them on my sandwich. It was so good back then. I caught my daughter doing the same thing a couple weeks ago.

  1265. I loved toasted cheese sandwiches & tomato soup, macaroni & cheese, homemade chocolate chip cookies, apple pie and vanilla ice cream, homemade potato salad, corn on the cob, spaghetti and meatballs.. just a few of my favorite fun yummy childhood foods!! 🙂

  1266. What reminds mostly of being a kid is eating Turkey Chunks with Turkey Gravy over Mashed Potatoes! It was kind of like a cross between Shepherds Pie and a Chicken Pot Pie.
    Yummy, that was my absolute favorite.

  1267. When I was beginning kindergarden I remember the nice saltine crackers and carton ofmilk, the latter reminding me of home and helping me to adjust to the new experience.

  1268. My favorite food as a child was Mom’s Pot Pie. She would bake a chicken in water to get this great broth. Then pull all the meat from the chicken and put it in a large pot with the broth and bring it to a boil. Then she would make a wet pasta out of flour, Crisco, eggs and chicken broth that she would drop in the boiling water and cook them until they were done. She served them over mashed potatoes. I still go and visit my sister and make it for her family for dinner. It was just this past week, when I was at Soup Plantation, that I realized the Big Chunk Chicken Noodle is amost exatly like my mom’s. The only thing missing is the mashed potatoes and the irregularly shaped noodles!

  1269. Traditionally, many would eat fried chicken the way it its and by itself. My family and I love to eat it with rice and home made chicken noodle soup.

  1270. What food combo conjures up great childhood memories for me? It has to be macaroni and cheese with green beans. My mom had a unique way of cooking mac-n-cheese: she made white sauce which she stirred into the cooked macaroni, and then she layered the macaroni with grated sharp cheddar cheese, ending with a layer of cheese on top. Then she baked the dish in the oven until the cheese got brown and toasty on top. Back in those days, my mom just used canned or frozen green beans as a side dish. Nowadays, I lightly steam some fresh green beans and then toss them with sliced almonds toasted in butter. My mom’s mac-n-cheese and fresh green beans almondine – what could be better?

  1271. For me my favorite food memories revolve around Cream of Mushroom soup. That plus a sandwich was my absolute favorite meal.

  1272. I used to love “taverns” at least that’s what we called them, it’s hamburger with ketchup and mustard and a little brown sugar. They were mostly for the weekend!

  1273. When I was a kid my mom would surprise me from time to time with special treats to eat when I got home from school. One of my favorites would have to be a slice of her homemade bread. There was nothing better than coming home from school on a cold rainy day to the smell of baking bread. Now that I am all grown up & I have my own family I still am transported back to those days as a kid whenever I smell bread right out of the oven.

  1274. My grandmother would sometimes have Cream of Mushroom soup mixed with ground beef on the stove top, and fresh baked bread waiting for us when my brother and I would visit.

    Then she’d always have Chocolate Chip cookies and Milk waiting for us for dessert. It was so awesome!

  1275. My favorite food memory as a kid is from the Friday nights my mom would go out w/her girlfriends and I got to spend the whole night hanging out w/just my dad. Almost every friday he would make me “Special Spaghett-O’s” and I loved it. He made them “special” by adding ketchup and grated cheese while they were cooking–to this day I’ve yet to make them taste as good as his.

  1276. Cheese pizza was always my food of choice as a kid… and with a big glass of chocolate milk – perfect!!

  1277. Every year (even now!) my mom, sister & I would bake cookies together for Christmas. Lots and lots of cookies! It’s now a tradition we never miss.

  1278. Creamy Potato Soup Cure
    My mom’s “curing” soup when we were sick was creamy potato and it went down so easily and made me feel so much better. Last week, I made it for my 13 year old son when he was home sick, and he asked me, “Mom, why have you been holding out on me all these years?!” I guess I’ll start making it more often. Souplantation’s version was pretty close, too.

  1279. I love hamburgers… but I’m a vegetarian for 2 years now, Vegetarian burgers with melted cheese yummy and onion rings, fries or maybe sweet potatoe fries which is healthier, that does it for me =) wow

  1280. My mom would give us nilla cookies and applesauce as a healthy little treat to help satisfy our sweet tooth!

  1281. My favorite when I was a kid was my mom’s chili with cheese sprinkled on top and crackers on the side. Nice and warm and cozy.

  1282. As a kid in the 50’s, I got to go home from elementary school for lunch. My favorite lunch was ham on white bread with a squeeze of yellow mustard, dill pickle, potato chips and a big glass of milk!

  1283. Tacos remind me of home….Mom would fry the tortillas so they were just crunchy enough and then would have bowls of shredded lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese, hamburger and salsa. As a kid, being allowed to make your own taco with whatever you wanted was the BEST!! Mom would also make a queso dip that was out of this world. Hard to believe that tacos are the comfort food for this Swedish/German/Irish girl.

  1284. I remember coming in from playing in the snow and my Mom would have hot chocolate and bowl of homemade vegetable soup waiting for me to warm me up.

  1285. My mom is a talented cook, but the one dish that really stands out for me is her soup. A big bowl of soup with a big piece of freshly baked bread–I’m in heaven!

  1286. My favorite food memory (and there’s lots of them) was watching my great grandma make pizza from scratch in her basement kitchen. I could play with the dough, spread the tomato sauce, put on the cheese (eat some along the way) and then wait and chat with her until it was ready to go. The best!

  1287. Ham and Beans over Cornbread with a bit of pickle relish sprinkled on top.
    I know the pickle relish sounds gross to some but you just have to try it. I was raised on it.

  1288. It was definitely my mom’s old fashion sugar cookies and her amazing zucchini bread! The comfort treats of the fall and winter time! I continue the recipe traditions today with my family!

  1289. When I was a kid my Mom would make Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese. Another favorite was Chicken Noodle Soup and PB & J. Mmmm!

  1290. As much as the cliche it sounds… my favorite cold weather food is grilled ham & cheese sandwich with tomatoe bisque soup. YUM!

  1291. My favorite meal was breakfast, especially when it was breakfast for dinner! My mom made pancakes from scatch and then prepared them in the shapes of our names. I also remember her homemade 15 bean soup, or her hamburger, kidney bean and cabbage soup. Each would be paired with warm cornbread topped with melted butter and honey! My granny was famous for her cassaroles. She always named them _____ ,(whatever the main ingredient was), surprise. Her meals were always followed by jello with fresh fruit inside and topped with mini marshmallows. Unless it was a birthday, then it was her unforgettable Angel food cake. These are unusual yet simple meals that make me feel like a kid again. 🙂

  1292. My mom (who had never had much cooking skill in the kitchen) would always make a warm peanut butter and banana sandwich for me paired with a warm glass of milk if my dad was not able to come home and cook. Though it was simple, it was delectable delicious because she made it lovingly with her all her heart. Then afterward, we’d celebrate with a dessert of either dirt cups or home-made rice krispie treats.

  1293. I loved when my Mom made her homemade Vegetable soup and til this day, I make it the same way and my kids love it. I also loved when she made hot dogs split almost in half and put American cheese inside and wrapped a piece of bacon around it and set them in a pie plate of pork & beans and baked them !!

  1294. Nothing beats mom’s homemeade chicken soup with noodles from scratch. We also loved her tacos with fried homemade shells. Those would even have the neighborhood kids asking to come to dinner at our house!

  1295. Baking cookies was always a fun day. We couldn’t wait for the cookies to bake so we used to eat the batter when mother wasn’t looking. Seemed like she couldn’t figure out why she didn’t get as many cookies as she thought she should from the cookie mixture.

  1296. Definitely Macaroni and cheese and little smokies sausages! My favorite, and my son’s favorite now too!

  1297. My mom would help us make mini pizza on toasted English muffins. They were so delicious and fun to make too!

  1298. One of my favorite childhood foods was making English Muffin pizzas in our toaster oven! My mom would sprinkle a little bit of oregano on the top to give it that extra pizazz. It was our treat whenever my parents were going out and leaving us with a babysitter or if the weather was too cold, snowy or rainy to go outside.

  1299. For me, it’s definitely homemade dumplings! We used to take a whole Saturday to make literally hundreds! Well… by we, I mean the adults. My brother and I would be given a few pieces of dough to play with while the adults made the actual dumplings. We’d then make a huge batch to eat for dinner and freeze the rest… good times =)

  1300. Of course the old standard PB&J was and still is a classic!

    Twist off cap, place jar to nose
    Savor the flavor as if it’s a rose
    Spread on one half, then spread on the other
    Don’t put away cause you might want another
    Sip some cold milk, then pat your round belly
    Now that’s how to enjoy peanut butter and jelly!

  1301. I know it’s not creative, but grilled cheese and tomato soup always makes me think of sitting at the kitchen table with my family.

  1302. Pancakes were always our comfort food. Great for any meal of the day and always so light and airy. Paired with just butter, those pancakes can still make me smile 🙂 I have yet to be able to replicate the recipe!

  1303. best childhood food memory-making & eating homemade ravioli with my grandfather & now my dad is sharing the pasta love with my daughter

  1304. My grandmas fresh out of the oven whole wheat rolls and chicken noodle soup…I miss her and the yummy memories SO much!

  1305. My mom didn’t believe in throwing out any leftovers no matter how small. At the end of the week she would make what she called “refrigerator soup”. She would add extra vegetables, water and spices (although rarely needed). It was always the best soup ever, and was always a new taste experience. It would have different meats, veges, casseroles, gravies, sauces, even mac and cheese or mashed potatoes mixed in. It was a great way to save money and to make good use of leftovers. We always looked forward to our soup!

  1306. My Mom was a great cook, so everything she made was memorable. My best memories are when my Dad worked nights. For those dinners we often had breakfast for dinner. Yummy comfort food that was not usual for dinner like waffles and pancakes, bacon and eggs. I still love a great breakfast meal.

  1307. My favorite thing to eat for dinner was breakfast. I loved when my dad would make beacon, eggs and pancakes for dinner it was the best. I have 3 boys and they love to eat breakfast for dinner but my husband doesn’t so we don’t get it that often for dinner any more 🙁

  1308. My mother used to make me bolgna sandwiches on a big Kaiser roll & my friends would steal my sandwiches out of my locker and eat them & when I went to lunch it was gone
    And we’re still friends!

  1309. Mom and I used to bake apple pies together – lots at the same time. I remember even as a very young girl I would sit criss-cross on the kitchen table and hold up the apple peelings to see how long my Mom could get them. They were such a yummy treat!

  1310. As a kid, one of my favorite meals was spaghetti and meatballs with a big slice of garlic bread…my moms a great cook and her recipe was yummy!

  1311. As a child we lived on a farm, my mom was always cooking whether for us or a harvest crew. Everything was homemade from scratch, cinnamon rolls, breads, jellies etc. and we ate lots of chicken, pork, and beef that was a usual dinner. BUT on our birthdays, that was very different! Having six children with six different likes and dislikes, my Mom would lets us pick our birthday dinner and all the fixins’. My favorite still to this day, homemade Spaghetti (no jar sauce) w/garlic bread and chocolate cake w/chocolate frosting for dessert!! Yummy!! My mom was an awesome cook and I know you must admit my choice was much better and tastier then liver and onions, my older brothers favorite! Mom, thank you!

  1312. I love tomato soup with grilled cheese and lots of crackers. We eat it in the winter or whenever someone is feeling kind of bad. Peanut butter and jelly on white bread is another great one. In the summer my grandma had an amazing garden and we would eat lots of fresh vegetables. She would cut carrots and cucumbers up and put them in the fridge in bowls of ice water. They were great for a snack when you came in all hot and hungry!

  1313. As a kid my favorite was a hot mug of Cream of Mushroom soup with some milk poured in to cool it off just enough to eat it. Yum!

  1314. I come from a large Italian family and several times a year all the older women would get together and make thousands upon thousands of Italian cookies and of course we were always there to sample and test taste until we were sick!

  1315. My favorite was our Sunday roast beef dinner with potatoes & carrots. It was a highlight because it was delicious and always a great family meal shared together!

  1316. Mom made delicious apple pies. Starting with Fresh tangy Macintosh apples, then coating with cinnamon, sugar, and other spices, then topping with a cinnamon/butter/flour crumb mixture, the final product looked, smelled, and tasted heavenly.

  1317. I loved the homemade pancakes with fresh bananas and syrup that my dad would make on Saturday mornings!

  1318. My mom made an un-matched lemon meringue pie from fresh lemon juice. It was just the right combination of sweetness and tartness

  1319. My favorite lunch meal growing up was a cup of creamy chicken noodle stew that my mom used to prepare. It was always my favorite and so satisfying!

  1320. I enjoy creamy soups… especially with clams! Also, the traditional chicken soup is great! Vegetable pizzas are great!!! Even typing the names make me hungry…!!!

  1321. Growing up, we always had grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. I loved to dip the sandwiches into the soup, and I still do! My favorite memory, though, is of when my mom was in the hospital and my dad had to fix us our food. He wasn’t sure how to make the grilled cheese sandwiches, so he put cheese in between the bread, buttered the outside, then wrapped it in foil. To grill them, he used the iron and ironing board! That became our favorite way to have the sandwiches until my mom came home. I think I will do this for my granddaughter.

  1322. My mom would tell us kids go down to the garden and pick fresh sweet corn and tomatoes. She would cook the corn on the cob in her pressure cooker and slice the tomatoes for us for lunch. We would coat the ears of corn in real butter and cover them and the bright red tomato slices in salt. This and a cold glass of iced tea (with real sugar) would be our entire lunch and we never complained. It was awesome!

  1323. My favorite food growing up was bread. Spaghetti with garlic bread and salad makes me think of my mom.

  1324. Nothing says childhood to me like Chicken Noodle soup and Apple Juice. Anytime I was sick as a child my mom always made homemade Chicken Noodle soup and Apple Juice slushes.. It never mattered what kind of sick you were.. sore throat.. stomach ache.. cold. The remedy remained the same chicken noodle soup and Apple slush. I now have a 6 year old and I do the same for him except instead of making the Chicken Noodle soup I pick it up to go at Sweet Tomatoes. He always requests the Clam Chowder instead which is ok with me as long as its not his tummy. 🙂

  1325. One of my favorite memories of my childhood was going up to the summer cabin our whole family shared on Escatarsis Lake in West Enfield Maine. It’s a tiny town with only about 100 people living in it. There was a long 3 mile dirt road that seemed to take forever to get through before we got to the cabin on the lake. On our side of the lake there were only half a dozen cabins and part of the draw for me was everything ran off propane or kerosene. My grandmother would spend countless hours in the kitchen baking and cooking for what seems in retrospect a herd of people. One of my favorite things to eat was her home-made ginger bread with hand whipped cream. It was to die for. The smell of the brownie like desert would permeate the entire cabin and drive me insane. I was 9 years old when she dropped the pan out of the oven onto the floor. I was first to the pile on the floor followed closely by Snoopy my grandparents dog. My grandmother yelled to no avail as I wolfed down half of that ginger bread while snoopy got the rest. My parents… well let’s just say I invented the term shock and awe at that point 🙂

  1326. While I’ve got many great food memories that mom created for my family, I must admit one of my favourite treats remains her oatmeal cookies. These weren’t just *any* oatmeal cookies – they were made with real butter, plenty of oats, but the big difference was she didn’t use raisins – rather she used semi-sweet chocolate chips instead. What resulted was the most heavenly combination of a cookie that was *just* crispy enough on the outside, tender and delicious on the inside, and just the right amount of chocolate chips that transcended her cookies far beyond anything you could get at the store. Of course, the hardest part was waiting for the latest batch to cool enough to where they were ready to be handled and eaten. With a glass of cold milk in one hand, and a cookie ready-to-be-dunked in the other, gosh it really didn’t get any better than that.

    And a confession: when she’d bake them fresh on Friday nights, I’d get up super early on Saturday mornings, long before she would, turn on the Saturday morning cartoons, and have an early breakfast of oatmeal cookies and milk. The few times I got caught, I reasoned with her that if people have donuts for breakfast, which I understood were indeed unhealthy for you, why on Earth were *oatmeal* cookies, which after all had “healthy” oats in them and not deep fried, not allowed for breakfast? 🙂

    She never was able to refute that argument….

  1327. Tapioca pudding was my mothers cure-all. A long shopping trip at mall, or a routine Dr.’s visit was rewarded by a sweet-n- creamy bowl of tapioca goodness at a local eatery. The best part the waitress setting the tapioca filled bowl in front if me then topping it off with what seemed an unending swirled mountain of whipped cream. To this day I continue the tradition with my own children only making it at home.

  1328. I remember making homemade ice cream as a kid. At first we had the machine where you had to crank it yourself and then we got the one that turned on it’s own. My favorite was vanilla with loganberries in it. After it was done we’d got to lick the beaters. Yum!!!

  1329. While I have always loved tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches…definitely a favorite from childhood, I would have to say that my Dad “invented” something he called “new way” burgers where he would cook diced onions with crumbled hamburger meat and then put the hamburger meat, some mustard and pickles on a hamburger bun and we would eat it like that! Soooooo yummy!

  1330. As a kid growing up in the country one of my chores was to help plant and harvest the produce in our garden. In the late summer my Mom would make Hamburger Gravy, it was a family tradition to eat it over bread with fresh home grown tomatoes stacked on top with salt and pepper or homemade chili sauce. On the side we had freshly picked corn on the cob and pickled green beans. What a wonderful country supper! Another favorite was my Mom’s Chocolate Chip Zucchini Cake with Pecans or Walnuts. It was delicious hot from the oven or the next day was even better!

  1331. I loved my mom’s boozer burgers and home-made steak fries. It was our favorite Saturday night meal.

  1332. My favorite meal growing up especially in the winter was homemade chicken noodle soup, with oyster crackers. One more favorite was grilledcheese w/ tomatoe soup.

  1333. Mmm…fried chicken with biscuits and gravy. You can’t be unhappy if that’s on your plate. Oh…I’m from the midwest, originally. =)

  1334. Whan I was little….I can clearly remember grilled bologna and cheese..with mayo! Tomatoe soup….with Fritos crushed up….AND heres a weird one….saltines crackers WITH MAYO!! Homemade fudge was always a big hit too!!!!!!!!

  1335. I loved buttered toast and hot chocolate as a kid. On a cold day, after playing outside! Loved it! Makes me want to make some right now for my boys!

  1336. My favorite childhood meals were: grilled cheese with tomato soup, tuna melt sandwiches, and stir fry (which we would make every weekend together with different ingredients each week). Yummy!

  1337. My mom makes the BEST breakfast! I love, love, love her breakfast sandwiches. I would eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or Spam, eggs and Rice (I’m Hawaiian, go figure!).

  1338. When I was younger (like 5 or 6), my mom used to make split pea soup. Of course, she would always make her delicious homemade french bread to go with it. But, I wouldn’t eat split pea soup unless my mom called it “swamp slime”. (I was a very weird kid).

  1339. Mom would always ask my sister and I, what we wanted for supper. Our answers were always something like, “I dont know” or “I dont care” so she made up some stew/chowder like concoctions with those names, lol. Then when we said “I dont know” that is what we got : ). I also liked Shit on a shingle.

  1340. My favorite combo from when I was a kid is Campbell’s Cheese Sauce over Saltine crackers. My grandmother would make that for me when ever I needed a pick me up after a bad day with the bullies at school. We would talk about when she was a kid back in the ’20’s and ’30’s. I think about that time and it brings a smile to my face.

  1341. What food combo conjures up great childhood memories for me? Celery with peanut butter filled in the stalk’s valley… mmm, mmm good! ;D

  1342. My Best Childhood Memory was when my mom would make a bog pot of chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese. I would get a big bow of chicken noodle and 2 grilled cheese sandwhiches and I would dip my grilled cheese into my soup mmmmm good

  1343. Tomato soup or chicken noodle soup will make me feel like a kid again if I have them with buttered salting crackers. Buttering saltine crackers to have with soup is one of those nice little extras my mom did for me that I never do for myself except for nostalgic reasons.

  1344. I think that the Irish Potato soup (with cheddar cheese and Tabasco) along with sourdough bread is one of my favorite meals. It reminds my of mother’s potato soup. I keep a packet of caraway seeds with me to add to the soup. Perfection!

  1345. What child didn’t love a bologna sandwich and potato chips?? I fondly remember weekend lunches of bologna sandwiches with mayo… and my preference was to have the chips INSIDE the sandwich! I also remember thinking that the chips provided a nice textural contrast… a hint at my future foodieness??

  1346. Eating BLT sandwiches at my grandmother’s made with tomatoes out of the garden on soft white loaf bread and for dessert, frozen chocolate chip cookie dough she had made especially for me! (I love the dough more than the cookies!)

  1347. One of my favorite food memories is the “Babysitter Dinner”. Whenever my parents went out, my brother and I always had macaronni & cheese, served with cut up hot dogs. At the time, we thought it was a special treat. Now I realize that it was quick and easy for Mom. 🙂

  1348. My grandmother was a cook in a castle (upstairs/downstairs style) in Scotland, and she made the best Dumplin’ for our birthdays – it is like a big ball of a fruit cake boiled in a clean cloth. She used to also “hide” small coins in it wrapped in parchment paper for luck(pennies, sixpences, thruppenny pieces etc. from the “old” british coins before decimalization). She passed in 1972 age 93, and is still missed.

  1349. It was always a wonderful treat when my mom made her mouth watering green enchiladas and home made Mexican red rice to gather the family for dinner. We still share that tradition today but now with our children. One of the best childhood food memories I have.

  1350. My mom makes the best desserts, so as a child my favorite was always her Banana Cream Pie. If I could choose one thing to live off the rest of my life, that would be it! Food wise, my favorite thing was always chicken and dumplings! Nice and hot food for those cold NY winters.

  1351. What food combo conjures up great childhood memories for you?

    It may sound silly, but my grandpa’s grilled garlic sourdough bread and homemade spaghetti remind me of wonderful times in my childhood. Then after that, we’d pull of some peaches right from the peach tree in our backyard, and eat them.

  1352. Chicken soup with saltine crackers. Got it everytime I was sick as a kid. Always made me feel at least a little bit better.

  1353. One of my most favorite things my mom would make was her home made macaroni & cheese. It was always such a treat for my sister & I. Now I make te same recipe for my daughters & I love to see how excited they get when I make it for them!

  1354. My favorite meal as a kid was (honestly) everything my mother cooked. She was (and still is) an excellent cook. I was never a picky eater either. Man, it’s a good thing my father worked at a grocery store when I was growing up. My older brother always used to joke by saying that he’d much rather clothe me than feed me because at least the clothes would last a little longer.

  1355. We had wild asparagus growing along the side of our gravel driveway. My mom served it in a cream sauce over toast points. Probably not the most healthful, and certainly full of calories, but all my friends loved it. My favorite salad was made with dandelion leaves my mother and aunt picked from our front lawn. They made the salad like a wilted spinach salad with chunks of crispy bacon. Such was growing up in Pennsylvania!

  1356. My mother used to make us delicious chicken soup whenever we got sick. It was easy on the stomach and very tasty. Now, whenever my husband or friends get sick, I make it for them and they enjoy it too.

  1357. I loved it when my mom would make us Mickey Mouse pancakes for breakfast. For dinner I loved my mom’s porcupine meatballs, and I make it to this day and it’s my kids favorite too!

  1358. there is nothing more warm and cozy then coming home from school every winter day to my moms fresh baked homemade chocolate chip cookie. she still makes them every now and then and they still make me melt.

  1359. My favorite as I look back at my childhood is chicken and dumplings. Still brings a feeling of comfort and I love it when Sweet Tomatos makes their creamy chicken soup with fresh homemade biscuits to add to it as a dumpling effect.

  1360. Chocolate ice-cream and a scoop of peanut-butter. No secret of course that these two go great together, but as a child I thought I was quite unique, and I found great enjoyment mixing together mine own pb and chocolate concoctions.
    It was and still is my ultimate comfort food (Mac and cheese with broccoli is a very close second though!).

  1361. My Mom’s pork chops and mashed potatoes have a special place in my heart. Not because they were good, but because they were, in fact, terrible and my mom burnt them to a crisp pan-frying them. But I can remember those summer days as a young boy where I would be out in the yard, exploring the backyard as if it were the deepest, darkest jungle, and time would slip by. Then that delightfully terrible smell would gently float into my nose and I would be reminded of just how hungry I was. The growling of my stomach would become more poignant than any beast I might have been hunting and I would run back home desperately hoping I had not missed dinner. Of course I never did miss dinner, and it was always waiting for me, my mom as proud as can be about the “crispy critters” she had cooked. They were crispy alright. Burnt and dry even. But I had been exploring the jungles all day, and gnawing the leathery meat from those bones was better than anything I might have been able to scavenge out in the wilderness.

  1362. On a cold Christmas Eve we arrived @ my aunts house for hot meatball soup and finger sandwiches. The family, the warmth, the tree and the lights made for a perfect beginning to the holiday season. It was the best way to thaw out Mmmmmm memories.

  1363. My mom always made sure I ate healthy, even though I was a picky kid. One of my favorite things to eat was what my mom called “peanut butter balls” – real peanut butter, skim powdered milk, whole oats, and graham cracker crumbs rolled into little balls and studded with raisins. I would eat these with a big glass of milk to get lots of protein and calcium, and if it was summer I’d have fresh peaches off our tree.

  1364. I love Home made chicken noodle soup. My aunt makes the best. The chicken chunk soup at Sweet Tomatoes is a close match.

  1365. Just thinking about ham and eggs and buttered toast on those early Sunday mornings.. I can almost taste it now. Home fried potatoes on the side…. Roast turkey with stuffing made from Ritz crackers on holidays…. Oreo Cookies or Chocolate Chip cookies and Ice Cream for a favorite dessert…

  1366. My favorite snack is 1/2 peanut butter and jelly sandwich, 1/2 cheese Whiz sandwich and bite each one at the same time so you would have a mouthful of peanut butter, jelly and chiz whiz sandwich how awesome!

  1367. When my mom still cooked – and ate red meat, she made a flank steak that was just as good cold – or better than it was hot. We were lucky to have left-overs after repeatedly raiding the frig throughout the night! She also made a great baked mac & cheese with topping, but alas she claims the ingredients are NOT heartsmart and won’t make it. I make my grandmother’s beef stew and serve it in the very same stew dish but I can’t seem to put the same love into our all time favorite NANA BANANA CAKE with home mdae chocolate frosting that was a birthday staple. Ah, the good ol’ days!

  1368. My favorite kid food was chicken quesadillas. My mom would make it, and my brother and I would take it up to our tree house with us to eat. So fun!

  1369. Corned beef and cabbage. That was a familiar and seldom fussed about meal that my mother would prepare! 🙂 Yummy! 🙂

  1370. We had open lunch in elementary school, meaning we could eat at home if mom was there. I still love open-face grilled sandwiches and canned soup. It’s simple and delicious.

  1371. My favorite meal growing up was my aunt’s spaghetti, I remember it always having just the right amount of sweet in it with the meatiness. She would always make it whenever I would stay over her house for a few nights.

  1372. My favorite childhood memory was the meals made entirely from veggies grown in our garden – sweet corn, cole slaw, sliced tomatoes & cucumbers, peas, and strawberry shortcake for dessert – my dad would eat at least a dozen ears of corn (back then!) and all the veggie along with them. We didn’t have much money back in those days, so on top of those meals being healthy, we saved by not using any meat. We’d have those meals 2 or 3 times a week in the summer & how I miss them now….!!

  1373. My mom made either tomato soup with LOTS of oyster crackers or hot stewed tomatoes with croutons and grilled cheese with bacon sandwiches. I still get cravings for the hot stewed tomatoes with either croutons or bread pieces in it.

  1374. Nothing brings back memories of being a kid like eating mac and cheese. It was always a staple at our house, be it in a box or hot and melty out of the oven. Sweet Tomatoes’ mac and cheese is one of the highlights of my trips to the restaurant, and I always make sure to get two big helpings of it when I visit.

  1375. I remember the first time I saw disneys lady and the tramp. When the spaghetti scene came
    On, they made it look so good, I just had to have it. I would go in the kitchen and
    Ask mom if she could make some. She would make it so tasty! I would even pretend
    That my imaginary friend was sitting with us at dinner. My mom would put a plate for me and a plate for my “friend” and I would tell my mom, “mom, my friend left so I’m
    Gonna eat their food.” I would say that just so I could seconds. 🙂

  1376. My favorite combo my mom made when I was little will always be macaroni n cheese and meatloaf for dinner. It was my favorite meal and she always made it for my birthday!

  1377. My favorite childhood food memory was actually something I still see happening at Souplantation. When I was a kid I would get a “suicide” at the soda machine (putting a little bit of every soda in your cup) I still see kids doing this today at Souplantation and it reminds me of when I was that age! What great memories.

  1378. I used to love my mom’s pumpkin cookies….she used real pumpkin to make them and the house would smell of Fall. It brings back such good memories because she used to listen to us talk about our days as we ate her freshly baked cookies.

  1379. As a child I will always remember my mom and dad making eating fruits and vegetables fun. Some of my favorite food memories would be of my parents making fruit pieces into fruit kebab’s, having movie nights with homemade peanut butter and apple pie, and picking carrots and tomato’s from our own small garden in our yard. Now that I’m in college, I still find myself making the same snacks! I will always appreciate all the memories and healthy snack ideas they passed on to me. 🙂

  1380. Of course grilled cheese is something mom made best but my fave dish she made and still makes is kielbasa sausage with potato, carrots and cabbage. Spices and oil together cook it over stove top and it just is so tasty and simple.

  1381. My children will both agree that one of their favorite lunches was hot waffle sandwiches spread with peanut butter, slices of bananas and sprinkled with several chocolate chips. Delicious, somewhat nourishing and fun to eat.

  1382. My mom would make me a grilled cheese sandwich with Lays potatoe chips covered in lime juice and Valentino’s hot sauce…..mmm mmmm goodness!!!

  1383. Strawberry-banana smoothies and penutbutter-marshmellow cream sandwiches were a great time after a quick run at the playground(:

  1384. One great and healthy thing my mom used to make for me when I was a kid was a tofu, spinach and mushroom quiche with swiss cheese – TOTALLY tastes better than it sounds! On special occasions she still makes it for me, and it brings back great childhood memories!

  1385. I wasn’t a kid aaall too long ago, but I still look back at it fondly— especially of the fact that my doting mother was always there waiting for me with a freshly prepared snack! I’m away at college now, and I reminisce about those simpler days (when I wasn’t responsible for making my own meals!) It’s easy to get sick of the same old foods available on campus, and I find myself always craving certain things I used to have at home.
    like…. My mom used to make us THE BEST pizza English muffins! Just some Ragu or Prego sauce, shredded mozarella cheese (and pepperonis for my big brother), and an English muffin — simple, but oh so tasty!

  1386. My favorite was every Friday night my mom would make a huge veggie lasagna and delicious homemade challah. Yum!

  1387. I lived with my Grandmother and my favorite thing about her cooking was that she would let me “help”. Now I realize that my “helping” wasn’t really all that helpful (messy, oh yes) but it made me feel special. She had a coal fired stove and my favorite memories are of Fried Chicken (we raised them), Mashed potatoes with chicken gravy and fresh biscuits, I’d swear that the biscuits would float right off the plate they were so light. In the summertime she would add Cabbage Cole Slaw with a sweet-sour dressing that she cooked the day before and chilled overnight so it was cold and crispy! Dessert was my favorite: home-made hand-cranked ice cream – especially her fresh Peach – I can’t tell you how much I still long for her “down-home” cookin’. I wish my grandchildren could experience dinner at her house; it was the most important time of our day. I try to use her methods and keep the dinner hour for family and friends. Thank you Granny.

  1388. Love the fresh hot chocolate chip ccokies that we have been so lucky to get in the past. Of course gotta have ice cream with that…

  1389. I loved my grandma’s homemade macaroni and cheese! The inside was soft and fluffy with a crunch bread crumb topping. Delish! My other favorite was my own peanut butter, honey, banana and toasted sunflower seed sandwich!

  1390. Crusty, fresh homebaked bread hot from the oven, made by either my grandmother or father. Great on its own, and it made any accompanying meal a masterpiece!

  1391. After a great day of hide and seek, playing tag, running bases, climbing trees, collecting rocks, chalk drawings, and biking, catching the sweet, tangy waft of my mom’s homemade tomato and basil marinara sauce was all I needed to refuel my energy and keep me warm and happy after a hard day’s play. Til this day, whenever I smell my mom’s famous sauce, I just can’t help but smile and remember the great magical days of childhood.

  1392. Childhood memories of aromas, sights and tastes of hot soup, salad, chili, mac & cheese, spaghetti, and ice cream or rice pudding for desert, at Sunday dinner, are comforting memories that have stayed with me since the fifties. My family can enjoy the same comforting experiences, just as I did as a kid, around a big table and without washing a single dish.

  1393. On cold winter days my mom would make us homemade chicken noodle soup and fresh bread. Then we’d help her make chocolate chip cookies. I can almost replicate that meal at Sweet Tomatoes, though it’s not quite the same – it’s missing a mother’s love.

  1394. One of my favorite treats as a kid was hot dogs baked into Pillsbury Crescent Rolls with cheese. As a kid, that was like eating at a 5 star restaurant.

  1395. My dad making me delicious a big BLT while my mom made fried potatoes- the smell of bacon and potatoes still gets me… definitely my favorite childhood food combo! I made it myself as comfort food when I was away at college.

  1396. Kid pizza snacks in the microwave – tiny squares of processed cheese over a dab of ketchup on top of a Saltine cracker! With soda… I could only have those when the parents weren’t looking. 🙂

  1397. My childhood memories are resurfaced by many things. But the smells and tastes of food bring them back like a blast from the past. Well nothing does this to me like “macaroni and cheese” waiting all day on Sunday’s when everyone was home and we all ate dinner as a family. The crunchy top layer of cheese and bread crumbs I always saved for last. So I would always have my mom flip It upside Down onto my plate.

  1398. i grew up pretty much at my grandparents house and what I looked forward to her cupcakes with her homemade maple vanilla icing.

  1399. At my grandmas, we would eat catfish, and have homemade (from scratch) brownies for dessert. East Texas at its best!

  1400. Grilled cheese and tomato soup reminds me of childhood because it IS how a childhood should be, warm, inviting, and memorable! 🙂

  1401. In honor of my best guy friend’s mother who is currently in a medically induced coma because she suffered a stroke last week I am going to have comment on behalf of her.

    She is a superb person, growing up she was a second mother to me. She is a caring and goofy lady. I used to be at her house every day to hang with my best guy friend, he is like a little brother, but now all grown up! I would be asked to stay for dinner almost every night since I was already there and she would allow me to take portions home to my little brother and my mother. We weren’t poor, but money was tight, she, Pam, was gracious enough to extend her hand and help others. There are two dishes she made that I have always kept with me: S.O.S. made with creamy mashed potatoes smothered in a mixture of cream of mushroom soup with ground turkey and some other fabulous ingredients. I have tried to recreate it but it never turns out the way she made it. She also used to make this chicken and rice soup, with lots of black pepper. MMmm I can imagine the smell right now!

    I would like to be able to win this contest to give to The Wiser’s who at this time need a spirit boost. Pam is the rock in this family and I am praying she pulls through and continues to grace this earth with her kindness.


  1402. Mac n’ Cheese and chocolate chip cookies remind me of child hood even now at 30 years of age I go straight for it whenever I go to souplantation. I even brought my kids up on it and it’s their favorite too. As for the chocolate chip cookies I can never leave with out having two of your cookies they remind me of the ones my grandma used to make but she’d give them to me warm with a little vanilla ice cream. Sometimes we take hom a bag and warm them to eat with you guessed it Vanilla ice cream.

  1403. we used to have something called camp stew…ground beef, tomato sauce, and ramen noodles. Not a fancy meal but my family didn’t cook much so when my grandma made that, we’d be in heaven.

  1404. It may sound gross, but I most clearly remember “hot dog noodle casserole”. I believe it was a combination of flat egg like noodles, tomato soup and hot dogs. We loved it.

  1405. My Dad was a pastor and so Friday nights was family night. Mother would make chicken and dumplings and homemade chocolate chip cookies. We would play SORRY, the game and eat the hot dumplings with lots of good chicken meat and then warm CC Cookies until we couldn’t eat any more. These memories are so sp[ecial because now they are both in Heaven and I miss them very much!

  1406. The most awesome food combo memory from when I was a kid was homemade biscuits and venison loin seared in garlic butter. Make them into a mini-sammich and they are delicious!

  1407. I LOVED our Sunday dinners. My Mom would always do a roasted chicken, turkey or a roast. She would start cooking early in the day and the smell that filled our house was AMAZING as the food cooked. Whenever I experience these smells as an adult it takes me back to those childhood days. Remembering what it was like to be a kid and how wonderful it was to sit down to a great dinner with everyone in your family. They are priceless memories and we have carried this tradition on with our own 3 kids.

  1408. The best combo is macaroni in hot chicken broth, flavored with ham and green onions . I’m not sure what special chemistry noodles and chicken broth have, but something magical happens when you combine the 2. Every time I got a sick as a child, mom and dad would come running to me with a bowl of this delciousness. Never had to ask for it. They just knew I it would be the best thing for me even if I didn’t know it. Now, as an adult, I still crave this “chicken noodle soup” as it comforts my soul (even when I’m not sick) and most importantly, reminds me of the faithful care my parents have for me.

  1409. My favorite comfort food that my mom made was cheesy broccoli soup and homemade breadsticks! When I make now for my family it reminds me of those days when I was a kid.

  1410. The combination of a grilled cheese sandwich and creamy tomato soup is very nostaglic for me and can still make me feel like a kid again!

  1411. Potato soup was always a comfort food in winter. And even though we were little we had to finish our bowl – if mom couldn’t see the flower on the Yorktown china, you weren’t done eating! And we always had muffins with soup. Usually from a Jiffy mix (we were in Michigan after all). Cornmeal muffins, apple cinnamon muffins, yum! The apple bran muffins at Souplantation take me back!!!

  1412. My favorite things from when I was a kid would have to be home made chicken noodle soup and home made bread. To this day when ever I’m not feeling well that is all I want to eat. it is so good that even when I’m not sick but maybe I’m cold I will make a huge pot of it.

  1413. My favorite meal my mom made was navy bean and ham soup with homemade cornbread. I still make it the same way for my family.

  1414. My favorite childhood memories was my mother making
    BIG pots of red beans soup with pork!! We were 10 kids,so we had soup every 2-4 days a week!!

  1415. That would definitely be homemade brownies topped off with vanilla ice cream! That would be my after school snack almost everyday 🙂

  1416. The Chicken noodle soup with its broad noodles and chunks of chicken reminds me of my mothers homemade soup when we were sick or cold days spent outside playing. There’s nothing more comforting. The Chili make us think of our grandpa spending the whole day stirring the pot waiting for the grandkids to arrive.

  1417. I remeber being a kid and wanting the same meals everyday. It was cereal for breakfast, PB & J for lunch, and Macaroni and Cheese for dinner. Yum!

  1418. My mom used to go square dancing and leave me with a babysitter for the night. In order to ease her guilt (I’m pretty sure), she used to make my favorite: cook-in-the-pot chocolate pudding. I loved having that and milk. Yummy!

  1419. Macaroni and cheese with my mom’s garlic cheese bread. One of my favorites as a kid! It was so simple but just so good 🙂

  1420. My Mom’s Nestle’s Toll House cookies were great but my Dad also cooked. His pancakes in the morning were the best. Real thin and crisp with butter and syrup, yum!

  1421. I remember chicken noodle or tomato soup on cold winter, snow days off from school. Comfort food is still the best!

  1422. my mom made what she called “cheese souffle” which sounded very fancy. it was just the leftover bread with cheese, milk and eggs, but it was fun and we loved it.

  1423. City Chicken. Since moving to the south, no one has ever heard of it, and it’s not something you can easily describe. It’s a mixture of meats ground together and breaded and then baked, sometimes on a stick. Is there chicken in it? Not sure. But whenever I think of home I think of city chicken dinners. They were a treat, not something we had regularly. But it was good and we always loved it when my parents cooked it! THAT’S a dish that brings back memories….

  1424. My mom didn’t make many things that weren’t from a box but one thing I miss the most is her oatmeal. She would make it with milk and put cinnamon sticks in while it was cooking. She would add a mixture of cinnamon and sugar on top right before we eat. So good!

  1425. My mom used to make goulash. Hamburger meat, frozen mixed veges, with elbow noodles and ketchup to give it zing of flavor…Yummo.

    1. My mom made that too but I’ve tweaked it a little bit now that I have my own family. If you like the zing of flavor your ketchup gives try using hot Rotel instead for a boost of flavor 😉 We didn’t put mixed vegis in rather just tomatoes, but I’ve found that I like the shell noodles better than elbow because they hold the tomato juice in them better. (i have also cooked it with ground turkey for a bit of a different flavor as well). I will have to try your version too, sounds yummy!

  1426. There wasn’t anything better than staying home from school, sick, and having mom make grilled cheese and tomato soup. It almost made being sick worth it! To this day it is my favorite comfort food. When I got an email from you advertising that very thing at your restaurant, I immediately packed my teen daughters into the car and headed down for some.

  1427. I remember the simple combination my mom made with broiled chicken & rice with cream of mushroom. I could and probably did eat my weight in that!

  1428. My grandmas pasta dishes that her mother taught to her. She would make a home made pasta sauce with BACON and green peppers. I wanted to pass this favorite of mine to my daughters. I have a tried to make it mysef but it never taste the same. Luckly they still have their great grandma to fix it for us. So we will get together my daughters, myself, my mom, my gramda, and cook and learn the secrets of generations past. We always have a good time and it’s a great way to keep my daughters involved with there great grandmother.

  1429. The food combo that conjures up great childhood memories for me is a slice of my mom’s famous chocolate cake and a big glass of milk. I remember not wanting to wait till after dinner to eat my mom’s delicious chocolate cake. I would always beg to eat just a little slice of cake before dinner, but it never worked. She would always say “No chocolate cake Sydney! You will spoil your dinner!”. After dinner I would always get very excited. “CAKE TIME!!!!!”, I would say. My mom would bring me my slice of cake and i would gobble it up! I even sometimes got an extra slice of cake if I ate all my dinner. By the time I finished eating cake and drinking milk, my entire face would be a chocolate mess!

  1430. PB & J Sandwiches with homemade vegetarian veggie soup (my mom would throw in some min ABC pasta and we’d call it ABC soup). The best was dipping my sandwich into the soup. Something about the sweet with the savory made me look forward to it every time….

  1431. Ironically, meal time was torturous (yet hilarious) to us kids, after a time. Mostly because my father, who was a single Dad, could NOT cook….oh, sure, he could boil an egg, figured out how to make a decent bowl of oatmeal. But, between the rock hard biscuits, the mac & cheese that didn’t taste like cheese, and leftovers of oregano-flavored corn, the cafeteria food at school was a welcomed treat. Sometimes a side of applesauce was the best thing on the plate. The fun of mealtime came with the laughter, sibling bonding, and inside jokes that developed from those meals. Ahhh, good times…good times.

  1432. My dad would grow tomatoes in the summer and Mom would can them. Then she would make sauce out of them and serve it over spaghetti. We had it every Sunday. Now I make it for my daughter.

  1433. I use to love when my mom would make her very yummy PINEAPPLE COOKIES. I still look forward to them now at age 28!

  1434. One of my favorite childhood comfort foods was broccoli & carrots topped with warm gooie cheddar chease & hot chocolate chip/cranberry cookies. yummo!!

  1435. Grilled cheese and tomato soup are high on the memory list. Also, malt-o-meal was a staple early on. I can still smell it if I think about it.

  1436. Growing up, Wednesday night was spaghetti night in our home–and I would look forward to it every week. My mom is 100% Chinese, but makes the best meat sauce I’ve ever tasted! Even now (decades later), I’ll ask my mom to cook a large batch of her sauce, so we can freeze it in small containers and enjoy it for months. 🙂

  1437. Coming from an Italian family, weekly spaghetti dinner was our favorite. Nobody makes spaghetti sauce like my mother – and she still does! We filled the table and our plates with lots of swirling spaghetti noodles, fresh crusty Italian bread from a real hearth baker, and green garden salad with oil and vinegar dressing. Sometimes there were meatballs, sometimes there was slow simmered cubes of beef. It still is the best!

  1438. My mom made homemade bread. My fondest memories are coming home from school and smelling the freshly made homemade bread as I opened the door. She always seemed to be taking the bread out of the oven as I arrived home. Then she would slice the warm bread and we’d lather butter and honey on it. I still remember the honey running down my arm as we had that after school snack together. Yum! Yum!

  1439. My favorite meal was always my mom’s green bean stew- I remember snapping the ends off the green beans for mom to make it….yummy
    green beans, tomatoes, potatoes, garlic, onion, bacon and a ham ham hock…. ohh and the dipping of the bread into the stew soaking up the deliciousness.
    I think I am going to call my mom right now and ask her to make some. (mine just doesn’t taste as heavenly)

  1440. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese makes me feel like a kid again!
    Also, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!!!

    (@souplantation – Free Meal #giveaway. RT to win!)

  1441. Well i am 19 years old, and my favorite food memory when i was a kid was making homemade raviolis with my dad. And to this day they are still my favorite food(:

  1442. Mac and cheese with either peas or sliced hot dogs. Yum!

    Mama’s ramen – she would make regular ramen more nutritious by adding in whipped eggs (think egg-drop soup style) plus frozen veggies. I still make ramen this way, especially when I’m sick, if I crave comfort food.

    Now I want to head to my mom’s house for her cooking…

  1443. My best memory was Chili and cinnemon rolls! I would put lots of chili powder and cheese in the chil, then load it up with saltine crackers. That along with a big gooey cinnemon roll couldn’t be beat!

  1444. My favorite food memory would have to be my moms fried chicken! I love that stuff, wish she’d come by ever night and make it for me! 🙂

  1445. Chicken noodle soup with homemade noodles. My Grandmother and then my
    Mother would make homemade noodles for the soup. I made them for many
    years and may have to make them again soon.

  1446. I learned how to bake cookies from my Mom. I was her helper to mix the ingredients, form the cookies, and of course lick the bowl…same thing with cakes. My favorites were chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal, and snickerdoodles. I learned so well that my Mom asked me to bake oatmeal raisin cookies every time I visited her. She died 8 years ago and I remember her when ever I bake cookies. Thank you, Mommy.

  1447. My mother made the most fantastic Eggplant Parmigiano with the tinest seasoned meatballs no bigger than your pinky nail. What patience!

  1448. One of my favorite things my Mom would make was potato (or potato broccoli) soup and cheese toast. Every so often I get that potato soup craving… run out to the store for those potatoes and miscellaneous ingredients. My cheese toast is never the same…nobody makes it like Mom.

  1449. One of my favorite meals as a kid (and now as an adult) is corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes. When I was a kid I loved corned beef so much that I would actually get depressed after St. Patrick’s Day because I believed that was the only day of the year that we could eat corned beef!

  1450. The one meal that I consistently made for my 6 children, and now for their families, was my Mom’s homemade thick crust pizza followed by the best gooey dessert ever…her Monkey Bread! Just last week, my kids were home for our youngest’s 16th birthday. Three pounds of Monkey Bread disappeared before dinner!!!!

  1451. My mom made two very memorable snacks for us as kids, neither of which would make the grade by today’s nutritional standards…but they were both delicious! The first was a butter and sugar sandwich. Pretty much as simple and as incredible as it sounds, this was two slices of white bread, one slathered with butter (or could have been Parkay margarine, I suppose) and dusted with real sugar. Not Sweet N Low. Not Splenda. The real thing, made from sugar cane! Then she’d cut the sandwich in two diagonally, yielding two scrumptious triangles of buttery lovliness. The second snack (I guess for when we ran out of butter) was a close culinary second – peanut butter and syrup! In a small dessert bowl, mom would put a scoop or two of peanut butter (Peter Pan ruled our roost) and coated it with a hearty helping of Log Cabin syrup. The gooey mixture made the peanut butter somewhat runny and able to be eaten with a spoon! It had to be tasted to be believed. I told this story to my kids on the way home tonight and they had a hard time believing that anyone would eat such things, much less feed them to a kid! Those were the days!

  1452. Beef dip sandwiches. Roast beef simmered in au jus and then put on hoagie buns. Also home spaghetti w/italian sausage and garlic bread was a big hit growing up!

  1453. my mom is sicillian, so she always just loved to cook every meal from scratch, my most favorite childhood food memory was, each day after coming home from school my mom would always have a homemade pasta & sauce with meatballs, or eggplant parmagana, this was an after school meal that i always looked so forward to..

  1454. crackers and peanut butter — and of course we’d end up competing to see who could get the most crackers in, half chewed, and whistle…drove mom nuts. Sorta. I think she was also slightly amused but didn’t want (dare) to admit it!

  1455. The best was tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner on a cold, rainy day. It also gave mom a reason to put the oven on so we would get any of the following: carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, zucchini bread, or pumpkin bread or muffins. Her delicious baking was always from scratch. Can’t tell you how much she is missed!

  1456. My comfort food came in a cardboard box–cereal! I loved having cereal at any time of the day, be it breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack. My favorites were Apple Jacks and Coco Krispies. The best part was slurping up the flavored milk at the end. Mmm…

  1457. When I was a munchkin, I loved homemade chicken pie. Still to this day it is the best when I am in need for comfort food.

  1458. My Grandfather would make the best breakfasts for us grandkids. He would baste eggs in bacon fat and make pancakes with our initials or animals in them. I miss my Grandfather.

  1459. The first memory of a delicious meal prepared by my Mom was her Hawaiian Chicken plate. The fresh pineapple, teriyaki glaze, and tender breast meat, and side of brown rice. Yum. Its been some years, but Mom can still cook, and I can’t wait to have this again.

  1460. My favorite childhood food memory is my aunt’s spaghetti and meatballs. My mom hated garlic and wouldn’t cook anything that contained it. Since my very favorite meal was spaghetti, I was pretty much out of luck! One day I happened to be at my aunt’s house when she was cooking spaghetti for her family and I hinted around until she invited me to stay. I thanked her effusively and told her how much I really loved spaghetti and that mom wouldn’t make it. From that day forward, every time she cooked spaghetti she called and invited me to join her family.

    My aunt has been gone for over ten years now, but I still remember how she thought of me and cooked me my favorite meal, probably much more often than her family wanted!

  1461. The food that brought great childhood memories were my mom’s warm bread pudding and brownies. They were SO good!

  1462. “Beans and Weenies”. Mom would make baked beans in a skillet and then add either cut up hot dogs or whole hot dogs. With eight of us at the table, it was easy and delicious. Great memories…..

  1463. Mom ‘s fried and baked chicken couldnt be beat. As a farm familly we always had plenty of roosters for that Sunday dinner or when company came. My brother would catch the rooster, and well, I only know how good it tasted when it was coated, fryed, and then baked. Along with plenty of vegetables out of moms big garden which us kids helped to prepare. Good memories!. Mom is in heaven and when I eat at Sweet Tomatoe I almost think I am. What a wonderful variety.!

  1464. Who doesn’t love the mac and cheese at souplantation?! I have to get it EVERYTIME just because its so good. What I remember from growing up was Moms taco salad! yumm!

  1465. I have two! On cold days, my sister and I absolutely loved mac n’ cheese with cut up hot dogs in them! We first had them at the babysitters house and mom started to make it at home. Now we are making it for our own families! The other is every year, one saturday, few weeks before Christmas ,us girls in the family get together to make our traditional Christmas cookies all day long. After all the baking is over with, the whole family then gets together for a Chilli Night Dinner. We make a big old pot of Chilli and make sure we have all the fixin’s for everyone and their tastes and desires that go into making their perfect bowl of chilli!

  1466. Peanut buttter and chocolate is a great combination, and my mom made the best peanut butter fudge in the world. It would turn out a little different each time she made it. Sometimes, it was a little to hard and you had to chisel off a piece, and sometimes it was a little too watery, and you could pour it over ice cream. Often, she would put cereal in it, or whatever she had on hand. to build it up a bit. I don’t have the exact recipe, and I’ve tried to duplicate it, but like my mom, it was one of a kind, and would be impossible to replace. I miss you, mom.

  1467. Growing up the child of Filipino immigrants, who were themselves amazing cooks and owned a successful steak-and-seafood restaurant, I was very fortunate to have access to excellent food at all times. Which is why the simplest, easiest, and sometimes oddest combinations of food always struck me as exotic and, therefore, a treat. At home, my mother would prepare rice to go with everything (everything), and something I loved was diced hot dogs with white rice. Yes, hot dogs and rice. The steam, the texture, the sticky, starchy, salty taste… it all brings me back to my childhood in the sixties and seventies. Throw a Flintstones cartoon on the screen and we’ve conquered time travel.

  1468. a good ol’ fashion peanut butter and jelly sandwich with chocolate milk makes me feel like a kid again! We use to grill them on stove (similar to a grilled cheese sandwich) it tastes absolutely amazing! With a banana and milk to round off the meal of course!

  1469. Grandma’s homemade Mac-n-Cheese, with extra cheese on top that was browned to a golden chewy top…mmmmm mmmm good. I was also very fond of her split-pea soup, mashed potatoes with turkey and gravy. A stack of graham crackers with ice cold milk for desert.

  1470. One of the favorite foods my mom made was a Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake. It may sound bad, but it was sooo good. To top it off, I use to put it in a bowl and pour milk over it. After sharing this memory with friends, I realized how weird that sounds, but it was normal at our house. I was reminded of this memory, when my daughter was asked to make a Thunder Cake for her second grade class, which has tomatoes in it. That was delicious, too.

  1471. My favorite comfort meal once I became a vegetarian in junior high school was garlic mashed potatoes with peppered green beans and a veggie burger or veggie nuggets. I still eat it when I’m not feeling my best and could use a pick-me-up.

  1472. Having 3 sisters I had to compete for ‘special’ time with mom. I loved Tuna sandwiches, which all three sisters hated. I also liked Tomato soup which they hated. So when ever I was sick or my mom just wanted to treat me special she would offer for the two of us to share our special lunch. Tuna salad sandwiches on toasted bread with a bowl of tomato soup.
    I know it sounds simple but that was the point, simple private time with my mom. To this day I have to eat my tuna sandwiches on toasted bread and prefer to dip it in tomato soup.
    Thanks mom.

  1473. Eating spaghetti and garlic bread with an ice cold glass of milk! Still to this day I can’t have spaghetti unless I have milk to drink with it!

  1474. My mother’s homemade cheesy scalloped potatoes, drowned in two kinds of cheese and bubbling goodness.

  1475. My mom’s chicken paprikas. She only made it once a year – on my dad’s birthday – because it wasn’t exactly a low-calorie meal. But boy, was it good! I’m now in my early 40s, and guess what? My mom still makes it every year on my dad’s birthday. And I still enjoy it every bit as much!

  1476. There was nothing like waking up in the morning and discovering that my mom had made pancakes and sausage. It’s something that I’ve always loved. I’d love just being able to eat nice, thick, buttermilk pancakes with a cold glass of milk. I feel like days were always good when she used to make them.

  1477. Eating my grandmothers home cooked rice and chick peas along with a malt soda brings back fond childhood memories. Yum!

  1478. My favortie childhood meal would have to be Halloween night.. mom either made Hot dogs (which were not served to often) or tomato soup and grilled cheese…. To this day Halloween night this is the kind of meal I would fix… and then race out with the kids to trick or treat and now it’s out with Grandkids to visit the neighborhood!!! Fun memories and simple food! Just like Sweet Tomatos!!! The BEST!!

  1479. Every birthday my mom would get my sisters and I a doughnut with pink frosting :] To this day around my birthday I crave those doughnuts and when I have one I feel so at home I could cry!

  1480. My brother and I loved Tuna Noodle Casserole, but my dad didn’t. So the only time Mom made it would be on nights that Dad was out of town for business. We always looked forward to Dad leaving town for two reasons: Tuna Noodle Casserole and presents from his trip!!!

  1481. Mac and Cheese is a definite comfort food for me. Kraft’s brand, usually but I often give other brands a try.


  1482. Rice and Beans! My mom always had a pot of beans and pan of rice cooking on the stove. When were kids we knew dinner was ready when a burnt smell began lingering from the kitchen. It was a rare treat to eat a meal that wasn’t burned, but then again its memories like these that never fail to make me laugh.

  1483. On Sunday mornings my Italian born Grandparents would fry pockets of bread dough. When they were cooked, they were puffy, fluffy, pita-like creations. They tasted great with salt or sugar and cinnamon (a bit like churros). The aroma filled the house and wafted up my bedroom every weekend.

  1484. What food reminds me the most of childhood? I think that many of us can attest to this, but the memory that comes to my mind is of eating chicken nuggets pretty much for every meal.

  1485. My fondest memory is of coming home from school and as my memory recalls, always smelling something baking in the oven. It was either a cake or cookies or something yummy. My mom is 83 and still has a stock of cookies (3 varieties) in her freezer so she can send some home with me, or anyone else visiting her.

  1486. Strawberry shortcake in July when the strawberries are extra ripe and sweet. Fresh whipped cream, just blended on top of a flaky, slightly sweet biscuit…these are a few of my favorite things!

  1487. Buttery, soggy in the middle, and oh so yummy describes the best grilled cheese sandwich in the world. On cold days or evenings, my mom would make grilled cheese sandwiches in the oven. They were so cheesy with the taste of real sweet butter in the middle of the bread. They middle was slightly soggy but a fine contrast to the crunchy edges. I made this for my daughters once. Although, they frowned at the appearance, they went crazy over the taste.

  1488. Potato salad, macaroni salad, Bar-B-Que chicken, and scrumptious chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream for dessert. Really, what could be any better than that for a tasty treat? I can add in all kinds of yumminess today as an adult but holding on to the very essence of American childhood nostalgia would be the added apple pie (or cherry was always my favorite). Bring on the fresh squeezed lemonade and you’ve got a right old fashioned kid’s party. The best thing about the food back then was the flavor which we seem to have lost today with over processing. We sauce it all up just so we can taste the food. When my mom used to make the potato salad you could actually taste the potato where today all I taste is the mayonnaise.

  1489. I like my Dad’s wings – not spicy though. Teriyaki and BBQ are my favorite. My mom makes really good mac – n – cheese, oatmeal, frittata (which is pan eggs with all kinds of stuff), I even like her meatloaf. I like Sloppy Joes too. My Mom uses turkey instead of beef because it is a little healthier and she doesn’t eat four legged animals. I love dessert the most though. She makes great cakes and pies. Milk chocolate and white chocolate are the best. My Mom’s salads are amazing, too. She’s a great cook.

  1490. My fondest memory was picking blackberries with my friends in the woods down from our house. My mom would make fresh blackberry cobbler and home made vanilla ice cream.

  1491. I totally remember eating at a buffet when I was little and remembering how special it was to be able to pick exactly what I wanted! I would take a little of this and a little of that. I would mix new kinds of food and try some very interesting combinations – most of them edible. And I remember that my mother would always make me clear the plate, so I was careful enough to not let my eyes be bigger than my stomach 🙂 Even more, it was about being with my parents and showing them my creations and sometimes they would even try them. It was a special time. And now we continue with our girls having the same experience. And you can bet that we make them “clean their plate” …

  1492. Tomato soup and rice with a grilled cheese sandwich! Any time I was sick my mom would make this for me…still to this day she does that!

  1493. My mom would make the most wonderful french toast on Sunday mornings. It was a simple recipe, but sometimes the simplest things are the most delicious. Thinking of the cinnamon, butter, and maple syrup on top makes my mouth water!

  1494. I have a favorite comfort meal when I used to get sick. My mom would make me chicken noodle soup and a toasted cream cheese sandwhich. The soup was so warm and the cream cheese sandwhich was cool, but crunchy. I would dip the sandwhich into the soup and mmmm heaven. Nothing like soups to heal and uplift the soul, well and mom’s too 🙂

  1495. Every Easter my sister and I would look forward to our big family gatherings where my aunt would make the most amazing sugar cookies that were shaped like chicks and bunny rabbits. They taste like heaven and magic in your mouth! We just couldn’t get enough! My sister asked my aunt for the recipe but she said she wouldn’t give it to us – and it would give us a reason to keep coming back to her house every year even as we grew older.

  1496. My favorite memory is when my grandma made meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I really miss coming home to that smell and I can never get it just right like hers. <3

  1497. My parents would make boiled beef with rice, and a little bit of broth. It’s actually very simple, but to this day I ask for it (because I never learned how to cook it).

  1498. One of my favorite food memories has to be potato soup and grilled cheese. Mom made so many yummy cookies, oatmeal raisin, snickerdoodles, but the best of all time has to be chocolate chip…going to call mom now 🙂

  1499. I remember when my mom used to make Thanksgiving dinner and start so early in the morning. She would boil all of the turkey innards with celery and salt to start the gravy. She would even put pieces of meat in the gravy. That gravy was some of the best gravy I’ve ever had and I long for it to this day. The stuffing was so moist and delicious when it came out of the turkey. A friend’s mom recently made it almost the same way and it brought back some awesome memories. Mom is no longer here, but I appreciate now what she did for our family.

  1500. When I was a child my mom was rarely ill, but when she was Dad took over the cooking duties. He had three meals: noodles and butter, scrambled eggs and let’s call out for pizza. As an adult I gravitate to butter noodles or scrambled eggs when I am tired and there is nothing else prepared in the frig.

  1501. I remember grill cheese sandwiches, soup, and ice cold tea in summer. We would make a picnic under the trampoline for the shade.

  1502. I loved visiting my granny whenever there was a break from school. She made the BEST pancakes, and she made them for me for breakfast every day when I would stay with her. She added some secret indgredients that made them taste fantastic. I have tried to duplicate her recipe, but can’t come close. She will still make them for me now if I ask her, and it always takes me back tomy childhood days.

  1503. Pigs in a blanket with a side of homemade potato chips. My mom would wrap a flaky, buttery crescent roll around a thick, beefy hot dog and bake until the roll was a golden brown. It paired perfectly with her homemade potato chips, made with thin slices of potato and lots of love 🙂 Nums!

  1504. Grandma’s house every Sunday – fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, the works! The conversations as good as the food – surrounding the table with aunts, uncles and cousins! Fun memory: Young (3 yrs or less) cousin reached across table and her mother said scoldingly, “Where are your manners?” The youngster looked at her filled plate and replied as if she sought another tasty menu item, “I dunno – Where’s manners at?”

  1505. Mac n’ Cheese was always my favorite as a kid and it’s always a favorite for my 6 year old and I whenever we go to Soup Plantation. We love it!!!

  1506. Our Italian kitchen was always filled with wonderful smells of food, My most favorite memory was coming in from the chores on the farm and smelling the delicious scent of tomato sauce with basil, oregano, and a heavy aroma of garlic, cooking away on the gas stove. I knew it would be a macaroni, meatball and salad meal. There was always a roast with either beef, lamb, chicken or pork to accompanied by vegetables, and fruit and cheese. Desserts were always home made and rich and delicious. This most likely accounts for my healthy girth as a senior citizen of 72.

  1507. My favorite childhood food memory; corn on the cob, sliced onions and tomatoes, wilted lettuce and fried new potatoes – all from our garden. Fresh and delicious! We used what we called (horse corn), or field corn – not sweet corn. It was crisp and wonderful and I have never found a meal since then that has been so wonderful to eat.

  1508. When i was a kid there were so many good foods that I liked. That was back in the day when every meal was a homemade one. No such thing as fast food….it was just coming on the scene. Good food still brings back memories. It is just too hard to choose one. for breakfast, pancakes and sausage with yummy real butter and homemade sausage with a tall glass of Oj and some fresh fruit. For lunch, grannys tomato soup and a grilled cheese and then a special trip for a simple ice cream cone. For dinner just about any meat with mashed potatos and creamed corn. To this day these are my favorite foods and bring back that warm and fuzzy feeling of days long gone. people say change is good for progress sake, but I say some things if not broke shouldn’t be fixed. Simple and delicious.

  1509. One of my favorite meals was something that was really odd. My dad taught me to eat kimchi sandwiches: white bread, American cheese and a couple pieces of kimchi. A friend’s mom once said that in Hawaii, they use mayonnaise instead of cheese. Every time I fix one of these, I think of my dad.

  1510. My mom used to make what she called a “mixed plate”. It was a little of this and a little of that all in little seperate places on the plate. No wonder I love Souplantation. I can make myself one giant mixed plate!

  1511. we had tins of sardines on toasted english muffins followed by tinned mandarins
    – there was no souplantation in those days!

  1512. I love the classic spaghetti and meatballs! To satisfy that craving now, I just use italian sausage for the meatballs instead of just plain hamburger. It’s the little things!

  1513. Fluffnutter sandwiches and for dessert dirt cups – oreo cookie crumbles, chocolate pudding, and a gummy worm in it too! Yum 🙂

  1514. My father died when I was less than a year old so my mother worked full-time. My grandmother greeted me every afternoon with some kind of snack. My favorite was her delicious peanut butter cookies and milk.
    I also loved her fried chicken and mashed potatoes!
    On Saturday when mother was home and we didn’t have to rush off anyhwhere my mother made delicious waffles.

  1515. Wow, so many things remind me of childhood, but tomato soup and grilled cheese has to be #1! I loved it after coming in from a cold day playing in the snow.

  1516. Growing up my mother had a knack for making a meal for next to nothing. She must have had a dozen recipes that cost very little, and could feed an army. When I think back, the one I always remember with a smile is her homemade tuna macaroni casserole with potato chips crumbled on the top.

  1517. Mom’s version of Borscht!!! Mom made this soup with tomatoes, carrots, potatoes and beef broth (in place of beets). Super delicious!

  1518. On Sunday mornings, Dad, not Mom, would make us waffles from scratch, he knew when each batch was done because it took him just that long to read one page of the Sunday funnies.

  1519. I remember Mom’s corn fritters and also corn meal mush that she refrigerated in a loaf pan, then sliced and sauteed, served like pancakes with syrup…mmmm.

  1520. My mom grew zuccini in her garden and baked fresh zuccini bread, served with a bit of butter! Mmmm. Made me so excited to come home from school!… Another one of her after-school snacks I loved was low-fat vanilla yogurt topped with red and green apple slices and dusted with cinnamon!

  1521. My mom baked fresh zuccini bread from home-grown zuccini & served the bread with a bit of butter 🙂 I also loved her after-school snacks of low-fat vanilla yogurt with red & green apple slices & cinnamon dusting.

  1522. My mom & I would always bake choclatechip cookies together on the weekend so my dad would enjoy them on his only time off of work. Then my younger brother & I would dip them in milk and laugh as we’d try to fish them out of the glass. We would create a mess but it was worth it every time. =)

  1523. Homemade mac & cheese! My mom didn’t make it too often, but when she did, it was a meal in itself!

  1524. When I was a kid, I liked chicken noodle soup with boiled potatoes … it was my favorite meal. Now when I go to SoupPlantation, I will get a bowl of chicken noodle soup, baked potatoe, spinach and carrots and mix them all together on a plate (with just a little of the broth). It is so YUMMY! I got one of my friends to try it and she loved it too!!! Thanks for having so many wonderful choices for us to choose from!!!

  1525. I loved having breakfast at night – pancakes, bacon, etc. Also, I remember my mom steaming artichokes, melting butter on the stove and then we would dip the leaves and scrape them clean. YUMMY!!!

  1526. Navy Bean soup and fried cornbread bring back good childhood memories. Sweet Tomatoes is the place to go for “comfort food”.

  1527. One of my favorites that my mom would make was cream chipped beef on toast. I’m not even sure what was in it or how she made it but it was always good. Tomato soup and grilled cheese was also a favorite. Yummmmm!!!

  1528. my mom would make home made chicken, so i mean everything from scratch. she would steam her chicken of the bone and add carrots ,green limas and fresh tomatoes from the garden ,mushroom,and okra and corn.oh my goodness.and she always had a big homemade cake, coconut and jelly layer cake ,or lemon layer cake,with lemon glaze .wow iam making myself hungry

  1529. Grew up on a farm. In helping feed the hire hands who helped with the harvest season, menu was fried chicken,gravy, green beans and home made rolls. Yum, Yum.

  1530. Mom baked our own bread using starter instead of yeast. She used this bread to make “Popeye Sandwiches”. Use a juice glass to cut a hole in the bread, grease a skillet with butter, pop in the bread and crack an egg in the hole. Salt and fry to perfection. Don’t forget to fry the hole also!!!!

  1531. In our home, the 29th of every month was gnocci night. It was a tradition my parents kept from their home country. My mom and I would make te gnocci from scratch as well as the tomato sauce we’d pour over it. Then we’d stick a $1 bill under our plate while we ate for good luck in the upcoming month. For dessert my mom would make the BEST rice pudding ever! We’d always top it off with some cinnamon. Great memories! I can almost smell the tomato sauce cooking!

  1532. I grew up in a vegetarian household. I am in my 50’s so I didn’t know any other vegetarians while growing up. We often ate vega-links on toast with tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese. It was delicious. I introduced vega-links and super links to my children (who are now young adults) and they, too, enjoy eating them.

  1533. My mommy makes the best food and it’s hard to pick which is my favorite but I would have to say homemade 7cheese and macaroni is one of my favorites! 🙂

  1534. tapioca

    when i was younger (i ma 34 now) my great grandmother used to make me tapioca pudding from scratch. it was AMAZING!! not only did she make it fresh but when i arrived at her house it was the perfect temprature to eat. Sometimes the smallest things make the great memories. I still to this day do not know how she got the timing just right every time so it was luke warm when i got there. oh well it is a magicial memory:)

    1. i forgot to mention the home made chicken soup from her old irish recipie that was for dinner with it. i to this day try to replicate it and cant 🙂

  1535. Meatless dinners were frequent in our 1960’s home – well before it was popular. One favorite was macaroni and cheese with baked beans and brown bread with cream cheese; we still have this once in awhile for fun, but have now lightened-up the ingredients. Other popular dishes were chili and corn bread (made in the corn ear shaped-cast iron pan), and a spaghetti based “goulash”, and a dessert bread pudding.

  1536. I’ve always loved grilled cheese and tomato soup! I make it a bit different than my Mom used to but it’s still an old time favorite!

  1537. When I was in junior high my favorite food at lunch was Fish Sticks and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and for dessert a no bake brownie.I love it even today.I would love to see that at Sweet Tomatoes.Fish is good for you too.I just love this.Also when I was growing up.My dad would fry fish and make hush puppies and grits.

  1538. I loved… and still LOVE Mac and Cheese! But nothing finishes off a great lunch and dinner better than the soft serve ice cream. Chocolate/Vanilla swirl topped with chocolate syrup! That takes me back!

  1539. My fav childhood memory is eating noodles in spiced chicken broth. The broth/curry made slurrpy sounds every time we sucked the ends of the noodles…it was messy but generated lots of giggles from both my brother n me.

  1540. vanilla ice cream and chocolate brownies

    Chocolate brownies with chocolate icing topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream sprinkled with chocolate syrup some white chocolate flakes and sprinkles maybe even some whipped cream-yum. makes me feel like a kid again

  1541. Dancing around the pool table to oldies from the jukebox, with my Brother, Sister and Dad while Mom made her famous homemade pizza – that’s my favorite childhood food memory!

  1542. Delicious spaghetti with meat sauce and homemade rice pudding, my favorite part was scrapping the bottom of the pudding pot and getting all the yummy crust!

  1543. I remember whenever I was not feeling well, my grandmother would make a batch of rice pudding with cinnamon…mmmmmm….it always made me feel warm and loved. Then when I was feeling better, she would whip up a batch of oatmeal cookies with chocolate chios instead of raisins. Grandma was awesome! ……great memories…

  1544. My greatest memory as a kid was when My Mom made for us these delicious light weight treats called rosettes. She made them with shapes of flowers or butterflies, made out of iron, which She would dip in hot oil, then into a batter, then back into the oil. The light crispy cookie is done in minutes. She would put yummy toppings on it, My favorite topping was with Ice cream on top, or as Ice cream sandwich.
    To be a kid again!!!!

  1545. My favorite meal when I was a kid was fish sticks, macaroni and cheese, and apple sauce every Friday night during Lent. For dessert, we’d have a big slice of chocolate cake. I always thought that Lent wasn’t long enough and I couldn’t wait for that time of year to come around so I could enjoy my favorite meal.

  1546. In elementary school in NJ, the lunch lady wood serve tomato soup plus a tunafish salad sandwich using a hotdog bun instead of bread. For some strange reason I still remember how good that was!

  1547. My mom would make a chicken soup with spinach and potatoes. I didn’t really like potatoes in my soup so she would blend the broth with the spinach and potatoes to make me “Green Soup”. Then with the chicken in strips sprinkled on top…. yum! I thought it was cool to eat green soup and my mom thought it was cool that I was eating veggies!

  1548. Mini pizza English muffins. My mom used to make them especially on cold evenings in the broiler of our oven. First heat the muffin halves face up in the broiler till they got slightly crispy while I grated the mozzarella, then lather on some of our favorite homemade marinara, sprinkle the freshly grated cheese, close the door and voila, two minutes later a batch of some of the best pizza was on the plate. So yummy. I could barely wait for them to cool down enough, and would almost always, invariably burn my mouth. So worth it.

  1549. i remember eating grilled peanut butter, jelly, and banana sandwiches, grilled in butter and then dipping them into a glass of cold milk….mmmm. who knew about health then? the peanut butter would be hot and melted…i’m drooling thinking about it.

  1550. My Mom made Pennies and Eggs for dinner once in awhile, which was thinly sliced hotdogs cooked with scrambled eggs.

  1551. Mom’s Potato Salad – she still makes it for potlucks! Chinese chicken and rice, spaghetti and meatballs. Oreo cookies dipped in milk. Yay!!

  1552. My Dad Jim, was a baker, who by the way made a fruit cake for Pres. Truman, (but that is another story). This reciepe I never experienced, (he made it only one other time, for his wedding cake), but he often made chocalate chip cookies! He made it from scratch and he never could scale it down , so he made dozens and we often gave them away at the holidays that is, fter my brother and I ate our fill….)

  1553. Not together, but my childhood tasted like my mom’s lasagna (made with whole wheat noodles) and homemade grape juice popsicles. Even now when I drink grape juice it brings back the summer heat…. 🙂

  1554. As a kid I loved my mom’s pumpkin bread. Also on cold or rainy days she often had warm, fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookies waiting for me when I got home from school. Thanks mom.

  1555. Champorado (warm rice porridge w/ melted chocolate) with pandesal. It’s my favorite breakfast and go to comfort food growing up in the Philippines. I dip the freshly warmed pan de sal on it and it makes my fatigue or worst mood just slip away.

  1556. Friday night fish fries with mac-n-cheese. Mema’s biscuits. The other Mema’s apple butter. Mom and Dad’s waffle cookies. Family time around the table at my grandparents, no matter what they served.


  1558. Peanut butter, banana and raisin sandwiches. I ate those 3 times a week for lunch for 12 years and never got tired of them.

  1559. The combo that brought me the most comfort as a child was fried egg over easy atop buttered toast– yum! It still makes my mouth water!

  1560. If it wasn’t a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup, then it was Chicken noodle soup and a BLT. Both remind me of being a kid.

  1561. my mother never cooked. she was one of those working girls, and she couldn’t be home early enough to make dinner. however, my grandmother was around to raise me, and, everyday after school, my grandmother would have one of three things ready for me: a plate of cooked spinach and scrambled eggs drizzled with a bit of soy sauce, one hard-boiled egg with salt, or a big glass of milk. i don’t drink milk anymore (it’s not that healthy for you; almond milk is much better), and i am trying to cut back on my egg consumption. however, i look back on those memories fondly. =]

  1562. Salmon and warm rice…my mom’s best friend was from Alaska…every year we would get a freezer full (and salmon roe too-yum). Miss those days and miss my mom too…

  1563. I ate what I wanted.. so for about 6 years I ate a diet that consisted solely of Pepsi, sour cream and onion potato chips and Big Mac meals lol still a size 2, thanks to genetics!

  1564. Thinly sliced corned beef from the deli sauteed in butter and then put between two pieces of bread; it’s certainly not low fat, but that’s why it always tasted so good!

  1565. I grew up on a farm and everything was homemade! We even ground our own wheat, made butter, canned everything, etc. On of my favorite things growing up though was making homemade ice cream. We didn’t have an automatic maker either. It was one that we took turns cranking the handle. Growing up on a farm, everything that was in the ice cream was fresh too! Mmmm… loved it! For dinner it was sloppy joes with homemade buns. Sooo good!

  1566. I remember my Mom making us rice crispy treats. So good when they were freshly made all warm and gooey !!

  1567. I loved my mom’s chocolate chip cookies and chocolate cake with homemade chocolate frosting. I can still remember the wonderful smell and taste of the frosting to this day. Thanks to my mother for always baking as I growing up that I finally decided that I want to be a pastry chef. So I am currently going to school to become a better baker and chef.

  1568. When I think of my best childhood memories, the vision of our long dining room table filled with many goodies and loud Italians come racing into view. My mother prepared as if 50 people were coming to join us and would make the biggest “potpie” loaded with vegetables, tuna or chicken. She would toss some whipped potatoes into the gravy and caution us to wait until it cooled down before plunging in.
    My grandmother would make trays of cookies and date nut bars on hand so there was always dessert after every meal. The Soup Plantation gives me a similiar sense of “completion” as we finish our soup and baked potatoes with a dish of frozen yoghurt or chocolate cake. Thanks for making memories come alive.

  1569. When I think of childhood I think of going to my grandma’s house on the weekends. If she knew I was coming over she would spend the latter half of the day cooking one of my favorites…BAKED MAC N’ CHEESE or CHICKEN N’ DUMPLINGS… mmmhmmm =) She would make everything from scratch and to this day it was the best mac n cheese and chicken n dumplings i have EVER had!!

  1570. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a big glass of ice cold milk will forever be with me. I looked up to my big brothers too and would see them make “triple-decker” PB&J and I thought they were so awesome.

  1571. Pasta and homemade meatballs every Sunday was always a winner! After church the onions and garlic started to roast, then the diced and pureed tomatoes were added. Some red wine and seasonings, and poof! The best homemade sauce ever! Meatballs had to have veal and pork, but don’t forget the wine! Every Sunday when I make sauce it brings back memories of my childhood and loving family that filled Sundays with laughter.

  1572. A good old fashion BBQ. My best memories from a rough childhood was the weekend BBQ. Dad would cook chicken 90% of the time on the grill. Mom made the red potato salad, beans, and veggies. My sister and I would hang out at the pool and run around the backyard. Now as a parent I am in the kitchen making salads and side dishes. My husband cooks on the grill and the kids are in heaven. I live to BBQ and in Florida I am blessed with cookout any given day.

  1573. The GIANT pot of homemade tomato sauce my mom would make. Getting home from school and pouring it over a slice of bread. It was amazing even when it was cold. MMMM!

  1574. My mom was a great home cook so I have lots of food memories. One that stands out has to be her “pastel totop” which is an Indonesian dish that is truly comforting, warm, and hearty. Just think of a chicken and vegetable potpie but instead of a pie crust as the topping, there’s a thick layer of mashed potatoes that have been browned in the oven. Made with love always. Thanks mom!

  1575. I remember when my mom used to make my favorite manicotti ! It was the best. Or when she used to make baked chicken. Yummy ! 😀

  1576. Every Saturday my father would make “Clean out the Refrigerator Soup.” Anything and everything went into the pot with a dash of this and a dash of that. Each week something different but always delicious. Miss you dad!

  1577. My mom’s meals were ALL good. But she was at her best when the cupboards were empty and she had to make us a meal of what ever she could find. A can of tomato sauce and 2 potatoes, herbs and spices made the best potato soup. To go along with that she would hand make flour tortillas, that she would put a little shredded monterey jack cheese in to make quesadillas. Mmm. Another one of our “Poor foods”, (thats what I call them now) was corn tortillas torn into little pieces, fried in oil til crispy then she would add a can of tomato sauce and melt cheese on top with some refried beans. Now known as Nachos. Those were the best meals
    Love you mom.

  1578. I grew up on the Gulf of Mexico so we would always set crab traps on our dock to catch fresh blue crabs. We would cook them and simply eat them with some melted butter or make fresh crab cakes and eat them with some spiced tomato soup. Yum.

  1579. My mom used to make a vanilla pudding based pie with a crust made out of vanilla wafer cookies. I would always help by eating the vanilla wafers; she would never have enough vanilla wafers because her “cookie monster” would eat a lot of wafers and hide some for later.

  1580. Porcupines (meatballs made with rice o roni and ground beef).. served with noodles.. Yummm… Makes me miss my childhood and my mom..

  1581. Grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and “pig in the blanket” (vienna sausage with a biscuit wrapped around it) were a couple of different lunches that I recall.

  1582. My grandma made “cruschik” a Polish fried donunt-type pastry, long and thin, and twisted in the middle, dipped in powdered sugar. I have since learned that many cultures have a donut or fried bread-type of pastry, but my grandma’s home-made”cruschik” was a much-loved treat for her grandchildren, including me.

  1583. macaroni and cheese made by my dad!! nothing more comforting in the world! How many dads cook for you (in 1963)?

  1584. Mom made excellent sloppy joe sandwiches, I always hoped I could have them for my wedding meal! Big dreamer that I was! I also aspired to be a truck driver, obviously at 6 years old, I had no idea how hard that job actually was!

  1585. My best memory of comfort food as a child definitely would be my grandmom’s dinner of meatloaf, homemade mashed potatoes with brown gravy and green peas. Yumm!!! It was such a hearty meal and great for cold winter nights. I make mine with ground turkey instead of beef, but it’s still just as delicious! 🙂

  1586. My favorite childhood food memery is preparing peanut butter on toast with hot cocoa for my little sister and myself after skating on Cedar Lake in Ramsey, NJ. Our fave soups were homemade chicken and veggie with star pastina and Italian beef with tomato and acini de pepe pasta. We grew up on pasta, but now when I go to Sweet Tomatoes, I must love it from afar! Boohoo! When I eat Sweet Tomatoes cookies, it reminds me of one childhood friend who lived in my neigborhood, Gina Laitta, made the absolute best chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever had.

  1587. A birthday tradition in my family was Mom making each of us 7 siblings our favorite cake. Mine was, and still is, angel food cake with a wonderfully delicious gooey icing. The best cake I’ve eaten! What memories.

  1588. When I was a child I used to spend a week at my grandparents for a “vacation”. My Grandmother allowed me to an make ice cream sundae with syrup and sprinkles and cookies. It was a masterpiece! When I got home I tried to get Mom to do the same thing but what happens at Grandma’s sometimes can only happen at Grandma’s.

  1589. The smell of Mom’s peanut butter cookies baking–and the vision of those tasty treats with their crisscross marks of “love” on top!

  1590. My Mom made “macaroni stuff” when we had a special occasion. Kraft mac and cheese and chunks of Spam! It was warm and filling and, to our kid-sized taste buds, one of the best meals ever. Yay, Mom!

  1591. Potato Soup! coming home at lunchtime to find warm, creamy white potato soup with little signs of butter melted into it, and flecks of black pepper. Could have consumed a gallon of it. Very comforting and delish! Haven’ seen a recipe like it anywhere.

  1592. Homemade pancakes…I remember spending the night at my grandparents house and my sister and I always knew that meant pancakes in the morning…I would love to wake up to the smell of them and couldn’t wait to sit down and dig in! They were the best pancakes to this day…I love that memory of my grandparents!

  1593. When my Mom made her famous spaghetti and meatballs, my brother and I never had to be called to dinner! Yum!

  1594. My mom would make grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches ;0 She also tried top ramen with milk one time:(.

  1595. My mom made the best homemade matza ball soup. I would walk in the door after school, smell it cooking on the stove, and find her wherever she was in the house and give her a big hug and kiss. Unfortunately she passed away four years ago from cancer. But now I make it for my husband and 12 year old son. Funny thing is, my son gets excited when he smells it cooking, and runs to hug and give me a kiss. When he does, I smile and think of my mom.

  1596. When I was growing up my Mom would make soup in the winter…even though she was a volunteer and a nurse. My favorite was always the split pea soup as she used both green and yellow split peas and fresh peas and carrots. On a cold or snowy day, that soup was amazing. We always had some warm bread too: corn bread, Irish oat cakes, pillsbury rolls; I guess whatever my Mom was in the mood for or simply had in the house.
    Takes me back…

  1597. The food combo that conjures up feeling like a kid, would be peanut butter & honey sandwiches with a side of grapes & an ice cold glass of milk —- it always makes me feel like a kid again. I can remember my mom making that and bringing it outside in the yard, I felt so special, getting to have a mid-day picnic!

  1598. Mac and cheese and hot dogs always bring back memories of my childhood summer time picnics with all the family. It always reminds me of the fun I had growing up and spending time with my family.

  1599. When my mom was rushing off to work she would always leave a big pot of oatmeal for us for breakfast with all the fixings. Since we grew up in a cold climate she knew we needed something extra to keep us healthy. It warms my heart that she cared so much to get up extra early for work just to do that for us.

  1600. Believe it or not, my mom use to make us sauteed spinach with onions, and tomatoes. It was so good, we use to eat it as a snack. I especially remember it, because it was such a unique food fix. I still love it today.

  1601. Bubble gum icecream, peanut butter parfait, peanut butter cup, mac cheese, and oreo cookies with milk! Delicious!

  1602. When I was a young kid I remember going to my Grandmothers house every Sun. for dinner. She is 100% Italian so we would have a three course meal. She would start us out with a home made soup that she called “basta with peas” then we would get a bowl of Pasta with homemade sauce. This would be followed by meat and her awesome garlic mashed potatoes!!! She was an amazing cook, and we all loved when it was time to go eat at Grandmas house!

  1603. I remember being a kid growing up in Illinois, where the winters are brutal. I lived about
    5 blocks from my elementary school and it was such a small school, we didn’t have a lunchroom. Looking forward to lunch at exactly 11:55a each day, I would run home in the chilly air (sometimes
    below zero) to eat a homemade grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup, chil with macaroni, mac and cheese or vegetable soup with pasta in it (minestrone). Any
    of those would warm me up and stay with me until 3:15 when my class of 30 kids would head
    home to do homework, play in the snow or walk my little dog, Luv.

  1604. grilled cheese sandwiches, chicken nuggets, and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies with milk make me feel like a kid again!

  1605. I remember going camping all the time. Before we would go we would make hobo stew. In a pocket made from tin foil, we would add potatoes, steak, carrots, celery and seasonings with whatever other stuff we wanted. Then while camping we put our pockets over the camp fire and dinner was ready. We would eat it with snake on a stick which was dough. So fun!!

  1606. My mother was the world’s worst cook. Granted that she was only 16 when she married my father (46) and was his fifth wife. My dad owned several restaurants and didn’t marry her for her cooking. My favorite food was at one of his places called “The Lyric Grill” in In. was a grilled hot dog served on a grilled Fink roll. I would eat the hot dog and ask for a re-fill. Then I would fire my brother Jimmy.

  1607. SUCH a toss up, but I am going to have to say Kraft Mac ‘n’ Cheese casserole and a tall glass of milk! What made it a “casserole”? Why, the Fritos layered across the top of course. Wish I could still eat like that!

  1608. I grew up the youngest of 7 kids… With a cuban american mom and a cuban dad, our meals were always a blend of both worlds and i remember cuban bread being a necessity in our home so we would always eat sandwiches ( sweet ham, serrano ham, swiss cheese, yellow american cheese, and all sorts of condements) but always on cuban bread and my mom used to bake chips by slicing potatoes and putting them in the oven with a bit of olive oil salt and pepper… desert was guava and ceam cheese pastries! goodtimes, goodtimes!

  1609. I loved my moms “homemade spaghetti” really i grew up and found out it was just Prego sauce and cooked ground beef and noodles but it was still great to me! Now I make spaghetti with my own sauce recipe passed down to me by my mother-in-law because my husband refuses to eat Prego spaghetti lol. But I still secretly like Prego spaghetti better haha!

  1610. It was a favorite, but I wouldn’t eat it now… My mom used to cut four 1 inch cuts into a slice of round baloney and then fry it so the edge would curl up a bit. She then put that slice between 2 pieces of white bread. She called these “Windmill Sandwiches” which is what the baloney looked like after she fried it.

  1611. My mom makes the best Scotcheroos. She learned the recipe from her grandma. The recipe is on the internet now. They are reaaaaaaaaaally good. We eat them with milk.

  1612. We had Calico Beans when I was a kid. It had several kinds of beans, ground beef and brown sugar. Very yummy.

  1613. My mom makes the best Chicken Noodle soup with dumplings. I ‘ve never seen anybody make dumplings like my mom (well, except her mom and her mom’s mom.) It’s my favorite food.

  1614. Kind of a toss up between mac ‘n cheese and shepherd’s casserole. The mac ‘n cheese was made from fresh macaroni noodles, sliced cheddar cheese and a little milk and the shepherd’s casserole was a layer of tomato sauce, then ground beef and green beans, followed by more tomato sauce and topped with mashed potatoes, butter and sprinkled with paprika. Yes, I do miss them both!

  1615. fried chicken and strawberry shortcake will send me straight back to the farm in my food thoughts. so special at our house.

  1616. To this day when I taste pancakes and sausage links, I fondly remember how special it was when my mom would serve us breakfast for dinner! Sometimes she would add chocolate chips to the pancake batter and my brother and two sisters and I were in HEAVEN! I remember it was okay to have the sausage links roll into the sweet maple syrup… I have carried on this tradition of breakfast for dinner with my own kids and they get just as excited as I used to get! =)

  1617. My mother use to make my sister and I chocolate gravy over toast. It was a real treat for dinner! I passed it on to my two girls when they were growing up. They have brought it up many times over the years as a “special” memory.

  1618. Absolutely first thing that popped in my mind was my mom calling us in from playing outside in the summer for a lunch of peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and potato chips with popsicles for dessert — all enjoyed while watching Bozo’s Circus on WGN channel 9. Best meal ever!

  1619. Homemade chocolate chip cookies made from a recipe my mom had when she was a kid. Since they were best while warm and gooey, it didn’t take long for a batch to disappear!

  1620. Almost everday for lunch I would ask my mom for a peanut butter and Jelly sandwhich with a peanut butter cookie and a glass of milk. Best. Meal. Ever!

  1621. My favorite growing up my Mother made for my Brother and I is Spagetti and toasted garlic bread. It is now my Daughters favorite meal. Although I love my spagetti and garlic toast warm, My daughter will eat leftovers straight from the refidge. Traditions may change however my favorite food will remain the same.

  1622. When I was a kid I remeber us always wanting my mom to make her special tacos. I remeber only putting sour cream, cheese, meat and KETCHUP on them. And to this day i still put ketchup on homeade tacos. Its funny because people say thats so gross, but really its not. Instead of putting tomatoes, I put ketchup. Tastes great,you should try it!

  1623. succotash made with home grown corn and lima beans. I grew up on a small farm in Kentucky. We had a large family and grew most of our own food. In the summer the whole family would work together to harvest, prepare, and freeze or can the food. I still remember our “assembly-line” family putting away the sweet, fresh corn and lima beans for use the rest of the year. It brings back wonderful, fond memories and the hard work was good for us kids too.

  1624. Sherry Chicken. Tenderized and stir-fried with a sherry sauce. I’ve been a vegetarian for a more than a decade but I stll fondly remember that chicken and mom’s pot roast.

  1625. As a child i was raised in Northern Az and in the winter my parents always made warm and hearty meals. My favorite and best memory was a big pot of Homemade Chili w/ground beef and Kidney beans, green chilis, and lots of onions! We’d top our bowls w/a dallop of sour cram and cover it w/shredded cheddar cheese and dip warm wedges of honey cornbread baked in a cast iron skillet which my mom used bacon grease to keep it from sticking! Now i carry on the tradition for my kids, who @ 5 and 2 years old just love it!

  1626. Grilled Cheese (Wonder White Bread with American Cheese, Grilled in the perfect amount of butter) with apple jelly!!! Sounds odd, but it is beyond delish!

  1627. chicken soup with cooked white rice! yumm… i go to the fremont place and seriously.. the chicken soup taste/smell just like my mommy’s chicken soup! love it!

  1628. One of my favorite childhood memories was coming home for lunch when I was in grammar school. I would rush home for lunch from school and my mom would have buttered noodles waiting for me. You could top them with either ketchup, bacon bits or have them plain. Then, my mom would whip up a chocolate milkshake in the blender. She would serve a chocolate milkshake in a tall, cold glass with a straw along side my bowl of buttered noodles. Yum!

    My next favorite was a grilled cheese sandwich prepared with thinly sliced tomatoes instead of the tomato soup on the side. Both the gooey cheese and the tomato in the grilled cheese sandwich were warm and tasty. It was a perfect combination.

  1629. My grandparents lived on 42 acres! They always had fields of gardens growing during the summer. My sister and I would spend summer with them. I have the fondest and yummiest memories walking in the garden to pick these giant tomatoes, fresh cantelopes (we called “musk melons”), sweet, sweet strawberries, fresh peas in the pods- yummy! You could actually taste the fruits and veggies back then! We would sometimes walk out, pick what we wanted and eat it right then! We would sit on my grandma’s big swing munching cucumbers and pretend we were on a plane going to a faraway destination; truth is we wouldn’t have traded being on that swing with grandma for the world!

  1630. Gooey, grilled, double cheese and think sliced onion for grilled cheese dipped liberally in creamy tomato soup. This was always a favorite as a child and my kids love it now too!

  1631. I loved quesadillas! White tortillas baked with cheese and baby tomato slices inside. Then topped with plain yogurt. The taste of crunchy toritlla filled with stringy cheese and hot tomatoes with a mix of cool yogurt was the perfect snack….and it was so easy to make! I think I know what I’m making for dinner toninght =)

  1632. grilled cheese and tomato soup remind me of my mom. She was a wonderful cook, but this is the combination that reminds most of her.

  1633. Chicken noodle soup for lunch on Sunday was my favorite one. My mom added a lot of fresh vegetable such as carrots, savory cabbage and spinach leaves. I used to volunteer to clean up the pot. Even though Souplantation’s version is different form my mom’s, it’s worth the bi-monthly visit.

  1634. Pizza or hamburgers with soda pop were my favorite kid foods, because they were tasty, fun, and we rarely had them, so they were a treat!

  1635. Big Chunk Chicken Noodle Soup!

    Whenever I got sick growing up in the chilly and rainy Pacific Northwest, my mom would always make me homemade chicken noodle soup as one of my main meals. always made me feel better. i still love her family recipe to this day as it reminds me of comfort, home, and love. still, i think we’ll keep the secret that Souplantation’s chicken noodle is actually my favorite recipe between us!!

    having it each time i go to souplantation or sweet tomatoes in oregon is like a trip down memory lane. sometimes i almost even crave a sprite to go along with it. 😉

    and one last thing: i love adding a little fresh asiago to big chunk chicken noodle! that makes the bowl of soup one of the most delicious things in the WORLD. 😀

  1636. My favorite childhood food combo was mixing corn, the corn must be canned niblets, in to my mashed potatoes. I still love that combination!

  1637. Split pea soup with tiny matza balls and croutons and a slice of rye bread with butter

    Cold beet borscht with boiled potato and a slice of pumpernickel bread with butter

  1638. One of my best childhood memories… I was born up North, so snow was just a part of life. My brothers and I, along with cousins or neighborhood friends, would play outside for hours. When my mom knew that we were cold and needed to come in, better than the three of us, she would call out to us. After taking off our snow boots and suits, we head straight to the kitchen table. Without fail there would be hot cocoa that was made on the stove top, as there were no microwaves then, and buttered toast. It may sound strange, but we loved dipping that buttered toast in the hot cocoa. That is one tradition I plan to pass on.

  1639. Whenever I came back from school, my mom would always make us something different. My favorite would be mini pizzas made from bagels cut in half, tomato sauce, cheese, and other toppings that we wanted to put on top. On hot days, she would freeze juice in ice containers with a stick in the middle so it would be like a popsicle. Simple, but so good!

  1640. Homemade peach ice cream on a hot summer night! I remember sitting at the beach, eating homemade peach ice cream, with fireflies lighting up the tree line behind me, and fireworks on the beach. It was amazing!

  1641. Homemade banana pudding…yummm! And I remember my mom’s squash and onions…so good that even when I didn’t like vegetables I liked this dish. That, and her meatloaf…still the best I’ve tasted anywhere. (miss you, mom!)

  1642. My mom would make this dish called Sausage Bread, which consisted of a pizza crust flattened into a long rectangle, covered with tons of cheese and hot Italian sausage with another pizza crust on top sealed at the ends and baked until golden. It was like a sauceless calzone and it was so delicious!

  1643. I ate 2 Eggo waffles every single day for breakfast growing up. Drenched in tons of butter and syrup. Every time I have one now it reminds me of mornings before school. I wasn’t the skinniest kid in school, but I was happy!

  1644. Food that conjurs childhood memories are:
    dipping tuna sandwiches in the tomatoe soup.
    ice cream with nuts on top
    nuts in my 7 up
    chocolate cake fresh out of the oven and butter to spread on it
    ranch dip with vegies!

  1645. My Mom made the most fantastic apple crisp which had gooey granny smith apple filling with brown sugar and a crisp topping which we couldn’t get enough of. It was always topped with homemade vanilla ice cream.

  1646. When the aroma of “ABC” pasta browning in a pan reaches me and I hear the light, crispy sizzling I’m instantly whisked back to being a kid and anxiously awaiting my mami to call us to the table to eat. As my rich, full-flavored tomato-y abc soup was getting cool enough to be gulped I picked my way through the alphabet from A to Z and had a great time making words with the letters. We would add different mix-ins all the time, like fresh-squeezed lemon or tortilla chips or cilantro or rice and beans or milk or avocado…mmm… My kids are big fans of that same alphabet soup and think it’d be a great addition to the soup bar at their favorite eatery–Souplantation! With soups and mac ‘n cheese and grapes and ice cream and cookies and plenty of elbow-room it’s like their personal heaven.

  1647. I remember each time my mom would come in from grocery shopping – my brother and i always would make bologna sandwiches with miracle whip and put a handfull of rippled potatoe chips on top of the bologna, then the bread -and SPLAT!! all the chips would be crunched up and we would have a loud crunch with each bite!! We couldnt wait for moms to get home from shopping – it was crunch time!

  1648. My parents would make chili and cornbread with honey butter on a regular basis. It’s no wonder that all of my trips to Souplantation include a trip to the soup station. Getting a cup of chili and piling it up with fresh green onions, cheddar cheese, and a bit of sour cream takes me back to memories of my youth. Then I head straight to the corn muffins and honey butter. Is it as good as my Mom used to make? I’m not sayin’… I got in enough trouble with Mom when I was a kid!

  1649. My mom’s yummy spaghetti with meat, green and red peppers, onions, garlic, tomatoes and pasta sauce. Amazingly delicious! It encouraged me to eat all of my vegetables. LOL.

  1650. Nothing beats a spicy hot chocolate with whip cream on top, served with freshly baked molasses cookies! We still do this!

  1651. I really enjoy my mom’s Asian style chicken rice soup. She uses jasmine rice to cook up some flavorful rice soup. Then, she combines thin pieces of slice chicken meat with some vegetables which includes young yellow ginger and green beans.

  1652. Chicken Balls! The were a mixture of chicken, cream cheese and chives wrapped with crescent roll, lathered with butter and rolled in bread crumbs. When baked it created a soft but crispy outer shell. Delicious!!

  1653. My mom used to make this awesome baked ziti with the ricotta and everything in the oven. I just liked how cheesy it was and when it got a bit crispy on top! brings me back to being a kid!

  1654. Grilled cheese and tomato soup was a staple of my childhood. Whether it was Campbell’s and real cheddar or 4B’s cream of tomato and american, I rarely passed up the opportunity to endulge. Even in the summer, it seemed to hit the spot every time.

  1655. hard to go wrong with grilled cheese sandwiches. grilled peanut butter sandwiches were great too! thanks, mom!

  1656. I loved every single thing my mother cooked up during my childhood; I ate it all! The best was probably the homemade “Subway” sandwiches, where she cut open baguette bread, and I was offered a choice of different condiments to add including Turkey, Pepperoni, Vegetables, dressing, and so forth. YUUUUM!

  1657. My mom opened a lot of cans for our meals, as she had been raised out in the country and moved to the big city of Dallas in 1945. Therefore, anything she cooked from scratch was a treat! My first thought goes to mashed potatoes or pan fried potatoes. We always had some kind of potatoes for each meal. Then, white cream gravy, made with just white flour, corn oil, and milk, was usually served.

    Yellow sweet cornbread with pinto beans was to die for!

    After school, my brother and I would cook our own grilled cheese sandwiches in the oven. We never grilled them! I don’t know why not! We also enjoyed the little frozen chicken pot pies. My favorite part was the sauce on the crust. They could have left the green peas out at the time and the chicken gristle. Yuck!

    Then, there was the canned spaghetti that mom would open and add fresh cooked ground hamburger meat to for our Italian nights! LOL!

    I’ll have to say her fried chicken was always tasty. She only used flour, salt, and pepper for the coating, but she could cook it crispy and good.

    My grandmother made the best chocolate cream pie on earth and I thought that’s what Thanksgiving Day was all about! She left me the recipe and when my 6 kids were young, I baked it just like grandma and everyone thought I was a great pastry chef! I couldn’t take credit, but to this day, I’ve never tasted a pie like it!

    Just about everything was washed down with a big glass…or several glasses of iced tea with way too much sugar!

    Thanks for asking me to take a trip down memory lane, as I am now a fruitarian and all that wonderful food is of the past. Most days. ; )

  1658. Mine has to be Turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy. I loved sitting at the little kid table and putting water on the seat of any of our cousins that got up to get seconds or thirds. haha.

  1659. Growing up, my favorite was Baked Sweet Potatoes. Open it up and add butter for a delicious side dish. Sweet Potatoe French Frys are not bad either.

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