Our company receives location requests for Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes restaurants on a daily basis. I am not sure how many other restaurant companies receive on a daily basis, but I feel our location requests grow more and more everyday!

It is amazing to see how specific these location requests get.

Some of the requests we receive are so specific, that requests include exact cross streets i.e. ‘Sweet Tomatoes PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come to the corner of A St and 19th Ave. in ____ (fill in city). We promise we will eat there once a week! Your business will be booming!!!

Other requests will mention a recent closure of other businesses that a Souplantation or Sweet Tomatoes would be a perfect fit. i.e. ‘Guess what, ____________(fill in business that closed) went out of business and now we can enjoy your salad bar everyday if you come to our city.’


We get phone calls and emails every day asking for a new location. Some guests request a location because they had Souplantation or Sweet Tomatoes on vacation and enjoyed it, others may ask for a location because they used to live near a Souplantation/ Sweet Tomatoes location but have moved to a state where there are no locations, for whatever reason it is, we are happy to see the requests!

The location requests range from growing in a city we are already located in, expanding to a new state we are not currently in (most popular requests are Indiana and Tennessee) but we have also had international requests such as the UK, Australia and most recently, South Korea. Sadly, we will not be expanding internationally until we make a larger mark in the U.S.

We have had so many requests lately that I wanted to write about the next few that are opening to cure some curiosity out there:

Boynton Beach, FL                                                                November 2010

Escondido, CA                                                                         December 2010

Howard Hughes (Los Angeles), CA                                 December 2010

Port Richey, FL                                                                       January 2011

Keep checking back for more grand openings and please keep sending in those requests. We do read each one and share it with our Real Estate Development Department.



  2. When is the Boynton Beach location opeming up and where is it? What is the address? I love Sweet Tomatoes and can’t wait.

    1. Boynton Beach Sweet Tomatoes is opening in November 2010. Only a few short weeks away. Are you a member of Club Veg? Do you receive emails? If so, you will be getting email updates on the upcoming grand opening. You can always check back to the blog and we will announce the official date within the next week!

  3. Please, please, please …We want you in Edison/Metuchen area in New Jersey!
    We spend time in Florida and AZ and eat there every week at least once. We meet friends and have groups there often. Please come to NJ!

  4. Do you have any plans of expanding in the Kansas City area, specifically north of the Missouri River? We have to travel 35 miles to eat at Sweet Tomatoes, and we do this gladly, but we’d visit you weekly if you were just a bit closer to home.

  5. Please come to the San Luis Obispo (SLO), CA area. This county probably grows the vegetables that you need for the restaurants anyway. AND we’re on the coast of California between LA and SF, right between where your trucks would move food or supplies between Sweet Tomatoes in the north and Soup Plantation in the south. San Luis Obispo, CA is your next logical step for a restaurant, BUT maybe not in the city of SLO perhaps in Paso Robles, CA where the Amgen Tour de California stops along the way southward. The tour runs through California, but needs to stop in either Central Valley city like Fresno or Bakersfield or Paso Robles or San Luis Obispo. There are lots of space to choose from especially at this time when the real estate market is low—excellent time for expansion, need I remind y’all?

  6. Please,Please,Please come to Knoxville Tn. Turkey Creek would be the perfect place! I’m from Rockwood which is a small town and I would really like to see you come here. Please consider us!

  7. Ok here’s my request: Missoula MT. You’ve not gotten into anywhere in Montana yet; Missoula would be a perfect start 🙂

    1. I agree, Wesley Chapel, Fl restaurants do well, and it’s far enough away from their other locations to not hurt them.

      1. I totally agree> I get tired of driving all the way into Tampa or Brandon to go eat. We would eat there so much more if we had a Sweet Tomatoes in Wesley Chapel. I would rather do ST than Moe’s or something at Wiregrass Mall but Moe’s is 5 mins from my house, a whole lot closer than Sweet Tomatoes so it wins 99% of the time most weeknights.

  8. We love Sweet Tomatoes! Right now we have to travel to Sarasota, Bradenton, or Ft. Myers, Florida for our bi-monthly fix. We would love to see a Sweet Tomatoes in our hometown of NORTH PORT, FLORIDA!!!!!! Then we would be able to come and enjoy your great food on a weekly basis!!!!! We are located on US 41 between Port Charlotte, FL and Venice, FL. It would be an ideal location for you on the US 41 corridor. You would be guarenteed a booming business. You should definitely come out and take a look at what we have to offer. We are a growing city with a population that surpasses that of Sarasota, FL.
    Please seriously consider building a Sweet Tomatoes in NORTH PORT, FLORIDA!!!!!!
    Thank you.

    1. I just heard there’s another Applebee’s opening in the Port Charlotte, Fl area. That makes 3 Applebees between Port Charlotte & Nort Port. I think there is definitely business for a Sweet Tomatoes there!

  9. We heard that you were coming to Lady Lake, FL, at The Villages, the HUGE retirement community that encompasses three counties. However, I do not see it as one of your listed stores. Please tell me if it is true or not. I am sooo excited by the possibility that you are coming here; I do not want to continue to anticipate it, if it’s not true. And, if it’s not true, you should seriously consider opening at this location. The open mall which also contains Kohl’s, Target, Best Buy, and Bed Bath and Beyond, would be a great setting for you guys. Please do come here!!

    1. It is true, we are coming to the Villages, we will be opening in 2011. Please keep checking back to our blog for opening dates.

        1. Jeannette,

          Are you Jeannette from Brooklyn…if so, i am Joyce Lippman …wanted to re-connect with you.



    2. So happy to hear that Sweet Tomatoes Is coming to the Villages in Florida! We will be there weekly from Ocala, Florida!!! We love Sweet Tomatoes, can’t wait to have one close by!

    3. Hooray, hooray!!! You are coming to the Villages–but where on 27/441? It’s a long, long road, but no matter I know I will be a regular diner.

  10. PLZ,PLZ,PLZPLZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz
    come and open a restaurant right in TN,
    on germantown pkwy
    next to the movie theatre
    where the schucks just colsed down PLZ
    ill try to come there every weekend
    when i lived in Kansas I went there every week PLZ come here!!

    1. I second this nomination. I am sitting in a sweet tomatoes in lake buena vista, fl and I am totally enjoying it. The shopping center above stilll has space available. Also look nearby next to Incredible Pizza. Anywhere in the Memphis metro would please me. Memphis does not have anything like this and with a million people in the metro starved for nonBBQ you shouldn’t miss out!

    2. I vote for Memphis too. We need a souplantation here BAD. I moved from San Diego where there were a bunch, which I frequented monthly. Then I went to Pensacola, FL where there was 0 and now Memphis, so I’m hurtin’ over here. Plus, Jason is right, 1,000 BBQ joints and 0 salad joints? You guys would do awesome down here.

  11. Please please please come to NJ. I keep checking google to see if it shows you in NJ yet or no. I have moved from CA where I was a regular there…atleast once a week and I miss it so much here…..Nothing beats u guys….Please come to NJ and soooooon!!!!!

  12. Please open one in Knoxville TN in the Halls area. We always visit the Florida locations while on vacations. Thanks so much.

      1. Please Please come to Tennessee – Hendersonville area – We are growing very fast and new stores are opening all the time. I use to live in Orlando and ate at Sweet Tomatoes at least once a week. We have nothing like it in the Nashville area!!

  13. One in Blacksburg, VA (Virginia Tech) would probably do very well! Hokie Bird looks like he needs a good place for salads and soup!

  14. We would love one in North Port Florida. We have to go to Sarasota to get our fix. lol. Its about a half hour drive. Heading there shortly but would go more often if we had one closer. 🙂

  15. We would LOVE to have you come into Milwaukee, especially near Marquette University. Our university was recently rated one of the most vegetarian-friendly friendly places, but the salad bars here are, well, weak compared to yours. Please, please, please consider moving into Wisconsin!!!

  16. San Antonio would be a great city to come to next, since it is close to Houston. Also, San Antonio is a great tourist city, so you would have lots of exposure to introduce Sweet Tomatoes to a lot of people. I hope you consider it! Please, Please, Please! LOL!

  17. you need to come to corvallis/ albany oregon area.. college kids (ducks and beavers ) love buffets and it would pull people from the salem area and pull people north from eugene area… and you know about eugene people. just say vegetable and they will come.

    1. Boynton Beach is scheduled to open on Monday, November 8 at 11 am. Check back to the blog next week for pre-opening activities!! Are you a Club Veg member? Be sure to join so you get the updates on our newest location in Boynton Beach

  18. Huntsville AL would be a great place for Sweet Tomatoes! We have lots of development going on, and LOTS of people who enjoy good food! 🙂 We enjoy the Lake Buena Vista restaurant whenever we visit WDW, but would LOVE to visit regularly at home.

  19. All I know is that it’s one of our all-time favorite restaurants. The idea we have is to have Sweet Tomatoes EVERYWHERE like McDonald’s so that wherever we go in the country, we can eat healthy. They should be at every travel rest stop so that instead of eating junk food, we have a salad bar with fresh wholesome food. How about it Sweets? We love you ♥

  20. I was going to beg for one in St. Petersburg, Florida. But now I feel like a brat.

    There are Sweet Tomatoes in all the towns surrounding me and seeing how poor folks up north only get to enjoy this amazing restaurant when the are on vacation…. I should be ashamed!

    It is only a 30 minute drive for us, but your restaurants are usually packed when we go. Surely the heart of St. Petersburg would do you good!

  21. I am always checking to see if you plan on opening a Sweet Tomatoes here in Pensacola,Florida. We travel 4-6 times a year to Largo Florida just to get to eat in a Sweet Tomatoes. (Our daughter thinks we come to see……… Please, Please come to our town.

  22. A Sweet Tomatoes restaurant would be great in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. People in Louisiana love buffets & this would be a great market (state capital, 2 major universities).

  23. Nice to see that you are opening locations in California. The Escondido location is a great “fill-in” store location between where you are located at in Corporate and your current store location in Rancho Bernardo, and the stoe location to the north in Temecula.

    Also, the Howard Hughes location should do vey well, and take some pressure off of the Marina Del Rey and Westwood locations.

    Another poster mentioned the SLO-San Luis Obsipo area. If you are looking to expand along the coast, I would also add in Ventura and Santa Barbara-Goleta as well. In this down commercial real estate market, there are so many fantastic leasing opportunities, but only so much capital to spend…it’s a hard decision sometimes.

    At least Garden Fresh is expanding while so many other restaurant chains are contracting, closing locations or simply going out of business.

  24. Do you have a site criteria sheet we can review? Do you have a contact in your Real Estate Department where we can send potential sites? We similarly continually receive inquiries from our residents asking when the City will attract a Souplantation to our community. Thank you!

  25. I have said it numerous times, you really need to consider the Minneapolis, MN area. We have one restaurant that is similar to yours, but they are nothing compared to the Sweet Tomatoes/Souplantation restaurants. I would guarantee that if you built a location here, that you would not have any trouble with profits.

  26. I find it comical that your own post mentions that IN & TN are the most requested states, yet you follow up with a listing of your new restaurants…all in CA & FL!!! Bloomington IN is the home of IU & the perfect location!

  27. Have you considered Montrose, La Canada or La Crescenta, California? We need healthy restaurants that are family friendly. There are so many fast food places and so little good healthy choices for families around here.
    Your business would boom here!

  28. Fayetteville, NC would be a great location. Many of the chains that locate here are the best performers for their entire companies. Starbucks, Burger King, Chick-fil-a.,etc. With the base realignment the economy here is booming.

  29. How about Toledo, Ohio?? We have NO HEALTHY restaurants here!!
    I have to go to Ft Myers, FL to go to Sweet Tomatoes. When I get there, I go 5 times in
    a week because I love it so much!

  30. Yes, Fayetteville, NC would be a great place for a new Sweet Tomatoes!! Ask
    Panera how they are doing since they opened up!

  31. Please come to Lafayette, Louisiana. That city is starting to really grow and I think Sweet Tomatoes would do really well there.

  32. When will your location in Port Richey, Fl. open? I have been waiting many years. We eat in the Tampa store and also the one in Clearwater when we have an occasion to go there but we will go often when Port Richey opens. Thanks

    1. Elizabeth,
      The Port Richey Sweet Tomatoes is scheduled to open in March 2011. Be sure to keep checking back on our blog or check your latest Club Veg emails for updates on the grand opening events.

  33. Any chance of coming to New England. Would LOVE one in Rhode Island but even CT or MA would do! Originally from California and this is the one thing I miss most!

  34. Frisco TX please??? We have seen a population increase of 203% since 2000. Lots of traffic 103, 000 people & growing!

  35. Please come to Frisco, Texas!!! We drive all
    the way into downtown Dallas to get Sweet Tomatoes!
    Its our favorite restaurant and we just know it
    would be so successful in our area because all
    of our friends and family love it as much as we do!!
    Sweet Tomatoes, please come to Frisco!!!

  36. I am a Club Veg member who now has to travel from Port Richey to Palm Harbor, FL to enjoy a Sweet Tomatoes restaurant. I am fortunate to have one as close as I do after reading some messages in your blog but am really looking forward to the Port Richey restaurant opening. I check your site periodically to get the opening date which has been delayed several times. Is there a list of club veg members on which my name can be added to be notifed when the opening date is set?
    Mac Harris

    1. Mac,
      We are opening in Port Richey in March 2011. Stay tuned to our blog in late February for more information.

  37. We really NEED you in Frisco,Tx everyone here wants you. Nothing but ordinary burger joints here . We really need a great salad bar HERE.

  38. Please come to north Ft. Worth, TX! I know you have other locations in the metroplex but they are still a drive from us. Lots of people from the west coast move here after selling their highly marked up homes in CA, etc.! We relocated from San Diego and loved eating at Souplantation when we lived there! Didn’t know about Sweet Tomatoes until today. Had given up hope for a wonderful, healthy salad bar, plus restaurant here in the metroplex. Will try your restaurant in Irving but please put one here in “cowtown”!

  39. Bring Sweet Tomatoes to Central Ohio! We have some of the best shopping in the country at Easton and Polaris in Columbus, and Ohio people love to eat after they shop! We can’t afford to keep driving to Chicago just to get our Sweet Tomatoes fix!

  40. Please consider coming to the Northeast OH area. We have two big shopping/living centers planned in the east side of the Cleveland area. Nearby attractions are Legacy Village and our cultural University Circle that features multiple museums, Case Western Reserve University, the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and University Hospitals. We have so many people who work and live in this area who are searching for a new concept of restaurants.
    Maryellen Heckman

  41. We need Sweet Tomatoes in South Carolina! I live in the Myrtle Beach area but I would visit in Columbia or Charleston. Even Charlotte, NC would be an improvement. Please?

      1. I agree Ryan!!!!! We’ve even driven to the one near Cumming, GA before just to get our fix! DYING for a Sweet Tomatoes in Charlotte. Ugh. When is it coming???!!!!

        1. I’m from the Tampa, FL area and live in Charlotte now for the past 9 yrs. There are no salad bars in Charlotte and I don’t see why not. There is a gym on every corner, why can’t we have a Sweet Tomatoes on every corner? They would do so good here!! Hurry and come to Charlotte!

  42. I live in Winter Haven, FL only 7 miles from where the new Lego Land Amusement Park is being built. Just down the road from there is an area that has been cleared for development. It is located on the corner of Cypress Gardens Blvd and US 27. This would be an awesome site for a Sweet Tomatoes. Think about it….I think you would find it to be a great location. We are in need of some great restaurants in this area and Sweet Tomatoes would do very well here.

  43. Please bring Sweet Tomatoes to Gainesville, Florida!!! We are a large college town with plenty of hungry folks who would love to a have a healthy option to dining out! I heard there is one in the works….is this true?

  44. This week has been cold, snowy and ice here in Salem, Oregon. It would have been great to a small salad and then several large bowls of your wonderful Chicken Noodle Soup. There are many people that would love to have a Sweet Tomatoes here in Salem Oregon.

  45. Daytona Beach/Port Orange needs a sweet tomatoes. There are not many places to eat that are healthy beachside, or inland. The closest one is orlando, pretty far from daytona. It would bring great business for the Int’l Speedway and bike week.

  46. Tracy, Ca truly needs a wonderful healthy salad bar! The closest Sweet Tomatoes is 30 miles away. Nothing in the Central Valley. Please put us on your list of future locations! We would all benefit – the public with a healthy choice for family meals and Sweet Tomatoes with crowds from all over the Central Valley!

  47. PLEASE come to the New England area! Sweet Tomatoes would be a great addtion to the Boston area!!!! Fresh food is so important!

  48. We were told in the Hollywood,FL that one of your restaurants was in the plans for Coral Gables, FL. If not, any in the works for South Florida locations? We’re waiting!

  49. San Diego transplant to SW Ohio. Come to
    Cincinnati, OH metro (specifically Mason, OH).
    Would do really well!

  50. It’s me again, Pepper Frederick, begging you to bring Sweet Tomatoes to the north side of Indianapolis, Indiana. I get my twice a year fix when I visit my daughter in St. Petersburg, Florida. We always visit the Largo location after hours of shopping. I keep telling all my friends here about Sweet Tomatoes and they are so anxious to try it.

    1. Agreed! Anywhere in the Indianapolis area would be fantastic, for that matter. I’m in Tampa on business… we ate there last night and plan to return before I leave!!

    2. Please come to Indianapolis! We need a place w/fresh salad here! Hubby & I loved your restaurant when he was working in CA. Please come to Indy!!!

  51. I am vacationing in Florida and discovered Sweet Tomatoes in Orlando from a friend. Being on a diet, your restaurant really impressed me. A few days later on a trip to Tampa, I took my Sister to Sweet Tomatoes and she loved it as much as I did. Please consider opening a Sweet Tomatoes in the Omaha/Council Bluffs area. The people there will love it! Thank you! : )

    1. Thank you for the compliments. We are so glad to hear you enjoy Sweet Tomatoes. Be sure to check all your vacation spots to see if a Sweet Tomatoes or Souplantation is near by! We will keep you updated id we open in Omaha.

  52. I live in Spring Hill. We have to drive about an hour to the closest sweet tomatoes. With the price of gas we don’t go that often. We would go alot more if there was one close by. With the constant coupons in the newspaper and the ones you get by email I think a sweet tomatoes would do great up here. It is about an hour north of tampa.

  53. No locations in Virginia? Northern Virginia and Fredericksburg area would be PERFECT location for you! Please make a plan to come to every state!

  54. We have 5 Trader Joes locations here in the Twin Cities, but no Sweet Tomatoes or Souplantation.

    When will you come to the Minneapolis/St. Paul area?

  55. I am also from the Myrtle beach area and would be overjoyed if you would consider the Grand Strand of SC for a Sweet Tomatoes. I would prefer the south end (near Surfside) because Myrtle Beach is already saturated with restaurants. Like a previous poster, Natalie, said I also would drive as far Charleston to eat at a Sweet Tomatoes, but I would love one closer to home! I can’t even LOOK at any more fried seafood! I need healthy salads and soups!!!! You would really be helping the cholesterol levels of scads of southerners. it would be a humanitarian effort. 🙂

  56. I read the comments from people who have to drive an hour or 30 miles to get to your rest. I would gladly make the drive. My wife and I lived in Las Vages 5 years. Loved you locations there. We now live in Covington, La (close to New Orleans). This is a “bed room” area for the New Orleans. Please put New Orleans, Baton Rouge, or Mandeville, La on you list. We miss you and would love to once again be able to get really fresh salads, soups, pasta, bread, etc.

    1. I would GLADLY drive 30 minutes as well. As it is now, we make special weekend trips 2.5 hours away to get to one. UGH! Please come to Charlotte, NC!


  58. CHARLOTTE, in particular Indian Trail area (just the fastest growing area in the WHOLE Carolinas!!) Cant figure out why in the world you’d go to Raleigh and not Charlotte! WE ROCK and YOU ROCK, so get on over here. Now.

    1. Yes!!! Anywhere near Charlotte, PLEASE! We are over in Gastonia, but I would totally drive into town or even to Indian Trail for soup!

  59. We’d love to have you in Pittsburgh, PA; more specificly Cranberry Twp., PA! A booming area north of Pittsburgh where commerce and real estate were never affected by the downturn in the economy. We are a convient location by our interstate intersections with the meeting of PA turnpike 76, interstate 79, route 19, and route 228 all in one spot. We are also the home of Westinghouse and many other large businesses. Lastly Pittsburgh loves the all you can eat concept! Hope to see you soon!

  60. MIAMI FLORIDA!!!!! Pleaseeee…Aventura would be a great location…anywhere in Miami would be great we don’t have any place like this…I went to the one in orlando and fell in love! I know this would take off in Miami!

  61. Chattanooga, tn has NO competition for you…only one of the highest vegetarian populations! Please come! There are tons of colleges and universities in this small city and lots of through traffic on highway 75 with travelers. Believe me, you’ll do great! By the way, those meat buffets have died off in our town…because of all the VEGETARIANS!

  62. When will you be bringing a Sweet Tomatoes to the New England area? Western Mass. would be a great choice! 🙂 thanks!

  63. Ocala Florida is the Horse capital of the United States if not the world where many retired senior citizens make their home.We have just about every restaurant you could imagine except a Sweet Tomatoes which would do very well here. I understand Gainesville FL home to the Gators is also asking for a SW and I’m sure they would drive here if they couldn’t get one of their own. Put us on the list please..

  64. Please come to Knoxville Tn. I love Sweet Tomatoes so much. We ate at the ones in Tamoa florida while living in Zephyrhills for 8 yrs. and now we only get to go when we visit Florida again.

  65. Please come to Austin, Texas. We are in desperate need of a fresh, healthy and tasty salad bar!! Healthy is a priority of many central Texans — if you build it they will come!!

  66. It would be wonderful if you could open a new location in Charlotte, North Carolina. There are a couple of locations on the east coast of the state in Raleigh and I believe those have done remarkably well. I can tell you Sweet Tomatoes would have no competition in the Northlake area of Charlotte, NC. There are plenty of potential customers in this area due to several business and a mall that would definitely frequent your establishment. There are no salad bars in this area and there are many people who would love the option.

    1. Here, here, Christina! Why does Raleigh get TWO and Charlotte doesn’t even have ONE????!!!!!! We absolutely need a Sweet Tomatoes in Charlotte. Please run whatever studies you need to do to get here! I would personally eat there with my family at LEAST once a week, if not more. And I can guarantee talking you up everywhere we go! Souplantation is my all time favorite place to eat…these San Diego transplants are dying for one here. SOOO many California transplants in Charlotte that are missing our fix!

  67. I am from a city (Sierra Vista, Arizona) with approximately a little less than 50,000 population. There is an large Army base, shoppers with lots of money from mexico, and many outlying towns like Douglas, Bisbee, Benson, Tombstone, Wilcox, and several other surrounding small towns. This is where everyone stops to shop. THE ONLY salad bar we have in this entire city is at Golden Corral which is very small NOWHERE like the one at Sweet Tomatoes. The Nearest Sweet tomatoes is in Tucson, an hour and a half drive from here. The only chains we have (besides fast food), are Applebee’s, Chili’s, My Big Fat Greek Restaurant, Texas Roadhouse, Outback Steak House, Buffalo Wild Wings, and recently an Olive Garden. Not very many restaurants for the population or shoppers to this city have a choice of. These restaurants are packed all the time, and on Friday or Saturday night, there is usually a 2 hour wait. As you can see these are restaurants with no salad bar, even the locally owned mexican, italian, German, and Oriental restaurants we have do not have a salad bar. I know you normally go to the big cities, especailly California and Florida, but is there any chance we could get a Sweet Tomatoes here?

  68. Bellingham, WA needs one. Lots of Canadians have to drive all the way to Vancouver, WA or OR to enjoy your yummy salads and soups. Gas is too expensive!!! Cross border shoppers need a good place to eat after all that shopping!

  69. we go to sweet tomatoes every time we go to tucson and we would LOVE IT IF YOU WOULD COME TO IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO.

  70. Please come to Lexington KY. I currently live in Denver but in two weeks will relocate to KY and I have no idea how our family will survive without you!! Every time we say, “where should we go for dinner?” In unison the back seat chimes in with a loud request of “Sweet Tomatoes Please!!”

  71. please please come to san antonio, TX.

    im one of many healthy eating californians who have migrated to san antonio and it’s very hard to find healthy fresh eating out here in the land of steer!

    my husband and i miss souplantation everytime we go out for dinner.

    : )

  72. Forget everybody else! (smile) Please put one in Charlotte. I used to go to the one in Jacksonville FL all the time. The closest one is in Raleigh 3 hours away!

  73. Dear TRACY:
    My wife and I were utterly heartbroken to hear that the Marina Del Rey location is closing.
    We love the classic old school style of this one as opposed to the cold retro-industrial look of the Howard Hughes Center (which seems to actually have less seating than MDR). I know I and others would just like to know why it was decided to close an outlet that has been successful for the last 20 years (especially with more residential units going up right across the street). We will still be going to Souplantation 2 or more times a week (although now we have to take a drive rather than walk – not exactly the greenest thing to do). So, please give us just a reason and we will at least know why oh why oh why. Wimper. Sob.

  74. The Sweet Tomatoes I have visited are in south Florida– I would LOVE to see one in the Vero Beach/Sebastian area… especially Vero where a huge percentage of the population here dines out!

  75. PLEASE come to Hickory or Winston-Salem, NC! Raleigh or Charlotte are too far. We absolutely loved your restaurant when we lived in Tucson and would visit it all the time if you were near by. Thanks!

  76. Would love to see a Sweet Tomatoes in Ohio (Columbus/Dayton/Cincinnati area)… we are one of the largest 90 minute markets with lots of high end retail/outlet centers. Not one restaurant in Ohio even comes close to your concept. We need a salad bar option in Ohio… enough with all the fast food!

  77. I love Sweet Tomatoes and i will love that you open one in Miami, FL….in the Doral area will be great to have one, We have to drive more than 1/2 hour just to taste your wonderful food! Please, Please!


      1. We don’t currently have any expansion plans but we wish we could be everywhere! Until then we hope we’ll continue too see you when you visit.

  78. I grew up in San Diego, and grew up eating at Souplantation! I love getting my Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes fix regularly. Now I live in Sacramento and really miss it. PLEASE open one in Sacramento. There’s lots of farm fresh produce in the area already and plenty of families who would enjoy your food.

  79. I heard you were coming to the Miami/Homestead area but have not seen any announcements… is that still planned and for when? We could def use a Sweet Tomatoes out south… 🙂

  80. We would love to see one in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St.Paul). We were voted one of America’s healthiest cities and we don’t have many restaurants like yours!


    1. Visited your location in Alpharetta,Georgia and love it….COME to St. Andrews area in Columbia, South Carolina.

  81. Please build a Sweet Tomatoes in Omaha/Council Bluffs! I discovered your restaurant from a friend, and I love it!

  82. please come to Charleston,WV!!!!!!!!.We moved here from NC and so so so miss Sweet Tomatoes!!!!!

  83. Always I found Sweet tomatoes in Tampa,FL and Metro area Atlanta,GA. Right now I’m living in Bellevue,WA and I really miss this restaurant.
    When in metro Seattle area ? also in Sacramento,CA ??

  84. please we need a location in the high desert of california victorville, hesperia, apple valley, barstow any of those would be greatly appreciated

  85. There are no souplantations or sweet tomatoes in maryland or the district of columbia. As a matter of fact, there are no other restaurants that hold the same concept or philosophy of souplantation/sweet tomatoes in this area. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE open one in clarksburg, MD or germantown, MD or anywhere in DC. I bet a lot of people are hungry for such a place. DC and maryland are due for a healthy place.

      1. I completly agree. Im from S. California and my family and I went all the time to temecula and escondido souplantation. I just moved to maryland near fort meade and REALLY miss souplantation. A sweet tomaotoes will be great in this area since its so near military bases and D.C….Please put a Sweet Tomoatoes in Maryland. Please!

  86. North Myrtle Beach is desperate for a healthy alternative to fast food… The tourists need you, the locals need you… Please, we can’t hold out much longer… we.. are… STARVING.

  87. Please come to Columbus Ohio! Central Ohio is the food capital…….. a central kitchen testing location since the early 1950s

    The Ohio State University, Polaris Shopping, Easton town center………three strong locations that woudl thrive ……..

  88. Dear SoupPlantation/Sweet Tomatoes,

    Listen to me!! PLEASE! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!! Come to the my town in Germantown, Maryland!! I saw that someone else posted from the EXACT same town as me!! I was like holy ****!!! I have to put in a request now!!

    I’ve eaten at a Soup Plantation in CA. I’ve only had the privilege to eat at your awsome resturant once and it was love at first bite!!! haha get it? and I don’t think I’ll be able to live without one at least remotely close!! !!! 1 hour tops! please don’t construct one any farther than that, I want to be able to go to it very, very often.

    I promise to tell all my friends about it and even the acquaintances I meet everyday! I go to Towson University in Baltimore and you know college kids are well connected socially!!

    Trust me, this would be a great investment. The concept of your resturant is awsome! This could be the next Facebook except were not talking about using a computer. We’re talking about something that every single human being does. EAT!! We have NOTHING like your type of resturant anywhere over here!! It drives me crazy! I’m awake at 5:00 A.M. and I can not stop craving your food!

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that a panera bread resturant JUST closed down in my town, Germantown. People really liked that resturant because they had healthy food that was good quality for cheap. Like salads, soups, and sandwhiches. That place was always busy with hungry people, day and night!! But they’re gone now. And good quality, healthy food, that is provided at a low price is exactly what you guys have!!

    I more than honestly feel that your resturant will be very welcomed in this part of the East Coast. This is your chance!! don’t let your oppurtunity slip! Your business will be booming!!!

    I will munch out on your delicious, crisp salad bar, warm and toasty soup line (which will be good for our winter), oh so cheesy mac and cheese along with the perfect pesto pasta and mouth-watering marinara pasta as well. I can’t forget about the incredibly soft bread you guys have either. I can’t lie, the dessert stations are pretty damn good too lol.

    Please give this place a chance! The probability of your corporation regretting the decision of constructing one of your resturants here is slim to none. I hope to enjoy your food one day in the near future <3 Until then, Take Care 🙂

    Arian Safaie

  89. We just moved to Saint Cloud, FL from Hollywood, FL. We used to live 5 min. from a Sweet Tomatoes (Oakwood Plaza) and would eat there 3-4 times a week! Now living 35-40 min away, we are lucky to go once a week. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE build in ST. CLOUD FL!!! There are barely any restaurants, and none that are as healthy and fresh. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE BUILD HERE!!!!

  90. Port Charlotte, Florida! Actually right near Exit 170 (King’s Hwy) is a very booming area with alot of new construction with hotels, restaurants, etc. You would do very well here I believe!

  91. I was informed by my mother-in-law that a Sweet Tomatoes is opening in downtown Fort Worth! Is this true? If so, when? My daughters, mother-in-law, and I will be first in line for the grand opening! We got hooked on Sweet Tomatoes while living in Kennesaw, GA. The best restaurant in the Atlanta area!!

    1. What you heard is true! We are opening a location in Fort Worth in October 2011. Stay tuned for more information

  92. PLEASE CONSIDER a location in Springfield or Bransonn, Missouri They would do so well especially in Banson with all the tourist

  93. Huntington Beach, Corner of Goldenwest and Edinger. Down the street from busy Bella Terra shopping center and Century theater 21. New Costco being built near Bella Terra as well. Sizzler went out of business there. You would get customers from local homes, apartments, shopping centers, Costco, and Golden West College.

    Specific enough?

    PLEASE PLEASE GO THERE! My family would come at least 3 times per month! Only reason it isn’t more is we have 4 kids and it starts to get expensive. WE LOVE YOU!

  94. Please come to Allentown, PA or Trexlertown, PA. There are many new shops opening in Trexlertown, PA and Sweet Tomatoes would fit in great!

  95. Sweet Tomatoes, we need you in Virginia/Washington DC. The closest Sweet Tomatoes to my house is 4 1/2 HOURS AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And there are absolutely NO good restaurants anywhere around here. I recently moved here from Florida and miss your delicious food 🙁

    I would prefer somewhere in Prince William County but as long as it is less that an hour away Bristow, VA, I will come. You HAVE to get location up here. These people are being starved and deprived of GOOD food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come to VA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  96. A viable opportunity awaiting at paladium center in High Point , NC. High traffic area, and no competition in atleast a 60 mile radius. Location has a booming population growth and would pose much potential.

    Please consider!!!

  97. Please consider Panama City or Panama City Beach! We have a huge tourist trade and NOTHING to compare to your restaurant theme. You would do well in Pier Park. It’s about time the south gets more vegetables than the deep-fried variety! Thanks.

  98. Sweet Tomatoes is sorely needed in the San Antonio area. As a former Florida resident, I have greatly missed the fantastic salad buffet of your locations and just recently resorted to driving 5 hours to the Dallas area location and took several friends with me. They all agree that Sweet Tomatoes would thrive in San Antonio. Give us a date and we will be there for an opening!

    1. PLEASE!!! we desperately need a sweet tomatoes in San Antonio, there is no restaurant like it..when we lived in California we would go twice a week!! every weekend my husband and I as well as sooooo many of our friends say how much we miss eating there.We have even driven 5 hours to Houston just to eat there.San Antonio is a booming market..please please come to San Antonio!!!!!

  99. Sweet Tomatoes should come to Gainesville, Fl. Not only do people who are from here know how good the place is, but a great majority of the city are from places in S. Florida. It is a college town, with new people coming all the time. The place would always be packed. My girlfriend and I would open a franchise here if it were possible.

  100. They finally brought Raising Canes and IHOP to the Columbus, Ohio area, and those places stay jam packed! I feel like Sweet Tomatoes would do very well in a city like Columbus. Ohio is a state known for obesity and Sweet Tomatoes provides a nutritional, yet delicious menu which would be extremely beneficial to those who are looking to eat great food as well as live a healthy lifestyle. Please consider it. Thanks *Go Bucks*

    1. We have another location opening in San Jose in October and plans to open in Mountain View in 2012. Are those areas close to you?

  101. Mountain View is kind of close to me, but not San Jose. I live in San Mateo County, any plans on opening a location in that area? Also, where in Mountain View is Sweet Tomatoes going to open? And, when in 2012 will the new Sweet Tomatoes location in Mountain View, open?

    1. Mountain View Sweet Tomatoes is scheduled for Spring 2012. we will be posting more information as we get closer. We are always looking for new sites in the Bay Area and hope to open more in late 2012 and moving forward.

          1. Noticed the Sweet Tomatoes in Mountain View today as well. Any date for the grand opening? 🙂

          2. We open our Mountain View Sweet Tomatoes on Monday, May 7. Get excited, more information will be posted within the next few days.

  102. PLEASE!!!! Come and open a sweet tomatoes (or two.. 😉 ) in Columbia, SC. The Harbison area is so ideal for a sweet tomatoes restauraunt you would get so much service and I know for sure I would eat there once a week at LEAST like I did back in Las Vegas. You’re in North Carolina now fly south for the winter and open one here!

  103. I’m originally from SoCal and miss Souplantation. I have never had ST but heard it’s the equivalent here in Texas. If Houston can have one, why not one if the busiest tourist cities on the map?? Please bring one to San Antonio?!?!? I shouldn’t have to drive to Houston to get great food!

  104. Charlotte NC!!! Steele Creek area. Growing area with new people moving in. We have a lot of people moving from Florida and love, love Sweet Tomatoes.

    1. We are looking at locations in the Bay Area for 2012. We have one scheduled for Mountain View in early 2012. We will keep you updated as other locations will be opening near or in San Mateo.

  105. Please open a Sweet Tomatoes either in BILOXI, GULFPORT OR D’ILERVILLE, MISSISSIPPI…this area has grown rapidly and would be a perfect place for a new Sweet Tomatoes…Thank you : )

  106. Where (which cities) in the Bay Area region of California is Sweet Tomatoes is looking to opening new locations in 2012?

  107. Is there someone I can talk to in the Sweet Tomatoes real estate department regarding my real estate questions for Sweet Tomatoes?

  108. Dear Sweet Tomatoes,

    You are my absolutely favorite restaurant! I really think New England needs a Sweet Tomatoes and Boston is a great place to try one. I lived in GA for 15 years and was spoiled by the good food and quality that your restaurant provides, all while maintaining healthy afforable choices! Please come to Boston! WE MISS SWEET TOMATOES!!

  109. Is there someone I can talk to in the Sweet Tomatoes real estate department (regarding my real estate questions for Sweet Tomatoes)?

  110. Please re-open the Sweet Tomatoes in Austin. I do not know why it was closed, but it was the only restaurant that we go to on a regular basis. Please let me know.

  111. Legoland Florida just opened in Winter Haven, FL. Don’t you think that would be a great location for a Sweet Tomatoes??? I do.

  112. I know you recently opened a sweet tomatoes in The Villages, Florida and I ate there last week. Beautiful place!!! but I live in Ocala which is 35 mintues away and don’t know how you haven’t opened one here!! With our demographic it would definitely make a killing!!! PLEASE OPEN A SWEET TOMATOES IN OCALA, FL.!!!!! Or start franchising so I can open one here and make a killing!!! 🙂

  113. Anywhere in Michigan please I am a veteran that lived in the San Diego area for 3 years and I ate at soup Plantation once a week. I miss this wonderful place to eat!!! Are there any plans for Michigan in the future??

  114. Please consider opening a Sweet Tomatoes in Northern VA! People would drive from all over the Washington DC area to enjoy your wholesome food… There is no restaurant even similar to Sweet Tomatoes here!!!

  115. Michigan specifically Detroit would be a great location for Souplantation/Sweet Tomato. I visited the Souplantation in San Diego back in 1980’s and fell in love with it. i would be interested in opening a location in Michigan.

  116. Hi,
    Will there ever be a Souplantation in Virginia Beach/Norfolk VA area? I enjoy it when I travel to southern CA. Thanks.

  117. Please come to Tallahassee, Florida. It is a family town with two state universities and the restaurant would do really well herr. I’ve eaten in Sweet Tomato’s all over the state snd do not indetstand why there isn’t one here.

  118. I love sweet tomatoes and i am pretty bummed out since i am moving to Austin Texas and there are no locations there. Can yall please come to Austin?

  119. I have been eating at the Soup Plantation since you opened in San Diego way back when. We have such fond memories of going there and are thrilled that you are FINALLY expanding!! SO, I just have to let you know that you guys are missing the boat! The Charleston, SC market is WIDE OPEN!!! Check out the Mt. Pleasant area. You will CLEAN UP if you open a store in that market. The only competition is Golden Corral (which is jammed every day and night of the week) by the convention center. Mt. P is the way to go! Would rather have you open one in West Ashley or downtown, but right now Mt. Pleasant is growing by leaps and bounds. (DON’T GO TO NORTH CHARLESTON). Michael’s craft store just opened a store in Mt. P because the majority of their customers who shop at the N. Charleston store LIVE in Mt. P. Trader Joe’s just hopped on the Mt. P bandwagon too!

    My mother recently moved from San Diego to Vero Beach, FL and was delighted to learn that you opened a Sweet Tomatoes in Melbourne. Yea! She’ll drive 30 miles to eat there! I just happened to be in Ft. Lauderdale for a couple days and took my kids to Sweet Tomatoes there. We ate there every night! Like going back home. My kids love it!! Thanks for the great food and memories. NOW GET BUSY!!

    1. Sorry Deborah, but there saddly isn’t a ST in Melbourne, I wish they’d put one in though, Orlando is the closest we have!

  120. We use to live in Ca. and there are Souplantation there, but since moving to other areas we have not had them, sad to say.
    I was pregnant with my daughter, and Souplantation was the only place I could eat at and not get We now live in Clarksville Tn. 37040. Are you planning to open one in this area? When if so?

  121. Our favorite Souplantation was in Rancho Cucamonga Ca. Our second favorite is in Las Vegas Nev.
    We are waiting for one now in Austin Tx, Please hurry!

  122. Hello! We would like to request that a Sweet Tomatoes be built in Augusta, GA.! We live 30 miles south of Augusta which has a SouperSalad restaurant that no where near compares with Sweet Tomatoes! We love Sweet Tomatoes and visit the Altamonte Springs, FL location whenever we are in Daytona Beach, FL. A location in Daytona Beach would be nice as well! Thank you for (hopefully) considering these locations!

  123. My absolutely favorite place to eat. Your business model may someday be copied but never duplicated. We live in Plymouth, MA in the summer and go up North for the golf season and spend winters in Port Saint Lucie, Fl. My request is to add a Sweet Tomatoes in Plymouth, MA and in Port Saint Lucie, FL. I know this is a stretch but what are your plans for expansion.

    Keep up the great work.

    Bill Allen

  124. Please put one in the Gulfport, Mississippi, area…There is a new mall coming to the Gulfport area, and a Sweet Tomatoes would do extremely well in this area. The Gulfport area has had an increase in population and new businesses are coming to the area. Please consider putting one here in the Mississippi Gulf Coast area. Thanks : )

  125. I cannot stress enough how phenomenal this would be in New Jersey! So many people from the northeast have experienced Sweet Tomatoes while in Florida and love it. We need a place like this. Thanks.

  126. Please, please open up a Sweet Tomatoes in San Antonio, Texas. I currently live in Las Vegas and am about to move there. I have to admit I am a bit of a Sweet Tomatoes junkie and will go into withdrawl once I move away. Please, please open up a Sweet Tomatoes in San Antonio, Texas…I need my fix!! Thanks!!

  127. Columbia, SC!! There aren’t any salad buffets around here! Got used to having them around in California and Albuquerque, NM. You have them in NC and GA – so SC is right in between!

  128. We would love to see a location in Eastern North Carolina! We love fresh food too, and I loved it when I lived near your location in The Woodlands, Texas!

  129. I saw your St. Patrick’s Day teaser in Dallas…great…now, how about San Antonio? Look how many people already have noted San Antonio. in the comments. You would fit in perfect in the 281/1604 area among other places.

  130. Indianapolis, Indiana! Well, Muncie, IN would be great, but I’m assuming that’s too small to start an establishment, so Indianapolis would be the second best! Also, Minneapolis, Minnesota!!!!

  131. I’m so surprised you guys aren’t in Nashville yet. There is a huge fresh foods movement going on here and you guys would be the perfect addition. There is no way this wouldn’t be a win/win situation for you. My husband and I would personally eat there at least twice a week! We eat at your locations in atlanta and orlando multiple times when we are in the area. This must be your next grand opening!!!!!

  132. PPPPPPPLLLLLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEE put a sweet tomatoes in Mukwonago, Wisconsin. Or East Troy. In East Troy, there are only about 5 restaurants, and for the most part they only serve bar food. except for the breakfast places. But we could really use a HEALTHY place to eat. Please consider this, or even putting a sweet tomatoes in the nearby town of Mukwanago.

  133. PLEASE come to Charlotte, NC! It would do so well here! I would eat there everyday! I’m your biggest fan and the closest one is almost 4 hours away.

  134. There is a new Sweet Tomotaoes opening soon in Moutain View, CA. Can I receive contact information to call or email regarding job openings at that new location?

    1. Our recommendation is to go by the location between 9-2 pm at 1040 Grant Rd.

      We are also hosting a job fair for this location at 200 El Camino Real at the Zico Hotel and the job fair is Wednesday and Thursday from 10 am – 4 pm.

      Thank you!!

  135. Please you must come to the Maryland, DC area. I visit Sweet tomatoes in St Louis and Im totally addicted. We need more restaurants like this in the area. Heck we need one in the area and you are the best so far especially for a salad fan like me. Please come soon….Anna

  136. Could you please build a sweet tomatoes in Sierra Vista, Arizona. The nearest one is in Tucson approximately 100 miles from here. We only have one restaurant with a small salad bar in this entire town of almost 48,000 to 50,000 people. We also get people here to shop and go to restaurants from Benson, Bisbee, Douglas, Nogales, Mexico and have a large military population with their families. WE NEED SALAD please.

  137. I think that Sweet Tomatoes would do well in Santa Cruz County, California.

    A good location would be the former Marie Callender’s Restaurant in Capitola. They were located at 3400 Clares Street, Capitola. It has been closed for about ten months, so maybe you can get a good deal on the lease!

  138. I am still waiting patiently for a Sweet Tomatoes in Milwaukee Area!!!

    Gas is getting to expensive to always have to travel South of the Border to Illinois to get to the closest Sweet Tomatoes. Wisconsin needs somes some healthy foods besides Brats, Beer, and Cheese!!! Think About it!!!

    1. Milwaukee truely does need a Sweet Tomatoes. Remember not all of the choices at Sweet Tomatoes are healthy, but its a fresh change of pace from ordinary buffets. Southern Milwaukee county would be nice.

  139. Mount Pleasant South Carolina (suburb of Charleston). Check it out- alot of high income, health oriented families. Big town for eating out at family style restaurants. Space available at the Town Center, Oakland Plantation shopping centers.

  140. Please please please come to Birmingham, AL. We would LOVE to have you here. My husband and I used to frequent your restaurant when we lived in California. We miss it. 🙁

  141. robbinsville, new jersey. Fox moor shopping center. Big empty location just waiting for you. About the same size as your wpb location.

  142. Would love to see a Sweet Tomatoes restaurant n Louisiana!!! Alexandria, Lake Charles or Shreveport…would be wonderful! PLEASE!!!!!!

  143. PLEASE open up in Cincinnati, Ohio!! There are so many healthy-minded people & not enough healthy-minded restaurants!!

  144. Our family recently took a trip to Orlando and visited your 116 Sweet Tomatoes restaurant. Wow, what a place! We’d sure love for you to consider a location in Wisconsin sometime in the near future. Suggestions for location could be plentiful as the recession has created space in numerous cities in the Milwaukee area. Reach out if you need any additional feedback!

    Love Sweet Tomatoes!

    1. The two garden spots we are using are a few miles from the crcuhh. The land actually belongs to one of our member’s family. Several of our local crcuhhes have started community gardens, but as far as I know they aren’t growing food for the food banks.

  145. How about AT LEAST one location in the New Jersey-New York area? I’m sure it would be highly profitable considering the heavy population there. Please consider at least… thanks! A huge fan

    1. My dear friend It is good to see you back Thanks for the totmao story It reminded me that it’s that time again will start looking for my plants I use EARTH BOX planters and plan to order 2 more I enjoy all of your stories Keep them coming Thanks Mr Billy

  146. Wish we had a Sweet Tomatoes in Cabot, AR. Used to go to the one in Tucson, AZ frequently and miss that since I moved here.

    1. We do not offer franchising opportunities at this time. We will update our site if that is ever an option.

  147. Please open a Sweet Tomatoes near Canton or Livonia area in Michigan…!! I am sure people would love it here…!!

  148. My parents live in Carmel, Indiana and don’t cook much anymore. I would love to know that they have the delicious option of a Sweet Tomatoes nearby, and I know they would use it very frequently. Please consider opening a restaurant in Carmel!

  149. Hello,
    You are Absolutely doing yourself an injustice by not building a Soup Plantation/Sweet Tomatoes here! I just called your company and left a detailed voicemail of why you NEED to build a new Sweet Tomatoes at the Canton Marketplace Mall, Canton, GA. We among many of our friends would be there at least a few times a week if you were closer. The nearest one is 35 minutes from us :-/
    Canton, GA has a low crime rate, beautiful homes/neighborhoods & rural landscape too! I have seen this town grow from almost nothing since moving here in 2000 after comparing and analyzing all of North Georgia as a Veteran Realtor. Amazing beauty within all the landscape architecture and style this city offers in comparison to most others in GA. It is definitely an up and coming Alpharetta, GA or better, I feel along with many real estate professionals express. People that I show homes to here cannot believe the style, the cleanliness, so many trees/natural beauty that our city preserves within it’s architecture. It is truly a masterpiece city w/Riverstone Mall and Canton Marketplace Mall only being about a mile from each other off either sides of I575 and Exit 19/Exit 20. The restaurants are constantly packed, usually always having to wait 20 minutes for the dinner crowd. There is a real need for Good, Healthy Wholesome food like your restaurants provide. My family and I are Gluten Free and very much into veggies and soups and it’s so sad that its really hard to find a NICE healthy restaurant we can go to without spending 30-40 minutes on the road. Everyone we know loves your restaurant and wishes it was here in our hometown community. There is a perfect space just a couple lots down from Olive Garden and next to Zaxby’s (the 2nd one in town).
    I got more facts off the internet to assist you:
    This fast growing Atlanta suburb has experienced a 78% increase in population (since the 2000 census). In order to accommodate the demands of this growing market, Sembler developed an 800,000 plus square foot shopping center in the heart of a major development that will include a regional hospital, office and residential.Located at I-575 and Highway 20, this center will include discount department stores, big box retailers, shop space, restaurants, and outparcels with great access to the highway and nearby office and residential areas.DOT is making a full diamond interchange at I-575 and Highway 20. The project will include a new parkway east of I-575 that will connect Hwy 20 to Hwy 140 south of the project, and Hwy 5 North of the project; which will enhance the local access to the site.
    Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist. Either way, even though I am a Realtor, I am truly only telling you about this for my own selfish reasons. 🙂 To be able to eat at your restaurant on more of a regular basis. I mean, com’on why would I waste more than 45 minutes of my time calling you, researching, and emailing you this information and request. Please, please do us both a favor and just check into it. Okay?
    Thank you so much for your time and attention to this request.
    Kind regards,
    Sheila Webb
    Maximum One Real Estate,
    P.S. My husband & I also own a 5 Star A+ BBB Rated Real Estate Inspection & Construction Consulting, Environmental Testing company, (our clients love your restaurant too!) 😀

  150. Please come to Ft. Hood Texas area!!!! Ft. Hood is the largest Army base in America and unfortunately we don’t why have many healthy restaurant options. And they wonder whem!y so many of our men are not passing their tape test! It would be wildly successful here for I have spoken with numerous people who drive all the way to Dallas for some Souplantation, me being one of them!

  151. Carmel, IN (ranked #1 best small city in the US by Money Magazine…shouldn’t that count for something?) would love a Sweet Tomatoes/Souplantation….seriously, did you see that our state is ranked #1 in obesity?!? Please give us healthier options, such as your wonderful salad bar and amazing soups-you’d be doing our great state a HUGE favor! 😉

    As I’m sure you’re aware, we LOVE our “chain” restaurants here, and frankly, your location map would look better if Indiana were colored in…it would be so easy to do…we’re right next to Illinois!

    If not Carmel, any surrounding areas, such as Indianapolis, Fishers, or Noblesville would be great, too. Incidentally, Indiana was also just ranked #1 for safe driving…perhaps not the strongest reason to bring your restaurant here, but I felt I should mention it, just in case it tips the scale in our favor…

    Thank you for your consideration.

  152. Love souplantation and really miss it since I moved from Orange County, CA to Knoxville, TN….so, when are you opening here in Knoxville? Sooooooooon, I HOPE!

  153. Please consider coming to the Buffalo NY area. Your restaurant would be such a success here. With the winter weather approaching your soups would be very popular. I have lived in Phoenix, San Diego ,Florida and Denver and have never been without one until now!! I am missing it horribly!! Even Erie PA – we would drive!!!

  154. pls consider oahu as your next location. ppl here are one of two things… ppl are really health conscious and/or love to eat. great fit for your company. thanx for your time.

  155. I would like if you could email me a complete list of all your current locations, as well as any scheduled to open in the near future. My parents really loved eating at these restaurants until my mother passed last year.

  156. Totally agree on Port Charlotte, Florida! Restaurants are booming, and there’s nothing healthy and economical like Sweet Tomatoes! Please bring us a location 🙂

  157. We are adding our request for you to come to the Omaha, NE area. We always eat at Sweet Tomatoes when we are in Phoenix.

  158. Pleeeeeeaaassssseeeee! come to South or North Carolina, these people need an all you can eat restuarant that does not just consist of fried chicken or lo-mein noodles… I miss my healthy options I had in Florida and I tell everyone about Sweet Tomatoes. I really wish I could take my step kids there once a week they need some real food when we go out..

  159. Please open a place in the Capital District of New York. It took us a decade to convince Trader Joe to open a store here. And it is doing so well I am sure more will be opening. You will not miss and you will not regret it. Embrace us! New York’s Capital District! Albany, NY

  160. We live in Keizer, Oregon and drive to the Sweet Tomatoes in Sherwood, Oregon area once a month. We and most of the people we know would love to have a location closer to Salem or Keizer. Please consider us for a new loctation.

  161. I am from San Diego, where I used to go to Souplantation once a week! Now I’m in Northern Virginia, and I would do anything for a Souplantation here! I know it would thrive in this area, where many people are health conscious or love to try new restaurants. This is a great area for restaurants, and there is nothing like Souplantation here. Please come!

  162. Cincinnati Ohio please! You could open near the famous Jungle Jim’s international grocery and share foodie business!

  163. The only place I’ve been able to eat at sweet tomatoes is inGA. I love your restaurant and would love if you came to middle TN. especially cookeville or Murfreesboro. The best would be McMinnville, TN. Hope to see you guys here soon.

  164. I miss Sweet Tomatoes so much since moving from Florida to Pennsylvania!! Please build one in the Philadelphia area!! We could use a dash of healthy food here to counteract our cheesesteak habit!

    1. Hi Jackie – we don’t currently have expansion plans but thanks for liking us enough to want one in your area!

  165. Please come to Michigan. Somewhere in the Metro Detroit Area. We frequent Sweet Tomatoes in Florida when we are on vacation and would like to go there more than twice a year. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  166. I’ll join the many requests for new store locations as I too really enjoy your restaurants.. As a commercial real estate broker, there is a great opportunity to add a Maitland (Orlando) area store. New great mixed-use development under way that would be a perfect fit for a Sweet Tomatoes. Please respond if you would like more information. Thank you

  167. PLEASE PLEASe PLEASE come to LONG ISLAND, NY……specifically down the block from where I work, Garden City NY. It would be very awesome of you to do, so just do it. Thank you for your time.

  168. You MUST open in Bloomington/Normal, IL – we have more restaurants per capita than anywhere – we are at a crossroads between 3 major highways, too. The worst part about our city is that there are very few “healthy” restaurants. We have so much fast food and American franchises, steak places, ethnic foods…but only 2 or 3 decent places. We don’t even have any buffets other than 2 chinese buffets. So, we MUST have a Sweet Tomatoes open here! We must we must we MUST! Please please please!

    1. Hi Sheila – We don’t currently have any expansion plans but thank you for liking us enough to want one in your area!

  169. Why don’t you franchise?…my God the demand for you is huge especially in the mid-west and you are not growing fast enough and will lose your first mover advantage when competition enters the market. Not expanding quicker will turn out to be one of your dumbest decisions. Seriously. We need you in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, etc.

  170. Guess what? A large buffet restaurant went out of business at 6901 Walker Street, La Palma, CA 90623. It would be a perfect location for a daily dose of my favorite chicken noodle soup!

  171. Please open one here in Indian Land, SC. This is just south of Charlotte, NC that is growing rapidly. There is nothing like this here or in the Charlotte region. I have been to Sweet Tomatoes in Fl, GA, TX and even Raleigh, NC. Just need one in my neck of the woods.

    1. Thank you for visiting us in so many locations! We don’t currently have any expansion plans to SC but we love to know where we are wanted next.

  172. The jewel of Ohio is Columbus and you are THE jewel of amazing and delicious and resposible chain restaurants! Sweet Tomatoes and Columbus, Ohio are a perfect mix! We have THE best shopping center not only in Ohio but one of the Top 3 in the US and we are the largest city in Ohio! Plus we are a foodie city with Top Ten dining in the country! You would be perfect and would soon realize the need to open even more restaurants in the Columbus area! WE LOVE SWEET TOMATOES!

  173. Williamsburg, VA.

    When I lived in Vegas I used to eat at Sweet Tomatoes all the time, but here there’s not much in the way of healthy options. Pancakes and BBQ are more than covered, as are steak and seafood, but there are TONS of tourists that come through this area on a given day (not only for Colonial Williamsburg, but also for Busch Gardens) and many of them want reasonably priced, healthy food. So do the locals.

  174. please can you consider coming to the united kingdom, Sweet Tomatoes would be exremely successful over here especially in yorkshire north west of england we love visitig you whilst in Orlando

  175. Please come to the east side of Cincinnati! If you open a restaurant in the eastgate area, I promise I will come every day and tell all of my friends to come, too!!!! Your restaurants are amazing and just what people need!!!

  176. We just stumbled on a Sweet Tomatoes in Hollywood, FL while traveling and haven’t stopped talking about it since. Akron/Canton, OH has nothing even remotely like a Sweet Tomatoes so you would have the market cornered with no competition. Please consider!!

  177. two years ago, it was announced by your company, you would be opening up in gainesville, fl
    in 2013. it never happened. do you still have plans to open a restaurant here?

  178. A Sweet Tomatoes or Souplantation would be an idea tenant of The Shops at Canton Crossing in the Canton neighborhood of Baltimore (City). The second phase is scheduled for development in a year and a half. Please act quickly to build one there. The residents of the city and the surrounding areas would welcome another quality food establishment there. The neighborhood (and city) has been undergoing a renaissance with many young professionals living and working there. It would be good for both the residents and the restaurant. Please build in Canton in Baltimore City, or possibly a nearby suburb such as White Marsh in Baltimore County. They too would warmly welcome one!

  179. Hi how come you guys are not opening any restaurant in Michigan. Do you have any plans of coming to Michigan ? Please let me know.


  180. Chattanooga, TN please! Check our demographics. There are lots of healthy-minded people here, & our Souper Salad needs competition.

  181. How about the Southwest side of Chicago, maybe Orland Park or Oak Lawn? Lombard is closest to us and it is quite far, Sweet Tomatoes would be loved by Southsiders.

  182. My family sometimes drives 45 minutes back and forth just to eat at one of your locations. Can you PLEASE consider opening a location near Port Orange, FL. I know it would be profitable in this town. Thanks for reading.

  183. OHIO–PLEASE! Or Michigan! These people NEED Salad! I see more locations in places that are heavy on easy light fare like Fl and Ca, but nowhere in the midwest where you can’t find a decent place to put together your own salad and extras.

    Columbus, Ohio
    Ann Arbor, Michigan

    Don’t care–I’d drive 2 or 3 hours to get to one(no kidding!)

    Seriously, put one next to a college up in this area and you will go gangbusters. You’d do well next to Easton or another open air or larger shopping area too. Please look into it. I lived in Phoenix for years and ST was a regular. When I visit family in Fl we hit it 3 or 4 times on the trip. We need you in our lives! I miss ST!!!!

  184. It would be great to have Sweet Tomatoes somewhere in New England. When we go to Florida that’s the first place we go. Please come up!

  185. Sebring, Florida! We now have a Panera Bread and other major restaurants on US Highway 27 that are very popular… But there’s nothing like Sweet Tomatoes here yet. Please come to Highlands County!

  186. I had you in Chicago and Houston area’s….I live in Omaha, NE now, we need one or two of them. You will have no competition for the most part. Let make it happen, Thanks Ken

  187. Heads up! If the Real Estate Development Department still reads this blog, a prime location for a new Sweet Tomatoes just opened up on US Highway 27 in Sebring, Florida’s Fairmount Plaza. A big, popular local restaurant (Yianni’s) closed last week and the site owners are searching for a good new tenant. A movie theatre two doors down in the same strip mall is under relatively new ownership and has just been renovated with brand new seats. The Fairmount Plaza is next to a Publix and almost across the street from a very successful Walmart (at the intersection of Highway 27 and the Sebring Parkway). ReMax Realty has the listing FYI. Our chain restaurants are very popular and successful – come check us out!

  188. Please open one in Gainesville, Fl. It’s a college town with majority of people from south florida. Everyone here loves to eat and it would do so well in Butler Plaza !

    (You’re restaurant is the first place i go whenever i come back home to visit family)

  189. We need a Sweet Tomatoes in Summerville, SC! We moved here from FL about a year ago and are having sweet tomatoes with draws. We love Sweet Tomatoes! My kids ask all time if we can have it for dinner! Please come to Summerville, SC and put Atlanta Bread Co out of business. They cant touch you guys!

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Yvonne! Unfortunately, we don’t currently have any expansion plans, but we always like to know where we are wanted next!

  190. London, England please! I used to live in Costa Mesa and ate at Souplantation often and I MISS YOU.

  191. Visited your site in Kissimmee and absolutely loved it. I live outside Philadelphia. Please come to Pennsylvania or Delaware. I would be happy to drive for this place. The Northeast needs a place like this to show that eating healthy is easy to do and oh so delicious!!!

    1. Thank you for liking us so much, Kari! We’ll be sure to post an update if we move into that neck of the woods 🙂

  192. I just tried Sweet Tomatoes in Sarasoda Fl. I think it would be a big hit back home in Holland Michigan! Everything was fresh and wonderful!! Please think about it!!

  193. I live in Omaha NE and was at a sweet tomatoes near Antioch California a couple weeks ago and absolutely LOVED it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BRING A SWEET TOMATOES TO OMAHA!!!!!!!!!

  194. PLEASE you will do VERY WELL opening a Sweet Tomatoes in the Myrtle Beach area – I see you are in North Carolina and Georgia why not bring your restaurant into South Carolina where the tourists come in flocks and alot of locals will welcome you – You are one of my FAVORITE restaurants!!!!!

  195. As others have said, do not underestimate the Myrtle Beach, SC market. Flush with tourists year round and anchored with many full time residents, this should be a natural fit for Sweet Tomatoes! Our family has a second home in Central Florida and eat with you guys CONSTANTLY while there! There a plenty of people here that crave healthy and tasty food! Check us out, we host TONS of sporting events, dance & cheer competitions and Marathons. We have Publix grocery stores opening up and down the beach are are left wondering…where is Sweet Tomatoes????

    1. Thank you so much for visiting when you can! We will keep a SC location in mind when we are ready to solidify some expansion plans. Until then, we can’t wait to see you in Florida.

  196. I am hoping if you can open a location in Katy TX area. You will make a lot of money and attract a lot of customers. I love your food consider a location in Katy TX

  197. Bakersfield ca is in desperate need!! I know it would do very well! I see how busy the garden spot can get and it is awful in comparison! Keep up the delicious food!

  198. Please come to Birmingham, Alabama!!! Trussville, or 280, or 31 South are your best bets on location based on current retail areas here!

  199. We need one in VIRGINIA BEACH, VA!! Please!!!!!
    We have a Sweet Tomatoes back home in Texas; however, my husband is stationed with the Navy here in Virginia. Our whole family misses Sweer Tomatoes like crazy! Nobody has soups and salads as good as yours. (The Caesar salad is my favorite!) Same goes for your muffins and various other yummy selections!

  200. CLEVELAND needs Sweet Tomatoes! I will run the place! Only place we eat when visit Disney!
    LOVE your Orlando locations.

  201. this past February I have had the pleasure of eating a couple times at a location in California when visiting Disneyland and I have to tell you that I have fallin in love!! I was very excited to hear that there was one restaurant location here in Washington where I live but heart broken to see that its 2 1/2 hour drive away. now I am most willing to drive the distance once in a while but I would love to go more often then every few months. please if you can get one closer to the Tacoma area I would be most happy 😀 and I know a lot of other people would be happy as well

  202. Please consider Nashville. The new hot spot to move too. Nashville has about 2000 a month move in. Many people wanting a healthier buffet to go to. Hendersonville would be even better than Nashville. That way we could eat there every day!! Some of the largest churches in TN located in the Nashville area. Need that place to go to after church on Sunday.

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