Favorite Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes Memory Contest

We’re still busy celebrating the 35th birthday of Souplantation and wanted to share some of our past with of you! In1978 the first Souplantation opened in San Diego and was credited as being the first casual eatery brand to serve fresh, wholesome menu options. Thinking about our history brought up some fun facts we remember about 1978:

One of our first coupons issued in 1978! (Note: We no longer accept this coupon!).
  • “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” was filmed in San Diego
  • Dan Fouts, quarterback for the San Diego Chargers, finished the season with a rating of 83.0
  • The San Diego Padres won their season opener against the San Francisco Giants
  • The national average price of a dozen eggs was 48 cents
  • The movie “Grease” was released
  • Space Invaders, the arcade game, was released
  • Album of the year was Fleetwood Mac’s Rumors
  • Jane Fonda won Best Actress for “Coming Home”

Moving forward, we opened our first restaurant outside of San Diego in 1986 and in 1990 the first Sweet Tomatoes was established in Florida. Since then we’ve just continued to grow! Now with over 125 restaurants in 15 states we have had the opportunity to serve millions of customers, and we want to hear about your memories!

Share your favorite Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes memory in the Comments area by 11:59pm PST on 3/31/13 to be entered to win – 10 lucky winners will be chosen at random and receive a pair of free meal passes! 

 *Don’t worry if your comment doesn’t appear immediately below, our staff is reading and approving them as quickly as we can! This will not affect your entry into the contest, all responses received prior to the end of the contest period will be entered to win.Winners will be notified via their email address entered to comment.

778 thoughts on “Favorite Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes Memory Contest”

  1. My sweetest memory is when we spent a wonderful evening of dinner there with a very special aunt. Aunt Ginny was a kind,loving and caring person. Sunday we lost her but, it’s memories like that which help you remember the good times!

  2. My favorite memory is the first time I went to Sweet Tomatoes it was in Fresno and I loved it and since then which was about 5 years ago I have stop going. I enjoy eating there because all the vegetables are fresh and good for you.

  3. My favorite memory has to be the first time I tried the grilled cheese bread last year, that’s only available in March. That, and the caesar salad are by far my favorite items at Sweet Tomatoes!

  4. My fave memory is my daughter trying all the different vegetables for the first time, and she has continued to be adventurous and love veggies!

  5. I was sick this winter and I needed some chicken noodle soup and healthy veggies to help fight my cold. Sweet tomatoes really make me feel better. That soup is amazing.

  6. We’re new to Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes so we don’t really have any awesome memories…..yet, except for the delicious food!!

  7. Hi –

    My favorite salad is the Taco Salad! I just recently found it…. I believe it was the salad of the month for January or February. That salad rocks!

  8. Annie France,
    My favorite memory is recent: taking my fiancé and his son to Sweet Tomatoes near our gym in Kansas City, MO. We work out as a family and enjoyed Sweet Tomatoes endless variety. Which includes the ever necessary Mac and cheese and soups to please every palate. That with fee fat fee yogurt simply put you over the top. Now it’s a favorite of ours on the weekend.

  9. I love going there for dessert! I ‘bribe’ my, now 8-year old daughter into eating her veggies/salad by enticing her with the prospect of dessert: chocolate brownies, soft serve ice cream and a serving of chocolate syrup! I make sure she pretty stuffed on the first course before we attempt the finishing one, though!

  10. My favorite memory was a few years ago at the Duluth, GA location. It was a very cold day and it started sleeting very heavy. After work I met some friends at Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. As we were eating, the sleet was really coming down and everything was frozen. The Sweet Tomatoes staff announced they were closing due to the weather. They came to everbody’s table and gave us a bag of chocolate chip cookies hot from the oven.

  11. When I get my taxes back I treated all 12 of our family that live here to sweet tomatoes,we all get together and like celebrate,since we never celebrate any holidays,so it was always something to look forward to. But there is 1 sad part,my grandpa died,my grandma cant leave the house,my sister n her kids were not talking,my other sister and I is not as close as it use to be,my mom she moved out of my house and she and I arent as close either. But me and my kids try to visit 2 maybe 3 times a month. We love the varity. Thankx for your creations. Good luck thankx for listening.


  13. I tested lot of food from different restaurant, but nothing like yours. You have lots of verities in salad bar as well as inside the rastaurant and as much as you can eat is the great deal. Mainly, the food is very very tasty that you don’t want to throw away any food from your plate. I and my husband, just enjoy eating every bite. And my friends they always looking for the coupons and they come to me. And they enjoy your food as well.

  14. When my baby girl said one of her first few words, “More.”. I have four kids and they all LOVE Sweet Tomatoes.

  15. My favorite memory is recently our whole family went and enjoyed a really awesome meal and conversation together. Besides my grandaughter keeping us in stitches the one thing that stood out was the dinning room attendant. She was really on the ball and we tipped her well.All the employees are super when it comes to customer service. We love this place:) Thanks Sweet Tomatoe’s. The Peek family.

  16. This is the only place my son will eat mac and cheese. If it is not from Sweet Tomatoes than he won’t even look at it! We love eating here on the weekends.

  17. Love this place—somewhere where I can take my family and all of us be satisfied.
    Thank you Sweet Tomatoes!
    Storm Lantz

  18. Wonderful times with wonderful friends while we have enjoyed your wonderful cusine. Thank you.

  19. Eat Healthy, Eat Fresh! We have many memories, but the best one is that our kids learnt to eat veggies at Sweet Tomatoes!

  20. A whiny child was having a temper tantrum and he pulled away from his mom and walked over to the ice cream station. He picked up a small dish and when he lulled the handle towards him to release the ice cream it splattered ice cream all over his face and shirt. It was hysterical.

  21. I loved the lemon chicken soup it is my favorite – wish it was there all the time.

    I also love the brownies – warm – ummm

  22. I remember my first trip to Sweet Tomatoes with my parents and grandparents when I was only 7 years old. We were on our way to a play in Tampa, and my Grandmother was going on an on and on about how much she LOVES Sweet Tomatoes. We stopped in, and at first I thought the entire restaraunt was just a salad bar. Little did I know that it was only the beginning. My parents helped me get a nice plate of salad, a small bowl of soup, and the BEST Cornbread I have ever eaten (to this day — seriously, I love your cornbread!) From there, I was only more excited by the bottomless icecream (frozen yogurt) and sprinkles you have too. Every time me and my husband eat there now, I remember how exciting I was to discover this great restraunt.

  23. It’s not usually cold here in southern Arizona, but a year ago we had an uncharacteristically cool day when my husband and I went to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch. It was warm and cozy in the restaurant with a pleasant hum of conversation. One of the soups that day was Vermont Cheddar and I ladeled myself a bowl of it. I stopped by for some 4 cheese bread and sat down. I can’t describe how good the combination of the two was! I sat with my spoon in one hand and my bread in the other and took a sip of soup, then a bite of bread then repeat, repeat, repeat. It was so good I thought I might not be able to stop!

  24. The most memorable times I’ve had at Sweet Tomatoes here in Henderson, Nevada are the ones with my niece and nephew. My niece would fill up her soup bowl nearly overflowing with chicken noodle soup, while my nephew would only have raisins, broccoli and JELL-O. If I won the prize, I’d likely take the two of them out for another trip to their (and their uncle’s) favorite restaurant.

  25. I remember the first time I tried the chicken and biscuit soup/bakery… and then we came back once a week at least all month long. It was amazing and still my favorite comfort food, I look forward to it’s season so much!

  26. On February 8th I went into labor at the sweet tomatoes in plantation, and gave birth to my handsome baby boy the next day, nineteen hours later! I never did get to finish my chocolate ice cream. Anyway, there’s no way I could ever forget that!

  27. My best memory was meeting with friends that I had not seen in a long time after having lost nearly 100 lbs and seeing their reaction to the new me! Throughout the diet, Sweet Tomatoes was my go-to place when eating out. I could fill up with lots of “diet” options and enjoyed the meal.

  28. My favorite Souplantation memory is one year when our entire family from near and far got together and enjoyed a great meal at Souplantation!!

  29. My favorite memory is when my mom and I went to the Clackamas location just after Christmas we were treated so well that we have decided to return there to eat again and have recommended it to our friends. As well they were willing to take the rest of the gift card and apply its balance to the next person that came through the line. I even had a worker since no one was in line chat about the movie we had just watched.

  30. While we may not have been to the first Sweet Tomatoes but we been to a few of the first to open in Florida. Where ever we go in Florida, we always look for a Sweet Tomatoes to go to.

  31. My husband and I took my visiting in-laws to Souplantation for their first visit. The restaurant was very crowded. It took us 30 minutes to get through the salad bar. My tiny mother in law was carrying her huge travel purse and when she lifted the tray off of the counter the weight of it plus her purse threw her off balance and she dropped the tray just as she reached our table. By the time she went through the line again we were done eating! She wanted to cry and of course my husband had to laugh. The busser was so kind – “don’t worry, I’ll clean it up.”

  32. well my wife and I love the freshness of your buffet. How many restarants that try to do the same just cant compete. Your choices of soyps and salids are top notch thank you Sweet Tomato.

  33. We love your Sweet Tomatoes here in Florida. Feel’s so good eating all that great healthy food.

  34. After using a coupon from a goup of coupons that were e-mailed to me, a gentlemen whom brought his family with him, requested the 20% discount coupon (that I was not using) and was able to use it for his family as well

  35. I love seeing the kids come back with these ginormous desserts. With leaning ice cream towers covered with fudge and sprinkles. And the acrobatic walk back to the table without losing a drop.

  36. Every time we eat at Sweet Tomatoes…it makes a memory for us. The staff is so kind and it feels like we are being invited for dinner! Our family feels so comfortable there. The food is always delicious. It’s never just a meal for us….it’s an event. Thank you, Sweet Tomatos, for all you do to make dinner at your place a treat!

  37. We also love your consideratuon like a gluten free menue I myself have has Irritable Bowel Syndrom, and have never had any problems with you food, excellent aaa.

  38. We just recently discovered Sweet Tomoatoes. I will never forget the looks on my daughters’ faces (12, 11, 9 and 9 are their ages) as they saw all the soup and wonderful choices. They kept coming back to the table saying, “O my gosh, you won’t believe what they have!!” When I told them that they could make their own dessert, I thought they’d explode from the excitement!

  39. My favorite memory would be discovering your restaurant right around the corner from my new office when I first moved here! At the time, you did not have locations in my prior home town!

  40. I moved to Florida from Ohio at the beginning of 2012. On my birthday shortly thereafter, I walked into Sweet Tomatoes for the first time and after a fantastic lunch said, “It took me 66 years to find the perfect restaurant — so now I will have to live at least 33 more to enjoy this!”

  41. Escondido, ca is our favorite Souplantation restaurant. You are met at door with very enthusiatic welcome. Everyone that works there is friendly and courteous. We been multiple times at the Souplantation restaurants in San Diego, Vista and Oceanside. Escondido is difinitely our favorite. No comparison.

  42. my husbon asked me to merry him a a sweet tomatoes, we go there every april we us the place as a good and bad place. we went there on the day we found out i needed a pace maker. we went there when my husbon found out he has caner. we go there every birthday and then just to get out.

  43. My favorite sweet tomatoes memory was when I swore I could smell fresh baked cookies as we ate our meal, and then, moments later, a sweet young lady approached our table with a basket of fresh cookies, and offered some to us! I was as excited as a little kid. Those cookies were fabulous.

  44. I remember setting our 6 month old son on your table in his carrier and introducing him to vegetables. He liked cucumbers the best, he would grab on to it in his tiny fist and just naw on it till there wasn’t much left in his hand but plenty on his face. Both our boys were taught to love fruits and veggies from your wonderful restaurant. They are 9 and 11 now. We only wish we didn’t have to drive 4 hours to see you, we have done it 3 times in the last 3 years since we moved to Virginia. Thanks for all the great food and great memories!

  45. My fist experience with Souplantation was in San Diego when I had 3 small children. I was thrilled to discover that I could enjoy healthy food at a buffet and my children LOVED everything on the menu!
    Thanks so much, I still love you today as much as when we first met!

  46. My whole family LOVES Sweet Tomatoes the kids are always asking to go there for their Birthdays it is so healthy and delicious!

  47. My dad passed away 8/19/2010. He always loved Sweet Tomatoes. On 2/20/2013 my mom called and asked if I wanted to go to Sweet Tomatoes that evening. As we were filling our drinks I turned to her and asked were we celebrating Daddy’s birthday. The 20th would have been his 70th. She smiled and said yes. We both enjoyed our meal with the knowledge that Daddy was there with us in memory.

  48. Sweet Tomatoes was always my restraint of choice because of the huge variety of foods. I remember as a child going with my grandma to Sweet Tomatoes and laughing about jokes and making “lemonade” out of water, sugar and lemons! It was and still is such a wonderful place to go!

  49. So many memories I have been going Sweet Tomatoes every week since you opened. My son was a baby and now he is 21 years old . I used to take my father and he loved it as did the whole family my dad has past on but the memories of us at Sweet Tomatoes lives on and my family and I will be making more memories every week Thank you

  50. I started my child young eating all kinds of fruits and veggies so this was the perfect place to go. I remember how nice all the wait staff were, so helpful. and the managers would always come and talk to us. Would you believe he is now 16 and this is still one of his favorite restaurants to go to? I would say you will have a lifelong customer in him and the rest of my life customer in me. Love you guys.

  51. I don’t ever have French Onion Soup anywhere but at home when my mom used to make it from scratch. My thought: no one could ever make it like mom. However, I saw the French Onion Soup at Sweet Tomatoes the other day and I couldn’t resist so gave it a try. TEARS CAME TO MY EYES (and it wasn’t because of the onions). It was because I closed my eyes and for a moment, I was transported back to my mama’s kitchen enjoying the precious times of us cooking together. My mom passed away a few years ago and this was just a sweet reminder of her and her home-cooking that was always made with SO MUCH LOVE!!!!
    Thank you Sweet Tomato for something so simple that means so much to me & my memories.

  52. On a cold shopping day in December, my friends and I were hungry , tired, and obviously cold. We decided on soup and salad for lunch. We couldn’t have chosen a better place. The salad’s were so fresh and so many to choose from. But the best was the cream of mushroom soup. A nice place to sit down and not be rushed and socialize with friends. I only wish they had the cream of mushroom soup every day.

  53. My Favorite memory is when I was introduced to Sweet Tomatioes back in 2004 when I settled in here in SWFL. I enjoyed my Lunch, the company I was with. It was a Pleasant & Tasty experience and I now am a Fixture in your establishment & highly recommend it to all who have not ate there YET!

  54. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes memory is when my entire family ate lunch there and each person actually found something they like to eat and no complaints about allergens were made.


  56. Every SUNDAY after Church we go have fresh delicious salad and wonderful soups. It’s like sunday dinner and you don’t have to clean up! I PRINT OUT extra coupons and put them near the front so others might enjoy the same pleasure with a few pennies off as well. I love the fact that they open early on sundays and I hope to help my store pick up more AFTER CHURCH business! It’s healthy and wonderful food for you and your family!

  57. We love your restaurant. There has always been a great selection. However, we now have a couple of family members that are gluten free and it would be great if there were a couple of gluten free rolls or muffins or brownies. I make gluten free brownies that are better than regular ones, they would be a great replacement.

    Keep growing.

  58. My favorite memory was going there for the first time in October 2012- as we didnt have one in NY and we had just moved to NM. My son wasnt feeling well and wanted to get some soup so we stopped in to try it. I loaded up the salad as that looked amazing and couldnt wait to see what soups there were available. When my son saw the Chicken Noodle soup he was so so happy! His eyes lit up and had to have had 4 bowls of it 🙂 That Mac and Chees was also a hit! It is our favorite place to eat and since that day we have taken my husband and his parents – all of which had never been there and now love it also! Thanks for making such wonderful food in a great family atmosphere.

  59. I will never forget taking my grandchild for the first time to your restaurant and she was so excited to go through the line as I said she could take anything she wanted, and looking down to her plate all I saw was cherry tomatos….I then reminded her that what she takes she has to eat…and she said I will and believe it or not she ate it and wanted more!

  60. Been to a lot of different kinds of buffet restaurants and the one that is the best is souplation, I leave feeling like I had a really healthy meal. Every thing is do fresh and the restaurants are always clean have had nothing but good vibs from the staff. I can’t say anything bad about souplation.

  61. My most favorite memory of dining at Sweet Tomatoes was when myself and a friend were having lunch and my friend got a different kind of soup than I did. I chose what I think was the chicken pot pie soup which was great and she chose the brocolli and cheese soup. I was about full but just had to try the broccoli and cheese soups so I did….twice or three times! That was the best soup I have ever ate and had I known ahead of time that it was so wonderful, thats all I would have ate! Love it!

  62. One of the first places I went when I moved to San Diego. Love this place!! It’s a very healthy and yummy place to take my family.

  63. I remember my family and I was passing by sweet tomatoes in our hometown in Fort Myers Florida, we decided to stop in and check it out, being that we eat healthy. And low and behold that was the best decision we made. We so enjoyed eating lunch at sweet tomatoes we had dinner also there too. We all love the variety of salads, soups, breads, and desserts that we could chose from. A few years ago we moved to Atlanta, Ga and one day my family and I was driving in Gwinnett County and we just happen to see a Sweet Tomatoes in a plaza.. So we just had to stop in and do what we do best…. We are life time patrons of Sweet Tomatoes and we enjoy eating

  64. I remember the first time I ever went to Sweet Tomatoes, about 3 years ago. I was not a big salad eater back then, so I was a little skeptical!!!! BUT!!!!!!!! I was very impressed at how fresh and tastey your salads were. And each time I would go there would usually be at least one type of different salad there to try!! I never thought a buffet could be so fresh and healthy!! I love Sweet Tomatoes!! I go there at least once a week now with my coworkers or family!

  65. My favorite time at Sweet Tomatoes was when I was in Florida to see my sister in law. I asked her what we should have for lunch and she said that there was a good healthy buffet called Sweet Tomatoes. When I went there I was greeted by yummy green salad and toppings… after packing my plate with superfoods, I ate in bliss…. the soup station was just delicious and the desert just topped the cake 🙂

  66. Before we moved to Oklahoma, we shared a meal with our neighbor, Gabriel, at the Souplantation in Huntington Beach, California.

  67. The first time I walked into a Sweet Tomatoes I know my eyes must have widened as big as tomatoes. I love veggies and salads are my food of choice. I could not believe the many choices layed out in front of me. I started with a little bit of everything and before long I had a PILE of salad on my plate. I felt like a hog but soon I challenged my thoughts with a”at least it is all healthy”! Then the choices of soup was tough but I nailed it down to the tomatoe bisque. The corn muffin was so warm and delicious! Last but not least, the frozen yogart finished me off. I left there stuffed and happy. Each time I visit Sweet Tomatoes, I get the same experiences. The nice part of each visit is the food choices change so I get to try new items.

  68. Still remember surprising Joel for his 30th birthday–totally unsuspecting till he saw his grandparents there.

    Memories of our grandson, Nicholas, eating all of the noodles out of his chicken noodle soup. Mom had to cut up the chicken chunks, they were just too big for a little two-year-old to eat. Now he is 8 and it is still his favorite. Gotta add those oyster crackers from their own separate little bowl.

    My husband teases me every time we go to Sweet Tomatoes. No matter what soups are featured, I always have to have just a little bit of your wonderful chili!

  69. Our family lived in Southern California and we frequently visited the Souplantation in Brea. It is one of our family’s favorite restaurants.
    Our daughter had just gotten her braces off and had retainers. She removed them to eat and wrapped them in a napkin. When we left she forgot to take them. She remmebered them soon after we had left teh restaurant but not before the table had begun being cleared.
    She told her story to the server, who got the table clearer from the back. He provided exceptional customer service and checked his dish bin. Not finding it there, he searched through the recently tossed trash and found her retainers still wrapped in the napkin.
    We were so grateful to have received such above and beyond service to find the lost retainers.
    We have been telling others this story for years and we always look for that helpful employee whenever we visit.
    Thank you for providing a healthy dining option and hiring high quality employees.
    Please keep expanding as some of our family have moved to the East Coast and miss visiting regularly. We make sure to visit whenever we are back in CA.
    Happy Anniversary!

  70. my sons grew up eating at sweet tomatoes
    they have the love for soup and sweet potatoes

    now they enjoy other things
    and where they will end up nobody knows

    one thing is for sure
    when we hungry – the first thing we think of is

    sweet tomatoes

    many times we wanted food that makes us feel good for days

    and many times we get nourished at the sweet tomeatoes in oakwood plaze

    but we also like boca off palmetto pk rd
    and the one across from universal on kirkman rd

    and we also like plantation and we like

    off 95 in pbgardens

    and we like the one across from buena vista

    we usually go to sweet tomatoes like 2 to 4 times a week

    thank you for feeding us with the old fashioned good stuff

    and the freshest the better

    when dr oz said how do you stop all these diseases and cancers

    the nutritionist showed many things and man

    i though it was an ad for sweet tomatoes

    all the stuff that heals you is at sweet tomatoes

    thank you thank you thank you thank you for my sons

    being so strong healthy and smart


  71. My favorite Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes memory was when I had lunch on a saturday afternoon. I was very hungary and the great variety of foods filled me up.

  72. There is a group of us that get together to celebrate our birthdays.. The birthday gal gets to pick the restaurant and the date. A good percent of the time we pick Souplantation. We love it. Last time we came I got one of your brownie muffins and put a little of your soft serve ice cream on it, then put a candle in it and sang Happy Birthday and we had our own little celebration for the birthday gal. The people around us got a kick out of it and put a smile on their face as well.

  73. Taking my daughter there every weekend since she was two! She loves it and so do I. She always finishes her salad. Now my baby boy enjoys our weekends there too

  74. Hello,

    This is our all time favorite place to dine. We dine with you often. We have had many wonderful family gatherings, meeting new family, celebrating Mothers Day , Birthdays etc.
    We are impressed with the freshness and quality of your food………….Love it! Not to mention you can eat healthy if you so choose……… Glad for that option.

    Dave & Kathy Burke

  75. I realized that every time I eat at Sweet Tomatoes I always get the exact same thing I decided to try some new items! Now I try new things! They always have NEW and DELICIOUS salad items and soups! Joan’s Broccoli Salad is awesome! (I always get that!) Everything is always FRESH! Thanks Sweet Tomatoes!
    Jennifer Ingram

  76. I remember going to the souplantation in Rancho Cucamonga CA about 12 years ago when my boys were about 10 years old, and watching my son walk back to the table with his ice cream sundae,we always made him wait and tell everyone had finished there’s soup n salad, so when he was walking back to the table he had a smile on his face that I will never forget, we still eat there every Saturday. Only now my little boys are 24 and 22 we love us some soup plantation.

  77. My favorite restaurant is probably the Souplantation in Brea, because it’s the one I’ve been to the most but really my favorite is any one I’m at. The quality of food, staff, and restaurant is consistently good!

  78. About 12 years ago I had a party for my 7 bridesmaids at Sweet Tomatoes, today that same restaurant is still in the same location. It has always brought great memories, sharing good healthy food with friends and families. Now I bring my husband and kids here, it’s a great place to relax and eat and try new menu items. I have introduced this restaurant to new visitors or friends new in town. I really like the many choices and variety and it is fresh. I rather spend my money here than on fast food places.

  79. My best memory of Souplantation was when it first opened in my town. We had to wait for hours to get in and eat, but it was well worth it. Thanks.

  80. In 2006 my daughter wanted a memorable birthday party different from what her friends had been doing. She decided to have the biggest slumber party any of her friends had been to. I had a friend who had just built several houses to sell and asked if we could have the slumber party in one of the big empty houses as it would be perfect, they agreed. My daughter thought it would be fun to rent limo to pick everyone up in go to lunch and then down to the beach. The limo was expensive and small so we rented a 15 passenger van that I drove. I picked up her friends and we made our way to lunch at her favorite restaurant “Sweet Tomatoes”. The girls were all dressed in black and white as my daughter had requested. The restaurant was great giving us a corner to ourselves to spread out. People would come over and comment on how nice the girls looked and what was the occasion. They had a great time and it was so convent to just pay and then eat with out having to wait or take orders. With 14 girls ages 15-16 that was important. After lunch they went down to the beach for a while then to the house for the party. More people showed up that would only stay for the party a few hours then go home only 14 girls spent the night. It was very memorable and fun day. My daughter now 23 is still best friends with 5 of the girls who were at that party.

  81. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes memory is when I got to test out new chicken noodle soup ideas and vote on the ones I liked best. I was able to go to my usual location and have a good time tasting the different kinds of chicken soup that were offered. Even now, I think I still see my favorite being offered.

  82. My favorite times at Souplantion is when the manager comes around and make sure we have everything and hands out cookies. Makes people feel good and shows they care about the service. Employees are very nice and polite, and the food is wonderful. I enjoy my experience everytime I go.

    Thank you

  83. Eating at Sweet Tomatoes is the healthies of all my sweet memories. With fresh veggies, fruits, home made soups and deserts, it makes me feel so healthy and rejuvinated!
    I remember the first time I had the ginger soup for the first time, that I could not have not enough, it was about all I ate on that visit!

  84. We have a special needs daughter who loves to go to Sweet Tomatoes. We usually go there on Wednesday nights while her older sister is at youth group. She says she likes to go there because it is “helfy” otherwide know as healthy and because she wants to get a “sweet tomato” other wide known as a sweet potato. Is always nice to be able to spend that meal with her.

  85. Our favorite memory of Sweet Tomatoes is the first time we walked into the restaurant and looked down that long, long salad bar and saw all those green, yellow, orange, and red veggies lined up waiting for us to scoop them onto our plate. We thought we had died and gone to Veggie Heaven. Since then, we have enjoyed several of your locations in Florida and always look forward to introducing visitors to your fine restaurant. There are so many yummy choices that everybody can go home with a happy tummy. Thanx, Sweet Tomatoes!

  86. Took a friend visiting from Pennsylvania out to lunch. It was both her first visit to Florida and Sweet Tomatoes. She raved about the Asian chicken and broccoli salads, then the sourdough bread, chili and chocolate lava cake. That was six years ago. Since then, whenever we get together in the Tampa area, Sweet Tomatoes has been our favorite meeting spot.

  87. I had always seen the Sweet Tomatoes sign from the road and was interested to try it. Once I stepped inside and was greeted by the friendly face mixing some Wonton Chicken Happiness salad I knew I found my favorite eatery. The salad bar was bursting with all of my favorite salad toppings that are rare to find anyplace else. The drink station was stocked with fresh strawberry lemonade. I couldn’t remove the smile from my face as I dipped my focaccia into my Cream of Mushroom soup. Since that day, I’ve been a loyal customer and your biggest fan often bringing people who haven’t tried it but always wanted to. Now we have a big group of people who plan on Sweet Tomatoes at least once a week. Thank you for the memories!!

  88. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes memory is when I told my two children that I was taking them to eat at a salad bar. They sat quietly in the car with frowns on their faces. It has always been a struggle with them to eat veggies or anything for that matter. When they got there the liked the idea that they could choose what they wanted to eat and they experimented by placing colorful items on their plates like the raw beets and mushrooms. By the time they were halfway done with the first plate, they both looked at me and asked me why did I not tell them about this place sooner. Yes, you can say that we are hooked on the fresh variety of deliciousness.

  89. I first visited Sweet Tomatoes several yrs ago and never expected to be such an addict to all the great food always available. The breakfast day is one of my favorites. I have since introduced a whole bunch of friends & family and are also big fans now ! Love Sweet Tomatoes !!!

  90. Best memory – the first time the hot cookies came around to the table. 2nd best memory – second time the cookies came around. Love those cookies.

  91. Gracias a mi hija descubri a Souplantation,nosotros vamos al que esta en la calle Main,desde mi punto de vista todo es perfecto, no encuentro nada que sugerir, la organizacion, la calidad, la atencion,hasta los precios son perfectos

  92. When we took our adult son to Sweet Tomatoes for the first time, he was soooooooo impressed with the vast selection and the freshness of the food. Being from Maine, he loved the muffins made with Maine blueberies and practically ate his weight in them!!

  93. I love to take my grand kids to Sweet Tomatoes on the weekends. They love the soup and bread, not to mention the delicious ice cream! You go, Sweet Tomatoes.

  94. Moved to Houston Texas and ate at Sweet Tomatoes for first time. My son and daughter in law suggested it. It was great. Felt like I was eating really healthy. Love it! Cant wait to eat breakfast there. Yummy!!

  95. my most memorable moment was when a classmate of mine and i were out for the day and i suggested sweet tomatos because she had never been to one. we had a good time and a good meal that day and she was so impressed she said she would be back.

  96. Where do I start? Without going into a long and drawn out email, Your restaurant has become a exciting part of my ENTIRE family’s lives. For the last 15 years, my immediate family (which consists of 21 members) have celebrated countless birthday celebrations of all of our family members at your Marina Del Rey, CA (this restaurant location is now closed). We now frequent your Porter Ranch, CA restaurant and continue our family tradition of going to Souplantation for most of our families birthdays. We have a lot fond memories (dad,mom,wife,kids,siblings and their families) of having our birthdays at Souplantation that will last a life time! THANK YOU SOUPLANTATION!!!!

  97. We had just been to Albuquerque to look at houses with the intention of moving here, and we had found a perfect house and had put money down on it. Now we were headed back to NJ, but we decided to have dinner before leaving town heading east. We sat the Sweet Tomatoes sign on San Mateo and stopped there. It was perfect! We’ve eaten there many, many times since. It brings back happy memories.

  98. I had the best time with my group, it was a sunday. We all met at sweet tomatoes. The selection and the drinks were so good. We stayed for three hours and no one left. We had all the great soups with bread to dip into the soups. The selection of muffins were so good we tried them all. The pasta station was great, we had a pasta party at our table. All of us were so glad we came to Sweet tomatoes that we are making it a weekly event. Thank you for everything you provide on this trip and every trip since.

  99. My husband and I live in Michigan but we visit our 3 sons and daughter in law several times a year. They all live in Los Angeles, CA.

    So when we offer to take them out to dinner while visiting LA, a city with countless eatery choices, the general consensus of best casual dining site is always “Soup Plantation!” Each of us get to rave about our favorite selections… Undoubtedly someone says something like “You gottta try this pear and walnut salad or this banana bread…really good.”

    I only wish there were Soup Plantations in Michigan so we could enjoy dining at your tasty eatery on a more regular basis.

  100. One of my favorite memories is about my grandson, through several years—When we first came to Sweet Tomatoes, Ross was just a little guy, around 6. All he liked to eat was bland white food—–so, he had a lot of macaroni and cheese! Several years later,around 8 or 9, he would try your soups, with his mac and cheese. And now, at age 15 he loves it all! We can’t slow him down–eats everything and then loves the brownie with ice cream and choc sauce! Whew! We all love Sweet Tomatoes and will for many more years.

  101. I remember the first time I went to a Sweet Tomatoes. I thought, there is no way you get your salad bar before you pay for your meal! So myself, my husband and my two children went all the way through the line thinking everyone else must have already paid and we were in the wrong line before we got to the cashier and realized we had to start all over! We felt a little silly but it was all worth it because we are pro’s at it now!

  102. I could eat soup and salad everyday of my life! For my birthday, I celebrated with 4 generations of my family at Sweet Tomatoes!

  103. My favorite memory was I had just moved back to Oregon and hadn’t been to a Sweet Tomatoes in years. It was the first time I tried the bran muffins and am now so addicted to them! I have tried so manyof your different bran/fruit varieties since first trying them and I have loved them all. Thanks!

  104. My favorite memory is discovering we had a Sweet Tomatoes close by when we moved to NC!!! It is one of my favorite restaurants because I loved salads!!!

  105. Recently moved to TX from CA…
    A childhood friend of mine suggested that we go to a soup and salad bar… after arriving and traversing the bar to put our meals together… he began to reminisce of our trips via rtd bus to Souplantation in Lakewood California…we were teens at the time, hanging out at the mall when we discovered the big new Souplantation restaurant after exiting the movie theater one day… anxious to try something new we rushed over… people we’re beginning to be more health conscious but there were very few if any Salad bars that had the selection and variety you did… one of our favorites were the blueberry muffins (they were bigger then, or was I smaller? Lol)
    After that day out became our favorite place to eat

  106. My grandparents love eating here every week and when I visit they always take me with then. Sweet tomatoes will always have a place in my heart because of it.

  107. Going all throughout my pregnancy, and now bringing my 18 month old who loves trying everything there. Although her favorite is the frozen yogurt.

  108. The first time we took our daughter to Sweet Tomatoes was exciting becuase my husband and I love eating there! She was so excited to eat the blueberry muffins and of course the ice cream!

  109. Well I would have to say that its more than one memory put together. I had never tried Souplantation in my life until I met my husband. He was the first to introduce me to Souplantation. This was kind of our first date. I fell in love the restaurant among other things. Then about six months later this man me to marry him on our six mouth anniversary and where did he take me after that big day? Yep, Souplantation! Then exactly a year and a half later on our two year anniversary of being together we got married. It was the most happiest day of my life yet again on this day he took to my favorite restaurant, Souplantation. So as you can see this great restaurant has been a huge part of my life and always will be.

  110. Our memories are of grandson, Ross, loving mac and cheese— only white food-at 5 or 6,
    then finally loving your soups and mac and cheese at age 10,
    and now, at age 15, he loves it all and we can’t stop him! He (and we) love to come to Sweet Tomatoes every year and will keep coming in the future.

  111. My friends and I love soup plantation and visit often. I love your fresh salad bar and your chicken soup which is outstanding.

  112. I have fond memories of tomatoe growing! I was born and raised in Fort Dodge, Iowa. When I was in my young 20’s I moved here to San Diego, California. Though it is nice here in San Diego, I often think of the good ole times spent in Iowa. It seemed so simple and easy to live there. In the summer our street would have contests of who can grow the largest tomoatoes!!! It was always a thrill to look out every few days at your plants to see how they have prospered or not! In San Diego we live such a busy fast paced life we sort of forget about being a kid again and just having fun! Thank you!

  113. My friends and I love soup plantation with your fresh salad bar. The chicken soup is outstanding.


  114. After joining Weight Watchers, I found that there were few healthy dining choices out there. I was so pleased to see that I can still go out, enjoy a meal, and stay on track with my the program at your restaurant. The Sweet Tomatoes that I go to is cheerful looking and the food is always nicely presented and fresh looking.Thank you so much for all the delicious and healthy choices you offer 🙂

  115. After a long and delayed flight in from NY on a cold winter evening, hubby and I stopped in for our customary “first dinner in Sarasota” vacation meal at Sweet Tomatoes. As usual, the salads were delicious, soups just perfect, and we smiled, talking about how much we enjoyed this casual dining experience more than fancy restaurants. As we were getting ready to leave, a host appeared, with a bag of chocolate chip cookies for us to take home, which were enjoyed as we unpacked an hour later! Sweet Tomatoes Rocks! (I want one in NY!)

  116. The memories i share at soup plantation with my lovely girlfriend. A way for us to eat healthier and not feel so bad about it!

  117. I love the fresh, fresh vegetables on the salad bar. It always looks clean and neat, and what a selection!
    Chix Noodle Soup, Ministrone Soup big favorites.
    We always get good service when we visit Sweet Tomatoes.

  118. I have very fond memories of ST! The best is last Sunday. My family went to our Lombard location after church and saw 3 groups friends we haven’t seen in ages! It was awesome because ST is relatively new to our area. We were able to have a beautiful, healthy, Sunday meal with a group of close friends.

    I eat at ST every week because of the healthy options and great service.

    Thank you for letting me share my comment!

  119. I miss the old muffins. They were big and really good. My favorites were Cherry-Nut and Peach-Poppyseed. I also miss the large soup bowls. It was great to put in lots of veggies and then the soup. Of course some of the new items are pretty good to have also.

  120. Souplantation has always been a great tradition in my family for celebrations and monthly outings! I love their selection and healthiness!

  121. Memorable moment is when I called representing the Panama Canal Museum in Seminole, for a donation of food certificates for our Silent Auction, and Mary was always able to accomoodate me. She’s a very friendly person and willing to help us out.

  122. we live 6 months in upstate ny and 6 months in bonita springs, every since our first visit to you fort myers sweet tomatoes has been one of first choices to go to. we go with son and his family to naples and ft. myers and liked the sunday breakfast, but now naples doesn,t have anymore., every time we go is an event for us, and we look forward to the next visit.

    we wished there was one in saratoga springs , where we live half year!

  123. Sweet Tomatoes is the place I go to splurge after I am good on my diet for several week. I love how fresh everything is

  124. Going to Souplantation is like having friends over and enjoying a home-cooked meal. Of course, without all the effort and clean up. Always have a great time and everyone can eat what they like – we can enjoy each other’s company and have an all-together great time. And Dessert – always a great way to end the meal. Thank you.

  125. My daughter and I enjoyed a feast at Sweet Tomatoes as we always do when she visits from the north. Enjoying 2 plates of salad laughing together. Then on to pasta and comparing our different choices.. As we dipped into our soup she laughed at the small amount I put in my bowl. As I am explaining I need to save room for Chocolate Lava cake.. she laughed and understood.. After my first helping of Chocolate Lava and frozen yogurt… I had to go back for a second.. As my daughter watched her skinny little Mom eating so much.. she laughed..

  126. A few years ago my family was taking me out for a surprise birthday diner but everywhere we went had over an hour wait. What they didn’t know was that I have some food allergies to Garlic and Onions so I prefer natural foods that I know haven’t had hidden ingredients add to them. After stoping a three other places I couldn’t really eat at, I asked if we could please go to Sweet Tomatoes. Everyone loved it there, we had a great time and eat as much as we wanted and it didn’t cost a fortune.

  127. My best experience to Sweet Tomatoes is every experience is delicious! I have to say Sweet Tomatoes is my favorite place to eat. I love everything they have to offer, especially the different types of soups and I can’t get enough of the ice cream! Of course my main meal is the salad with dressing & all the toppings. They have so much to choose from, you cannot stop yourself from going back for seconds. I also love the coupons they offer! Sweet Tomatoes your the BEST!

  128. My best memory was our first ever visit to Sweet Tomatoes in Alpharetta, Ga. We decided to give this restaurant a try because our son is a very picky eater who has several medical/mental issues and going out to eat with him is usually very frustrating and not pleasurable. He loved it. He loved feeling grown up because he was able to make his own choices. He liked that there was food he could actually eat. The ice cream bar was a hit with him, too. It was one of our best dinners out ever! It was also great for my husband and I because we have both been working on losing weight (he has lost over 40 lbs and I have lost over 20 lbs) and there are great choices for us on our weight lose paths. Thank you for being a great restaurant for our family!!

  129. I am successfully losing weight at Sweet Tomatoes Kendal FL, while eating abundant healthy salads and soups!

  130. When I took my friend and coworker, Judi, to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch for her birthday, Judi has a gluten intolerance and Sweet tomatoes is a great place for her to get a gluten-free meal. Thank you for that! We had a delicious meal and then went off to work.

  131. The first time we went to Sweet Tomatoes, we were so pleased to find a place that offered good healthy eating. The salad bar is overflowing with colorful, crunchy, beautiful vegetables. For those of us who don’t feel adept at creating a tasty salad, there are wonderful vegetable and pasta salads already prepared in just the right combinations. The soup offerings are tasty and abundant. I really enjoy the assortment of breads. I love a few slices of cheesy focaccia with my salad. I really appreciate the sugar free desert offerings. My husband and I regularly make a trip from over 30 miles away for an afternoon lunch at Sweet Tomatoes.

  132. We love Sweet T’s.!! We meet with our friends every other month…..there is usually 4 to 8 of us…..It’s a great place to meet…we love your soups and your special salads……My favorite is your turkey vegetable soup….always take home an extra container……….

  133. My favorite memory is a series of memories. Although we are Souplantation regulars, our children and their families live all across the US and in Europe where there are no Sweet Tomatoes/Souplantation restaurants. With all family members, Sweet Tomotoes is a “have to go” when they are visiting. With one family from North Carolina, they do not even come to our house first. Their scheduled arrivals are always at meal time. We meet for a hug and dining…you know where! It is a relaxing way to begin catching up on what is going on in each person’s busy life..
    Thanks for always having fresh salad ingredients, restaurant cleanliness, pleasant and attentive staff, and all the extra yummies that are offered.

  134. As a college student, I go to school pretty far from home. Not only am I apart from my family, but there’s also no Sweet Tomatoes where I live! My brother and I are extremely close and sometimes, the distance makes it hard for us to talk every day. So, when I do get to come home for school vacations, we always look forward to catching up at our favorite lunch spot: Sweet Tomatoes! It’s hard to pick just one specific memory that’s my most loved, but I do have to say that I will never forget the time I was stuck in traffic for hours on end because of a bad rain storm on my way home. When I finally arrived, I wound up meeting my brother at the restaurant because I was so late. I felt so bad that I had kept him waiting, but he had already gotten a meal ready for me and was patiently waiting for me at our favorite table. Sweet Tomatoes has definitely helped my brother and I stay close even when there are hundreds of miles between us!

  135. I will always remember my first visit to Sweet Tomatoes when you opened in Chicagoland. I was taken there by my girlfriend at the time, now my wife. I was mortified to find out you served very little meat. I was not happy being such a carnivore, and though this place was an abomination. Fast forward a few years, stop eating meat, and poof…Sweet Tomatoes is a favorite place of mine for the variety and freshness of your salads and soups.

  136. I graduated college in 1978 making “Animal House”s release one of the biggest deals in the world! Halloween that year, every guy I knew dressed like the Blues Brothers. It was a great year to be free!

  137. I had never been to Sweet Tomatoes before. My good friend and his girls introduced me to this wonderful restaurant, now I am hooked and can not get enough of the great deals they offer. I signed up on the email list and receive special deals from Sweet Tomatoes. It’s a great place for family and friends, especially on Sundays after church. My mother will love this place….I just know it!

    Elizabeth Gutierrez (Beth)

  138. It was my first visit and I wanted to see if I could sample before ordering. Crazy, I know. But I am not a huge salad person or soup so I was nervous that I would not like anything. Now, it is one of my favorite places to go.

  139. My boys have eaten at Sweet Tomatoes since they were babies. When we travel we always try to find a Sweet Tomatoes that makes our vacation complete.
    We love Sweet Tomatoes.

    Les Tippetts

  140. First time I tried a hot brownie covered with vanilla ice cream and caramel syrup on top..Not my last!

  141. Sweet Tomatoes is a favorite place for the ladies in my family to meet for lunch. I have a wonderful memory of being there with my mom, sister, aunt, grandma, and my daughter– 4 generations enjoying delicious food and great conversation. It’s a perfect choice because everyone can find what they enjoy (and we try new things and recommend them to each other) and everyone gets plenty of food! My toddler’s favorite is the soft serve–she talks about it the whole drive to the restaurant. We always have to buy a bakery “to go” bag to bring home some blueberry muffins for dad- his favorite!

  142. My favorite memory is the one time all of my immediate family was together, here in Colorado, and we went to Sweet Tomatoes, where everyone could find something to eat.
    My parents and sister were visiting from Florida, both of my children, spouses, and my grandson were there.
    My sister was still alive (diagnosed shortly afterwards with Stage IV uterine cancer).
    My parents were both able to move freely around the bars (father now has difficulty walking, mother has cancer now and is in a wheelchair).
    While it sounds sad, this is a happy memory, even though sadness followed. We spent a long time in the restaurant, dining and laughing.
    As vegetarians, my husband and I love Sweet Tomatoes, there are always YUMMY choices, but even my meat-loving father was happy.

  143. Every visit to Sweet Tomatoes is “Sweet” because the entire family is happy to go there. With two adults, three children and five different opinions of what they like to eat – Sweet Tomatoes takes the squabling out of where to go – everyone finds something they like at Sweet Tomatoes! And best of all – it is not fast “junk” food!!!

    Thanks Sweet Tomatoes!

  144. Whenever I am in the area I eat either lunch or dinner at Fountain Valley Souplantation. You can tailor your meal to whatever suits your cravings, and the food is as fresh as it can be. Yards and yards of fresh veggies, a soup and pasta bar and a bakery are the elements that can be mixed or matched. Granted, the meals are simple, but I happen to think that simple is great when it comes to food. And a plate full of fresh vegetables is very appetizing to me. Great variety themed choices of salads. Excellent chicken noodle soup, best soup served from many others there. Love the different picks of breads and muffins, including the pizza bread. Finish your meal by having some soft served yogurt. Great place overall. Disappointed in the amount of onions served in most of the sauce and soups. Should add spaghetti for the kids.

  145. One of my favorite memories is my husband meeting our new great -nephew a month after he was born..and we met at Sweet Tomaotes to celebrate the baby’s adoption! We stayed for 2 hours and no one bothered us about leaving or staying in our booth too long. The servers came by and were oohing and awwing over our sweet new member of the family.

  146. Went 4 first time recently and I was pleasantly surprised. Really enjoyed the diversity of the salad bar! Loved it 🙂

  147. My favorite memory is the that my best friend and I have been taking my oldest son there since he was born. He is now 13 yrs old!! when he was old enough we would put him in the high chair and he would go to town on peas,cor,pasta,hello pretty much anything we gave him. He would make such a mess and have the best time! I continued this with my second child who is now 10 and now I have a third child and he will do the same!!! Thank you for all the great food and memories we actually call it Club Soup!!!

    1. Me facina Sweet Tomatoes siempre voy con mi familia y nunca nos haburimos de ir…asta mi cumpleaños lo celebre en ese restauran.

  148. My favorite time was when my grandchildren flew into sarasota airport, we no sooner got in the car to go home (Venice), when our two grandchildren asked if we could go to sweet tomatoes before we did anything or went anywhere else. They had gone there the year before with us and couldn’t wait any longer! We had a great lunch, the boys were so happy, being big eaters that they were. They thoroughly enjoyed their first day here in Florida, and we certainly enjoyed seeing them happy!
    A good meal was had by all!

  149. Two years ago our grown children, and their families, wanted to have a birthday dinner for their mother, Karen. So, they asked where she would like to have the dinner. Sweet Tomatoes being her favorite restaurant, she didn’t hesitate naming where she would like to eat. We had a wonderful gathering and all enjoyed a great meal. Karen would rather eat at Sweet Tomatoes than more expensive, exotic options.

  150. It’s difficult to pinpoint an exact favorite memory of dining at Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes because I always have a great experience eating here. If I had to choose, I’d have to go with the theme of this March “Feel Like a Kid Again”, with the menu including 2 of my absolute favorites from my childhood (and still my favorites as an adult), Creamy Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Focaccia. My mother made grilled cheese and creamy tomato soup for me every day when I came home from Kindergarten and I never grew tired of this tasty combination. It is truly my go-to comfort food and my only complaint would be that the soups change often and I’d like creamy tomato to be a daily offer.
    I started dining at Souplantation in Orange County, California years ago and have continued the tradition in Las Vegas, Nevada at Sweet Tomatoes. My friends and I love this place, it is light, healthy and you get full. The people who work here are friendly with a smile and are ready to help.
    The prices are a little high but if you are member of The club veg you always have coupons in your email. And the great thing, I don’t have to print them, just I show them in my phone. I love to mix the Fat Free Italian Dressing with plain rotini pasta to make my own pasta salad. The homemade Strawberry Lemonade is an awesome thirst quencher!
    Anyways, I’ve always been a big fan of this place. I love soups and salads. I’m sure you may all be familiar with how Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes work. It’s a buffet style line so you can get as much or as little as you want. Right when you walk in, you start off at the salad bar and after you pay for your meal, you work your way to the soups, bread and pasta station. Make sure you save room for dessert!

    To sum it up, this is a great place to eat and a healthy alternative to many other places (especially all of the crazy buffets in Las Vegas).

  151. We just recently moved to fl and I had the pleasure of going to ST for the first time two weeks ago, I’ve been back twice since then:)

  152. A few years ago I became acquainted with a bunch of vegetarian women from around the U.S. via a website. We became such good friends that we do have an annual retreat, but since I live in Orlando, I’ve had the pleasure of having dinner with quite a few of my “veggie friends” at Sweet Tomatoes — so much so that we even have a table we always sit at!

  153. I am from NY and was first Skeptic about the soup plantation. When I first went the line was all the way in the parking lot which made me think the place had to be doing something right. I was so surprised by all the delishous food and how you could taste the freshness. It was amazing. I could eat there every day.

  154. I love every visit I have made to sweet tomatoes! It’s hard to pick a favorite. If I had to choose, I’d say my most memorable visit was when we came when my now 2 year old was about 9 months old and she snatched a jalapeño off my husbands cousin’s plate and put it in her mouth but didn’t even cry!! I guess that’s just the Mexican in her 😉

  155. Simple & Sweet: I love sweet tomatos because the lettace is cold & crisp, tomatoes are vine ripe, everything is so clean it squeaks, and there’s a delicious selection to choose from. Never a wait and the people are so pleasant and helpful. Thank you Sweet Tomatos for many delicious meals. After eating such great food once a week, it would be nice to eat free once. Absolutely love this place!

  156. My favorite memory of Sweet Tomatoes, was the first time I went there, and I was in hgih school. I went with my two best friends and the mother of one of them. We stayed there for hours just talking and eating. At the end of the night we realized we had devoured so many cups of chocolate pudding, but it was hilarious because we had absolutely no idea. It was such a freeing moment, and I will always remember that care free night.

  157. While visiting our son in San Diego last fall, my husband I were concerned about finding a restaurant that offered healthy options. We have adopted a whole foods plant-based diet and so this was very important to us. We were in a shopping area when I noticed a restaurant called “Souplantation” and the sign that said a salad buffet. That really excited us, so we went there for dinner that evening. It was very busy but very efficient. We were amazed over the variety and choices offered. I left feeling very excited about this place, so I looked on the Internet to see if Colorado (where my husband and I live) also has a Souplantation. That is when we discovered that we do, but it’s called Sweet Tomatoes. It was years ago that I went to Sweet Tomatoes and at that time, I was not concerned about my food choices, so it never left an impression on me. Ever since making this discovery, my husband and I meet at Sweet Tomatoes after work every Tuesday. It’s a time to nourish not only our bodies with healthy foods, but also a nourishing time for keeping our relationship strong by sharing a common goal of good health.


  159. I love going to Sweet Tomatoes. I remember most recently going when the dessert special was red velvet lava cake. I usually go there specifically for the desserts- they are FANTASTIC. I ended up eating so many bowls of the lava cake that I had to lay down because I was in a food coma! It was so delicious that I just couldn’t resist it.

  160. When I first had dinner at Sweet Tomatoes, I was with my four year old grandson. We came once a week for many years. At four, he ate noodles, cheese, and garbanzo beans from the salad bar, but through the years he learned to try all of the different foods offered. It became a favorite place for him, but when he was fourteen he stopped comming with me. He will turn eighteen in two weeks and will soon go off to college. He asked if we could go to Sweet Tomatoes before his birthday because it holds good memories of the time he spent with me.


  162. I remember Opening Day in Mission Gorge, the owner proudly demonstrating the big chunks in the chicken soup pot for the more skeptical meat eaters. It was then I knew that I could still eat meat and eat even healthier than ever before. For about half the price we were able to eat even more than at the Good Earth restaurant in nearby Lemon Grove, plus there was much more variety. I have been a regular 2-3x weekly customer ever since in San Diego, LA, Florida, Georgia and Arizona. The quality never varies. It is perhaps the most health- and quality-conscious restaurant chain to ever exist, and continues to offer the real solution to our nation’s health care problems since all of one’s health begins with our diet.

  163. Sweet Tomatoes is my kids’ favorite restaurant. Not only is the food great, but the staff is amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen people waiting more than a couple of minutes to be seated, regardless of how busy the restaurant is. Back before my third daughter was born, my family of four was seated in an area that could accomodate larger parties. We were trhilled when the manager offered us free meal passes to move tables. We would have agreed to move even without the meal passes, but that was just one example of “going the extra mile” to keep everyone in the restaurant happy. The chocolate chip cookies often delivered to our table are an added bonus!

  164. While I was eatting at Sweet Tomateoes in Ft Lauderdale Fl. with my wife. I told her I was the Grand Master Bishop of the church we go to.

  165. My favorite memory is having my siblings and grandparents in town and meeting up at Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. Sweet Tomatoes is perfect for family gatherings and making special memories plus the food is endless and delicious. It’s definitely a win-win situation! Thank you Sweet Tomatoes and congratulations on another year!

  166. Girls day out! We went to Souplantation for lunch on my birthday in February. It was wonderful spending time with my Mom and Sister. We topped off our lunch with a sundae topped with chocolate chip cookie crumbles – yummy!!!!!

  167. The first time i went here was with my girlfriends. I was a little scared to go at first, since it was “buffet” style. Once we settled in and started eating, I was soo amazed on all the healthy options I had. My friends and i enjoyed an amazing meal, with great laughters that we wont ever forget. We all left very satisfied, and not too full to the point where we felt gross. Everything was so perfect, now we meet there every tuesday nights to catch up with some warm chicken soup, cheese sticks, and some fresh lemonade.

  168. I just signed up with Weight Watchers and your restaurant is the type of food I need to meet my goal weight and my best memory was sharing a healthy salad with a speical friend.

  169. My favorite memory is celebrating my college graduation with my family at Sweet Tomato. It was my dad’s first time and he was excited to make a salad with all the different toppings. He loaded his salad, and I mean loaded it with butternut squash, thinking it was cheese. My mom, my sister and I just sat back and waited for him to take his first bite and find out that it wasn’t cheese! We probably have not laughed that hard in our entire lives.

  170. Two weeks ago I attended a seminar that was near Sweet Tomatoes. I went there for lunch three days in a row and enjoyed visiting with new found friends. It was so nice to be able to get in and out quickly so that we could make it back in time for our seminar. The service was great and the food was fantastic. I have fond memories of those three days and would love to get a pair of passes to take my best friend and roommate out for another memorable evening.

  171. My favorite memory is eating with my Mom as a young child learning how to eat healthily and having a great time with my Mom. Piling on my own plate and getting to make my own choices at my favorite childhood dinner spot. I still love it today and take my kid!! Thank you for a great place!!

  172. My favorite memory at sweet tomatoes was bringing my daughter there for the first time. She was only a month and a half old and it was her first big outing. My husband and I were exhausted and desperately needed to get out of the house and I had been craving your ranch dressing like a mad woman. We got her all situated and brought along 3 bottles 5 blankets and about 10 diapers, being new parents we didnt really know how things would go. When we arrived not only was it a wonderful meal (as usual) it was also a relaxing meal! She was quiet the whole time and let us enjoy our night out for the very first time as a family. It was a very special memory for us. My daughter is now 3 months old and has been back many times, though not as well behaved every time.

  173. My best memory is the day I was walking out the door and saw that I could sign up for email specials. I really enjoy getting the discounts and use them frequently. Thanks for having great soups I really like them.

  174. The first time I ate at Southplantation, I noticed the beautiful building in my favorite mall–
    the Town and Country Mall. The food was great; the food was all you can eat. It was a cold
    night. I waited for my group to leave and had a cup of coffee outside. What an experiece. This
    was the first time I ate at Southplplantation’s Sweet Tomatoes.
    The next month I went back to the restaurant on my own and thought of the tasty food on the busride.

  175. One of my husband and my favorite places to eat here in San Diego. I always have the best serve and all employees are friendly and very helpful. We are moving in June and I will miss our weekly visits.

  176. While visiting my grandson in Tucson, AZ “Sweet Tomatoes” was one of our favorite places to eat. During one of our meals he was taking a particularly long time to finish his dinner. Not wanting to rush him, I began rummaging through his backpack which he had brought in with him. It carried his most priced super hero toys along with other little boy items. One by one, I began placing his toys on our table. I pictured a fun opportunity to create a battle scene using left over morsels of food as props replicating a battleground and a Fort.
    Broccoli became bushes, peas piled into mounds became ammunition, bread pieces (depending on the size of the piece) turned into rocks and hills, condiments laid sideways were logs, two mini ice cream cones were pillars of the Fort and little green army men stood atop of the salt and pepper shakers as look out. People passing our table would stop to comment and admire our expanding battleground scene. With about 100 characters of super heroes and army men, in multiple fighting positions, we had created quite a tabletop scene. My grandson happily finished his meal and learned that going to eat at “Sweet Tomatoes” can not only be a place to eat fresh and delicious food but, also is a place for creating happy memories.

  177. One of the few restaurants where I can take my whole family and everyone will enjoy their wide selection and leave satisfied.

  178. My favorite memory would be celebrating mom’s day (breakfast) at sweet tomatoes with my in-laws and my mom. It was the last time I was able to celebrate mom’s day for my mother before she passed away. We had a fun time and relaxed and enjoyed the company and atmosphere. Thanks

  179. My best memories are coming here with my husband. We make a big salad to share and then I get us some different soups to sample while he gets the muffins and honey butter. We love to eat healthy and enjoy each others company while doing it. Thanks, Souplantation!!

  180. My daughter loves the Mac and Cheese. We sent to Sweet Tomatoes for brunch one Sunday and they didn’t have any Mac and Cheese out yet. My daughter was disappointed, but didn’t complain. The next we knew, they brought out a plate of freshly made Mac and Cheese just for her. That’s one of the many reasons Sweet Tomatoes is one of our favorite places to eat.

  181. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes memory is recent, special, and simple. Sharing lunch with my mother on her 77th birthday this February 26, 2013. Just the two of us quiet and simple. We met at Sweet Tomatoes which is almost 1/2 way between our homes. It was a rainy afternoon and we were happy to met, get inside and be greeted by bags for our umbrellas and a friendly staff. We took our time pondering all of the fabulously fresh ingredients and laughed as we both chose mom’s favorites. Beets…. Olives… Spinach… seems we grow to be like our Mom’s in so many ways. It made me happy to see the smile on Mom’s face as I paid for our lunch and she bragged, as Mothers do, that her daughter was treating her for her birthday. We added soup (French Onion) for Mom and a baked potato for me and found a quiet table in the corner. We said our grace, thankful for the food, the day, the rain and most of all a new year to spend together. As we finished our wonderful meal and headed to the exit we come to my favorite part of all… making plans to do this each month because we just enjoyed it so. Thanks for helping us make memories. 🙂

  182. My favortie Sweet Tomatoes memory was in 2012…my husband and I have a long distance marriage. He lives in MI and I live in TX and we see each other about 4-5 times a year. Sad, but true. My husband and I have always enjoyed buffets, but my husband was diagnosed with diabetes last Jan, had been on a strict diet and lost 40 pounds in 4 months! When he came down to TX to visit, I picked him up at the airport and we immediately went to Sweet Tomatoes. I surprised him with this healthly buffet where he could indulge without all the fat, grease, extra calories, etc. He has never really been much of a salad eater, so I was worried he wouldn’t like it. HE LOVED IT! We had a great visit over lunch after not seeing each other in three months, and we were able to enjoy a buffet as well. Thank you so much for such a wonderful experience for both of us. Now…if only there was a Sweet Tomotoes in MI!

  183. My favorite memories are having dinner with my dad who passed away at Sweet Tomatoes in Sarasota, FL. It was his favorite place to take the family out to share a meal because they have something for everyone. We always had a great time eating and laughing together with the kids, grandkids, etc. I think of him whenever I go to Sweet Tomatoes.

  184. My favorite Souplantation memory is going to a Souplantation with my friend in Valencia and getting to eat all the ice cream, syrup, toppings and brownies. Of course that was after eating all my vegetables, like a good little girl. I am a chocoholic and Souplantation fits the bill!!!!!!

  185. Thank you for the offer and looking forward to hearing from you.

    Your meals has always been very delicious and fulfilling.

    Carmen and family

  186. My absolute favorite from a long time ago was the Mandarin Crab Pasta salad.
    It was fabulous! I wish it could be brought back.

  187. My roommate and I stopped by our favourite Sweet Tomatoes on the way home from a convention last summer, going in dressed in obscene costumes. There’s nothing quite like gorging yourself on tomatoes and coffee amidst the confused look of fellow customers~

  188. Last year for my 42nd birthday my family wanted to take me out to a fancy restaurant but I had my heart set on eating at Soup Plantation. It was my boyfriend, my son and his girlfriend, my other son, and my mother. The meal in itself was uneventful until I hear singing coming from behind me. My son and his girlfriend had used a muffin stuffed in some soft serve and even brough a candle to serve as my office birthday cake! To my horror total strangers were now singing Happy Birthday to me. LOL After the festivities died down, one of the customers approached me and said my son was very sweet for creating such a special moment for me. Awwwwww

  189. I remember I went to Sweet Tomatoes with my friends and the night before my parents complained that they never get to meet my friends and of course when I said when I was going to go to eat they came shortly after and ate with us. It ended up being a fun experience for both my family(parents) and friends, who also realized they have barely talked and know my parents at all.

  190. My best memory was when my whole family came down from Michigan and we came to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch. We had the best time ever and the food was the best.

  191. My favorite memory is going to Souplantation with my sister in Costa Mesa, Ca ONCE A WEEK! For like…3 or 4 months at least and catching up with each other and having long, serious, therepuetic sesssions. We had so much fun! The staff all started to treat us like their kids!

  192. My favorite moment was in February after I moved apartments and went to the Sweet Tomatoes on I Drive in Orlando when I was sitting at the window eating my salad and was looking towards Universal Studios Orlando and the fireworks went off. It was not my intention to see the fireworks but seeing it while having dinner was so special and on top I received Cookies at my table. That made my day after a long moving day.

  193. I loooooove this place ! Enjoy it completely every time we come in. The food is awesome and so healthy too!!! Wish we had a Sweet Tomatoes in Plano, but I don’t driving to Addison or Greenville Ave to enjoy the yummy food ! thanks Sweet Tomatoes!

  194. Since moving to Raleigh in 2011 I had gone by Sweet Tomatoes many times and wondered just what it was. My daughter had been there before but not in a long while. In Dec. of 2012, my family and I decided to try Sweet Tomatoes and I fell in love with it. It is all healthy food; something that I have been working hard to do to be healthy. Now we can enjoy eating out and eating fresh and homemade and know that we are eating healthy with many healthy selections.
    Thank You!

  195. First time I visited soup plantation in Lakewood I fell in love with their delicious strawberry lemonade and have been going for 4 YEARS now.

  196. Simon, my sister’s grandchild, piled some things on his plate that he did not really want and didn’t eat. His Dad whispered in his ear that he couldn’t have dessert because of this mistake, and his Dad told him he also would forego dessert because he hadn’t sufficiently prepared Simon about the buffet. A few days later we all returned, Simon was much wiser about his choices, and both Father and Son really enjoyed their dessert!

  197. My husband and I were eating at our local ST one afternoon when I said to him that I wish that I had purchased some of the chocolate chip cookies. A few minutes later, our waitress brough us each two! She had overheard my conversation.

  198. Two years ago, I made the decision to move out of state to go to college. While my mom and dad were proud of me and fully supported my decision, they also expressed to me how much they would miss having me around. I knew I would miss my mom’s cooking and my dad’s silly jokes too. On the night before my twelve hour drive, we all sat down to a meal at Sweet Tomatoes. We shared lots of laughs, and my mom took lots of pictures “as if she’s going to forget what you look like!” My dad joked. I still go to Sweet Tomatoes with my friends, but when I visit home for break, we always take time out to enjoy each others company and eat at Sweet Tomatoes.

  199. It’s always a delightful experience to dine at Sweet Tomatoes in Vancouver, Washington. My favorite place to eat with healthy choices galore!

  200. All my memories of dinning at Souplantation are great memories. I’ve never been alone there, it has always been a family outing. Whenever we go out, the kids preference is Souplantation. When we have visitors from other places, we make time to eat at Souplantation once.
    Breakfast is the best on Sundays mornings, we enjoy the delicious waffles with O’Brian potatoes. Cereal, yogurt, etc. The best thing is that you are eating fresh and healthy.

  201. I won a gift certificate from Sweet Tomatoes for catering for 25 people. I found the perfect use………. my daughter’s 5th birthday party! Everything was great. The food was amazing and we had so much left over that I also got to take it to work and feed my shift of hungry cops! It was a hit for everyone. Especially me who had a stress free birthday celebration with my family and friends! Thanks Sweet Tomatoes!

  202. You guys are great – always reliable fresh food to “share” ! Loved Loved Loved the baked sweet potatoes with the honey butter ! Better than dessert …

  203. My favorite memory at Sweet Tomatoes is when we received a 2 for 1 deal without a coupon! My hubby and I usually don’t go out to breakfast, but we decided “break the normal pattern” and visit the restaurant in Tampa, FL on a Sunday morning. Since the breakfast was outstanding…eggs and everything else were so good…it made me wish we ate that meal out more often! It was almost 11:00, so the crew was starting the transition from breakfast to lunch. Not only did we have the chance to enjoy the breakfast menu for the first time, we also got to have lunch on the same day! It’s s good thing that we didn’t overeat on the first round, otherwise we would have never been able to take advantage of that memorable 2 for 1 special 🙂 (:

  204. A couple of weeks ago, an old classmate of mine came down from Georgia and we got together for lunch. She had never been to a Sweet Tomatoes before so I suggested we go to the one in The Villages. The food was awesome and we had a wonderful visit catching up on lost time. Her mom had recently passed away and the friendly atmosphere was just what we needed. Sweet Tomatoes has always been a favorite of my husbands and mine.

  205. My husband and I love eating at Sweet Tomatoes but my favorite time is during Lemon Zest month. My all time favorite soup is Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup and the Lemon Lava Cake. When I know that month is FINALLY here, we eat a few extra times a month. We have taken friends to Sweet Tomatoes who say they are not soup and salad fans, but now when they come to town (not available near their city), they want to go to Sweet Tomatoes. We are fans!

  206. Some of my favorite memories of Sweet Tomatoes centers around celebrations. I have celebrated birthdays, anniversaries and kid’s getting out of school for summer vacation. But the dinner that I remember most is after my husband had suffered a heart attach. He had been recovering so well, that we wanted to go out for a special treat. We chose Sweet Tomatoes because of all the healhy choices that he sould get there. After enjoying our meal, we were on our way out when we ran into his cardioligist! He was happy to see my husband, and happy to know that he was making healthy choices……just as he and his entire family was that evening. Thanks for the memories!!!

  207. Go to sweet tomatoes often. Brother and I were in Wisconsin so had to drive to IL to get this treat. Happy to be back in Scottsdale and already went to sweet tomatoes. The first place we went!

  208. My favorite memories are of us taking our babies to eat there. they would pick up peas, olives, beans and cheese with their tiny little fingers. missing their mouths most of the time. but they absolutely loved the fact that they were feeding themselves. Now, they cheer when we say we’re going to “sweet potatoes” for supper.

  209. I have wonderful memories of Soup Plantation. My male friend and I went to soup plantation at least twice a week and the manager asked us to be on the committtee to try new introductions to the menu. The manager also gave us free coupons. Karen Stewart

  210. My 8 and 10 year old grandchildren love your healthy salad bar and we love your soups.
    Love the Souplantation.

  211. My best Memory was when I brought my son and his family to Sweet Tomatoes at the Largo Mall for the first time. They loved the fresh veggies, soups, pastas and breads. The grandkids loved making ice cream sundaes while I could not believe the value we received for the price paid for our entire party. LUV SWEET TOMATOES……………….

  212. My happiest memory is….
    when I realized that not only is the food great but the staff!!!! A staff member remembered us from our frequent visits and stated that my daughter has grown so much—that she remembered pulling a high chair for her in the past and how she is now in high school—she proceeded to have a lovely conversation with my family. It keeps us loyal to see how the staff and the restaurant really care and continue to stay on top of their game!

  213. My biggest Souplantation moment was the day I found out what this place was.
    In 2009 I was introduced to this wonder restaurant! Im a huge fan, when I found out there was a mailing list to join I rushed to do so (I was at work when I did).
    I have had great memories with friends here, always great service… and an awesome meal.

    Thank you,
    Ana Castro

  214. of all the times we have eaten at souplantion, our favorite time has to be celebrating our 1st. grandchild’s graduation.
    There were over 1 doz. of us there for dinner, from seniors to toddlers and teens.
    We wanted to go to a restaurant where we could have good food, good prices and a place to be able to celebrate and have a special evening……..
    Bingo! Souplantation! Something for everyone! And as much or as little as u wanted!
    Plus dessert! and a great variety of drinks.
    It was a dinner we will never forget. Thank you Souplantation!

  215. My special memory happened in 2005 when my sons Steve and Ivan were 19 and 18. For Mother’s Day, they a best friend (Steve Johnson) took my husband and I to Sweet Tomatoes in Schaumburg, IL. The 5 of us spend about 3 hours eating, laughing and talking about all our past camping trips, travel and more! It was so very special for me because it was a time when the boys were just starting to think about their futures, relationships and making their own way in the world. In many ways, it was a last time for “Mommy” to spend with all her little boys before they became Men! Steve Johnson spent a great deal of time at our home and I always thought of him as one of my boys so him being there added to my special day.

    I think about that day every time I go to Sweet Tomatoes with my best friend Rhonda. Eating there is especially wonderful for me now that I’m a vegetarian and there are so many options to choose from. We’re going Friday night, it’s now “our place” to meet, catch-up and reconnect!

    By the way…Now all three boys are grown, married, one lives in California and 2 of them have babies of their own making me a grandma!

    Thank you!
    Terry Riesterer-Heinrichs

  216. Not only did I find a wide variety of fresh vegies at Sweet Tomatoes, but there among the soups was Chili that was Gluten-Free! I could enjoy my meal, stay on my diet and also have desert when I found the Sugar-Free chocolate Mousse. The vanilla coffee mixed with the Mousse topped off my meal. Thank you !

  217. After long delaying a trip to Souplantation, believing it to be an overly healthy, tasteless experience with only soup and salad, I finally took a trip to the restaurant and oh boy, I have been back many times since. For special occasions such as family birthday’s, for special dishes that are centered around holidays, and even for a tasty breakfast, Souplantation has much to offer and is pretty much our first destination picked when it comes to meals. The variety of the food is refreshing, and there is so much more than simply soup and salad, ohhhh, so much more… I think i’ll be going to Souplantation for dinner tonite!

    Many thanks for all the great meals and happy experiences while dining at Souplantation.

  218. Enjoying a Sunday breakfast at Souplantation with the family… which was actually pretty good! 🙂 Who knew… souplantation for breakfast! Kids loved it too!

  219. My favorite memory is from few years ago when my kids and I were visiting my Aunt and Uncle in Arizona. They surprised us with lunch at Sweet Tomatoes. It was a memorable visit with family and we all loved the yummy healthy food! :-). Souplantation is our favorite family night out restaurant! 😉

  220. A frequent Sweet Tomatoes diner, my favorite memory is discovering the scrumptious Asian Chicken Salad! It’s simply sensational, and whenever the salad comes to mind, I head to my neighborhood Sweet Tomatoes restaurant. . .always clean, neat and friendly!

  221. My happiest Sweet Tomatoes memory is when the first restaurant opened in the Dallas area several years ago. As a vegetarian at the time (now vegan), there weren’t tons of veg-friendly & healthy restaurant options, so I was ecstatic to have such a place in town.

    My second happiest Sweet Tomatoes memory is when the location on lower Greenville opened in Dallas. It’s within 5 minutes of my office, so I often dine in for lunch. Having another location so close makes my life so much easier on days when I don’t have time to prep something to take to work with me.

    There are many other happy memories, too. My husband and I make it a weekly tradition to dine at Sweet Tomatoes together at least once a week. It gives us a chance to connect over a healthy, great-tasting meal.

    Thanks, Sweet Tomatoes!

  222. Shortly after my niece (50-ish) was diagnosed with breast cancer, her mother and sister flew out to California from Florida, and several family members met for dinner together at Souplantation, a family favorite for get-togethers. We got a large table (or maybe it was two tables pushed together) to accommodate us all, and we had a very enjoyable time together, laughing as our family always does. At the end of our mealtime, a nice lady came around with freshly baked cookies for us to sample. She walked around the table, serving all who wanted one, which was very sweet, and the cookies were warm and delicious. We stopped outside and took some family photos, while my niece still had all of her beautiful blonde hair, before starting chemo. Now, those photos are reminders of the enjoyable meal we all had together at Souplantation (in Simi Valley, California). Thank you, Souplantation!

  223. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes memory was 2007 in Schaumburg. My family was there for lunch and an employee came around with fresh baked chocolate chip cookies for everyone. My 1 year old nephew had never had one -never even tried chocolate- and wanted nothing to do with it. We watched us eating them and liking them so he cautiously picked his up. He stared at it very intently and deliberately bit into it, like he was expecting it to taste like lint. Suddenly his eyes got wide and he shoved the rest of his cooking in his mouth while his other hand reached for the plate-More! More! Sweet Tomatoes created a monster!

  224. We go to Sweet Tomatoes to celebrate everything! One of our most thought memory was when someone sitting at the next table brought my husband a cookie in honor of how high he could make a salad and it wouldn’t fall off the side!! Love you guys…always good…always friendly…always healthy!

  225. We used to go to Souplantation when it first opened up in Pt. Loma. It was beautiful wood inside that eventually burnt down years later. One of the fun things for us is we are volleyball players in our family and at the time the Olympic Volleyball team was headquartered in SD and their players used to eat (I think for free) at the restaurant. Big, stud, fun, awesome athletes. Which was pretty exciting for me (I played against many of them) and for my sons who were on a traveling VB club team and idolized those guys! That was a special place and a special time!
    We still go to Pt. Loma and others but that was a special place and a special time!

  226. I have eaten at Souplantation in San Diego and Sweet Tomatoes in Las Vegas. They serve great, healthy food! I so appreciate the coupons and senior deals. Thank you for providing such a wonderful place to eat! 🙂

  227. My first visit was most memorable. My family had never been and we ate TOO MUCH! Lol! Everything was so good. It was so hard not to keep going back for seconds, or thirds!

  228. My favorite times were the early years before the frozen yogurt makers were introduced and Souplantation was more of an Adult place to enjoy eating.

  229. My favorite memory is with my two younger children (Dillan 9 and Cora 7). They love the salad bar and one time made a comment, “I just love broccoli.” They pile their plates with salad and toppings which is artistic in-and-of-itself. Other people will comment on how impressed they are with my kids who eat so much good stuff. We love eating at Sweet Tomatoes and is a must for our salad bar cravings!

  230. Favorite moment: my daughter taking one item from each and every bin at the salad bar, mixing it all up. And then eating it all.

  231. I enter into Sweet Tomatoes for the first time requesting a sample. Crazy, I know. But I am not a huge salad or soup fan. Anyway, I paid and tr and I love it!!!! Now, my family and I go at least 3x a month.

  232. My 3 year old’s love of the “tater tots” (croutons), and the fact that he’s tried some of the soups and liked them. He still talks about the meatball soup you featured a few months ago but, sadly, haven’t had since.

  233. My fondest memories of when we took our three young children to Sweet Tomatoes and the joy on their faces making their own brownie sundaes adding the ice cream and toppings! Now as young adults, they are doing the same and still enjoying!

  234. My happiest memory involving Sweet Tomatoes was during the Christmas season of 2009.
    After a long day of shopping and as a single parent, my daughter and I ate at your restaurant for the first time. The food was great and the service was attentive. The many variations of food were not only healthy, but also delicious. Of course my daughter really loves the “yummy” deserts. Because of the distant, we have eaten at Sweet Tomatoes only on special occasions.
    It is and always will be one of our favorite and memorable restaurant.

  235. Every time I go to Sweet Tomatoes is my favorite memory. I’m a vegetarian so it’s hard to find good restaurants that cater to me. At Sweet Tomatoes I can always find a variety of things. It’s my favorite place to go!

  236. Sweet Tomatoes is a special place I go with my mother and my daughter. Very fond memories of the three of us having fun together.

  237. My favorite Souplantation memory was the 1st time I had the mushroom soup. The best I’ve ever had!!!

    That brocolli thing is sort of good too………………….

  238. My favorite memories are of Mother’s Day outings with me, my mom and sister. We go and spend hours enjoying the salads, soup and desserts – trying some of everything and enjoying girl time!

  239. I have always been a fan of sweet tomatoes, and a new location had opened up nearby, so I decided to take my significant other with me for her to try it out. She insisted it was just a buffet, and when we got there and she saw the extensive salad bar and array of soups she was utterly shocked and proceeded to pile up a gargantuan size salad as if she hadn’t eaten in days. Its pretty safe to say that she is a huge fan now since she pesters me to go all the time.

  240. I can remember going to Sweet Tomatoes (Summerlin) by our house after my wife completed her chemo sessions for Stage IIIB Breast Cancer. During the 36 weeks she was doing the sessions she could not eat anything because it all tasted like metal so she ate just tapioca pudding. I promised her after she was done with the sessions I would treat her to a great meal so we went to Sweet Tomatoes and she enjoyed the tastes and the selections. I actually though she would not leave the restaurant because as she said she was in “Heaven”. I was so happy to see her smile and eat again and now we go a few times a month as a celebratory meal celebrating her being cancer free.Thank you so much for the atmosphere and the healthy great food.

  241. I don’t have a Sweet Tomatoes anywhere close to where I live, so I’ve always eaten at them on vacation in either Florida or Arizona…and usually multiple times per trip. It’s especially nice when I go to Florida to visit my best friend and his family. It’s a tradition that is made all the more sweet when topped off with a Sweet Tomatoes brownie covered with vanilla ice cream. I love it!

  242. When I was 16 I remember going to the San Diego Sweet Tomatoes for the First Time and absolutely loving every minute of it. Now my 5year old has grown to love Sweet Tomatoes that it is his first choice when we ask him where he would like to eat.

  243. Celebrate all our family birthdays here ! If not a birthday, no problem 🙂 Have to come here once a week, you can’t break a ritual. Reason to come .. trying to find what not to love. Obviously failing everytime. It’s a wonderful place, everyone in family likes it for different reason. I love salad, wife loves all VEGETARIAN soups, kids love brownie, lava cake, ice cream ! Everyone happy … Are you happy to hear that 🙂

  244. I am in my 60’s and retired. I always frequented Souplantation in Southern California. When we were staying in Tucson, Arizona and looking for a Souplantation we coulded find it. Just by accident we found a Sweet Tomatoes location and decided to try it. We were surprised and delighted to find out that it was the same as Souplantation in California. Curious to know in your history why the name is different in Arizona.

  245. My Best Friend Tiffy lou lou, Rod, bob and I were at sweet tomato in Tucson, AZ. Bob and I had our backs against the wal. Tiffy and Rod had their backs to this huge group of moms, dads, and kids. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and we had all gotten our food. Bob proceeded to tell a joke. Well my BF Tiffy lou lou has an amazing laugh. You either love it or hate it. It is loud, it has been said that is sounds like a Hyena or a Banshee cry. I could never describe it well enough to do i justice. Well as Bob hits the fun part of the joke. Tiffy lou lou starts laughing. For some reason at that moment that she started laughing the place was strangely quiet. The guy directly behind her latterly jumped out of his chair. Others behind her were startled as well. This made me about pee my pants because his face expression will always be imprinted in my memory. He looked horrified and confused. The whole table started and it was the best time i have had at a sweet tomato.

  246. One of my favorite memories of Soup Plantation was when we celebrated my son’s 12th birthday. As a single mother I was on a tight budget but I was able to afford to invite several of my son’s friends and some of our family. Good food – good price – good atmosphere.

  247. We have family visit from Hawaii every year. Whenever they come for a visit, we ask what they would like to do, and a visit to Souplantaion is always on the top of the list! A few years ago when they came for a visit your breakfast was first offered. We ALL fell in love with your Sweet Cinnamon Biscuits w/ Frosting! We post on Facebook when we are going to eat at Souplantation. They always “like” it and comment that they can’t wait, as they don’t have a Souplantation on Maui. We love our family in Hawaii and we love Souplantation!

  248. My favorite memories are weekends when I would come home to visit my mom from college. We both love Souplantation so entitled it as our “date spot”. Every time I came home, we would go to Souplantation together, eating good food, sharing heartfelt laughs and conversations.

  249. When I graduated from college I was trying to think of a restaurant that everyone would enjoy for a celebration dinner. Several of my family members have food allergies and Souplantation has always had delicious options for everyone. After I threw the cap, my enormous family along with several friends all celebrated at souplantation. Everyone was able to eat and enjoy the evening. It is a memory I will never forget.

  250. Too many great family get together to pick just one!
    Did my youngestr daughetrs 8th gradegraudation party, Tons of Birthdays, High School fund raisers for girls Water polo, girlfirends night out.
    Brother in law lives pretty far, he LOVES Souplantaion, we always go when he visit! ha-ha
    It’s always a treat!

  251. The most delicious “entree” I discovered, while watching my caloric intake, is your baked potato, with honey mustard salad dressing, and green onions – absolutely fantastic!

  252. My husband of almost 10 years, and I shared our 1st date at Souplantation. We go often and now share this special memory when we visit with our son. The whole family goes to Souplantation for “date night” and we can’t get enough of the freshness of the food & the great selections. Thanks for helping us make lasting memories Souplantation!

  253. My favorite memory was when I took my father (who was visiting in Kansas City) to Sweet Tomatoes after they had first opened. Thought it was about the best place he had ever eaten! He was a farmer before retiring, and he wished there had been a Sweet Tomatoes in his little farm community so he could have taken farm hands there for lunch.

  254. One of my most memorable times at Souplantation was a Sunday breakfast when I and my boyfriend took his little brother to eat with us. The little one was wearing his pajamas and we got to bring him for free because of Kids Eat Free in their Pajamas Month! We had a great time

  255. Favorite memory is meeting my parents in Las Vegas and going to sweet tomato with them to eat with the family so we can enjoy great healthy food in a smoke free environment. The kids LOVED it and couldn’t believe they could make their own desserts. The grandparents had a blast helping them and can’t wait to do it again.

  256. My favorite memory of Soup Plantation was June, 2012. My daughter and I went on a strict diet to lose weight. We thought our days of eating out at restaurants was gone, but lo and behold, I opened my email and found my latest email from Garden Fresh Corp. My daughter and I went that night and stayed on plan, eating such health fare, it was wonderful to know that we were eating healthy and could still eat out and thoughly enjoy our food. I went on to lose 60 pounds, my daughter, Renata Sawyer lost 80 pounds! Thank you Soup Plantation !!! We love your wonderful restaurants!!! And we love knowing that there is a place where we can go, even now that we have lose our weight and know that we are being healthy!

  257. Souplantation will always be a special place for me and my family because it was there when my husband and I had our first date, 7 years ago!

  258. My favorite Souplantation memory was taking our 3-year-old and 9-month-old there and EVERYONE was happy. Both kids scarfed your food, and of course my husband and I were very happy with the food and especially happy that both kids were so content! Souplantation makes everyone happy!

  259. I’ve been a fan of Souplantation in Carlsbad since it opened! I remember taking my 3 little kids with me & the thrill they got from selecting their very own favorites from the long line of delectable delights. My then 10-year old son very independently went through the line & to my surprise ended up at the cash register with a plate piled high with peas & pickles! Hilarious! They’re all grown up now…but we still frequent Souplantation every chance we get. (Luckily, my son has expanded his taste buds to include ALL of the selections you provide!) It remains my favorite restaurant to this day!

  260. My story is…when I was having a meal with family for my birthday at the Sweet Tomatoes location in Lombard, Il. a while ago. As we gathered around the table with our food ready to chow down all of a sudden the power went out. For most people it may have been an opportunity for panic, not us. We continued to eat our food and we were not affected by the situation as long as Sweet Tomatoes allowed us to continue to eat, we ate. My fondest memories of spending countless hours talking about nothing with family and friends enjoying everything that my taste buds could handle is at Sweet Tomatoes. Sweet Tomatoes provides a pleasant place where people can gather for good, healthier food selections in comparison to most eateries today. If one day Souplantation Corp. crosses over and provides an even more healthy food option in this growing market by serving organic only foods for the masses it will be a win win for everyone. I would definately be a lifetime customer.

  261. I was at a Sweet Tomatoes early in the school year. Children’s fall poems were posted on the wall. Being a music teacher pre-k to 3rd grade, I was interested. One of the poems turned into a song I use every year as part of my fall song cycle. I tell the children the words were written by a child, and I supplied the melody.

  262. Between peas and crunchy leaves we saw my Brothers face again filled with joy after he set his eyes on his nephew. It was a delight full moment at the sweet tomato at Willobrook Mall in Houston Tx. we spent the most healthy and plentime at Sweet Tomato !! Thank you for a nice memo. ( May 2000)

  263. My favorite memory is of last year and the moment that I bit into a fresh, steaming, delicate cherry nut muffin. The soft crunch from the nuts and the flavor of the bread and plump tart cherries was out of this world!!

  264. Sweet tomatoes is by far the best healthy buffet i have gone to . This resturant is very close to my job so me and my fellow co-workers go there for lunch. I love the fresh salads and soups …lets not forget the yummy desserts! Love it! Yumm! Writing this is making me hungry LOL.

  265. My best memories of Souplantation was at the original one, when the mushroom soup used to have the nice big slices of mushrooms.

  266. guy called james at lakewood,ca. every so often i ask him how many hes been busing tables 16 plus years last month he told me 16 big ones. weve been going there since 1980s

  267. My favorite memory was from our first visit.. When the kids realized that they can go back for seconds on the delicious salads, soups and deserts, Sweet Tomatoes instantly became our new favorite and a tradition to go out for a family dinner. It is healthy affordable and always delicious. Its nice to have a place where I don’t need to watch my portion size too closely!

  268. We took our 4 year old Granddaughter Amore’ (she is now 6) to Sweet Tomatoes @ SanTan,
    as we took her through the line, she wanted some of every Healthy Thing! Yes, she ate most
    of everything she took…even the employees were surprised! She did top it off with one of the
    ice cream cones. We have been back many times since. Nelly (Mimi) Poe

  269. We moved to Kansa City and joined a senior group for a 6 month internship at IHOP
    (International hopuse of prayer) . We decided as a group that we would go out for dinner and the only place everyone could agree on going was Sweet Tomato. The fellowship was great and the food was excellent. When the groups decides to celebrate brithdays, Sweet Tomato is the place to be.

  270. Every Friday night is Souplantation night. We have been doing this ever since we started Dr Joel Fuhrmans “Eat to Live” program and I lost over 50 pounds in 4 months and am currently off all medications for my heart. My Doctors are amazed! My fiancé lost 35 pounds. Souplantation is a great source of healthy high nutrient fresh raw foods and soups. Thanks for helping me change my life.

  271. When our daughter was a toddler we started going to your restaurant and loved that she could eat for free and we knew she was going to get a lot of healthy options versus fast food. To ensure she got her veggies I always mixed peas into her mac & cheese. She devoured it and I smiled thinking how clever I was. Well my baby is almost 10 and I still smile every time we eat there (which is now a family tradition) because she still eats her mac & cheese with peas in it. She also has a love for many different veggies and I know it’s because we taught her young to be open to trying new things. Thanks for the many years of yummy food and wonderful memories. PEAS & THANK YOU.

  272. My favorite memories of Souplantation all involve eating there with my grandmother. It has been her favorite restaurant for many years and it quickly became one of mine as well. I just LOVE all the awesome choices of items on the salad bar…things I never would have imagined putting in a salad until my first trip to Souplantation. Grandma is now 93 years old and I don’t get to see her much, because she’s in an assisted living facility two states away, but I think of her often…especially when I take my family to Souplantation for a meal.

  273. When I arrived in the USA 6 years ago, my friend took me to Souplantation. He said that I would be excited having lunch there because I’m a health conscious Vegetarian.
    I love the fresh salad, the atmosphere, and the service. It’s simply fantastic. The good thing is wherever I move, I find my Souplantation close to me, e.g. Santa Monica and Northridge. 😀

  274. One of my favorite things to do in Orange Park Florida is going to Sweet Tomatoes with my daughter in-law. We both love the freshness of the salad bar with our tall glasses of lemonade! The soup is always nice and hot and scrumptious! The bread is wonderful. To top off our memories of Sweet Tomatoes is the wonderful soft frozen yogurt with caramel and hot fudge and nuts every time!!! The people are great and we always meet new people there. Thanks Sweet Tomatoes for always bringing sweet memories to my family!!!

  275. Sweet Tomatos is a very special place for me. Whenever my grandson is home from college, we make a date for lunch or dinner – just the two of us – at Sweet Tomatos. It is our special time together

  276. we loved going to our Local Sweet Tomatoes after church, such a great treat and a wonderful start to my Sunday mornings

  277. Besides being one of my favorite work day lunch spots, Sweet Tomatoes has become a family favorite for the weekend, too. It is where I can take my grandchildren and know they will fill themselves with fresh and delicious foods. My three year old grand daughter refers to Sweet Tomato as “The millon foot long Garden, with no Dirt”. She loves the variety of colors on the salad bar and thinks all gardens should grow just like Sweet Tomato. No dirt, no bugs, no dead leaves and you don’t have to wash it before you eat it.. I dare not tell her somebody does all that washing for us. Thank you Sweet Tomato for making healthy eating fun.

  278. Judy Thursday march 14 2013 11.45 am
    Me and my husband met at sweet tomatoes , I was there with my class mates and he was with a group of co-workers . So now on all my birthdays (03/19/1970) we are always celebrating at sweet tomatoes . We always talk about the first time we did eye contact since the first time we saw each other at sweet tomatoes . We fall in love over and over again . We are In love with sweet tomatoes … Thanks sweet tomatoes for finding the love of my life …. 🙂

  279. My favorite Souplantation memories are shared with my grandparents where I’d spend every Sunday with them. We’d have contests to see who would make the best ice cream sundae!

  280. My favorite memory is every time we go!!! Which is often by the way. Teaching our kids the joys of healthy eating is fu! They are learning all their veges and call your store “our favorite salad place”!!! Yummy!

  281. When my niece was maybe 18 months old, my whole family went to Sweet Tomatoes. Every time someone got up to get more food, she’d start crying. Then one of the staff came over, laughing, and said “,At least you know she loves you!”

  282. Ha!
    I am thirty five years old. Up until a couple of weeks ago I had never been to The Souplantation.
    I am a Fan!!!! Can not wait to try EVERYTHING once, twice and so on. Great place for all occasions.

  283. My best Sweet Tomatoes memory is eating at one after a wedding once. I had just found out I was pregnant, and we were surrounded by many friends and family. And we were at Sweet Tomatoes! What a nice memory!

  284. I seem to recall going to Souplantation back in 1983? Was there a previous owner? One of my favorite memories, and there have been MANY since, was my first time. It was a dream come true, a salad bar with everything I would put on a salad and it was the freshiest. Back then they had the HUGH blueberry muffins. My mouth is watering just thinking of it now. We moved to Northern California in 1998, not knowing about Sweet Tomatoes. While working at a beverage distributor and check came in with a Souplantation return address. I knew there was no Souplantation around, so ran back to the bookkeeper to ask what company that paid and wa-la, Sweet Tomatoes became my new regular restaurant. This is my families favorite place to go hands down. When my son is visiting it’s a “MUST” place to go. We have also inherited his wife and will make our Grandsons regulars as well. Thank you for the GREAT FOOD.

  285. I’ve eat at sweet tom’s since I was inside my mothers belly. I’ve grown to REALLY love salads since about the age of four because this place, even had thought of becoming a vegetarian but never went through with the idea because then I wouldn’t be able to eat all the HEAVENly variety of soups this place offered….. Its just absolutely amazing…words cannot describe.

  286. Sweet Tomatoes is my first option on the weekends, is the only restaurant where I spent around 2 hours with my family, enjoying the food and having fun.

  287. When I was 18 and moved to LA in 1992 from Nebraska to go to college, I decided to rush a sorority. The pledge class all went out to dinner together and we went to Souplantation! Being from the Midwest, we didn’t have a lot of the stuff on the salad bar (I’d never had jicama before) and I was in love with the food. It was my first dinner off campus all by myself. I’ll never forget it. I ended up not pledging a sorority after all (the Greek scene just wasn’t for me), but I stayed a fan of Souplantation. It’s nice to see that you still have a lot of the same items (like the blueberry muffins and pizza) that you had 21 years ago. Whenever friends visit from Nebraska, I take them to Souplantation so they can have the same “welcome to California” experience that I had.

  288. My favorite Souplantation memory was actually fairly recent, although I have many happy memories from my childhood, too! 🙂 My fiance and I just purchased our first home together, and decided to enjoy a meal at the local Souplantation, which is just a block down the street from our house! It was a great experience, as we relished in our new neighborhood together and discussed how much we are looking forward to sharing the rest of our lives together! Best of all, the food was super fresh and the service was great. We really enjoyed our first outing together in our new neighborhood and can’t wait to enjoy many more memories at Souplantation! Thank you for making our neighborhood so great with your presence, Souplantation!!! 🙂

  289. My wife and I started going to Sweet Tomatoes 17 years ago in Utah. We only had one child when we started –an 18 month old daughter. Now our daughter is 18 and we have 3 other children. They all love Sweet Tomatoes. If we are going to go out to eat, they always want to go to Sweet Tomatoes.

    When we’ve travelled, we always look for a nearby Sweet Tomatoes restaurant. We’ve been to several different restaurants in Utah, California and Nevada. We love the quality of the food, the value and the atmosphere.

    It’s fun to take friends and extended family members to Sweet Tomatoes and we’ve introduced many to the wonderful fresh and healthy food there.

  290. Your restaurant is the ONE restaurant my family can always agree upon. My daughter and I love the lemon orzo soup. And I was pleasantly surprised that you have Albondigas soup now and it’s amazing! Thank you for providing a delicious, healthy and affordable restaurant option for all-especially families!

  291. My family loves Souplantation. I think it is the perfect place to take my very picky 2 year old. I love to watch her devour a plate of fresh vegetables. She has so much fun there it is hard to not enjoy it. I love the fresh vegetables and the soups are amazing. I never had eaten at Souplantation until moving to San Diego for Oregon for the Navy. I have started a tradition of taking any of our family members to eat there and they love it as well. Thank you for the fresh and healthy food, you are a favorite in my household.

  292. My family and I walked into our first Sweet Tomatoes because we wanted to try another healthly eatery… the one that we frequented was getting less and less clean feeling… EVERYONE liked the staff, cleanliness, and the FOOD! We have driven through rush hour traffic (+1 hour) to eat there, and never regreted it! All we want is a new Houston ST built inside “the Loop”!

  293. When I was 3mo pregnant with my 2nd child I had severe gallbladder issues. I was limited to turkey and fresh fruits and vegetables. Alas, the only place to dine out was Souplantation. My 2 1/2yr old couldn’t say the name and renamed you “the happy tomato place” .

    He was allowed to pick anywhere he wanted for his 6th birthday and he choose “the happy tomato” which his 4yr old baby brother gleefully replied, “I love soup. Oh, yeah and the ice cream!”

  294. My favorite memory is/was my twin daughters about 11 month old (they are 8 now)
    were first introduced to your delicious homemade warm chocolate chip cookies
    by their Uncle Mike. The girls had never had any chocolate, but my one
    daughter Morgan completely and utterly was bouncing off the walls enjoying
    her cookie. She had it on the table, all over her face and especially silly,
    in her hair, so it was standing on end. We still talk about her “first cookie” and
    laugh! To this day we frequent Sweet Tomatoes and will continue to do so…My girls absolutely could eat the whole container of the Chicken Noodle soup!

  295. My parents have been taking my brother and I to Souplantation for years. It was no question that when I had kids I would take my children to eat here as well. My son had just turned a year and we were all having lunch at the Northridge, CA location. My son ate so well that we decided to get him his first ice cream cone. The look on his face when we handed it to him will be etched in my mind forever! He had ice cream all over him as we took pictures galore. He then screamed because he wanted another one and from that point forward he was hooked like we all are!!

  296. I don’t have to wear green to feel like a Queen..
    At SWEET TOMATOES the food is fit for royalty
    And that evokes EVERYONE’S loyalty
    My years are now approaching eighty-six
    And whenever I want a “dinner fix”
    I go where I can always choose my appetizer….
    And come home HEALTHY, WEALTHY and WISER ! ! !

  297. My favorite memory is of the chicken pot pie soup with fresh made biscuits. This is an all time favorite. I look forward to it being included on the menu other times of the year as well as during the Thanksgiving holiday season.

  298. Everytime we go, there are several employees who make us feel like we are very welcome. Even if I don’t win the contest, I hope that Sweet Tomatoes in Lombard Illinois knows what a fantastic and dedicated employee that they have in Baltazar. He always says hello and asks how I’m doing. He is always so efficient and quick to help. I don’t usually remember the names of employees at buffets- okay, I never do, but I do remember Baltazar because he always goes above and beyond to make our experience a good one. So, my favorite memory is Baltazar. He is kind, welcoming and an asset to your company. I look forward to seeing him shortly when I go in for lunch.

  299. My first time at Sweet Tomatoes – I’d never been to such a restaurant with such a HUGE selection of goodies! It was myself, my best friend of over 10 years, my husband, her husband, and her 3 kids. I had so much fun! I tried everything they had available that day, and loved all of it. I ate so much, I had a tummy-ache for a whole day after, but it was so worth it! Now, whenever my husband asks me where I want to go after a hard day, Sweet Tomatoes always tops my list. Thank you so much!

  300. Ive been going to sweet tomatoes since it opened here in irving texas, I just love the variety of salads and the clam chowder soup. When family comes over to visit from mcallen Texas and El Paso Texas , I always take them to eat at sweet tomatoes my dad is 77 years old with only 4 teeth left because he is diabetic , his been loosing his teeth … When he comes to visit the first thing he asks for is son lets go to sweet tomatoes …

  301. my first meal when i moved to la was here…it was the start of a wonderful new chapter in my life. 10 years later, I still live here!

  302. Ive been going to sweet tomatoes since it opened here in irving texas, I just love the variety of salads and the clam chowder soup. When family comes over to visit from mcallen Texas and El Paso Texas , I always take them to eat at sweet tomatoes my dad is 77 years old with only 4 teeth left because he is diabetic , his been loosing his teeth … When he comes to visit the first thing he asks for is son lets go to sweet tomatoes …

  303. The first time my boyfriend and I had lunch with his parents in his hometown we went to Souplantation. We’ve now been dating for over 7 years and it’s become a tradition that we all have lunch at Souplantation at least once a month and enjoy each other’s company. It’s always a great place to eat a healthy meal and catch up on all of the latest family news. We love it!

  304. My favorite memory of Souplantation was going out for breakfast with my little niece. We wore our pajamas and I let her eat all the cinnamon rolls she wanted. I think it was then that she realized that she had a really crazy aunt. 🙂

  305. Hot summer day… too hot to cook! Husband’s low fat diet and my low cal requirements make it really hard to do “fast food”… Souplantation in Brea, California to the rescue! Vast salad bar makes healthy eating appealing (especially when I don’t have to do all of the shopping and preparing)… soup is a great healthy filler-upper… and our server was especially friendly. What more does a hungry, health conscious, slightly lazy person need?!

  306. Sweet tomatoes is our favorite place to eat out.. My son loves to eat your chicken soup and tuna. We love your vegetarian options. In fact, we love it during your Asian inspired menu month.
    I love your Indian lentil soup that I take out some of it for enjoying it later. Your apple cobblers are to die for.
    Any visitors we have we bring them here. When we go out of Tampa and we find a Sweet Tomato restaurant we know we are home

  307. My 11 years old daughter and love this place, specially the deserts. We arrived to Las Vegas 6 years ago, and since then we havent missed a weekend dinning at Sweet Tomatoes.

  308. I love sweet tomatoes! It’s my favorite salad buffet. I love the variety of soups and salads. I can’t get enough of it.

  309. My favorite memory is from this past Valentine’s Day. My husband and I wanted to do something fun, different, and creative to celebrate and we thought that Soup Plantation was the best thing to do. We love the restaurant and all the fun that we always seem to have when we go. We thought that it would be good to celebrate the day at a place we love with food that we ever so much enjoy. It seems that we weren’t the only people with this idea as our local restaurant was packed with love birds! Eating our favorite dishes and seeing everyone else enjoying themselves on Valentine’s Day is a memory that we will all carry us with forever!

  310. Sweet Tomatoes has been a family tradition for several years, both as a young adult and now as a married person with my own kids. It’s so much fun to walk with my daughter down the salad aisle while she identifies all the “delicious vegetables!” and makes her own meal. It’s good to instill in her the excitement and variety that eating fresh holds, and also to enjoy the classic soup, pasta and chocolate chip cookie at the end. I want us to be the kind of family that eats fresh and healthy as a habit, and enjoys quality family time together. Sweet Tomatoes helps us do that.

  311. My husband and I frequently went to Souplantation when we lived in San Diego. It was one of our go-to date spots as it was affordable and delicious (and it was right next to mini golf) When we moved out of California we were so upset when no Souplantations showed up… And so we tried Sweet Tomatoes only to discover that it was in fact Souplantation!!! We were so happy! 🙂

  312. Souplantation is a special place for my husband and I. Whenever one of us has had a rough day, we don’t even need to say it… We’re going to SOUPLANTATION. We spent a very special Valentine’s Day there this year. In fact, we love it so much that we recently moved so a Souplantation was at the end of our block. I love this place!

  313. This is my daughter’s favorite restaurant. She loves celebrating evry single occasion there.
    If we want to eat out our only option is Sweet Tomatoes.

  314. The first time I went to Soup Plantation with my friend, we were so excited about all the healthy food choices. We sat down with a big plate of salad with a variety of toppings and then ended up getting so much food from all the choices we had! We were waiting in line to get to the chocolate brownies, but by the time we got to the front of the line, it was all gone. 🙁 It was the funniest moment we ever had, because we unknowingly went “oh no! The brownies!” and just then the waitress came by laughing with a fresh batch. Haha. It truly was a fun and enjoyable experience! We still go back, however with a battle plan to not over eat like we did that day.

  315. Our family gathers after Easter Sunday services. We come from all around the Houston area.

    Yummy place. I go there often. Soups and salads are my 1st choice of foods.

  316. Before I quit working to stay home with my kids, my family would go to Sweet Tomatoes every week after church. One week, my daughter was playing with the utensils, specifically the knives, even after recently having a conversation about the danger of knives. A little mischievous, yes. To her surprise, the bulky end of the utensils stuck together magnetically. She thought she was doing magic! The sparkle in her eye was priceless! <3

  317. We were new to Florida and were exploring the Orlando area not real far from where we had moved and were starving……..We saw a restruant Called Sweet Tomatoes so we though lets give it a try. We fell in love with it the first day. Spent like two and a half hours trying everything there was and walking out STUFFED to the gills. It is our NEW favorite place to eat out. Thanks for such Great food.

  318. So many Sweet Tomatoes memories, in Phoenix, Az and in Raleigh, NC, it is hard to pick just one! One more recent memory is our first dinner out as a family of 5 about 3 years ago when our newest family member was just 10 days old. Would never dream of taking our 3 and 5 year old and a newborn baby to any other restaurant but we knew our older two would be well behaved because they love Sweet Tomatoes so much!

  319. I go to Sweet Tomatoes just for the differnt focachia breads. I have no idea if I even spelled that right. The soups are good but making ones own salad is the best!!

  320. When my friend, Mike, a musician from the Island of Newfoundland, Canada, came to California for the very first time, Souplantation was the first place I took him after picking him up at LAX ! I knew that Newfoundland had nothing even near this for selection of healthy foods in this size and variety!!
    We took him to the souplantation in Arcadia, Ca. and he LOVED it, as do we!!
    ( Actually, I am going there for lunch today )
    To all : Go forth and eat healthy 🙂

  321. My 13 year old son and I love to go to Sweet Tomatoes. It is a great opportunity to enjoy and spend quality time together. Healthy and bonding with a teenager. What could be better?

  322. This was one of the first restaurants my (now) fiance and I went to..and now we have a weekly tradition of going every friday night! So my favorite memory is basically our friday night tradition 🙂

  323. We have given out gift cards to friends for sweet tomato, & they couldn’t thank us enough.,for introducing to Sweet tomatoes.
    We love the options of all the fresh vegetables, in this day & age where Obesity is growning, I don’t want to be in that number. so, sweet tomatoes is helping me keep my weight down & staying in shape. Only problem with Sweet tomatoes their not in Michigan.
    We will miss the employees & good health food, when we go back to Michigan for the 6 months. we pray you will keep growing around the country & around Florida.

  324. Taking Joe & Pam their, & how much they enjoyed. Should of seen the look on their faces, when they saw all the fresh vegetables. Priceless!

  325. My favorite Souplantation memory was the first year I got to try the Biscuits and Turkey Pot Pie Stew. I would RAVE about it to all my friends, right before November each year since. I even planned an Event around it! I’ve been enjoying Souplantation for over a decade, and will continue that tradition for as long as Souplantation is around!

  326. The first day I joined Weight Watchers I was nervous to go out to dinner anywhere! I went to Souplantation and was VERY surprised how much I could eat for so little Weight Watchers points. I left souplantation so full I did not want to eat for the rest of the day. I LOVE all the healthy choices.

  327. Our favorite moment happened just about a month ago when we went to a Sweet Tomatoes restaurant for the first time in San Jose. We used to go to a competitor’s place that served a buffet style salad and soup menu, but the service, food, and facilities were horrible. We heard about Sweet Tomatoes in the past and decided to check one out.

    The truth of the matter is that we were totally floored by the quality and freshness of everything served at Sweet Tomatoes. We basically couldn’t stop talking about the salads, soups, and other items offered there. For us, it was definitely a happy experience because it was evident that the vegetables were farm fresh, the soups were made from scratch, and all the bread, muffins, and pizza were freshly baked.

    The staff was very friendly and everyone working there was efficient and quick. Since then we’ve been back three times, and we live 45 miles away. Is it worth the drive? Definitely.

    Thanks and keep up the great work and food.

  328. One of my favorite buffets and it’s inexpensive, but healthy. None of the “bloating” aftermath. So many reasons to love Souplantation, and as a special wish, I hope Souplantation gets 3 stars in their goal to becomign a green restaurant this year.

  329. Once, I was in downtown Chicago with my girlfriend at a Blue Festival. We started to get hungry after a while so we looked at the vendors surrounding the music. Fried food heaven surrounded us. I reasoned with my girlfriend that we could healthier food outside the festival grounds. When we looked there, the usual fast food outlets failed to impress us. So then, I suggested that we simply drive back toward the suburbs, where we lived, in search of a decent meal. Despite being stuck in pitifully slow traffic, I was able to persuade her to wait until we got to Lombard, which was the closest Sweet Tomatoes location. Our decision and perseverance was rewarded with the freshness and deliciousness that is Sweet Tomatoes’ long salad bar and soup section. In fact, to this day, my girlfriend raves about the best tomato soup she ever had, which she first tasted that day at Sweet Tomatoes.

    Good things are always world waiting for, so I’ll always hold out to savor Sweet Tomatoes.

  330. My favorite Soup Plantation memory was the first time I took my wife to the restaurant. She’d never been to one before and was confused by the system. “Wait I can go back and get more of EVERYTHING?” She said. I just smiled and said, “Yep go to town.” And she did, it was a great time and now Soup Plantation is one of our favorite date night spots.

  331. My favorite experience at Sweet Tomatoes is waiting for the warm cookies to come out and be distributed to the customers! So goooooood!

  332. Every Christmas our laaarge family (over 45 people) gathered at Sweet Tomatoes/Soup Plantation for our annual gathering. The team at this restaurant made it very nice and welcoming for our whole group. Tables together, great servers, everthing was great.

  333. Once a week, my mom and I dine at Souplantation to meet our veggie requirements. We also use this time to catch up and keep each other updated on our lives.

  334. Our family is addicted to SALAD!! It is a very special day when we all get together & eat at SWEET TOMATOES. Its a must for all of our out of town visitors.

  335. I never had heard of Souplantation until I moved to California in high school, but it quickly became a staple for my friends and me. I remember when you started having the chocolate lava cake and we all ate so much of it (in addition to the salad, soup, pasta, bread, etc… that preceded it) that we had to lay down on the booth benches to digest for a half hour before getting up to leave. Maybe not the best decision looking back, but so delicious!

  336. My favorite Souplantation memory is the day that I went with my adult son. As soon as we sat down, a colleague of mine was sitting two tables over with his girlfriend. So we decided to combine tables and sit together. After they left, another one of our colleagues came in with his wife and two kids. So of course we invited them to our table too. The strange thing about this is that we all work ten miles from this Souplantation and although my son and I live within 2 miles of this particular restaurant, my other two colleagues live in cites where are other Souplantations. We didn’t plan this, but we all remember that day and say things like, “have a great weekend; maybe we’ll see you at Souplantation.” Thanks for the memories.

  337. For years now my close friends and I have made it a tradition to go to Souplantation after a day of Snowboarding! We have been going to recent locations like Arcadia, and Alhambra.

    Every Sunday, because of our crazy schedules we meet year round at the restaurant in Alhambra and catch up on our week. Since all of us are about healthy living, coming here is something we enjoy and love.

    I guess at times it is something that is overlooked by other chains, but thank you for the weekly coupons and promotions such as these. Souplantation has become a huge part of our life, and is there as our memories are formed for more years to come.

  338. My wife and I must have souplantation at least twice a week. We love how fresh everything is. There really isn’t any restaurant like it.

  339. Your restaurant is a favorite of mine… so when I met a new guy online, I suggested we meet for the first time at a Sweet Tomatoes close to me. Well. The food was fresh and tasty and the guy was at least 25 years older, in person, than he appeared in his online dating pix. He chatted away while I enjoyed my salad. And when I asked if he wanted to join me in a frozen yogurt (my usual ending to a mid-afternoon combined lunch-dinner before my daily walk) he declined, then raised his eyebrows to the rafters and not too kindly intimated that I might skip it, too. History: him. Intact: my self-esteem. And still on my radar: your restaurant!

  340. I love the variety of soups and the different muffins! Actually, I love all the selections! Healthy place to eat and meet friends for dinner!

  341. We take our now 3 and 6 year old to eat and its their favorite restaurant. We have been going there for about 8 years and love it every time. We take friends who are from out of the country and they love all the veggies and soups available. We live in Brandon, FL and are lucky to have Sweet Tomatoes close to our home and close to our taste buds!

  342. My best friend introduced this restaurant for me, now we go whenever we have a chance to! Great locations, buffet style, bonding time! Gotta love it, cant help but eat everything when we’re there.. about how about those chocolate chip cookies :O Souplantation just makes for a memorable meal

  343. We just love to eat at Sweet Tomatoes and we live within easy distance of two of them! My favorite soup is the lemon chicken with rice but the turkey soup with dressing to add is really good when it’s in season. We like the fact that we can eat “healthy” without a problem and the serving size is always just right since you serve yourself! Happy 35th birthday and here’s to many more!

  344. Yesterday was the first time I’ve every ate at a souplantation && I am now a fan, can’t wait till I go back!

    The concept of this restaurant is brilliant. For those of you that have a negative outlook on “buffets”, once in this restaurant the stereotype of buffets being bad for you is out the window.

    I love the selection of fresh veggies to create your personal salad. After the salad you have a huge selection of fresh different fresh soups, whole wheat pastas and pizza. Every things is so tasty and FRESH!

    I will be back for more, the price is so reasonable for a healthy buffet

  345. My favorite memory is spending my lunch break with my sister at a nearby Souplantation. Since I’ve been married, its been hard to have “sister-time” with my little sister. The lunch times we’ve spent at Souplantation have been memoriable and valued. It’s been an easy place to get a tasty meal, and a place to catch up with my sister.

  346. Sweet tomatoes was having my friends very favorite desert. We always go there for lunch and it was only going to be for the dinner hours. I called ahead and asked if I could order the cake so I could surprise my friend and when we got there the manager made the dessert and presented it to us when we were finished with our lunch. My friend was so happy and that made us all happy.

  347. My favorite memory of Sweet Tomatoes is the Sunday lunches with my family. As a young girl I remember going to Sweet Tomatoes almost every Sunday after church. Now that my family is gone, I still like to follow that memory as I try and go after church every Sunday. To me, souplantation means a time to meet with those I care for.

  348. Yesterday was the first time I’ve every ate at a souplantation && I am now a fan, can’t wait till I go back!

    The concept of this restaurant is brilliant. For those of you that have a negative outlook on “buffets”, once in this restaurant the stereotype of buffets being bad for you is out the window.

    I love the selection of fresh veggies to create your personal salad. After the salad you have a huge selection of fresh different fresh soups, whole wheat pastas and pizza. Every things is so tasty and FRESH!

    I will be back for more, the price is so reasonable for a healthy buffet from now on is my favorite restaurant ever!!!

  349. I am a huge fan of the cream of cauliflower soup. I’ve tried making it, myself, but it did not compare, and now my Sweet Tomato hasn’t had it on the menu for SUCH a long time. Fond memory, though. 🙂

  350. My entire family came from Kansas to visit last summer and after no one could decide what sounded good, we took them to our favorite place. Sweet Tomatoes! My dad had new dentures and my mom always follows her diet and my nephew is a picky eater – we knew with all the fresh selections, it would please everyone. That is the last time I seen them, so everytime we go back to Sweet Tomatoes, I think of all the fun and laughs we spent there with the people who mean the most to me!

  351. I started going to Sweet Tomatoes in Albuquerque back in 2000. I brought my elderly Italian mama. She loved it! It became our tradition; going out shopping for the day with my mom and then treating her to lunch at Sweet Tomatoes. It became her favorite place, all the soups, pastas, foccacia, etc… What more could and Italian mama want right? I think back on those times; and now I take my grandchildren there every week. Who knew trying a new place one day would turn into a family tradition. When my relatives come to town they all want to go to Sweet Tomatoes because it was “Ma’s favorite place”.

  352. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes memory is my introduction to Mojito Green Tea as a beverage. Whenever I know the Mojito green tea beverage is being served, I make a special effort to stop by.

  353. I have many great memories of eating at Sweet Tomatoes! After church, our children and grandchildren have eaten there ever since the grandkids had to use high chairs, and now they’re teen agers!! We all have fun eathing there…young OR old!

  354. My daughter and son-in-law took my husband and I to Sweet Tomatoes for a Mother’s Day gift a few years ago. We had a great time. The food options were wonderful! A great new favorite place to eat! We have come many times since. My husband and I both love the soups and have come to especialy love certain of your soups. Enough that we check out the soups to see if our favorites are listed month to month. Thank you so much!

  355. My favorite memory of souplantion would have to be on our last visit. We came with friends who had never been before and they loved it! I also was extremely satisfied in the way I chose what foods to eat. Typically, I get excited and fill up on 1 or 2 things, but I planned a lot better this time and was able to eat all of the different genres. I left beyond satisfied!

  356. My kids love picking the healthy items for their trays. I told the big kids to pick anything they wanted. Unfortunately, as I was helping my little one scoop, the big boys made it down to the special “green” section with additionally priced items. They had already scooped by the time I got there and I told them I would pay it this one time, but next time they don’t need the extra items.

    What were they so eager to eat from the green section?

    Tofu and soy beans.

  357. One day my husband and I were both wondering what we wanted for dinner. Let’s cook, no let’s go out to dinner? Ok, where? What’s Soup Plantation as we drove around the city? Let’s give it a try I said, and my husband told me, don’t be picky and have an opened mind. I walked into heaven, so clean and a Fantastic Buffet waiting for you. Love the staff as well.

  358. Have been in Florida since 1996 and introduced to Orlando area Sweet Tomatoes almost immediately. By far my favorite restaurant, and I have to travel a distance (1/2 hour) to get to the closest one! Best recent birthday treat was dinner at Sweet Tomatoes. I explained what the restaurant was all about to a neighbor who had never been to one and was excited to try it, so I offered to take him for his birthday last week. He loved it AND we both agree it would be a big hit in the area we live in – West Volusia County especially the Orange City/Deland/Deltona area where we’re from. It’s gotten so busy there and although there are some of the usual recognizable chain restaurants, none are anything like Sweet Tomatoes. The area is a grand mix of young families and working and retired folks. We need you – please consider studying the demographics and open a Sweet Tomatoes here!!!

  359. I can’t tell you how much we enjoy going to Sweet Tomatoes. My grand-daughter, that we are
    raising, loves vegetables, pizza, chocolat/vanilla ice cream with sprinkles, and especially the macaroni and cheese. Kayde is 8 years old and loves to try something new each time we go. She is always trying to influence what we choose to eat. The luxury is that there are so many items that she usually gets distracted by her own choices so that we can indulge in ours. We usually sit at the same table. When we don’t, I always think that someday Kayde may ask
    the customers in “our” seats to move. So far she hasn’t, and maybe she never will. She is shy on occasion. Thank goodness for small favors. Thanks.

  360. I still remember my first visiting in souplantation, My first thought is how these could feed me. I am definitely a meat person. It really surprised me after the whole nice dinner. I kind fall in love with it. The Veges are so fresh and taste so good, and I love the soups and cookies!! now I am VIP customer!!

  361. My kids grew up with Souplantation. I remember my oldest one (now 26) sitting in his high chair eating cheese from the salad bar that I had compressed into a cheese ball. When we went for lunch last week, he pointed to the cheese and jokingly asked for a cheese ball. The RB restaurant is the best!

  362. Soup Plantation is the only place my kids (now 9 and 11) will have seconds (or sometimes thirds!). We always know we’ll be getting our moneys worth here!

  363. Before my schedule became so busy, I used to meet my cousins for lunch at Souplantation every Sunday!! I have 2 favorite memories: 1.)There was one visit where our table kept getting cleared (3 times in the same day!) each time we got up, and we would return to the table and be greeted by a new family.. It was so strange! We didn’t mind too much, since we were able to sit elsewhere. It was strange, but it was funny! We even used the “be ripe back” card :). The manager was apologetic and offered us a bag of their delicious cookies! 2.) I brought my mom for breakfast on Mother’s Day, and it was her very first time there! She loved it, and even got a free carnation from Souplantation in honor of Morher’s Day!

  364. We have a Sweet Tomatoes in our neighborhood in Phoenix called Ahwatukee and we love it! It’s the only place to eat that my two teenagers regularly agree on. When we go, I love to see them both piling up their plates with salad and healthy veggies! My 14 year old daughter is a fussy eater and Sweet Tomatoes is where I can get to her taste and try new food. Once I challenged her to eat a slice of raw onion for a dollar–and she did it!

  365. My best memory was bringing my 2yo and my husband. My 2yo is completely picky on what she eats and she ate ALL her salad. She asked for more which I was completely happy about. Souplantation is the only place she will eat all her food at. That makes me so happy as a mom! It’s a place I can go to and know that she’s going to eat!

  366. My friend, Karen, and I have been eating at Souplantation together since 1979, so this year we are celebrating our 34th Anniversary of yummy custom-made salads!! The first one we went to was in Downtown L.A. near where we both worked. We no longer work Downtown together, and we live about 40 miles apart–we take turns driving across town and heading to Souplantation at least twice a year. It’s our own special tradition! Thanks for a great restaurant (and love the coupons!)

  367. I love coming here at least once a week… My wife and I celebrate our Anniversary here this year. The service here is always impeccable.
    Whenever that happens, I often head to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch if it’s convenient. The salad bar seems to always have the freshest ingredients in great variety. Soups are in abundance with some regulars like Chicken Noodle and Potato along with seasonal and monthly offerings.
    Sweet Tomatoes is great for a healthy bite to eat that’s pretty good. I really want to give some credit to the service here. The ladies in the salad bar and the workers who pick up the dishes are some of the friendliest restaurant staff I’ve ever seen, very relaxing and the environment is clean! We always end up tipping the girl who buses the tables because she’s always smiling and always polite. I hope they’re getting paid well, because they’re far more professional than the servers at a lot of fancy, pretentious places.

  368. My 4 best friends and I used to come to Soup Plantation with our families the night before school started, all through middle and high school. Now, when we’re all back visiting our hometown, we love meeting at Soup Plantation for dinner to catch up.

  369. One of my favorite memories was taking my five kids to sweet tomatoes because its one of our most favorite places to eat. We hadn’t been there for awhile. When we walked in, the manager recognized us from before and gave us the warmest greeting. I was on a very tight budget at the time and asked if they had an extra family coupons from the newspaper to help with my bill. He got one for me and gave us a very special rate on drinks too! I felt so blessed, welcomed and appreciated. Thank you for having a restaurant with healthy food and managers that help create a healthier world! Happy Birthday Sweet Tomatoes!

  370. I have a teenage stepdaughter that loves this restaurant, which is nice because I know she will get plenty of fresh veggies whenever we take her. My stepdaughter lives many States away and she doesn’t have a Sweet Tomatoes or Souplantation where she lives. Every time she comes to visit us she always asks “Can we eat at Sweet Tomatoes?” It warms my heart to hear her say that because I know that she doesn’t just love the food but she loves spending the time with her father and I. If you have teenagers than you may understand how fleeting this quality time is and what better way to spend it than at a restaurant as wonderful as Sweet Tomatoes. Thanks for the memories and keep them coming.

  371. Every time I go to a Souplantation restaurant its always a great memory because I go with my boyfriend and we end up having great deep conversations. I love how the employers always offers you fresh cookies that were just baked, over at your table. Souplantation always has such a great cheerful ambiance. The food is the best, because they always change the food so therefor we have plenty to choose from and not just the same food.

  372. My best memory was as a kid with my grandma just before we passed, she took a friend and I to souplantation and we got in trouble for slurping up our jello with a straw.

  373. Whenever my friend Julie comes over for lunch, we think salad, soup, healthy muffins…. nothing like Souplantation!

  374. My father is a picky eater. Souplantation is one place I know that I can take him where he will enjoy the food. We both love your soups and desserts! =)

  375. Sweet Tomatoes is my daughter’s favorite restaurant! I remember going there on Halloween with the kids in full costume just spending wonderful family time together. The bonus was that they filled up on healthy and delicious food so that they weren’t begging me the entire night for a lot of candy!

  376. My Favorite memory of Souplantation is back in the Spring of 1994. I was a senior in high school and both my boyfriend (Now my husband) and I worked part time at the Souplantation in Pasadena, CA. Our favorite time was when we would get to work a full day on a Saturday and we would have our lunch breaks together and pay ONLY $1 (Employee discount) for an all you can eat buffet. That was the BEST! We still LOVE Souplantation, and live 5 minutes away from one and our 3 daughters LOVE it just as much. The last restaurant I ate at before going into labor with my 1st born was Souplantation; and the 1st restaurant I ever took my 1st born out to eat at was also Souplantation. I guess you can say, my husband and REALLY DO LOVE this place! LOL! 🙂

  377. My favorite memory of Sweet Tomato at Willowbrook Mall, Houston, TX is every time I go in the staff is so pleasant and helpful, making the visit real enjoyable. Thanks

  378. We found Sweet Tomatoes last year while visiting family in Utah. What a great find!!!! We were staying at a nearby hotel and walking around to decide where to eat when we say your Midvale restaurant. What a treat!!! It was a one night stay and our dinner just topped it all off. Your salad bar is the best we have ever had and the choices of soups are terrific. We just went again last night to the one in Sandy Utah and had to force ourselves to quit eating. My favorite was your onion soup as well as some of the delicious muffins to go with our salad. Thanks for such a refreshing meal!!

  379. My 4 yr old son and my husband took me out to eat for my birthday on the 28 of February. We have tried all the restaurants and my sons favorit restaurant was Hometown Buffet but that day I told them both that I wanted to go to Souplantation. They were both iffy about going, but now it has became our favorit restaurant to go to when we have a chance and not to say that we are eatting healthy food as well. Thanks for having a healthy place our family can enjoy and at a very inexpensive price. 🙂

  380. My favorite memory of Souplantation is a recent one. My husband and I have two young children (1 and 2) and just two weeks ago discovered we can still enjoy a night out to eat at a restaurant if we take them to Souplantation! They love it, I feel like we are eating a healthy meal, and we actually have time to enjoy eachother’s company.

  381. We go at least once a week. Love the fresh vegetables for the salad, the home made soups and pastries. My in-laws from Michigan made it a point to eat there when they visit. My middle daughter who is hearing impaired worked there for one summer and her specialty was the Chinese chicken salad! Right now I try to take advantage of the senior citizen special when possible. Thanks for the opportunity of a heathy meal!

  382. I love soupplantation. My best memory was going there (Marina Del Rey location) with my cousin and we stayed there for hours just to eat. I love getting the soups. I’m sad that it’s now closed. Hopefully you guys can bring that back to Marina Del Rey again.

  383. Took my best friend to Souplantation for the first time last August. We met in junior high but she’s a flight attendant residing in Hong Kong now. I don’t see her very often, and I knew she would love this place just as much as I do!! It was a beautiful day in So Cal with a nice breeze and sunshine. We filled up our plates with salads and picked a seat with a nice amount of sunshine. She loved all the soups and was so excited when the staff came by to offer us chocolate chip cookies. I’ll take her here the next time she visits. In the main time… I’ll keep enjoying this joint!

  384. I love going to soup plantation with my family and my kids grub on the mac’n’cheese. I love every food there from there salad to the frozen yogurt!!!!

  385. My favorite memory is when my husband and I would go to sweet tomatoes and know how much we liked it, so we invited friends to come and just the look on there face when we walked in was like a kodack moment. They enjoyed it so much that we try and go once a mo. since the closest one is 40 miles one way, but we take our motorcycles on a nice sunny day and go . when anyone asks wher do we want to go it’s always sweet tomatoes.

  386. Took my friends from Georgia there and they were overjoyed with the food, service and price.
    We love Sweet Tomatoe.

  387. My first trip to the Sweet Tomatoes in Las Colinas was shear heaven. Never had I seen such a sight of that many delectable goodies under one roof. The only problem I have ever encountered there was what to try next and when I might be back. It’s all good. Hope we get one closer to our side of town someday. For now, these ten or so miles to travel is just fine with me since good things do come to those who wait.

  388. My favorite memory of Sweet Tomatoes is eating there EVERY Saturday afternoon, chowing down after a long day of grooming dogs and cats with my co-worker Bev. Man did we look forward to Saturdays. NOM NOM NOM.

  389. There’s always a good memory to be made around food… and Sweet Tomatoes provides a great atmosphere for a family or group to meet and enjoy a spread of fun food! When ever we want the ease of eating out for lunch or dinner we look towards Sweet Tomatoes for a good meal at a great value! Happy 35th Birthday and thanks for the grub!

  390. My favorite Souplantation memory is going out with a bunch of work friends and having fun with all the creative combinations we came up with. I discovered that filling a baked potato with mac and cheese makes for a tasty treat!

  391. I love the different types of soups that you have. Every single one is delicious! Eating the soup and the foccacia bread together makes a satisfying meal. Your salads, especially the asian salad, is one of my favorites.

  392. Going to Souplantation after a bad day at the dentist really made me slow down, take a deep breath and enjoy the wonderful food with my sweet hubby. It’s still my favorite place to go on good days, bad days and everything in-between.

    1. I would have to say that one of the most sweetest memories was my mother taking my sons and I to sweet tomatoes for the first time on Mothers Day. we had a great time and the food so so fresh.It was hard for me to believe that all my boys ate more than us seeing how the food is “food that only adults eats” so my boys say! Well at least to say they loved it! I will now always go there for Mothers Day to remind me of the good times we shared together as a family. My Mother has pasted since than I and like to go there because it was are spot we had together. So thank you for the wonderful everything at Sweet Tomatoes! Take Care,June B. Halzel

  393. I’ve been eating at Souplantation since it opened in 1978. My favorite memory is of my son and his “Creations” from the salad bar, and 14 years later, his son’s “Creations” from the same salad bar! We are multi-generation Souplantation fans! And the Mushroom Soup – well – I wish I had the recipe because it’s the best ever. When we get together at Souplantation (all 3 + generations) it is Party Time! I hope that I will be able to bring great-grand children there someday.
    Thanks for all the years of consistant great quality food for the entire family.

  394. My son-in-law’s father took a group of us on a hike near the Souplantation Northride restaurant on his birthday. After the hike, we met others who had not gone on the hike at Souplantation and the birthday boy treated us all to breakfast/brunch. We had a group that ranged from barely past toddler to 80 years old. Everyone got to eat what they wanted and they little ones loved being able to choose their own meals and, with just a little help, to fill their own plates and create their own sundaes.

  395. I have so many great memories at Sweet Tomatoes. It’s one of my favorite places to eat as I love the variety of items available. About 6 years ago, my friend and I would drive from Daytona Beach to Altamonte Springs every other week to eat at Sweet Tomatoes. One night, we sat talking and eating for couple hours. By the time we left, I was so full I had to sit in the parking lot to take a nap for about 15 minutes before I could drive us home! We were both so full and so happy that we couldn’t stop laughing. Just fun times with good friends there always!

  396. my favorite memory of sweet potatoes was Father’s Day weekend when we surprised my dad and took him to dinner? he found out sIx weeks later that he had Pancreatic cancer and died 11 days later, dad always love Sweet Tomatoes whenever we were close to one we went there for dinner thank you for all the Fond memories.

  397. I recently took an 84 year old lady to lunch at Sweet Tomatoes. Having never been there before you can imagine the look on her face when she first saw all the salads. She couldn’t believe it the variety so she tried most everything. Then we sat down at a nice booth. Later she got up to see what else you had. She was like a kid in an old fashioned candy store. If you could have seen this tiny lady enjoying her food – it just warms the heart.

  398. My sister took me to Souplantation for the first time in 1988. When I saw all the fixins for salad, the soups, bread, and desserts, I could not believe it was for one price. It is still a low price for all that you eat…and eat we do! The first bite today is just as good as the first bite back in ’88.
    It is a favorite for date night with my hubby and we are never disappointed. My favorites:
    Caesar salad, chicken noodle soup, foccacia bread, chocolate lava cake! Yum!!!

  399. My favorite memory of Sweet Tomatoes is going every Monday after school with a few of my friends. We made it tradition to go right after we get out of class every Monday. We even called ourselves “STC” (Sweet Tomatoes Crew)!

  400. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes memory was a time when I went with my boyfriend, best friend, and brother. We just finished eating, and I was thinking about dessert. I said “I’m going to get some chocolate chip cookies” My boyfriend responded with, “They don’t have chocolate chip cookies here” Just a second later, here comes an employee with a tray of cookies, asking “Would you like to try some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies?” Shut my boyfriend right up. (and the cookies were AMAZING!)

  401. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes memory would have to be recently when I went with two of my best friends, Maggie and Brian, the day we all got back from college for spring break. First meal of spring break with my favorite people! 🙂

  402. My favorite memory of Sweet Tomatoes, also my first, was when I was in 7th grade. My friend and I went to see Bon Jovi in concert. Her mother took us to Sweet Tomatoes for a little dinner before we got to the venue. It was awesome! I’ve always been a salad freak, and I had never even heard of Sweet Tomatoes. It was the perfect start to a great evening.

  403. My favorite memory of Sweet Tomatoes is when I met a fellow nutritarian for lunch. We had such a large variety of healthy and delicious food to choose from. This is very rare to find these days. I consider it to be my go to restaurant for healthy options.

  404. Oh my gosh! I will never forget my first moment. This moment happened about three years ago but I remember it like yesterday. That moment…that fabulous moment was when I took mt first bite if lemon lava cake. It was simply delicious. Boy my mouth is watering right now. Im now a lava cake crazed fan. When lava cake is on the menu the first thing I eat is cake, salad, then soup. Well Sweet Tomatoe thanks for that one explosive moment when i took my first bite of Lemon Lava cake.

  405. Sweet Tomatoes beats Fresh Choice by far! Probably that’s why FC closed their restaurants.
    I love the soups, the foccacia bread and of course the fresh salads. My colleagues and I go there almost every Friday, and we have to go early because the place is packed.

  406. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes memory is from a cold, wintery Saturday night a few years ago. My mother and I had just finished our dinner at Sweet Tomatoes when the manager came around with a plate of hot just-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies!! What a treat!! It was the perfect way to end the meal.

  407. My first memory of Sweet Tomatoes my daughter took me to her favorite place. I had the variety of salads and soups. My favorite soup is the scrumptious mushroom soup with the molasses bread with honey butter.. Yummy in my tummy. Now Sweet Tomatoes was one of my favorite place where me and my daughter visit on a regular basis when we want yummy in our tummy.

  408. My favorite memories are eating at Sweet Tomatoes on hot summer days and enjoying a nice cool salad, tea, cornbread and of course ice cream with sprinkles X D

  409. My first time to Sweet Tomatoes still brings back the disbelief of that long, long salad bar selection. I hadn’t got half way down the line and my plate was already needing sideboards. Every single offering looked so good and inviting, it was hard to resist taking a small sampling. Finally making it to the cashier, was told the meal included drinks. The meal for some reason or other seemed so good at the time that I began contemplating when I might come back again. I thought that was it. Wrong! Was told of the number of soups available and of the other goodies one could try. Knew I was coming back for sure and not too far off in the near future. Those first time good memories materialize with each time back to Sweet Tomatoes.

  410. he comido en muy buenos restaaurantes.Pero cuando quiero comer sano y fresco tengo que admitir que en Tomates reste si me siento como en casa

  411. My favorite memory of Sweet Tomatoes was the first time I went there! I went with my friends there to try it because they recommended it. When we walked through the door, I was so amazed by all the food in there! The salad was great, especially the Chinese chicken salad! I loved the variety of baked goods at the bakery and the pasta was delicious. I loved the chocolate lava cake and blueberry muffins! Sooo good!! I almost go there every other weekend now.

  412. One memory that will be a sovenier forever is when my friends met me at the newly opened ” Sweet Tomatoes ” here in Sarasota FL.. OMGosh !!! Deliteful — What a treat!!! What selections. The salad bar is the BEST and the choices of soups are well TERRIFIC !!!

    I recommend to everyone , everyone. !!!!! Thank you for having a restaurant with healthy food and managers and staff that help create a healthier world !!!!!!
    Happy 35th Birthday Sweet Tomatoes!!!!

    Bob Fritz Sarasota , FL

  413. My favorite memories are when my daughter was younger, she looooved Sweet Tomatoes! She would always want to have her birthday dinner there 🙂

  414. My sister and i travel to Tampa for our annual doctor appointment. We schedule off work that day and make it a sister day. Our doctor knows we come together and before we head home, about an hour drive, we have lunch at Sweet Tomatoes. The wonton chicken salad is one of our favorites. We enjoy this time together laughing, eating and celebrating another healthy year.

  415. My favorite memory of Sweet Tomatoes was the day I took my husband there after his heart attack and surgery. He couldn’t eat at any of his old favorite places. He was so happy to be able to fill his plate with delicious, healthy food that was allowed for him. It remains one of our favorite places to eat out.

  416. The best thing I can remember about Sweet Tomatoes is when I first bought my house in 2001 and I found out that Sweet Tomatoes was just 1 1/2 miles away …. I had company here for the winter we ate there every day for 2 weeks as they loved it also. So may choices of soups… and O so yummy. We also have breakfast on Sunday as everything is so fresh and not alot of people know about the breakfast so I can get up and go,,, wake up with fresh coffee… ya gotta try the the flavored coffee…. Everything lunch. dinner ,and breakfast is wonderful… and not to mention the coupons….. bogo…..

  417. Sweet Tomatoes is my favorite place to eat so in March 2002, my husband surprised me with a Birthday luncheon which included my Son at Sweet Tomatoes. The following May, my husband was killed in an automobile accident. I eat at Sweet Tomatoes quite often and along with the wonderful food and great atmosphere, I always think of my thoughtful husband.

  418. Souplantation has been my favorite restaurant since I was a kid. Every time I got to choose the “family dinner out”, Souplantation was it! I loved Souplantation so much so, that when my 3rd grade teacher assigned my class to write about our dream dinner with a famous person, I wrote about enjoying a healthy meal with Will Smith. My mother still references that assignment every time we visit the restaurant.

    It is no surprise that when it came time to get my first job at 16, I immediately applied to Souplantation. I worked as a hostess and cashier for several years until I completed college. During that time, Souplantation became so much more than a restaurant, it became a second home.

    Nowadays, whenever I am looking for a healthy inexpensive meal, Souplantation is always on the top of my list!

  419. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes is when our daughter and her family went with us, and watching the grandchildren go back to try more things and knowing they were not only having a great time getting their own choices, but they were filling up on lots of nutritious food. The whole place was full of people having a great time!

  420. This is my Blog:
    My friend Kay and I would spend hours at Souplantation. Sometimes we would come for breakfast at 10:30 a.m. and leave around 1:30. We were born the same year and she attended the same high school as my second husband so we had commonalities. We discussed everything. Just good girl-talk.

  421. I needed to bring people to a vegetarian diner for food. I found your store by accident. Problem solved.

  422. i still remember the first time y taste the clam showder with my father and brothers every saturday after aur little league baseball game good times!

  423. Two years ago I was hospitalized for four days and came home using a walker. I was 36-years-old. It took four months to recover from my illness, but my family knew I needed to get out of the house once in awhile. My mom bribed me to leave by buying me lunch at Sweet Tomatoes and promised no one would stare at me because she would get up and down to get my lunch for me!

  424. Have had many good meals at Soup Plantation. Always ahead of the times in healthy eating. Whenever family/friends come to town we take them to Soup Plantation. And they always wish they were lucky enough to have one near them. My favorite is the Creamy Mushroom soup. There must be something in there that makes it taste so good. I am addicted!!!

  425. My favorite Souplantation memory is talking and laughing with friends while eating delicious salad and other goodies. I’m not sure why, but this has always been the place where all of our juiciest secrets have been revealed!

  426. I live in Ft worth texas and everytime i go to the Dr downtown Ft Worth i eat at Sweet Tomatoes i even went on vacation in Denver,Colorado and also ate there..I enjoy being able to have fresh salad and soup… and fresh bread.. and chili and ice cream & cake… and no one is rushing to take your table like other places you eat…i like the Rasberry Tea..

  427. I discovered Sweet Tomatoes more than 15 years ago and loved the variety of choices, fresh salads, and yummy soup. When i moved to Southern California I was disappointed until i realized that Soup Plantation is Sweet Tomatoes I still love the salads, especially the chicken won ton and tuna tarragon and will forever be a fan of the chili with cornbread with honey whipped butter. Yum!

  428. There was no Sweet Tomatoes in my neighborhood, so I didn’t even know what it was. One day, my sister called me to tell me that a Sweet Tomatoes restaurant had opened at a shopping mall nearby and that she tried it and that I should also because it was great. I went to Sweet Tomatoes, for the first time, no knowing what to expect, and I was kind of amazed by it. I am now a regular at this restaurant and I know exactly what to choose, how much and in what order. When you compare the price of other restaurants “soup and salad” one realizes that one gets more for their money at Sweet Tomatoes.

  429. My son moved to Ft Lauderdale and took us to this”salad bar” as he said, because my husband was on a diet. We walked in and thought we took the stairway to heaven! Salad, soups,potato and pasta bar, dessert area, and drinks included! We never saw anything like this in upstate NY. And the price was beyond belief reasonable. I go online before every vacation to try to find a Soup Plantation near us

  430. Sweat Tomatoes is our best place for lunch. I love the soup, the best one is the chicken noodle soup , it reminds me like Chinese chicken soup. I would like to go there for lunch every day if we had one close to our house.

  431. One of my best memories of Sweet Tomatoes occurred shortly after I found out we were getting one in our area. I had eaten at other locations and had loved the food and even though the closest one to us was an hour and a half drive away–we went faithfully at least once a month. I wrote several times suggesting this would be a good location to have one and received nice replies that it was not in their plans yet. Finally one day I happened to see in our newspaper that “WE WERE GETTING A SWEET TOMATOES”. I was so happy–I told everyone I could think of and they were happy for me knowing how much I had wished for that to happen. When they started constructing the one in this area we kept an eye out while driving by and finally when the sign went up we just had to ride closer to get a better look. I got out to peek in the window to see if it was going to be like the one we usually went to. A gentleman inside noticed me and came to the door and asked if he could help me? I told him I was just curious to see how things were going so he kindly invited me inside to take a look. He answered a few of my questions and I could see we wouldn’t have much longer to wait for it to be finished. When I told my friends I had gotten to see the inside –everyone laughed –and said ” It could only happen to you” . It really made my day–not to mention how I felt the day it finally opened. Naturally my husband and I had to eat there the first day. Since then we go often and always enjoy it. Thanks for hearing my prayers.

  432. My husband and I eat at Sweet Tomatoes about twice a month. We love the variety of salad ingredients and soups, although I nearly always get the deep kettle chile. It’s great! I’m so glad it’s always one of the choices. The drinks, breads, and desserts are wonderful.

  433. My favorite memories from sweet tomatoes were last year when my husband was deployed! A fellow spouse and I would take our kids just about every week so we could get together and socialize while the kids had fun being able to help us get their meals and not be stuck with just one option! It was so nice having a night off from cooking constantly and still have healthy options!

  434. Our family is large and multgenerational. One of our big treats is for us to all eat together. So we meet at Sweet Tomatoes and enjoy a wonderful, healty buffet as a family. We all love choosing our favorites , from the youngest to the oldest, everyone has fun eating there. And guess what? No one has to do dishes!

  435. I love it when a staff member comes around with a tray of chocolate chip cookies. I ask them every time to leave the whole tray on my table, but they haven’t done that yet!

  436. I love sweet tomatoes and all of staff are fantastic. The food is great and desserts rock. Always a new surprise. Even in sunny florida it gets cold this time a year and nothing better than a bowl of soup and all the other goodies to go with it.

  437. I love the Souplantations in Long Beach, Fountain Valley and Costa Mesa equally well. My favorite is the Brownie with lots of frozen vanilla yogurt on top.

  438. Cold winter time, it was raining and our staff wanted some warm soup.. It was the albondiga soup that made us smile, the soup tasted just like abuelita (grandmas) albondigas soup. Bowl after bowl we ate the yummy soup. We asked the manager if this was a seasonal soup? Unfortunately his response was yes… So to our dismay, we had to go back a couple of times to eat more albondiga soup before it was gone.. Do we have to wait till the winter to get it again?

  439. I can’t think of any one time off hand BUT
    Since I always enjoy it with friends or family that
    I’m taking for there first time it is ALWAYS a very
    Enjoyable experiencecwith friendly staff and even
    More important to me but VERY fresh selections.
    I frequent the Gilbert location on Ray and Power since
    Very close to me. I hope everyone enjoys it as much
    As myself.
    Thank you

  440. Diane
    My favorite Souplantation moments are when I see my son go back for thirds on the Chicken Noodle Soup and Pizza; then he tops it off with two brownies and says “I can’t eat another bite or I’ll bring everything back up!” Moreover, my personal favorites are the chili and corn muffins (I love the corn muffins) and the blueberry muffins.

  441. We always go to Souplantation to celebrate after my husband and/or I run a marathon or Ironman triathlon. My husband threw me a surprise party after my 100th marathon at the Carmel Valley souplantation in San Diego. He invited about 50 of my friends, some of whom he doesnt even know. I was extremely surprised! (I recently completed marathon #193, so another may be upcoming)

  442. We make Wednesday nights, Souplantation night! We Love the selection of soups and creating our own baked potato…

  443. We love Sweet Tomatoes, here in Fresno, California. We have been dining at Sweet Tomatoes since they opened their doors here in Fresno and our children could dine at no charge. They are now all grown and taking their children. We love the monthly themed menus that adds variety to the meals and we always leave a tip, because the dining attendants deserve it for all their hard work. We love that’s it’s healthy and a Certified Green Restaurant. If we desire a healthy meal, we choose Sweet Tomatoes!!

  444. I love to take my youngest daughter to Sweet Tomatoes after a girls day out of shopping or hair styling. We catch up and eat healthy. Many mom daughter moments shared here.

  445. At one of the Souplantation’s I once worked at when I was 19 years old in 1986, there is a older gentleman who works in the dining room in the evenings that I think is the perfect Souplantation employee. He is always there and I can tell he has outstanding work ethic by how hard he works cleaning the tables and chairs, taking people’s trays and filling people’s drink cups. He is very courteous and friendly. I even look for him so I can sit in his section of the restaurant as I want to generously tip him. There was even a time I didn’t have any cash for a tip, but I left him a note and tipped him the next time I was in. Souplantation has changed over the years, but the company has consistently provided a variety of delicious, fresh food for its customers and hires the best employees to represent it. I look forward to eating there every time.

  446. within the first month I started eating here, I had eaten more salad in that month than I had in FOUR years!! I LOVE this place!! no one has better salads. the staff are so friendly. I’m a caregiver for an 83 year old woman, and she’s in her wheelchair. EVERY single time we go to leave, one of the staff always comes over and opens the door for us. HAPPY BIRTHDAY souplantation!!! may you have many, MANY more!!

  447. Me gustan mucho las ensaladas y Sweet Tomatoes ofrece una variedad para hacerlas y las verduras son muy frescas.Las sopas y postres me encantan. Cuando viene mi familia de Colombia y España los llevo alla y todos disfrutan mucho la variedad de comida sana.

  448. My friends and I have made Souplantation our pre-production meeting office for film and other creative projects. In fact, four of our short films and music videos have been planned and discussed over our branch here. Something about the fresh salads, teas, healthy soups (aplenty), and group friends induce just the right atmosphere for such creative occassions!

  449. One day I thought I’d be daring and bring my three small children to ST by myself while my husband was out of town. They are usually so rowdy, but that day they all sat quietly and ate and chatted. It was a miracle. The next week we went again with daddy and they were bouncing off the walls! I will always remember that one quiet dining experience.

  450. Back in 2003 when I was first getting to know my husband through eHarmony, I visited California & we ate at a Souplantation with friends of his. He & I chose the same kind of soup, moved our bowls around, & started eating it at the exact same time! 🙂 We’ve been married since 2004 & Souplantation remains one of our favorite places to eat.

  451. I enjoy the environment Souplantation has. Everyone is happy and welcoming and everybody communicates with each other. I remember a time where a staff was seating my party and another ladys party and we all just ended up talking together about anything and everything. It was such a great enjoyment!

  452. Our sons are now 18 and 16 and we remember when he they were 8 and 6 and came for the mac and cheese and make your own sunday.

  453. My kids and I love Soup Plantation! I’ve been eating there for approximately 15 years. We love the Laguna Niguel, Foothill Ranch, and Fountain Valley locations. The salad bar always looks great and clean.

  454. When I was training for my volunteer job, I, along with the other volunteers, went to Sweet Tomatoes. It was my first time ever going, but I was so amazed at how delicious and bountiful the food was. Unfortunately, I didn’t really know anyone so I ended up sitting at a booth by myself. All of a sudden two volunteers came to sit with me. We were all having a great time getting to know each other and eating some amazing food. My favorite was the focaccia bread sticks. All of the selections were great and meeting some amazing people made the experience even better.

  455. I love Souplantation food now, but my fondest memory is back in the beginning when the big attraction for my family was the HUGE muffins.

  456. My parents and brother visiting me at college, enjoying their missed company while filling up on healthy nutrients!

  457. My favorite memories come from the times that my parents and I went to Sweet Tomatoes every Wednesday towards the end of my pregnancy. We reinstated the tradition a couple months after my son was born, and are still going as often we can. My mom is now ill, but we try to make it to Sweet Tomatoes about once a month. 🙂

  458. I love to visit Souplantation Beaverton, after my Sundays long runs( 16 to 18 miles.) My husband waits for me outside and we have wonderful breakfast. As I am running towards Souplantation I think and tell to myself almost there, almost there to the yummy food 🙂

  459. My best memory of dining at Sweet Tomatoes occured at the Alpharetta Ga location on a beautiful June afternoon a few years ago. My mom and sister were visiting from Pennsylvania. Trying to please them was almost impossible. We tried one restaurant after another…. As we left Sweet Tomatoes my mom was smiling and my sister commented” now thats my kind of restaurant!”

  460. Can’t forget the President’s Day lunch with my family. Healthy yet yummy soup and salad reminds us to visit again soon. It was a blast even for our 5-year old.

  461. My favorite memory is going out to Souplantation on those rare occasions when me and my brother didn’t have school, and watching my mom’s friend drink countless bowls of soup. I remember always counting them out, and trying to beat her record! 🙂

  462. My favorite memories at Souplantation involve my grandma-she loves to go and I love spending the time with her there. Any visit with her is one for the memory books!

  463. We took our middle son & my father and enjoyed a great family dinner while my son played a prank on my father in the men’s restroom. When my father returned from the restroom (our Son was already back & seated) he proceeded to tell us about some guy in the bathroom who was making awful sounds and how full of gas he was from eating there. My husband & I figured it was our Son at that point & were laughing uncontrollable. We frequent there and still laugh as we tell that story.

  464. Once on vacation my youngest daughter said she wanted to tell the manager how much she loved to stop at Sweet Tomatoes for dinners on vacation. Unknown to her my husband told an employee he wanted to speak with the manager. When the manager came over to our table, not knowing it was for a compliment, my husband pointed at our youngest saying she has something to tell you. My daughter hesitated, but told him “I love eating here” to which the manager responded by giving her coupons for us to come and eat there again. We all left with smiles on our faces.

  465. I love it when the fresh muffins come out from the oven, just on time for me to grab one and spread some honey butter on it! Yum, yum, yummmm!!!! Nice and soft inside and a bit crunchy on the edges!

  466. I went for the first time last week, and I am completely in love with this place! I do believe it is my new favorite place to dine. I love being able to go somewhere that is healthy, tastes good, and has so many options for such a reasonable price. I look forward to using a coupon again tomorrow :).

  467. Coming to Souplantation always makes me happy! My favorite memory is having all my kids with us during one visit, happily getting up to get whatever food they liked. It was chaotic, but they were all satisfied with their food choices, and we were happy because no one was whining or under the table (for a change).

  468. I love to go to sweet tomatoes with my family. It is a cheap and healthy treat that we indulge ourselves. I love the tomatoes soup and the free cookies that they give up at the end of the day.

  469. Being greeted and seated by Tim who tells us we are awesome and he appreciates us being at Sweet Tomatoes. Tim is awesome!! We look forward to seeing him each week.

  470. I love how sweet the staff is, once I came in after going to the doctor with a knee brace and had a difficult time walking. One of the workers kept walking by and tried helping me grab everything I needed to make my day a bit better. On that same day when I went to get soup and other foods, I was stopped before grabbing soup and the person told me the just finished batch was going to come out in just a moment so I wouldnt have to grab the bottom of the pot soup. I feel like perfectionism is used in every aspect of Sweet Tomatoes and I believe it is better than any other restaurant for not only the service, but of food as well. It is a wonderful atmosphere 🙂

  471. The red velvet lava cake was simply amaaaazzzzing! I went with the good thought of having simply salads and soups and was swept off my tastebuds with the Red Velvet Lava Cake!!!

  472. I Love everything about Souplantation. I could eat there Breakfast , lunch and Dinner. It is mine and my kids favorite place too eat.

  473. My favorite memory was from last Thanksgiving when I ordered 2 dozen Pumpkin Muffins for my families Thanksgiving dinner. I picked them up hot, and brought them right to my mom’s for everyone to enjoy!

  474. I daydream about eating souplantation while I am in class EVERYDAY! I love souplantation sooo much that I took a date here for dinner! hahahah

  475. I first visited sweet tomato back in 2010 and experience was not so good. I was billed incorrectly then after the complain I got some complementary passes and after than I had always a positive impact on each and every visit. I like all the veggie items. Its now my one of the favorite restaurant.
    Share the sweetness with sweet tomatoes!!!

  476. I absolutely love the Soup Plantation! It’s my favorite restaurant :). My favorite moment of all time was watching my 1 year old son chow down on your vegetable soup. After every bite he would smile, get very excited and reach for more. He seemed to captivate many people’s attention in the restaurant with laughter and smiles! He couldn’t seem to get enough of it! That made mommy and daddy especially happy since it was veggies he was getting excited for 🙂

  477. Going to Sweet Tomatoes is a special event for our family. My kids love going to sweet tomatoes because of variety of breads, soups, Pizza and Pastas. My family is a salad lover and we love to mix different vegetables and enjoy variety of salads. My birthday celebration has always taken place at Sweet Tomatoes since it is my favorite place. My friends and families always treat me at Sweet Tomatoes. One place where I feel I am eating at home and not in restaurant.

  478. We’ve been eating at the ST in Boca Raton, FL for 12 years now. I know this because when I was pregnant with my 1st kid, I couldn’t eat anything hot for most of it. We ate A LOT of ST…in fact, this is where we told my folks they were going to be grandparents!

  479. It’s amazaing, when I go to Souplantation with my kids that are 4, they actually eat!! Can’t get them to eat at home, but when we go in to Souplantation, it’s like a party for them and they are the guest of honor!

  480. It was my husband and daughters first time and they loved every minute of it
    the staff was great and my family loved the food! We want to go back again. We are trying to eat healthier and that is what you give is! Thank you for such a positive experience!! Oh and we all are in love with your cornbread muffins!!

  481. The cream of mushroom soup is my absolute favorite, cannot find anything even close to it anywhere else. If my hubby is in the dog house or just wants to cheer me up, he’ll always suggest Sweet Tomatoes…. On a Monday, of course. Given he LOVES the chili, I think its a win, win. We both wear our “stretchy pants.”

  482. I enjoyed the chocolate chip cookies but it is not circulated at the Souplantation that I frequent.
    I wish it would start again soon.

  483. I took a bunch of friends to dinner and started a soup challenge, asking the waiter to not take away our finished bowls of soup. At the end, we counted the number of bowls of soup and ended with 62 bowls of soup. All the waiters applauded at the end. It was the best dinner ever!

  484. This is my fiance’s and my favorite restaurant to go to when we want to be “healthy”. But when we do go and eat at Souplantation, everything is so delicious that we end up stuffing ourselves! I love the chicken noodle soup and the Asian chicken salad! YUM!

  485. My favorite memory, well to be honest it happens every time I go there. The staff at Soup Plantation are so helpful. I have three children 7,2.5, and almost a year old. It’s difficult going out to eat with children but they take our trays to the table, get high chairs, or whatever else we might need. I know that this is their job but they do it with pride and it makes it a lot less stressful it’s nice to know there is a place we can go and actually enjoy a great meal. My husband are actually going there Sunday for a lunch date 🙂 I am so excited <3


  487. I remember taking my kids to Souplantation in Chula Vista. It was fabulous! The salad trip as you come in, followed by scrumptious choices in soups, breads and entrees was just out of this world. My son always enjoyed the homemade Chicken Noodle soup. It has huge chunks of chicken and thick noodles. I remember the variety of choices from vegan to meat treats, including the meals from around the world style. Now I live in the middle of nowhere, but I am looking forward to visiting a Souplantation nearest to me !

  488. just love the variety of freshness that changes every time…even the picky youngster loves it!

  489. Sweet Tomatoes serves wonderful food and the best Chocolate Lava Cake. We enjoy eating there and benefit from the BUY ONE GET ONE FREE. I look forward to the Wednesday evenings when Sweet Tomatoes caters our Dinner at our Church.Excellent soup, salads Potatoes and Lava Cake, YUMMY. Thank you for providing a great staff.

  490. I remember when my dad came to visit from Utah. He hadnt been to california in years.
    The first place he wanted to go was The Soup Plantation. This is our favorite restaurant!
    Happy memories!

  491. My parents were in town visiting and we went to Souplantation for dinner. My four year old daughter got cucumbers, but she didn’t like the rinds…so without blinking an eye, my father grabbed all of the cucumbers and nibbled the rinds off of them. She giggled and ate them and we all laughed. Now every time we go, she tells us how Papaw eats the edges off her cucumbers…It’s pretty cute.

  492. Every few Sundays we get together w/ the family & meet at Sweet Tomatoes. It’s very enjoyable being able to sit & talk & visit while having a nice meal.

  493. One of the best times we had here was when our daughter and son-in-law brought our two newly adopted grand daughters to meet the rest of our family. Knowing the great food and healthy choices that were available here made it the perfect place for these two loving kids to be and taken from an enviroment where food was not plentiful was amazing to them to be able to eat all they wanted, which wasn’t alot for a two year old and a five year old. Made a great family memory.

  494. I love to eat there when I’m in FL. My husband sits patiently and waits while I enjoy myself eating all your delicious food. He only eats organic, so he never eats out. We were impressed with the manager, who does everything. He was at the cash register, wiping tables dishing food behind the counter, etc. The waitresses are all very friendly.

  495. My girlfriend and I go to Soup Plantation after a good work out! We enjoy the delicious salads and soup! I tell her how my grandma use to go eat before everyone would get home and she would say my stomach hurts! Well she was full from eating such yummy food! Such great food and a friendly atmosphere we just love Soup Plantation!:)

  496. From the past 4 years Sweet tomato was always a part of our weekend routines..As a stay at home mom who has much to do for my family, I wanted my kids to grow up in a healthy lifestyle. Now we have moved to a different place called Frisco,TX. The nearest sweet tomato is 14 miles away which makes a barrier to my attachment to it. Hopefully a new location will open nearby….thanks to sweet tomato

  497. My 3 y/o daughter loves vegetables and I enjoy taking her to Soup Plantation because I love watching her eat veggies ’till her hert’s content. My favorite memory is of her telling me in line at the salad bar over and over, “don’t forget my peas, don’t forget my peas!”

  498. Love the homemade brownies. Best in town. I take my entire family and there’s always something for everyone. From salads to sweets.

  499. We love Sweet Tomatoes and are there bi-weekly! Love the brown peasant bread! Plus the corn muffins and can’t be w/o the honey whipped butter!

  500. My husband went back to school, so I had our two preschoolers on a Saturday. For a treat, I took them to Souplantation for lunch. My kids aren’t veggie eaters, but they lined up all sorts of new things on their plates–they tried squash, radishes, romaine, and more, and ate a rainbow that day. We sat next to a huge, happy, multi-generational family that were all dressed up and having a party. And an older lady commented on how smart and well-behaved my kids were. What a warm, colorful, cozy day at Souplantation!

  501. My favorite memory was the very first time I went there. My dad said it was the biggest buffet ever! I was excited and when I got there I loved the idea to basically build your own salad and when I looked to see “how big it was” I was upset . But I tried everything I said to my self this might not be a huge buffet but the food is great! And till this day souplantation is my favorite restaurant !

  502. My favorite memory from Soup Plantation was when our oldest son was 7 and our twin boys were 3. We got our food and sat down in a booth. My kids kept looking over at the next booth watching the other children eating their ice cream. Their mom kept looking over at our kids and watching them eat. Finally, she turned to me and asked, “How do you get your kids to eat all of those veggies?” I replied “I tell them that they won’t get the ice cream unless they do.” We both laughed and she said that she would be trying that next time.

  503. I remembered back in college in 94 I had souplantation for the first time in San bernardino off waterman. Now I have 2 kids and we go once a month to the garden grove one. Love it!

  504. I was in the City of Industry Souplantation today and they handed out a very tasty cookie that I believe they are also selling in gift packs. I wondered what the name of this cookie is and how many calories per cookie, since I could not find it on the nutrition section of the website.

  505. When Sweet Tomatoes came to Sandy I was so excited. Love the place and we visit at least once per week. My favorite memory, Late one night just as the doors were closing for the night they allowed us in to eat. Brandon the most awesome waiter was already doing cleanup and had the vacuum on his back, it was a scene right out of ghost busters. Brandon didn’t miss a beat, it didn’t matter to him that we were in right at close he still served us our drinks kept the table clean and all with such a happy upbeat attitude. Today he still works there, with the same customer service and fantastic attitude. The service he provides is unmeasurable. It always keeps us going back. It isn’t just the food it is the fabulous service and always with a smile.

  506. My husband and I love Sweet Tomatoes but live far enough away from the nearest one, that it is not a “regular” stop for us. So all our memories of time spent there have been fantastic…but the one that takes the cake is the day we stood in the entryway and laid eyes on 2 relatives whom we’d not seen for nearly 10 years, and had a reunion dinner-time with them. Everyone at the restaurant was so sweet to us, and the food – as always – was fantastic. Since that time, Sweet Tomatoes has become OUR meeting place, and we regularly get to see our family members because (a) it’s a great halfway-point to meet, (b) there’s something there to fit every single person’s dietary needs including my diabetes, (c) it’s affordable, and (d) we all LOVE LOVE LOVE the food, especially the huge salad selections! Every time I walk into Sweet Tomatoes I think back on the day I looked up, saw my family coming toward me, and my eyes filled with tears of joy.

  507. We were given paper bags to fill at closing time and brought home delicious blueberry muffins, pizza sticks and more. We enjoyed them for several days and were reminded of the wonderful time we had at Sweet Tomatoes.

  508. My best friend and I would always have eating contests at Soup Plantation. There was this one time when we were having our usual competition and like aways the server was going to take away our plates. We didn’t let him and explained that we were having a contest, and that the plates were to prove who ate more. When we were full and done, the server came back with a bag of cookies, “So who won?”

  509. I want to thank you for the service, clean place and excellent food I taste every single time I visit the restaurant.
    I am always looking for places like yours but I have not found a place.
    Even if I find one I will be a regular customer of this place, because I enjoy very much the ambience, food and discounts you provide to me as a loyal customer.
    This is a perfect place that I visit with friends and by myself.

    My birthday is coming, on March 23. I accept all kind of gifts! ….

  510. The staff is exceptional the managers and the employees are very helpful and the servers are very attentive and concerned with all our desires and needs. The food is hot and fresh and if anything is unsatisfactory it will be addressed immediately. Our favorite place is in Clackamas, OR and the manager Matt is extremely professional and cares about his customers.

  511. I had never been to soup plantation until the other week. My friends took me for the first time and my life changed. EVERYTHING is so delicious, and I consider myself a fairly good cook. FRESH AND TASTY. Thank you for existing……see you every week for the rest of my life.

  512. Calif. gets so hot in the summer that Porter Ranch Soup Plantation was the perfect place for us to go after a fun day at the beach. There was plenty of room for family and friends to sit together and have a healthy meal. The cool crisp salads rock. And the best part ….eating as much as you want.

  513. My Cousin and her husband worked at their local Sweet Tomatoes for years. At a family reunion they told me all about the behind the scenes homemade quality they put in the food. Wow, that was it for me. The value and quality were exactly what my busy family needed.

    Like the Irish visiting their local pub, we have our hangout at Sweet Tomotoes. It is our family tradition after church and our favorite middle of the week ‘lunch’ with friends. In fact, we have met up with old friends we haven’t seen and gotten to know new friends who walk in right when we do every week.

    You guys are great. You food is yummy! I’m going today, I’m hungry.

    I always admired the camaraderie of the local village hangout, but never had that.

  514. My grandmother and I have regular dates to Souplantation. I love getting to spend time with her and have a delicious meal at the same time. I also love that there are so many gluten freer options. I always feel like I have lots of choices, which is not something that happens that often when I eat out.

  515. Every meal our family has shared at Sweet Tomatoes has been a wonderful and a favorite experience because I enjoy the awesome fresh salads along with the yummy soups and the best brownies ever. I love sharing time and food with family and friends and Sweet Tomatoes is a great place to do just that.

  516. A few years ago, a close friend of mine (considered a sibling actually) took me to Sweet Tomatoes as a treat when we wound up going to the same school. I recall how wonderfully fresh the food was and the lovely salad bar, where I could practically eat a good portion of my weight with just the salad. Happy Birthday Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes and thank you for the offering free meal passes as a token! I hope to win meal passes so I can relive the deliciously wholesome food.

  517. Eating at Sweet Tomatoes is such a great experience especially for me since we do not have these restaurants at home. I look forward to the exceptional salad bar and of course the fab soups “tomato” is my favorite. I love bringing friends to your restaurant who have never been and they can’t wait to go back. Keep up the super menus.

  518. Living in Florida, all of our visitors from the North (and there are MANY), want to eat at Sweet Tomatoes! They choose this place over all the fancy restaurants in the Tampa Bay/Sarasota area. This is a GREAT place to eat — healthy & delicious. It doesn’t get any better. Wish they were all over the country.

  519. I will never forget the first time we took our son, he was about 4 at the time and he complained the whole way there because it was a salad place and he doesn’t like salads. His face just glowed when he spotted the pasta station and then saw the pizza! He’s now 12 and asks to go any time he sees one! It’s one of his favorite places now and we just love that!

  520. The staff are always so friendly.
    We love love love the thanksgiving leftover soup you put on top of stuffing!!!

  521. Happy Birthday Souplantation! I’ve been a fan since 1986. I found the Souplantation in Point Loma, San Diego while working on submarines for the Navy. I was in San Diego temporarily from Northern California and enjoyed many dinners for the 3 months I was here. I did come back to work here several more times and always went back to the same Souplantation. I moved to San Diego in 1994 and have made it to several more locations and love all of them. MUSHROOM SOUP RULES!!!!! You’ve made a friend for life, keep up the good work.

  522. I live in CA and was visiting relatives in NY. We were having a conversation about eating out in restaurants. I mentioned Souplantation and they all looked at each other and started laughing! I asked what was so funny – and went on to say that it’s a really good restaurant and described the food choices and atmosphere. They told me that a TV show they watch mentions Souplantation in their story lines and they thought it was a fictional, made-up name! Now they’re visiting me in CA and looking forward to their first Souplantaion experience.

    1. I live in CA and was visiting relatives in NY. We were having a conversation about eating out in restaurants. I mentioned Souplantation and they all looked at each other and started laughing! I asked what was so funny – and went on to say that it’s a really good restaurant and described the food choices and atmosphere. They told me that a TV show they watch mentions Souplantation in their story lines and they thought it was a fictional, made-up name! Now they’re visiting me in CA and looking forward to their first Souplantation experience.

  523. One of the best things about going to Sweet Tomatos are the people.
    Regardless of how busy it may be, they always take the time to say hi.
    When time allows, they always stop to talk for a few minutes, showing
    Care for the customers. One year one of the hostesses found out it was
    My birthday and took the extra time to make me a special dessert, complete
    With a candle. Yes, the food is always fresh and plentiful, but the caring staff
    At the Bernal Rd. location really do make a difference. Thank you!

  524. I get tears when I think about the first time I took my daughter to Sweet Tomatoes on Shaw in Fresno, CA. She was not quite 2 at the time, (she’s now 13!) and I filled her kid’s tray with a few different pasta salads, got her some clam chowder, and small piece of pizza. She seemed to enjoy everything, but her most favorite dish was the tuna tarragon! Sweet Tomatoes soon became her very favorite place to eat and when everyone else was frequenting McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King, Katherine always asked if we could go to Sweet Tomatoes! When she crossed paths with someone who had never been there before, she told them they should go and try the “tuna tawagon, because it’s weally good and it doesn’t even have any tuna in it!” It’s one of the cutest things she’s ever said! We sorely miss your store on Shaw Ave. and now need to drive across town to the other location, but we still make it a point to get there any chance we get! Katherine will ALWAYS be a lifelong customer and somewhat will be taking her own family there, so keep on making that “tuna tawagon!” 🙂

  525. Sweet Tomatoes always equates to fresh and delicious! However, what I find quite memorable about my frequent visits is that I always run into friends and neighbors who are also dining there. It started out, as what my children and I thought was just a coincident. But we are convinced now, that it is no coincidence. Our friends and neighbors just have excellent taste and also enjoy the nutritious and tasty offerings of Sweet Tomatoes.

  526. I best memory is actually purchasing a loaf of your whole grain bread, which I love eating in the restaurant, to take home. brought it to a get-together and it was a great hit!

  527. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes memory happened the weekend of my wedding. My husband’s family recently moved to a small town in Minnesota and missed having access to the salads, soups and other goodies at Sweet Tomatoes. Thus, their one request for the whole wedding experience was to go to Sweet Tomatoes as a family. I had never been before and as a dietitian I wondered if a modern restaurant could live up to the praise my in-laws had for it….and it did! The food was wonderful, the service was genuine and the experience of sitting with the amazing people who would become my family a few days later was truly special. Thank you for giving us a place to visit every time we get together. It is now a family tradition and one I look forward to; especially since they are visiting this weekend and we are going for the new brunch spread!

  528. Our family LOVES Soup Plantation and have been loyal customers since it first opened! On one of our first visits when my children were young (they are in their 30’s now), they brought their cousin along to “introduce” him to this wonderful new experience where you could pick & choose whatever you wanted to eat! Of course, when they were done with their meal they were excited to show him the soft serve yogurt machine! When they to to the “dessert” section there was another young boy standing in front of the yogurt machine as if he were the “official greeter!” In a very high-pitched voice he held up one of the little cones filled with yogurt proudly and announced “This is my 5th! Whooooot!” (Like a whistle) To this day, whenever we are at Sweet Tomatoes we all chuckle about that little boy and wonder if we will see him (as a grown man) standing at the yogurt machine!

  529. I have celiac disease which makes eating out very stressful and limiting. At Sweet Tomatoes I have a lot of choices that are tasty and fulfilling that fit within my diet restrictions. I also have a child with sensory issues who will not eat most things. Sweet Tomatoes is one restaurant where she will eat (foccacia bread aka pizza) and let us enjoy our meal. My other two kids and my husband enjoy eating at Sweet Tomatoes also. Just last month, my 8 year old picked Sweet Tomatoes as the place to have her birthday dinner. The staff was awesome! They reserved a large table for us, allowed us to bring in a cake for the birthday girl, and were very attentive.

  530. I came to love Sweet Tomatoes when I lived in Orlando, FL. My mother, who is no longer with us, came to visit me one time and I took her there. She absolutely loved it. Then, a special man who I met online came to town to meet me in person. I took him to Sweet Tomatoes during his visit. He’d never been to one before and he loved it! That man is now my husband. We live in Raleigh, North Carolina and are regulars at Sweet Tomatoes. We love all the fresh, healthy choices and the wonderful variety!

  531. Back in the nineties my husband and I frequently dined at the Soup Plantation in Fountain Valley, CA. A lady from the San Diego facility was visiting. She was the one who created the various pasta sauces. She visited with us, and it was really fun getting to meet her. Also, at that time the store asked my husband to do some deliveries for them in his refrigerated van while they were revamping something. We love Soup Plantation and go back many years.

  532. I still remember my surprise 40th birthday party at Sweet Tomatoes with a smile, even though it was almost 4 years ago! My husband and I are frequent diners at Sweet Tomatoes, because I love the variety of quality healthy foods, but I couldn’t believe it when I walked to our usual table area and saw many tables pushed together with balloons and family and friends all waiting for me to arrive. The staff was just wonderful and made me feel even more like a queen than they usually do, clearing out empty dishes quickly and even bringing us some of those wonderful warm chocolate chip cookies. Amazing! Thank you for making a normally tough birthday milestone a “Sweet” event!

  533. We are constantly wishing you would build a Soup Plantation closer to Banning, CA where we live now. We drive a long way to get to you now, both to Temecula and San Bernardino.

  534. My favorite memory is a mixture of sadness and happiness. My father had recently passed away and his favorite meal was salad. So my uncle took us all out to Sweet Tomatoes . There was a lot of laughter and tears as we remembered him and ate your delicious entrees. He would have loved it.

  535. I’ve been going to Sweet Tomatoes for about 12 years. When I was single, I would frequent it 3 to 4 times a week; now my wife and I go regularly. Soon my son will be going as well, he will have to grow some teeth first though. It’s a family affair. We love the variety of selection, freshness and quality of the food. Thank you!

  536. I guess my most memorable visit to Soup Plantation was with my mentally-handicapped brother who LOVES to eat. Since your menu is so healthful, I let him know he could have anything he wanted (within reason) and he was so excited that it was like looking at the face of a child on Christmas morning. My brother is a child in most ways, but in a man’s body, so it was such a wonderful end to a lovely day spent with him knowing that I had brought him to a place where he was in ” eating heaven”. For him, it didn’t get any better than that – and for me, too.

  537. What a coincident…As our big family of 15 and usually some extra’s with the boyfriends and girlfriends….we celebrate a lot of birthdays at Souplantation …So when I think of Souplantation, my favorite memories would be “Special time with family for our birhtday’s”!! HAPPY HAPPY 35TH BIRTHDAY SOUPLANTATION 🙂 Thank you for the chance to win meal passes to your restaurant!

  538. I have tons of memories of me with friends, loved ones and lovers at Souplantation for an easy fun meal. I love the all you can eat ice cream cones!

  539. I well remember when your locations first started opening…I’ve been a faithful customer all along, as was my sister who is now deceased. When she worked down in San Diego, I’d drive down and meet her for lunch. Sometimes we’d meet up in North County (Carlsbad) for a scrumptuous meal. She’s been gone since 1999, but I still eat REGULARLY at Souplantation because 1) I love the food, which is always fresh and delicious and, 2) it’s the perfect place to meet a friend to get caught up on each other’s lives, and 3) it always reminds me of my sister.
    My other sister and her family moved to Boise, Idaho several years ago & dearly misses Souplantation. Any chance you’ll be opening a location there anytime soon? They sure hope so! In the meantime, she and I are careful to make time to visit Souplantation Carlsbad or Vista when she visits.
    Keep up the good work!
    Laura LeMaster, Vista, CA

  540. I remember the first time my future husband and I went to a sweet tomatoes in FL over spring break. We thought it was so delicious. 10 years (and 4 kids) later, it’s the only place we go out to eat with your family!!

  541. My daughter’s favorite restaurant is Sweet Tomatoes and she and I had been there a couple of times, so I wasn’t surprised when she and my son took me there for Breakfast on Mother’s Day 2012. We had never been there for breakfast, but it was absolutely wonderful! The casual atmosphere and not having to wait for a waitress to take our orders and then wait for our food gave us more time to talk to each other. We enjoyed sampling different soups, breads, etc and had such a nice time laughing and just being together. We had plenty of time to really enjoy our breakfast and still make it to a movie. That Mother’s Day will always be a memory I will cherish.

  542. My co-worker & I typically eat at Sweet Tomatoes every Thursday and we generally have to wait to be seated due to peak, busy times in-season. However, one Thursday while waiting to be seated we were give the best booth in the restaurant which happens to be steps away from the soup concession area (highly desirable). In a nutshell… we were estatic and overly joyed at receiving such a desiarble table! So the moral is… eat enough at sweet tomatoes and you too will be rewarded!

  543. I would say that I anticipate the weekly coupons from Sweet Tomatoes because the excuse to drag my fiancee to eat healthier is a lot easier when it’s less expensive. The ranch dressing, maybe not the most healthy, option is actually the best I’ve ever had. I enjoy the caesar salad and the strawberry lemonade. Once in a great while, there will be Albondigas soup and that’s a day for rejoicing.

  544. Our entire family loves Sweet Tomatoes. We go their on our wedding aniversary and eveybody’s birthday in the family, we are there for dinner. Anybody is visiting from out of of country, we take them to sweet tomotoes, if we want to treat any friends, we take them to sweet tomotoes, my wife always go to sweet tomotoes on ladies night out. We are vegetarians and hence we have lot of choices in the soups and salads. It is a guilt free zone.

  545. We have been coming to Sweet Tomatoes since my daughter has 7 months old. Today she is thirteen already and a memory that I have is one day when my daughter have 3 years old I am driving and she were in her car seat and told me “a chaladas mamy” this means lets go to the salads, because we not call Sweet Tomatoes. We call “Las ensaladas” which means “the salads”. So, we are going to Sweet Tomatoes every Sunday after mass. We loved “Las Ensaladas”

    I hope you understand my writing. THANKS!!!!

  546. One afternoon we ( my wife Margaret ,daughter Kim, 5Yr old grandson Jacob and I )were filling our pates ,not paying much attention to Jacob. When we all sat down at the table Jacob proclaimed in a loud voice “I made good choices “.It was one of those times to be proud . Thank you SWEET TOMATOES for making the right choices .

  547. What a pleasant surprise to eat out at a restaurant with all the fresh vegetables you can eat and some protein additions to balance the meal. The staff have all been pleasant and helpful and the soups, bread and desserts delicious. There is great attention paid to cleanliness and customer service. We love to go out here in New Port Richey.

  548. I would choose to come to Sweet Tomatoes on my birthday every year when I was a kid! Out of all the restaurants I would choose here! Every time I go there now, I have those fond memories and am never disappointed! Love you guys!!

  549. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes memories are the days we go spend thrift store shopping and top it off with a trip to Sweet Tomatoes…it’s a 30-minute drive from here, so we just “have to” make a day of it!

  550. My favorite memorable experience was when all the family came to surprise my son and his wife on their 1st wedding anniversary, I had asked my son where would you two want a gift card from. so I could let his nanny know where to get one for them. and then surprise we all showed up and they where really surprised at the table of fourteen people singing happy anniversary.

  551. I always enjoy Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes with friends or family that
    I’m taking for their first time, it is ALWAYS a very
    Enjoyable experience, also love the friendly staff and VERY fresh selections.

  552. One of my favorite times at Soup Plantation was just a couple of weeks ago. We just got back from my doctor’s appointment after my knee surgery. I’m hopping around on one crutch and they just finished remodeling the store. The nice little lady at the end of the counter came running over and grabbed the platter from my hand and showed me a nice place to sit. I hobbled over there and sat down. She couldn’t have been nicer.

  553. My favourite meal consists of your very fresh salads.Sweet Tomato is a good place to take friends and family, The choice of dishes satisfies all tastes.

  554. Souplantation is my family’s FAVORITE restaurant. It is a given that every birthday dinner will be there! We also like to go on lunch dates there sometimes with our grandpa. One time about 4 years ago my grandpa took me and my 6 siblings to soup plantation for lunch. The meal started out normal with the usual split water and complaints about eating veggies. Then my little sister Veronica (4 at the time) put her ice cream spoon into one of the water glasses. She watched amazed as the clear water turned a brown color from the melted chocolate ice cream. This gave her an idea and she proceeded to dump the entire bowl of ice cream in, suddenly finding experimenting more fun than eating. It didn’t end here! Veronica continued pouring all kinds of table left overs into her creation including: macaroni, pizza crust, crumbled brownie, sprinkles, soup etc. Every once in a while stopping to taste/sample. 🙂 we caught this on tape and it has been a family favorite ever since!

  555. My favorite Sweet Tomatoes memory would be any of the several when I have gone with my 18 month old granddaughter. It is a pleasure to see the variety of salad items, pasta and muffins being devoured, hand to mouth as she stuffs her chubby cheeks with all that is good for her. It is a place we can go where we know she will be able to feed herself and will enjoy a variety of good foods.

  556. Ah yes, the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. But in my case I was dating a very nice new lady friend. And as always the case young love needs to occassionally take a break and nourish the soul and the body.

    As we were running around for holiday shopping last year, the pangs of hunger reared its familiar head and we both started asking what each would like to eat. Since we take our diet intake seriously we decided on something close to our hearts which was “How about a nice salad?”

    After contemplating various venues to obtain a nice salad for lunch I asked in my usual suggestive way “How about Soup Plantation?” with her reply of “What’s that?” Ah, she fell into my trap and off to the nearest local Soup Plantation. Well, not only was it a hit with her with fulfilling her desire for a fantastic place and food, but it also showed how smart I was and we have been together ever since.

    Thanks Soup Plantation!

  557. My favorite memory of Sweet Tomatoes is when we hosted my son’s second birthday luncheon. The managers were very accommodating and our family and friends loved the food! Some of guests were visiting Sweet Tomatoes for the very first time and I give myself credit for getting them hooked on Sweet Tomatoes…that was five years ago!!

  558. Everyone kept telling me about Sweet Tomatoes and that I would love it. I have been a vegetarian since 1979 and eating out is usually a challenge. The first time I went I was in shock! A place I can actually have a choice on what to eat AND it is great food too! I love love love it. We eat there often now (we drive one hour to get to the one nearest our home). In fact, I was just there yesterday! I really enjoyed the Sante Fe Black Bean Vegetarian Chili. Delicious!!!!

  559. Hello,
    My favorite memory at Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes is when they served seafood gumbo. It is so delicious! It was a family gathering for Mother’s Day. Also, we had many memories with my mother in law. Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes used to serve rice pudding with pineapple which was delicious too. Also we always enjoy the fruit muffins, corn bread and brownies.

  560. I remember passing a Sweet Tomatoes restaurant many years ago and wondering what type of place this is. Well, many years passed and I was still saying the same thing every time I passed by your restaurant. Finally, I said lets go to Sweet Tomatoes since we like salads. When we arrived at the restaurant I had no idea there was such a variety of foods to choose from. Needless to say, we enjoyed every bite…! And we have been going about twice a month ever since that first day we stopped to try your Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant.

  561. Honey and I are frequent visitors to Souplantation for a flavorful and so very healthy meal.
    One Saturday afternoon we stopped in for a late lunch and were about to seat ourselves
    when we heard voices calling “Grandma!” Of course, my head spun around to see two
    of our grandsons approaching, followed by daughter Missy and Son-in-law. We all shared
    our surprise at the chance meeting. I teased Scott and Mason about their finding out about
    our favorite eating place. Missy told us, “This is the boys’ favorite, too!” We shared a large
    table and a great meal, three generations of our happy and healthy family.

  562. My favorite memory occurred just a few months ago when my husband and I went to the Largo, FL Sweet Tomatoes. I had been to the British Isles last summer and had soup in Ireland and England that was delicious. Well, when I saw the Mushroom and Sage soup in Largo I had to try it and, lo and behold, it tasted just like the soup I had on my trip!!! What memories it invoked!! Thank you for the outstanding soups!!

  563. We often have our Sunday dinner at Soup Plantation after church. My favorite story is the day a couple stopped on their way out and the woman commented to me that she was amazed at how much I ate and still am not over weight. I responded that she was not either and she should really try the peach cobbler as it was excellent. She said, “If I ate that, I wouldn’t look like you do.”

  564. When my grandson was having his eleventh birthday, we asked him what him where he would like to eat. He was given his choice of picking any restaurant in Phoenix and ordering anything, cost being open ended. After thinking about it for several days, he decided to go to Sweet Tomatoes. When we asked him what he was going to eat, he wanted the Chicken soup and a salad that he could pick his favorites to create. He ate numerous bowls of the soup and loved every minute of it. We knew he liked this place but didn’t realize how much until he started telling kids about what a great birthday treat he had by eating there.

  565. Fountain Valley Restaurant: We’ve been coming to this place for almost 25 years I have two kids that they were not even born yet, When my kids were little I used to make up stories about the vegetables like if it was a Fairytale and it was fun, Even though that this food is Exquisite I also like it because Is healthier, Nutritious and also the main reason I love it’s be cause this help us to DETOX our bodies once a week from the unhealthy foods that we eat through the week. So PLEASE keep the same food that I’ll will like to do the same for my grandkids when they’ll come Thank you for being there for us, Thanks again…..

  566. I often times go to Sweet Tomatoes with friends and family members when we want to enjoy a leisurely, slow-paced, and healthy meal. We eat and chat for hours and have a great time. We know we are putting nutritious and tasty food into our bodies and that is always a wonderful feeling. Sometimes when I am in the Fremont area and feeling hungry, I will go and dine for hours on my own. I sit and read the Tri-City Voice as I enjoy a nice, quiet meal. The staff is always very courteous and attentive, the food is always prepared fresh, and the selection is always varied and delicious. I love eating here!

  567. I remember back when my department was more cohesive than they are now. We went out to lunch at our nearby Sweet Tomatoes. You had this REALLY tasty Shrimp Bisque soup. I really wish you’d bring that back.

  568. Ever since we started losing weight and started a whole new life style, Souplantation has been a Saturday must! We consider all of the employees an extended part of our family and have made new friends with other patrons. We will continue to do our Saturday lunch for many years to come. Thanks for being a part of our healthy life style, keep up the good work.

  569. Oh wow. I have so many fond memories of Sweet Tomatoes! I remember about 17 years ago when I was first introduced to it, and it instantly became a favorite of mine and my mom’s. Then, I introduced my husband to it when we were dating. And now we have a little girl of our own who shares in our love for the restaurant.
    I love that it’s full of clean, healthy options for us and our daughter in a world filled with chemicals and processed foods.
    One of my favorite memories, I think, of the restaurant was after a particularly rough day. It was shortly before my husband and I got married, so we were already stressed as it was. Add onto that the fact that he was moving out of his apartment into our home, and you had 2 very drained, very exhausted zombies. 🙂 It was late and we were hungry and couldn’t decide where to eat. Finally, we decided to christen the Sweet Tomatoes by our new home. We got there and it was pretty busy for being so late, but we found a good table, and were surrounded by friendly employees. We ended up closing the place down that night. As we sat there and ate, conversed with the employees, all our troubles of the day melted away. We ended up getting a free package of cookies because we were the only ones left in the restaurant and they were just going to get thrown out anyway. It was the perfect ending to a not so perfect day. And it’s become tradition to eat at Sweet Tomatoes on a crappy day!
    Thank you!

  570. When I saw Souplantation celebrating 35 years and the birthday candles, it reminded me of my 50th Birthday. As a first generation American born in the USA with a British and a Spanish parent, I have found humor in Spanglish, and my friends thought it appropo to take me to Souplantation for my birthday, not only because I love your soups and salads, but as Soplan (they blow out) from the verb soplar in Spanish is what I was taken to Souplantation to do. Soplan – tation: as the place were one blows out candles would be a Spanglish translation of Souplantation. A memorable birthday lunch. Thanx.

  571. My favorite memory is the time our waitress sat down at the table with us to help resolve a family debate. She was a sweet girl with lots of personality and it made our night.

  572. We are Sweet Tomatoes “addicts” We were there on the first day you opened your location on International Drive in Orlando, and have eaten there more than 200 times since. For a while we mystery shopped this store regularly, but we think we lost our jobs because we rarely were ever able to find anything wrong; the food was always fresh and filled to the proper levels. The staff were always friendly and helpful, and without a single rude word. It is obvious that your byword is “keep it clean” because everybody (including the managers) are always cleaning.
    But our most memorable dinner at Sweet tomatoes was on 9/11/01. The restaurant was nearly empty, with just a few tables occupied. The quiet was deafening. A woman was crying, and no one was smiling. It was a sad day for America, but Sweet Tomatoes was there for us with healthy fresh food that memorable night.

  573. We always get tubs of Joan’s broccoli salad for my mom’s birthday because she loves it so much — and because her name is Joan:-)

  574. I have 2 favorite memories:

    1) Going to the Fountain Valley restaurant with my former boss, Bob, who recently passed away. He loved Souplantation. He liked to put some of the vegetables into the little paper cups and eat them separately rather than mixed into the salad. Whenever I see the little paper cups, I think of Bob.

    2) Going to the Garden Grove restaurant with my hubby on Sunday mornings for the breakfast after surfing. We are always very hungry after surfing & we don’t feel too guilty eating at Souplantation because there are so many healthy choices. And we enjoy seeing our friendly waitress, Ophelia. If we don’t visit the restaurant for a few weeks, she’ll say she was going to call 9-1-1 because she thought we had gone missing. We love the breakfast “pizza” and we finish our meal with a warm brownie topped with the soft serve frozen yogurt.

  575. I am blessed – my mom and dad introduced me to Sweet Tomatoes – Bartow FL – I live in Raleigh, NC… The cool thing is that location makes it really easy to have lunch – do a little business and enjoy the lunch hour. More importantly – the service is great! There are 3 persons that are absolutely great. Although I am a vendor – I would say the same thing everytime!

    813 335 8552

  576. My best memory of Sweet Tomatoe came right after I joined weight watchers. After moving across the world with my family and then having a baby, I became depressed and gained a lot of weight. I knew I needed to make a change which motivated me to join WW. Sweet Tomato was heaven for me cause I could eat a tasty healthy meal without stress. I felt good after the meal and I knew I had eaten healthy. Now it is the only restaurant I go to!

  577. I had been in ill health and had just become a reluctant vegetarian to regain my health. A little old lady who was a friend of my Uncle needed someone to take her to lunch once a week, and I volunteered with my infant son. Sweet Tomatoes instantly became our favorite place!!! What was amazing was that the car knew how to get us there all by it’s self. Anyway, the little old lady has since passed on, but the saying is true: what goes around, comes around. My son grew up at Sweet Tomatoes, and now he is the one taking me, the aging mother, there. How marvelous Sweet Tomatoes is not only a family tradition, but a family friend. Thanks for the Memories, Sweet Tomatoes!

  578. I remember being there on a rainy day with my best girlfriend. It was a perfect day for a warm cup of soup and gazing out the window while enjoying my friends company. All seemed right in the world. We ate, talked, and shared our thoughts about the salads, soups, and what we liked the best. Of course we talked about everything else too. It was a nice place to share part of our day.

  579. I transferred for work to California from the Northeast. In Boston there is no such thing as Souplantation. Now I am in sales and I often bring customers to lunch. One day a customer said “Let’s go to Souplantation”. I thought to myself “Who goes to a salad bar for lunch!?1?”. Well let me tell you, my vegetarian self was in heaven! With all kinds of vegetables galore and vegetarian soups, breads, pasta, pizza bites …. and even dessert! The corn bread with honey butter is, well, my vice. Anyway, I spoke with the manager that day to find out that Souplantation could cater my business lunches too! Its been 2 years now since I had my first experience and I can proudly say Souplantation is my go-to for catering my business breakfasts and lunches. My vegetarian self is always happy with the food and service and more importantly my customers are delighted with the tasty variety of options that are delivered. Thanks Souplantation!

  580. Yo les escribo en español, ya que hablo poco ingles, no hay un domingo bueno, sin haber disfrutado dé un riquisimo Menú sweet tomatoes, y si no fuera porque tengo que trabajar de lunes a viernes lo mas probable es que iría entresemana,es una excelente opción de comer sano , fresco y agradable,cuando inmigraron mis Amistades y familia yo con mucha seguridad de no Recomendar algo que yo sabia que les gustaría, recomende visitar su restaurante y nunca dejaron de agradecermelo,ustedes se anotaron un gol(asi decimos cuando algo rs espectacular)hay tanta variedad que les aseguro nunca me cansare de frecuentarlos muchas felicitaciones y porfavor abran mas locales que hay veces que no pude conseguir sitio

  581. It’s horrible, but I think my favorite memory was taking my nephew to Sweet Tomatoes for the first time. Why was it horrible? Because that twelve-year-old boy is the pickiest eater that I have ever seen! I had been hoping to find some way to make him eat healthier, and I figured that if I took him to a place where everything was healthy, he would have no choice but to find something he liked (that I could later sneak into his meals). That boy was so stubborn that after I made him finish his soup, he stuck to the Quattro Formaggio Focaccia because he thought it was pizza. Oh well, you can’t win them all, I suppose!

  582. Whenever we go to Soup Plantation, my youngest daughter always sees someone she knows. This has happened since she was a little girl in pre-school.
    She loves going to “soupy” as she calls it and it’s our family’s favorite

  583. We began our great meals and great times at Soup Plantation in San Diego in 1988 when my son moved there from Miami, and when we visit California, almost every other month, we always head to S.P. in San Diego, and most recently to one of the newest – Encinitas. It’s a great family place to take my new little California great grandsons, 1 1/2 & 3. But when Sweet Tomatoes opened here in South Florida – boy were we happy, and we began taking great grandson #1 to S.T. in Ft Lauderdale. To start, he was about 2; he couldn’t reach the counter and we took pictures and videos, watching him as he grew to reach up and hold his own tray, very proud of himself. One day a wonderful employee came around with chocolate chip cookies, one for each at the table. He saw our little Trevor who looked up at him with his big blue eyes, and told him: “Thank you.” Shortly after that, the waiter crept up to our table and put a bag of cookies in front of Trevor who’s eyes nearly popped out of his head, and he smiled and said: “He likes me.” And once Trevor had asked the manager how all those dishes were washed, and he took Trevor for a tour of the kitchen. After celebrating several birthdays there, Trevor is now 12 years old, and we still visit that same S.T. and the very nice man is still working there. He has seen Trevor grow into a lovely young man, and the last time we went he invited Trevor to be his guest for lunch. So, your facilities are one-of-a-kind, clean, fresh, friendly and the price is right – what more could one ask.

  584. Well this place couldn’t come at a better time. I was in need of some serious dental work and was complaining that they didn’t have any good soup places in Miami. Then someone told me about sweet tomatoes. I let them know that they only had them up in north Florida and none down south they quickly updated me on one that opened fairly close to where I live. After that it was love at first bite!. A new soup flavoring every time I go, really good healthy meals absolutely loved it. Now I go there all the time with my friends trying to keep our healthy eating habits on, so we look amazing for the summer:)

  585. My first visit to Sweet Tomatoes was when they opened a location near my house. The very first time I tasted the wild blue berry muffin was bliss. Till date I have never had a better blue berry muffin. Everything about the Sweet Tomatoes menu is memorable. Their columbian roast coffee is to die for. Being a vegetarian, I love the number of options that they have to offer. I also have a sweet tooth and always look forward to the frozen yogurt. Every month I look forward to the new and exciting menu with all the different soups and salads. My husband and I both enjoy our regular visits to Sweet tomatoes. It is definitely one of our favorite restaurants and am looking forward to going there for lunch today :). Thank you SWEET TOMATOES!!!!

  586. It is hard to pick which visit to Sweet Tomatoes is my favorite memory. So I would have to say it was when my brother Tommy took me out for my birthday. I really like the salads. But the pasta, soups, pizza, and deserts are great too. Makes me hungry thinking about it.

  587. I had just arrived in Tucson from Indiana to meet my online boyfriend, and lunch was the first thing on the agenda! Where was our “first date”? The Sweet Tomatoes! The best lunch with the best date…who soon became my husband! Sweet memories at Sweet Tomatoes and healthy food choices as well each time we visit! Sweet Tomatoes will always be special to me!

  588. Hated moving from sunny California to Denver last year for work but was surprised to find Sweet Tomatoes here. I just hope the produce is from back home. If I am going to be stuck in this frozen highlands with the hillbillies then at least I can find solace in my Soup Plantation

  589. My family and I loved the Souplantation at Point Loma (the first one I think). At the time, the piped in music was classical and there were beautiful hanging plants. It was such a treat to go there. I now go to the Souplantation on Fletcher Parkway. Still a great treat. Thank you for keeping up such a great tradition.

  590. I remember going there with my son when he was sleeping and I thought my mom was watching him and she forgot he was sleeping his the carrier at our booth and we both went up and got food! Luckily he was a sound sleeper and we were quick!

  591. My favorite memory of soup Plantation was when I took my son and his best friend out to eat there in san bernardino, ca.On the way there my son Chase,(12) informed his friend Gabriel, (11) that there was hardly any meat served at the resturant. Gabriel replied,”Do we have to go there?” Chase tried to reassure him that all the food was real good but Gabriel kept insisting that “Rabbit food” wasn’t his thing. As we came into the restaurant his face fell even further when he saw the long salad bar ahead. Finally we convinced him to just try the things he knew he liked so he began filling his plate. when Gabriel got past the salad bar to the hot foods he said he saw some things he’d like to try. By the end of the meal he was happy and delighted that he could go back as many times as he wanted for the new foods he learned to enjoy that day. Now whenever we have Gabriel (now 13) along he always wants to know if we can go to that place where they serve all you can eat salad and stuff!!!!!

  592. My fiance and I eat at Sweet Tomatoes (either Schaumburg or Lombard, IL) about 3-4 times a month. One day we were meeting at the Schaumburg location and he was running late. First the manager came up to me as I was sitting near the door and asked if she could get me a cup of tea (what I normally drink). Then one of the assistant managers came up and asked me, “Where’s Randy?” When he finally arrived and we had gotten through the line, they seated us in the area served by Carlos, our favorite busser. He brought me cookies. Nice way to treat a lady, guys!

  593. I love “Souplantation” I try to go a few times a month, but a recent memory is my Mom turned 89 on January 23rd, and we celebrated her birithday at souplantation, this is where she wanted to go and we had no hesitation. No it wasn’t fancy, but darn if it wasnt great….the soups, the fresh sourdough bread and my favorite broccoli salad…..good times hopefully my Daughter will take me there on my 89th birthday!!!

  594. I have two daughters 10 and 6. Funny thing that they both did on their first time at Souplantation was place the sliced black olives in all their fingers, it is our favorite restaurant!

  595. I have 2 daughters who are away at college and everytime they come back home we meet with their grandparents at Sweet Tomatoes. We love to sample all the wonderful food and we can sit there for hours just talking and catching up with each other. My girls can’t wait till we meet Granny and Poppy for lunch!

  596. We’ve always loved the Soup Plantation,
    (although one can’t grow soup)*,
    started as a meal for two, but
    now grown to a group!


  597. My husband, me and my son’s little family went to Souplantion on our way home from vacation. I don’t remember if it was in Colorado or Idaho, but I do remember how wonderful the food was. My little 3 year old grandson, who is really picky, ate and ate and ate. He was so excited that they made the food just for him! We all had an enjoyable time.
    My husband was reluctant because of being a “meat and potatoes” kind of guy. Now we go at least once a month to Sweet Potatoes, on his suggestion 😉 He told me that it is one of his favorite places to eat! We absolutely love the fresh and tasty food!

  598. About 10 months ago my husband and I decided to start eating a plant-based diet. Honestly, I thought my eating out days (which I love) were over. But a friend asked me if I’d ever been to Sweet Tomatoes. It was love at first bite. We go at least once a week and it’s never disappointing. We always leave feeling happy and satisfied that we enjoyed a fresh healthy meal while also eating out together. I’m so glad we found you.

  599. My favorite memory was when we were there at closing and they gave us bags and let us fill them up!! Blueberry muffins for b~fast!!

  600. My wife and I have been enjoying Souplantation meals for over 5 years. My favorite is your creamy cheese broccoli soup and your strawberry/ walnut salad. My wife enjoys your chicken soup and your breads. Keep up the good work. On a scale of 1 to 10 ….. You rate a 10+ with us.

  601. My most memorable experience was my girlfriend’s birthday, I knew I had to do something special for it. Now i thought to myself, she’s a intense soup fan and we always frequented panera bread, so for her birthday I wanted to suprise her with a new soup place. I did alot of research online and your chain of restaraunts kept coming up as what i was looking for. I was a bit nervous because I had never been there before, so I didn’t know how it was gonna be. This was hers and mine first experience and it made her day. The variety of soups was astounding. I never tasted or found a strawberry lemonade so authentic on the face of this planet besides your place. That day panera bread died in our hearts, and Soup Plantation became the ultimate place to eat. I’ve lost my job and haven’t been able to go recently but I’d love the oppurtunity to go again through winning one of your free meal coupons. good day :).

  602. My favorite memory was my first experience at Sweet Tomatoes! Having never been before, I was really excited to see what it was all about. When the first one opened near us, a few coworkers and I went to check it out. We had to wait in line for awhile, but we got to take a picture with the tomato! Food was excellent and we had a lot of fun.

  603. My wife and I have been frequenting the 2 Sweet Tomatoes location in Albuquerque for years. A few years ago (2007 to be exact) we took a trip to San Diego for the first time and stayed at the Bay Club. We got to San Diego early got our rental car – checked in at the hotel and then decided to just drive around because we could not get into to our room until after noon some time. We were just driving around and happened upon a Suplantations and it was almost time to open for lunch. We waited and had lunch only to find out that it was the original restaurant of the chain! We ended up eating there again before leaving San Diego and had a very romantic visit to the city topped off with our visits to our favorite eating place’s founding store!!!!

  604. My family loves eating at sweet tomatoes. Everyone is happy and satisfied when we leave. We like to go right before 4 so we still get the lunch price! 😉 I just discovered the raspberry vinegerette and asked to find where I could purchase some for home. I got a call back saying I could purchase it directly from the restaurant – although none of the employees knew about it.

  605. My husband and I came to sweet tomatoes for the first time a week after having our first baby. We love it so much that we decided to make it our place of choice every saturday. Everyone is friendly and the food is fantastic. We also make sure to go an extra time each month on the monthly anniversary of little graysons birth. Thank you for providing such great quality everything.

  606. SOUPLANTAION, family visiting Southern California from Kansas were most impressed, because they thought this was like a 5 star restaurant, they said everything was so, so fresh, the bread and soup was outstanding and enjoyed the decor.
    Becky Mahard

  607. Lunch dates with my husband !!! Always the best at souplantation on hospitality lane. Fresh food and always my favorites: broccoli salad, corn muffins and sweet potatoes!!

  608. I took my parents and my daughter to Sweet Tomatoes in December 2012. My mom is vegetarian, my Dad doesn’t mind a bit of sea food or meat, so I needed variety. My parents had just arrived from Sri Lanka, was foreign to ‘American food’, so I needed freedom to describe the foods they saw. My daughter was 11 months old, so I needed flexibility in everything (like any parent of a 11 month old would know!)… Sweet Tomatoes exceeded expectations, and so a favorite memory was born. Thanks Sweet Tomatoes!!!

  609. My partner and I went on our very first date at the Sweet Tomatoes in Clackamas, Oregon. We just celebrated 9 years together two weeks ago. Guess where we go for our anniversary dinner EVERY year??? 🙂

  610. My grandmother loved SweetTomatoes, she was a great cook in her day, but this was a treat for her and she was like a little kid in a candy shop going all around the food stations, she’s gone now…but everytime I dine there…I see her smile of happiness, thank you! 🙂

  611. Sunday at Sweet Tomatoes is a tradition with our Church Friends group. After church, we head on over for a wonderful time & great food….looking for our favorite waitress and hostess! We all try to out do each other when making our salad…as for me, I eat more tomatoes than any other 5 people!! Most of us always mix two soups together in one…can’t make up our minds! Funny thing…no two salads ever look alike….but they all taste the same…YUMMY! You don’t want to hear about us making our sundae’s…. if we told you, you’d raise the low prices!! Love You Sweet Tomato Family!! From: The Community of Christ Fans

  612. For me and my family, Sweet Tomatoes’ food has always been a winner, but my favorite Sweet Tomatoes memory actually has nothing to do with the food. It’s a rare thing in the DFW, TX area when it snows, but it did last year one blustery night in Arlington. As our taste buds smiled with each bite, I looked up at the dark night sky that shone thru the Sweet Tomatoes’ windows and realized IT WAS SNOWING!!! Big, beautiful flakes of snow. THAT is, so far, my favorite Sweet Tomatoes memory. Keep up the good work, and any time you can help make it snow, by all means, DO! ; )

  613. my favorite memory of sweet tomatoes is when i introduce my girlfriend to it , and she loved so much , she is now my wife and we go there alot now ,

  614. My favorite memories is coming here with my mom and brothers and eating as much salad and soup as I possible could until I fell into a food coma and just wanted to sleep it off. My favorite dishes here are their Chinese Chicken Salad, Chicken Noodle Soup, Clam Chowder, and rencently their Tomato Soup which only appears seasonally.

  615. My first visit to Sweet Tomatoes was reconnecting with an old friend who had recently had a baby. Sweet Tomatoes’ family-friendly atmosphere and staff made us all feel very welcome. My friend and I enjoyed conversation and delicious salads while baby was entranced by the lovely lighting fixtures. And then there were cookies! All good stories end with cookies.

  616. First time I went to souplantation a basket full of goodness came around and dropped off two freshly baked chocolate chip cookies… It’s been about ten years and I still come back every weekto re live that uhmazing smell. I <3 souplantation!

  617. I took a friend to Sweet Tomatoes, just last Saturday. Can you imagine, she only lives 5 minutes away and has never ever been to Sweet Tomatoes!! Now ,
    I tell you, I live an hour away and I go every chance I get!
    We walked in, picked up our tray, then plates. All she could say as we approached the salad bar and her eyes wide open like a little kid in a candy store was ” WOW”, (grin) “WOW” (grin) “WOW”, ” this is amazing, this is fantastic, this is unbelievable!” I live down the street and have never been here!” “WOW” , “WOW”,” I can’t wait to being my cousins here!”
    Kimmey tasted everything! I loved the look on her face, yummy, this is great, awesome! Just like a little kid I swear! Best thing any one has ever done for her! Go Kimmey!

  618. My favorite memory of Souplantation is when my sister first introduced me to it. I was thrilled to hear a place like this exists and couldn’t wait to try it 🙂

  619. My daughter and grandsons were visiting us from Ohio and we took them out to eat at our favorite place. That was 8 years ago and the boys still talk about the Chicken Noodle Soup!

  620. I loved when my entire family meet there for dinner when they were visiting from out of town. We had a party size of 15. It has become a tradition now.

  621. When we were living in the Chicagoland area and people came to visit – Sweet Tomatoes was always one of the go to places that we introduced our family and friends too! There is something there for everyone (especially with me being a vegetarian and my husband a meat eater!)
    And now whenever we go home to visit family in the Chicago area – we have to hit up our favorite Sweet Tomatoes still!

  622. The last time I took my mother to Sweet Tomatoes in Boca Raton she was a frail 92. Walking was painful and her appetitie had all but disappeared. After she finished much of what I’d placed on her plate she said, “I’m so full I couldn’t eat another thing.” Ten minutes passed and suddenly she announced, “I’m going to get up and look around myself.” She returned happily with one of her favorites -, a small dish of pasta – and a renewed appetite. I brought her a chocolate brownie muffin with frozen yogurt that she enjoyed immensely. “It’s so delicious, how can I resist?”, she said. Mom passed away a few weeks later. Now I sit in that same little booth for two, grateful for the memory of her smile and the pleasure we shared that September day.

  623. I brought my church buddies with me and my family three years to souplantation. To this date we never miss a month going there. I can’t help not stopping to let others know about the healthy good food they have.

  624. I love Sweet tomatoe, I’m so glad my coworker told me about it, I! If I could I’d eat there everyday!, I didn’t think foods could taste so nourished in flavor while still being so healthy. I have been fixing to go again for a while now but nobody ever wants to go with me. It’s the common answers like “lets just go to taco bell or checkers” that I’m fat. >.<

  625. Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes is our favorite place for my family now since my husband become diabetic. This restaurant gives him a varieties of salads and soups to enjoy while our kids still can eat other foods. Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes give everyone of us the satisfaction.

  626. Enjoyed a great early St Patrick’s Day dinner at Sweet Tomatoes. The corned beef and cabbage soup was deeelicious. Enjoyed the whole meal. No wonder we keep going back for more.

  627. Soup Plantation is my favorite restaurant. I was married to a doctor with 3 step kids and we had 2 more together. When I wanted a break from my kitchen, I would want to go to Soup Plantation because I LOVE healthy choices AND a dab of soft serve for desert. Having dinner as a family would always be important. My husband preferred meat for dinner ordinarily, but he would condone a lighter meal once in a while. I think back to my kids standing on their tip toes to help themselves to THEIR choices, which were good choices & tell tale as to what they preferred. I clipped the coupon from the LA Times and we even enjoyed a discount on our meals. We sat “on the porch” with clear window arched ceiling, next to a pleasant open space with view of Lake St.Pasadena buildings in the distance. Everyone was happy and relaxed. Now, I take my grand kids to Soup Plantation. They know grandma loves cooking for them and is a good cook. She even teaches cooking classes! But they also know it is grandma’s favorite restaurant, where there is STILL a porch with a view.

  628. Sweet Tomatoes in Ft Myers Fl. The best food, the best service, the cleanest place to eat. Love to go there and always take our friends and out of town guest there and they always love it.

  629. In 1992, I was a Jr. in high school in San Diego, and was on the Newspaper staff. After we finished putting together the final edition for the academic year, we went to lunch. A new Souplantation had opened up, and was reviewed in the paper. The idea/concept was new, but I loved it. Healthy salad, great soup, bread, fruit, omelet bar, various desserts. I was in heaven.

    I have been a bunch of times over the years, and now my 4 year old loves to go too. As a matter of fact, she is waiting for me to finish writing this so we can go.

  630. One of My favorite memories of sweet tomatoes was taking my mom there for the first time. She loved it as much as I did, It became our place to go. We both love soup an salads so it made it easy for this place to become a favorite. We would just keep going back for more. She love the broccoli salad. One of her favorites. I miss going there with her as she passed away in may of 2010. But as I go I think of all the wonderful times we shared there..thanks for the great memories with my mom sweet tomatoe. It still one of my favorite places to go with my family. I love you guys..

  631. Our whole family loves sweet tomatoes. We first visited sweet tomatoes on vacation from the UK, about 8 years ago. We are now residents in the USA and this is a firm family favourite. We always visit the clackamas sweet Tomatoes and have never been disappointed. We also made sure to visit the Sweet Toms in Orlando too when we were on vacation there. We love it!

  632. My favorite memory of sweet tomatoes is my best friend’s bridal shower! This was my first introduction and boy did it reel me in! It was a great place to connect with the other women, and had a spread that makes all the ladies happy!

  633. My favorite moment is eating with my family and my sister’s family. There was food there we could all enjoy. Everyone was happy! We continue to return with the family to eat.

  634. My favorite memory.. well time is in the fall when the Mushroom soup comes around, we could eat gallons and gallons of that, so good.

  635. The first food my daughter ever fed herself was at Souplantation. We got her some hard boiled eggs. She picked them up in her tiny little hands and went to town on them. We went back two times to get her more. She just sat there smiling and saying, “eggggggssss”. Priceless. Now she’s 5 years old and Souplantation is one of her favorite places to eat. She STILL likes the eggs.

  636. 10 years ago, I brought my East Coast parents to SoupPlantation for the first time. They never had anything like that back East (and still don’t) and they were amazed by the variety of healthy choices. My dad is a consummate meat and potatoes man and got to the cash register with his plate only 1/4 full, expecting to find a carved meat station. He looked at us in confusion and said “Where’s the Meat?!”. We explained that it wasn’t that kind of place and he made himself happy with the bottomless chicken soup.

  637. Too many memories for my children and I!! Ever since we moved a block away from Sweet Tomatoes about 11 years ago, we became ADDICTED to this restaurant!!! It has everything we could ask for in a buffet; from the variety in salads, to soups, to breads, to drinks….the list is long!! We come to Sweet Tomatoes almost every day!! It is the place when we share some family times; and enjoy gatherings with my friends while enjoying the delicious food they offer. It is healthy, and affordable. Most importantly, the staff is awesome!!!! We love you “Lauren, and we miss u!!!!!!!! Impossible to find another place like this on earth!!!!
    Thank you Sweet Tomatoes!!!!

  638. MY favorite memory, and I have many of them, is enjoying great food and conversation at the Sweet Tomatoes Pemproke Pines location in Florida. I go over weekly activities with friends, I make new friends, and I’m around a wonderful staff. We love the salad, and enjoy the freshness of the lettuce and the many, many ingredients. We add radishes and beets and corn and raisin and egg and cheese and cucumber and mushrooms and more to delicious wonton and caesar salads, and then enjoy tasty and nutritious soup and freshly baked breads. We sample a little pizza, some macaroni, and then finish our wonderful meal with blue jello and vanilla yogurt. Who could beat this? Enough taste treats to satisfy all of our cravings, and and a rich, warm friendly meeting place.

  639. Me and my gf come to souplantation in alhambra all the time today I came on st patricks day for the corned beff and cabbage soup that is beiing advertised and I come and pay and try to get some and was told they dont have any next time thrres a special come earlier I kinda disapointedthey were out and the responce I was givven.

  640. We take all our northern guests to Sweet Tomatoes for the variety of fresh food and repeat guests request to go there. The soups are fantastic!

  641. I made the mistake of taking my daughter to Sweet Tomato the first time she visited me from another state. Now, she will not go to any other restaurant restaurant, but, that’s okay BY ME, I like Sweet Tomato as much as she, (but, I do not let her know that). Heh, Heh!

  642. I took my long-distance gf to souplantation, and she was so in love with it that she wrote to souplantation asking them to build a store in hawaii!

  643. I went to Sweet Tomatoes for the first time last year when an out-of-town friend came for a visit and wanted to try the restaurant near my home. I was amazed by the huge variety of soups, salads and other goodies, and delighted by how delicious everything was. Now I make it a point to visit Sweet Tomatoes at least 2 or 3 times a month!

  644. I was @ Souplantation for my birthday with friends and your staff came over to our table and sang my Happy Birthday and handed me a free bakers dozen bag of your delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies!! Was my BEST birthday experience EVEEERRRRR!!! =)
    I always enjoy going to Souplantation!! I love your Cream Of Mushroom soup! Always look forward to Mondays for your soup!!!

  645. My favorite memory was our last visit. Being pregnant I’m a pretty picky eater so, I haven’t been comfortable eating very much but, Souplantation was a winner! My family was so happy to see me eating again we plan on going a lot more often! The whole family got what they wanted to eat and the baby on board was happy! Souplantation hit the spot!

  646. I love the times with my family here. It’s a good environment to just catch up on things and to eat yummy food. 🙂

  647. When my dad came to visit me from India, it had been 3 years since I had seen him. We spent all day catching up and sharing stories. He asked me where a good place would be for dinner and I automatically thought about Sweet Tomatoes. The food there is always fresh and healthy. We stayed there for hours and enjoyed the food! Thanks for providing my family with a great environment to connect and eat delicious meals!

  648. I love the delicious chicken noodle soup and split pea soup. As soon as I walk into Sweet Tomatoes thats the first food I go for.

    1. My fondest memories of souplantation are when my son was three years old we would come into the restaurant and ask the manager do you have the vegetarian harvest or the broccoli soup today I sure do love your macaroni and cheese he would also open the door and greet everyone that came in with a hello and welcome to souplantation 15 years later we are still frequent the restaurant twice a week is our favorite place to go as a family

  649. I first ate at Sweet Tomatoe’s in Florida while visiting my in-laws in 1998- I thought I had found heaven as I am a vegetarian for 36 years now and most of our meals together consisted of steakhouse chains. I was only sad there werre no locations in New York. Fast forward to 2004 and I moved to New Mexico where I found Albuquerque had my favorite- not Santa Fe where I lived. In 2011 I moved to the Bay area of California and hae converted my sister and neices and one just poened in Mountainview near them. Love the variety the freshness and quality and the atmosphere- one of my all time favorites- I even had my birthday meal last year at Coleman location in San Jose- also my carnivore husband has many soups and salads he enjoys so perfection!!!!

  650. Thank You Sweet Tomatoes!
    We recently used your catering service for church function involving 50 people and we could not have been more pleased with the service. The cost was very affordable and the service was outstanding! The food was delivered and set up on time and they even warmed the bread for us on site. The food was delicious! The dinner package included a main dish, warm bread, salad, dessert, and even lemonade for a drink. Wow! Kelly was the one who assisted us and she was cheerful, friendly, and very professional. I will definitely be using your catering services again and I will be recommending your restaurant and catering services to others as well. Thank you! Thank you!

  651. When we go home to visit my grandparents they take us out to eat. Our favorite choice is Sweet Tomatoes!

  652. Sweet Tomatoes has been my reward restaurant. That is a place to celebrate good grades, promotions, and just good meals with family. When it is hot here in Arizona, the soups and breads bring a little bit of autumn to our sunshine days in a delicious way. Thank you.

  653. Our family of 9 meet every Thursday for dinner at our favorite Souplantation. The friendly staff always make sure a table is reserved for us when we show up for dinner. Our daughter who also joins us for dinner went into labor on one of those Thursdays. We received a phone call at the restaurant in regards to this which one of the staff delivered to us. We all waited for the birth of our granddaughter as we finished our dinner. Once again, a phone call to the restaurant gave us the good news. We were blessed with a beautiful granddaughter. Weeks later Mom and new baby joined us once again for dinner and were greeted by the Souplantation staff at our table with their congratulations and a dozen chocolate chip cookies to take home with us.Great food as well as family orientated with a friendly and personal staff. Thank You

  654. I live in Sacramento area and we always eat salad at Fresh Choice. When my son move to Southern Cal, he told me “We don’t have Fresh Choice here in LA, we have what we called Souplantation which I ‘ve never heard of. When we visited him the first thing he did was to take us to try Souplantation which is about 5 miles from where he lives. My husband and I was so surprise to see totally different variety of vegetables, soups, breads and desserts. The salads are more colorful and fresh, the soups are tastier and hot, and great selections of breads and desserts. We ate there the whole time we where there. Now everytime I travel to So. Cal I always Google the nearest Souplantation to have dinner. I have been suggesting the Mgmt thru email about opening one here in Sacramento area or at least Sweet Tomato like in the Bay Area.

  655. My favorite memory at Sweet Tomatoes was when we introduced our extended families to the restaurant after my husband’s graduation ceremony. They loved it and were sad that there isn’t one in Knoxville, TN.

  656. Their tomato soup is awesome, & I for one am not a fan of tomatoes. I love going to Sweet Tomato. Their frozen Chocolate Yogurt is to die for.

  657. When we went for lunch one day and ran into one of my dad’s best childhood friends. Sweet Tomatoes is one of those places that means so much more than good food– it’s time with family and friends!

  658. I have so many stories of running into old friends I hadn’t seen in 5-10 years. I also had a reunion dinner with some of my former best friends from middle and high school. We had taken a photo years back of us together and it was great to see what we looked like over ten years later 🙂 Lots of laughs, memories and “OH! Hi There! It’s been Forever!!” My all time favorite hometown place to go. Period. 😀

  659. The first time I ever went to Sweet Tomatoes was the day my best friend moved down to Arizona with me. It was the funnest time, we both loved it and it became “our place.” Now Sweet Tomatoes is the place that we go together.

  660. After competing in the Huntington Beach 5K Beach Derby Obstacle race, running barefoot in the sand in a downpour of rain and doing some crazy obstacles like running while carrying full-sized surfboards, my best friend and I decided the best place to go and refuel was Souplantation. We changed into dry clothes and warmed up ourselves up with your delicious Sunday Brunch and filled our tummies with hot soup and enjoyed a leisurely, relaxing meal. 🙂

  661. I remember going out to Sweet Tomatoes once in a March afternoon with a couple of friends and we had a coupon for the Lunch for 4. We had a lot of salad and even tasted the grilled cheese foccacia, which we were hooked on. We hanged around for a while to eat and converse with each other and we were coming up with ideas for funny movies and stories. At one point, the waiter came by and gave us a couple of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies, which went perfectly with the soft serve ice cream. Great times as always there. Probably the only buffet place I would ever go to, because of all the delicious salad, foccacia, and great friends.

  662. 12 years ago, My husband and I had our wedding rehearsal dinner at Souplantation in La Mesa, Ca. We had about 40 people with us, sharing the excitement of our upcoming wedding that was to occur the next day. We loved having the back room, and it was wonderful to have food choices that everyone could agree on.

  663. After moving across the country to a new state, new job and new everything, a friend helped me discover Sweet Tomatoes. We began to frequent one in Orlando so often, we became regulars… the first time I felt like I was part of a community since being down here. Thanks to the kind staff at Sweet Tomatoes, Crossroads 🙂

  664. I not only proposed to my long term boyfriend over a bowl of your delicious chicken soup we actually got married at a sweet tomatoes in Altamonte, Florida just like my parents. It without a doubt is the most cherished moment of my life. The first time I tried your asian chicken salad I immediately left and got a tattoo of it in my knee pit. I love you guys. Thank you.

  665. The week before christmas, my dad decided to take us out shopping an hour away from our house, We ended up getting lost down a back road and we were all starving. We somehow found our way back to the main road, and our first site was Sweet Tomatoes. It was the first time i’ve ever heard of a sweet tomatoes. We went inside and ate our hearts out! and had and amazing time! Our server kept taking our plates without asking as soon as we were finished, it was incredible! We ended up staying there for 2 hours completely enjoying the fresh salads and soups and that delicious frozen yogurt 🙂

  666. About a decade ago, my dear grandfather got up from our Souplantation booth to get himself some soft serve ice cream.

    He thought that the ice cream would come out from the front of the machine, so he held down the handle patiently waiting for the ice cream to come out. He pressed the handle again and again but nothing happened.

    Eventually, he gave up and backed away from the machine, only to notice that the ice cream had actually been coming out of the machine the whole time, just lower than he expected.

    He called my entire family over to the machine, which now had an approximately 10-foot long strand of ice cream coming out of it onto the floor and snaking all the way to the pizza station.

    We started laughing and couldn’t stop; to this day that is the hardest I’ve ever laughed in my life. Even the staff had a good laugh about it.

  667. Always love coming here with the family – creating great salads and desserts with the softserve!

  668. Many years ago, I moved to Fremont, CA. My roommate introduced me to Sweet Tomatoes. Through the years of being a loyal customer, I have become friends with many of the staff working at the Fremont branch. Every time, I go there I am always greeted like family. That’s an added incentive aside from the healthy menu offered.

  669. Wow, my favorite Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes memory is when my wife and I came and ate many times at your great selection, friendly employees, and new experience restaurants.
    It was a great date. We just celebrated our 50th birthday and what a great reason to come back, an excuse to travel to the other side of town for a great date and celebrate your 35th birthday. thanks Tom

  670. As a single mom, I started taking my son to the Souplantation in Irvine, Ca when he was 5 years old. My son loved to go to the Souplantation,because he knew at the end of his meal the manager would come around with warm chocolate chip cookies! Now at 28 years old we still have dinner at least once a month at our local Souplantation in Laguna Niguel, Ca. We love it and best of all as a then young mother your restaurant helped me to stay in my budget AND give my young son a variety of healthy food to choose from and as a mom I was always happy with that! So Happy 35th Birthday Souplantation!!

  671. Sweet Tomatoes is the place of SO many memories! I come here almost every weekend with my family, and we really eat our hearts out. From the warm blueberry muffins to the chicken noodle soup and frozen yogurt, we can literally eat for hours! My favorite memory has got to be when I came here with a group of friends on a weekday night, and we just had a really relaxing dinner with lots of laughter. With the friendly staff and delicious food, we enjoyed ourselves for so long we didn’t notice the time. It was already past 9:30, and the staff even let us stay after closing time! Talk about hospitality. Best restaurant in the area!

  672. Happy Birthday! I’ve been a fan of yours for 13 years now. I’ve dined at most of the SoCal locations. Staff is always friendly. Thanks for the good food and value!

  673. Our family would visit Sweet Tomatoes on a weekly basis! I remember each family member had their own style, and typically stuck with getting the same item every time. Dad loved his creamy blue cheese dressing, mom with her heaping mound of Chinese Chicken Salad, little bro’ with his random concoction of salad toppings, and me with my simple Ceasar salad. Now that the kids are all grown up, we don’t see each other as often. But when our family does get back together, our favorite plates of salad bring me back to such sweet memories!

  674. I had surgery in October of 2012. My kids (who live in NYC) came to visit me several times and we always ended up at Souplantation, bonding over delicious and healthy food. Guess what? My son, David is here again for Easter celebration … it’s Friday today … during Lent … no meat … perfect day to eat with family and friends, so we are all about to leave for lunch at Soupy and make some nice family memories. Yay!

  675. My favorite memory was in 2005 when I had to meet my now husband’s parents. I was so nervous about how the introduction would go but thanks to those yummy cheesy foccassia breads and the yummy tomato soup, we had something to talk about! 🙂 They focused so much on the yumminess that I felt comfortable. Great save Sweet T! 🙂

  676. I love Sweet Tomatoes, granted I can’t think of anything eventful that has ever happened there. However, one time I went and you guys were out of tomatoes. 🙂

  677. Nothing like little league memories. Traveling for baseball with a hungry team and their parents and finding a Sweet Tomatoes was perfect. We filled everyone’s bellies with great food and great company.

  678. I tried clam chowder with a splash of Tabasco for the first time at Sweet Tomatoes in 2012. The combo was so heavenly that I’ll never forgot it.

  679. My favorite memory is the my very first time eating a muffin-top ONLY. I hate wasting the bottom portion (will try to get family members to eat it), but there’s something special about pulling the top 5mm off then devouring it in one bite.

  680. Thans for the wholesome healthy foods you provide.

    ” THE HEALTY WAY IS THE BEST WAY!! ” (Doctor’s Order!!)

    Also tanks a bunch for making Anthony Arnold’s Birthday Celebration a “FUN-FILLED
    BLESSED DAY”. Your crew helped to uplift a young man who ha been depressed, discouraged, and despondent, not knowing at times how to TRUST and BELIEVE.
    He left Sweet Tomatoes Resturant at the Largo Mall with an uplifting spirit and
    a bountiful joy in his heart, appreciating “God’s magnificent blessing” of a wonderful
    birthday celebration he had not had with his family of friends away from home.

    “Thanks Again!!”

  681. Hello United States and International Food Fans,
    Sweet Tomatoes, without a doubt, has an exotic aroma tat trickles to the taste bud of enjoying scrumptious, healthy foods. The variety of soups, salads, breads, deserts, fruits, and added entres make up a delightful, wholesome meal.

    A visit to Sweet Tomatoes should give you that joyfull desire to return again, again, and again for continuous support.

    Thank God for Sweet Tomatoes! May God continue to bless Creation Health!!!

  682. Hello, I actually have (2) great memories from my experience dining at Sweet Tomatoes, I first learned about the restaurant from my ex-girlfriend who lived in the Bay Area in California and she took me to the restaurant in Pleasanton in ’96, after things ended with us in ’98 I moved back to Illinois so I had to wait three whole years for a Sweet Tomatoes to open up here in Chicagoland, I was so excited to hear that a location was opening up in Glenview so I took a friend there in the summer of ’01 and I was so impressed (and she also) at the quality of the food, I tell folks about Sweet Tomatoes that you will find fresh food all the time but if you expect to get big pieces of meat similar to other buffet restaurants, forget about it, in fact I have a friend that is Catholic that likes to go there during the Lenten season. My other memory was three years ago when I took my Mom to the Lombard, IL location for Father’s Day, my dad (her husband) passed away earlier in the year and she needed to go somewhere to help ease the pain of her loss, so I surprised her by taking her to Sweet Tomatoes and she enjoyed herself. Maybe one day there will be a location out here in the south suburbs rather than driving 35 miles to the closest location in Lombard but at least there are locations here in Illinois.

  683. My little brother ate his first ice cream cone at Sweet Tomatoes. He had always been an ice cream fan, but he wasn’t quite sure what to make of the cone. After watching all of us thoroughly enjoy dessert, he decided to give the mini-cone a try. He spent a good thirty minutes rubbing his nose in the ice cream and laughing his head off. The pictures are perfect, and now he makes sure to grab one each time we go back!

  684. My husband and I used to go out to breakfast from time to time at a local IHop. Every time we went, we ran into a city worker (named James) and became friends. He eventually retired and we didn’t see him again.
    Some time later, we started going to Soup Plantation because we had a coupon. Guess what, there was James (now retired). Now we see him every time we go to Soup Plantation which is often because we love it there.

  685. For senior citizens, we need more “buy one get one free” coupons. We love Sweet Tomatoes and go there every Saturday before Mass.

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