Throughout the year Sweet Tomatoes and Souplantation restaurants offer guests more than 45 different vegetarian options, many of which are also vegan, along their 55-foot salad bar and among their soup, pasta, fruit and dessert stations. The all-you-care-to-eat buffet offers something for everyone and is a great opportunity to encourage not only kids, but everyone, to try new things, whether they’re an omnivore, vegetarian or vegan.

Vegetarian and vegan offerings are marked throughout the restaurant and also highlighted within the nutritional guide, available inside the restaurant and online, so guests can check out the choices before even stepping foot in the restaurant. And with a featured rotating monthly menu, which always includes a vegetarian offering, there is something new and exciting to try each month.

Vegetarian and vegan offerings are as follows for early July:

July 1-14 Vegetarian Menu Offerings:
* Outrageous Orange Salad with Cashews
* Pineapple Coconut Slaw
* Wild Fruity Rice
* Irish Potato Leek Soup
* Cream of Broccoli Soup
* Vegetarian Harvest Soup (vegan)
* Continental Lentil & Spinach Soup
* Creamy Cilantro Lime Pesto Pasta
* Garden Vegetable Pasta
* Mac & Cheese


  1. We love ST at Aurora, IL. But in the recent past we notice less and less options for vegetarians. Although the online menu promises some interesting choices, the reality is different. On our visit last month, they ran out of a vegetarian soup and ended up replacing it with a non-vegetarian soup. When I asked the staff, they said that is all they had. so there was one vegetairan soup (low-fat veg chilli) only.

    Please pay a little more attention to vegetarians.

    1. Our restaurants always offer at least two vegetarian soups in our eight made-from-scratch soup options. We are sorry about your latest experience at Sweet Tomatoes and we will do our best to make sure the vegetarian soups do not run out and that we always have two available.

  2. I totally agree with Shilpa. You should try to make sure to have 2-3 vegetarian soups and at least 1 prepared salad.

    1. Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes always serves at least two soups that are vegetarian at all times. We also always have vegetarian options in our prepared salad area as well. Enjoy!

  3. Two things:]
    ONE-Please post the recipe for your Brown Rice and Spicy Bean Soup. I tried it while visiting Dallas and it was AWESOME!
    TWO-Can you tell me how to see the complete entries on your Blog? I am a novice or less on blogging. When I scroll down it mentione recipes and has partial comments about them, but I can’t see the recipe or the rest of the coments. Please let me know and God bless you!

    Tex Ziadie

    1. Tex,
      thanks for the comment. Click on the title of the blog and the entire blog should appear then with the recipe included. We will check on the Brown Rice and Spicy Bean Soup for you and see if we can post it. What recipe will you be trying to make at home?

  4. Hello,
    First let me thanks the awesome job of this chain. If not for you guys i pretty much cannot eat anything at all outside. I have one favor to ask. I am a vegetarian who dont consume eggs but dairy is fine. I requested list of dressing without eggs writing but never heard back can you please post it somewhere in the blog or send me the list. i would deeply appreciate from my heart.

    1. Can you please let us know a list of the regular eggless items that you carry? For example, I always wonder which of the muffins, pasta and salad dressings are without eggs. I ask at the store, but they are not always sure what the ingredients are for different items. Thanks.

  5. Hi, I am a vegan and eat at your restaurant in Plantation FL every 2nd day. I am IN LOVE with your Vegetable Harvest Soup. I would love to have the recipe if possible.

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