Yelper Josh Hockett Meets CEO John Morberg Following YouTube Video

Josh Hockett knows what fresh and nutritious food looks and tastes like! As a civilian director of fitness and performance nutrition for a U.S. Navy ship based in San Diego, Josh has become a true fan and ambassador of the Garden Fresh “Discover Fresh” promise of fresh and wholesome food.
Thus far this year, he has dined at the Point Loma Souplantation more than 75 times and expects that number to be well over 100 by year end. Among other things, he has created a video about his experiences and recommendations. To view that video, click here. The conversation specifically about Souplantation begins about six minutes into the show.
Recently, Josh met with Garden Fresh CEO John Morberg at the Point Loma restaurant to learn more about the restaurant and John’s penchant for fresh, wholesome food delivered every day. The following are some of his reactions following that get together.

What is your current official role with the U.S. Naval ship and how does your work connect to your eating at Garden Fresh restaurants?
Josh: I am the ship’s director of fitness and performance nutrition. I cannot say for certain my professional role/duty there has direct application or influence on where I do or do not eat out honestly, but it does go to show that I lead by example and choose smart places to dine out as part of my healthy and nutritious lifestyle to support my health and my own goals. I tell my crew members about Souplantation often so they can learn about where they can go to get affordable, good tasting meals that they can customize for the whole family or themselves.
What is your goal in writing pieces that includes information about Souplantation?
Josh: I want to simply spread the word by becoming an influential catalyst of sorts for Souplantation brand awareness as an amazing bargain, a wise, delicious, fresh dining choice with endless benefits to people’s health and well-being today and all days.
What did you learn from meeting with John?
Josh: There is far more work and behind the scenes parts that goes into the menu food items creation, sourcing, farms, farmers, production, shipping, prepping and logistics of Souplantation. The brand is true to being genuinely fresh, being a pioneer in the farm-to-table mission! John is also super keen on store operations, customer needs, staff longevity and tenure.
What would you like any story about you meeting with John include?
Josh: For a CEO to take the time to come to me and sit down and show me, explain to me, offer me insights to the Souplantation business and how it ticks, is just amazing. To share his vision and passion with a passionate customer tells a story by itself. A company whose executives’ listens to its guest that closely has their compass pointed in exactly the right direction if you ask me.
What’s missing…what is your message?
Josh: When people like me, with a calling for helping masses of people to become/stay healthy and fit, to live optimally through fitness and nutrition, I find a business that runs parallel with my own values. I can simply educate, make aware and send people to such places and know they will be sold on the outcome when they experience it the very first time. I save them money, give them pleasure in the amazing food variety, and teach them about eating real foods and eating for life versus a life at aimless eating.

Josh,you should know that a group of sailors were the first ones in the door the day Souplantation opened in Mission Valley 38 years ago. We had been handed a promo flyer by a bartender at a popular nearby club who said he was helping open a new salad bar, but assured us there would be big helpings of meat in the soups (one of the secrets to their success IMO). I’ve been dining at Souplantaiton and Sweet Tomatoes 2-3 times a week every since which I credit for remaining in nearly the same shape as I was 38 years ago when I did my SEAL training.