Responding to Voter Dissatisfaction, Garden Fresh Offers Two Fresh Choices to Create Savory Presidential Election Year Options
Can’t make up your mind on who to vote for in this year’s presidential election? The Garden Fresh Marketing Creative Team is busy putting together some options, nominating two saucy choices that are both fun and tasty. John Krueger, owner of Krueger Communications, Garden Fresh’s advertising agency of record, says he wanted to give everyone a fun way to vent some of the angst of figuring out who can best run the country without leaving voters with indigestion.

“Just for fun we created a ‘Elect Joan’s Broccoli Madness’ and ‘Vote for Cheesy Garlic Focaccia’ billboard campaign that is now up in Phoenix, Tucson, San Diego and the Bay area,” John said. Earlier in July, the billboards, which include nearly 20 boards in the four markets, began going up in the cities as a tongue-in-cheek poke at presidential politics during this tumultuous election season.
The billboards are debuting now to coincide with the Republican and Democratic National Conventions and will remain up until just before the November elections. “Presidential politics, of course, is serious business,” says Garden Fresh CEO John Morberg. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun and offer our guests a fresh way to look at the election with a taste of farm-fresh broccoli and cheese,” John added.